Which Of The Following Best Describes How Workers In The South Were Affected By The Sharecropping System?They (2024)

English College


Answer 1


They used credit to buy supplies at high interest rates.


Answer 2

The sentence that best describes how workers in the South were affected by the sharecropping system include option B: They used credit to buy supplies at high interest rates.

What do you mean by sharecropping system?

Sharecropping is a labor system in which a person agrees to work on a plantation owners land. In return, the person renting the land agrees that they will give a share of their crops to the land owner.

One of the major disadvantages of sharecropping system is that the sharecroppers or the planters are stocked in an unhealthy cycle of debts.

Learn more about sharecropping system, refer to the link:



Related Questions

What is the common noun in the sentence a great big oak tree is on the quarter for Connecticut


Answer:A great big oak tree is on the quarter for Connecticut. What is the common and proper noun


the answer is Conbecticut

Can a paragraph have more than five sentences?
Pls answer quickly, I will crown the quickest and the best answer brainliest





any paragraph can have more than five sentences because of grammer rules.




Yes u can, as long as all sentences have the same main idea and support the Topic of the paragraph.

What does this excerpt reveal about the setting of The story?



I think: A highly populated city

_____do you think should take over the dean's duties, now that she is obviously incapable of
fulfilling them herself?
a) who
b) whom


Who (A) is the answer for the problem

Who do you think should take over the dean's duties, now that she is obviously incapable of fulfilling them herself.

What is Interrogative pronoun?

Interrogative pronoun mostly used to ask questions.

What are the examples of interrogative pronouns?

Who, whom, Whose, what and which are the examples of interrogative pronouns.

Hence, the correct answer is Option A.

Learn more about interrogative pronoun on https://brainly.com/question/305258


help please I need help now​



8th line would be hamster and the last line would be Elephant


Black cat is in the 3rd place.

Red bird is 1st

The butterfly is facing forward.

The hamster is in 8th place.

The elephant is the last in line.

Which two phrases accurately describe relevant evidence?





What Causes Tides?
The daily rise and fall of Earth's waters on its coastlines are called tides. As the tide comes in, the level of the water on the beach rises gradually. When the water reaches its
highest point, it is high tide. Then the tide goes out, flowing back toward the sea. When the water reaches its lowest point, it is low tide. Tides are caused by the interaction
of Earth, the moon, and the sun.
Neap Tides in between spring tides, at the first and third quarters of the moon, the sun and moon pull at right angles to each other. This line-up produces a neap tide, atide
with the least difference between low and high tide. During a neap tide, the sun's gravity pulls some of the water away from the tidal bulge facing the moon. This acts to "aven
out the water level over Earth's surface, reducing the difference between high and low tides.
"even out"
Tides are caused by the interaction of Earth, the moon, and the sun
Neap Tides
What Causes Tides?


Answer:the moon



It is C complex because “located in San francisco bay,” is a dependent clause and “Angel island is now california state park” is a independent clause therefore when put together, it is a complex sentence

The sentence, “Located in San Francisco Bay, Angel Island is now a California state park” is a complex sentence. Therefore C is the correct option.

What is a complex sentence?

A complex sentence has more than one clause. It is made by adding one or more dependent clauses with an independent clause by using conjunction or relative pronouns such as and, but, or, and so on. Whereas a clause is a simple sentence, which contains only one verb group or only one clause.

The sentence “Located in San Francisco Bay, Angel Island is now a California state park” is a complex sentence because it contains two clauses. “Located in San Francisco Bay” is a dependent clause that is added with “Angel Island is now a California state park” which is a simple sentence and an independent clause.

Therefore, C is the correct t option.

To know more about Complex sentences, visit the link below:



Stevenson wrote the essay several years after his visit to Wick,Scotland. How has looking back at the time and seeing it from a new perspective changing his thinking? Using evidence from the except to support your respond.



