Do You Think The Second Great Awakening And The Various Antebellum Reform Movements Inspired More Nationalism (2024)

History College


Answer 1

The Second Great Awakening, marked by a wave of enthusiastic religious revivals, set the stage for equally enthusiastic social reform movements, particularly abolitionism and temperance.

What was the Second Great Awakening?

The Second Great Awakening was a Protestant religious revival in the United States in the early nineteenth century. The Second Great Awakening sparked a number of reform movements by spreading religion through revivals and emotional preaching.

The Second Great Awakening resulted in antebellum social reform and an emphasis on institutional salvation. In the 1790s and early 1800s, an outpouring of religious zeal and revival began among Presbyterians, Methodists, and Baptists in Kentucky and Tennessee.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the Second Great Awakening and the various Antebellum Reform movements inspired more nationalism or unity among people.

To learn more about Second Great Awakening, click here:


Related Questions

1. Why was Harding’s promise to return America to “normalcy” popular with voters?


Warren G. Harding's campaign promise to return America to "normalcy" was popular with voters because they were tired of being anxious and uncertain.

What did Hardin promise Americans ?

The United States had just experienced a tumultuous period with World War I and its aftermath. The war had brought significant changes to American society, including a shift in the role of women, increased government involvement in the economy, and an expansion of civil liberties.

While many of these changes were positive, they also created a sense of uncertainty and anxiety among the American people. Harding's promise to restore "normalcy" resonated with many voters who were looking for a return to more familiar times.

Find out more on Harding at


Why did Woodrow Wilson say the United States must enter the war?
A) to gain authority in the world
B) to fight against fear in the United States
C) to protect democracy around the world
D) to submit to the authority of small nations
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I think the answer is c

(100 pts) Please help (image attached) The United States Enters. Number the following events to put them in chronological order.


The chronological order of the events leading to the United States entering the war is:

Germany invades BelgiumThe Lusitania is sunk by a German submarine. The British intercept Zimmermann's note The United States breaks off diplomatic relations with Germany German submarines sink three American cargo ships The United States declares war on Germany

What were events leading to the U.S. joining WWI ?

The events leading to the United States entering the war included Germany invading Belgium, the Zimmermann's note and the Lusitania being sunk by the Germans.

It is worth noting that while these events were significant factors in the United States' decision to enter World War I, they were not the only factors. Other factors included cultural ties to Britain, economic ties to France, and a desire to promote democracy and self-determination.

Find out more on the United States at


a person decides that japanese built cars are more reliable than american built cars, saying he looked in a consumer rating magazine that cited the average incidents of repair for toyotas, nissans, hondas, chevrolets, fords, and chryslers. which of the following best describes his decision?


The easiest way to characterize someone who concludes that Japanese-built automobiles are more dependable than American-built automobiles is to mention that he looked in a consumer rating magazine that cited the typical instances of maintenance for Fords.

What is meant by Automotive industry?

The automotive industry is made up of a large variety of businesses and institutions that are involved in the creation, improvement, production, marketing, and sale of automobiles. In terms of income, it ranks among the largest in the globe (ranging from 40% in nations like Slovakia to 16% in France). Also, it is the sector where companies spend the most money on R&D.

The word "automotive" is derived from the Greek "autos" (self) and the Latin "motivus" (of motion), and it refers to any kind of self-propelled vehicle. Elmer Sperry (1860–1930)

Learn more about Automotive industry, from :


the u.s. army gunned down unarmed sioux at wounded knee creek, south dakota, in 1890 primarily because


The U.S. Army gunned down unarmed Sioux at Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota, in 1890 primarily because of the growing tensions between the Sioux and the U.S. government over land and resources.

The Sioux had been resisting the U.S. government's attempts to force them onto reservations and to take away their land and resources. The tensions came to a head at Wounded Knee Creek when the U.S. Army attempted to disarm a group of Sioux who were practicing the Ghost Dance, a religious ceremony.

The situation escalated and the U.S. Army opened fire on the unarmed Sioux, killing over 150 men, women, and children. This event, known as the Wounded Knee Massacre, marked the end of the Indian Wars and the beginning of a new era of U.S. government control over Native American lands and resources.

To learn more about U.S Army:


I will mark you brainiest!

Besides the tragic accident, the space shuttle Challenger is famous because:

A) a president had never given a speech about a space shuttle before.

B) the first teacher in space was part of the crew.

C) it was the first and only space program accident.





It was the first shuttle to carry a school teacher named Christa McAuliffe, into space.

How did the rise of Totalitarianism lead