Stevenson’s essay is about how he learned to find beauty and experience joy and peace in a place that seemed unpleasant at first. At the beginning, he says that "six weeks in (that) unpleasant countryside had done more. . . to quicken and educate my sensibilities than many years in places that jumped more nearly with my inclination" (natural liking).

Stevenson ends by saying that this visit taught him how to discover beauty and experience peace and happiness anywhere, even in places that seemed harsh and unwelcoming:

There, in the bleak and gusty North, I received, perhaps, my strongest impression of peace. I saw the sea to be great and calm; and the earth, in that little corner, was all alive and friendly to me. So, wherever a man is, he will find something to please and pacify him: in the town he will meet pleasant faces of men and women, and see beautiful flowers at a window, or hear a cage-bird singing at the corner of the gloomiest street; and for the country, there is no country without some amenity—let him only look for it in the right spirit, and he will surely find.


I know this is true because i did the answer and got it wrong so then it showed the example this is the exact example so might want to change some the words up so you dont get in trouble.

Hope this helps :)


Stevenson’s essay is about how he learned to find beauty and experience joy and peace in a place that seemed unpleasant at first. At the beginning, he says that "six weeks in (that) unpleasant countryside had done more. . . to quicken and educate my sensibilities than many years in places that jumped more nearly with my inclination" (natural liking).

Stevenson ends by saying that this visit taught him how to discover beauty and experience peace and happiness anywhere, even in places that seemed harsh and unwelcoming:

There, in the bleak and gusty North, I received, perhaps, my strongest impression of peace. I saw the sea to be great and calm; and the earth, in that little corner, was all alive and friendly to me. So, wherever a man is, he will find something to please and pacify him: in the town he will meet pleasant faces of men and women, and see beautiful flowers at a window, or hear a cage-bird singing at the corner of the gloomiest street; and for the country, there is no country without some amenity—let him only look for it in the right spirit, and he will surely find.


this is the answer

What is the correct way to write this phrase?

a down in the mouth look on his face
a down-in-the-mouth look on his face



A-down-in-the-mouth look on his face.


Down in the mouth means depressed/unhappy/discouraged.


a down-in-the-mouth look on his face


The phrase is used to describe a person who is feeling down and is depressed/ sad/ distressed. The correct way to write it according to english grammar is "a down-in-the-mouth look on his face"

Tom was a trifle disconcerted. The basin was refilled, and this time he stood over it a little while, gathering resolution took in a big breath and
began. When he entered the kitchen presently, with both eyes shut and groping for the towel with his hands, an honorable testimony of suds
and water was dripping from his face. But when he emerged from the towel
, he was not yet satisfactory, for the clean territory stopped short at
his chin and his jaws, like a mask; below and beyond this line there was a dark expanse of unirrigated soil that spread downward in front and
backward around his neck. Mary took him in hand, and when she was done with him he was a man and a brother, without distinction of color,
and his saturated hair was neatly brushed, and its short curls wrought into a dainty and symmetrical general effect. [He privately smoothed out
the curls,
with labor and difficulty, and plastered his hair close down to his head; for he held curls to be efferninate, and his own filled his life
with bitterness.) Then Mary got out a suit of his clothing that had been used only on Sundays during two years-they were simply called his
"other clothes"-and so by that we know the size of his wardrobe. The girl "put him to rights" after he had dressed himself; she buttoned his
neat roundabout up to his chin, turned his vast shirt collar down over his shoulders, brushed him off and crowned him with his speckled straw
hat. He now looked exceedingly improved and uncomfortable. He was fully as uncomfortable as he looked; for there was a restraint about
whole clothes and cleanliness that galled him. He hoped that Mary would forget his shoes, but the hope was blighted; she coated them
thoroughly with tallow, as was the custom, and brought them out. He lost his
temper and said he was always being made to do everything he
didn't want to do
Identify the word that best describes Tom Sawyer as he is depicted in this excerpt.
(4 points)
O a






i think cuz hes def not excited or jovial and he shows signs of stubborness

How to write a full sentence outline.​


1) Write out your thesis at the top of the page.

2) Make a list of points you must prove to prove your thesis. What would someone have to agree with, in order to agree with the thesis?
These will be the main sections of your paper. Like the thesis, these should be complete, declarative sentences—something you can either prove or disprove.

3) On a new page, write your first main point. This is the thesis for that section of the paper.

4) Make a list of the points you have to prove to prove that point. Just as with the main points, these should be complete, declarative sentences—statements you can prove or disprove.

5) These are your sub-points for that section.

6) Repeat the process for each of your main points.

Don’t be lazy first person

Hope this helps!!!

supply appropriate words to complete analogies.. smoking: lung cancer:​






Here are two quick examples off the top of my head....

Smoking is to lung cancer as overeating is to obesity.

Smoking is to lung cancer as killing is to prison time.


Part A Which sentence best conveys Anne Frank's viewpoint regarding how she sees herself in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl? She wants others to treat her with more respect because she is smarter than they are. She thinks the others should accept her flaws and treat her as if she has none. She assumes the others shouldn't give her responsibilities because she is a child. She believes she can think for herself and should be treated as an adult. Question 2 Part B How does Anne acknowledge a viewpoint that conflicts with hers that is described in Part A? Anne writes about how she is assigned too many chores because she is viewed as a child. Anne writes about how the others respect her and ask for her opinions when they are arguing. Anne reports that the others are overcritical of her flaws, and she resents their criticism of her. Anne reports that the others see her as a spoiled child and treat her as if she can't make her own decisions.



A- She believes she can think for herself and should be treated as an adult.

B- Anne reports that the others see her as a spoiled child and treat her as if she can't make her own decisions.


I took the test.

The sentence that best conveys Anne Frank's viewpoint regarding how she sees herself in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl is

D. She believes she can think for herself and should be treated as an adult.

Anne acknowledged a viewpoint that conflicts with hers that is described in Part A

Anne reports that the others see her as a spoiled child and treat her as if she can't make her own decisions.

In the story, Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne who is a Jew finds herself locked up in a hidden apartment when the German Nazis persecuted the Jews in the Netherlands.

Anne is a young girl who wants to explore life but she found that she was restricted by the adults who were in the same shelter as her.

She wants to be independent but the elders do not accord her the independence she desires.

Learn more here:


As one author said, THE WORLD IS FLAT. What are some of the special challenges of globalization for creating a sustainability strategy



To create a sustainable strategy, globalization will have to face challenges such as: increasing the means of production while decreasing the cultural impact, increasing the agricultural frontiers, reducing the problems caused by monoculture and deforestation, promoting less pollution (of all types). levels) without interfering in the productive sector, creating equal resources, stimulating projects related to preservation, among others.


The sustainability associated with globalization is closely associated with the integrated productive sectors in different nations. The biggest challenge in this case will be to produce to the point of supplying world demand, which grows exponentially, but decreasing the environmental impact, in addition to encouraging protection and equality. These are very big challenges, since globalization interferes with conservation processes, it is important that regions in some places on the planet are degraded, while others are preserved. These degraded regions are usually those that do not have as much media visualization, for this reason, equality is a major challenge for globalization to create and maintain sustainability.

How does the author best reveal that Iqbal is


Read the excerpt from Igbal.

Iqbal was standing next to his loom. Behind him was his

carpet, that marvelous carpet with its complicated

design in a rich blue that had never been seen before. It

was perfect. Iqbal had worked better and faster than

anyone else could have. The foreigners would go crazy

over a rug like that.

Iqbal was pale, too, but not as pale as Hussain Khan. He

took the knife that we all used to cut the ends of the

knots, raised it above his head, and seemed to look

each of us in the eye. Then he calmly turned and cut the

carpet from top to bottom, right through the middle.

O by describing actions such as "worked better and


O by describing actions such as "seemed to look each

of us in the eye"

O by describing actions such as "standing next to his


O by describing actions such as "



O by describing actions such as "seemed to look each of us in the eye".


Francesco D'Adamo's novel "Iqbal," tells the story of a young boy named Iqbal and his life as a child laborer. Narrated by a young girl named Fatima, the story is set in Pakistan and involves numerous other children working as slave laborers, weaving carpets for a mean and dangerous man Hussain Khan.

The given excerpt is from the fifth chapter where Iqbal destroyed "the world's most beautiful blue carpet", cutting it in half with the knife that the children usually use it "to cut the ends of the knots". This act, right in front of the other children and the mistress and Hussain, including Karim, demonstrates just how courageous Iqbal is. He openly and courageously acted against his master, at the risk of being punished.

Through the description of his actions, especially how he "seemed to look each of [them] in the eye" presents the courageous image of Iqbal.

Answer: by describing actions such as "seemed to look each of us in the eye"

Explanation: I took the test

What do you think of when you hear the phrase "The American Dream"?



The American Dream is the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society where upward mobility is possible for everyone.


The American Dream is achieved through sacrifice, risk-taking, and hard work, rather than by chance.

help please I need help now​




That method is called sieving

got skype or dicord


Answer: yes



Answer: i got discord and twitter, carterburton5069#1105


Which quote would Esperanza most identify with?

the house on mango street





Plz help I would be amazing plz



first one :)


In "Hofus the Stonecutter", which of the following morals is taught?
Greed leads to destruction.
Asking leads to receiving,
Contentment leads to happiness.
Dreaming leads to achieving.



Greed leads to destruction.


In the story of "Hofus the Stonecutter" we have a stonecutter who, when he sees more powerful men and forces, wishes to become them and every time his wish came true. First it was the wish to be a rich and powerful merchant, but as soon as he realized that the officer was more powerful that people even bow to him he wished to be the officer, when that bored him and when he saw that sun has more power, he transformed to it. But even then he wasn't satisfied as the black cloud hid him, so of course he continued the change and became the black cloud, but the wind soon made him realize that it is more powerful and he changed to it. His final transformation was to a rock and when he felt that someone is beating him, he wondered who might be more powerful than a rock and he saw a stonecutter - his very own beginning. So, being greedy and blinded by power and money leads to a destruction, if Hofus didn't let himself go so far and if he was satisfied with less, he could have lived peaceful and rich life.


The first one (A) , or Greed leads to destruction.


I took the test

rgerbhrtfgnht etew hgt htrerfrbne5y rt tynet



WHAT IS THIS..............................??

What are chemical formulas are used for?​


scientists to show the number and type of atoms present in a molecule

did she jump over the moon​



no becauseeee


Make a 5 questions from this story.

In 1853. George Crum was working as a chef at a restaurant in NewYork. One day, a customer sent
Crum's French fries back to the
kitchen, saying they were too
thick. Crum got very angry and
decided to take revenge on the fussy diner; he made a new batch of fries so thin and crispy that the customer couldn't eat them with a
fork! To George's surprise, the
guest was thrilled with them and other diners began asking for them too. Fast-Forward to the 21st century and in the US alone, sales of potato chips amount to over $6 billion per year.​



1. why where the fries sent back to the kitchen?

2. how did crum get his revenge?

3.how did the customer respond to the new food?

4. how much money does potato chips make a year? how many in 5 years?

5. who and when where were the chips created

plz immediately questioned for 7, 8, and 9​



Number 9 is C.


What type of nonverbal communication is communicated through our posture or movements while walking, standing or sitting?


Body language would be the answer

Is it one complete thought Or Two Complete Thoughts?





:) Hope this helps

he ____ at Microsoft for a along time. He is thinking about getting a new job at another company .( work)​








I almost said was but it's worked I am pretty sure.

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Which Of The Following Best Describes How Workers In The South Were Affected By The Sharecropping System?They (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.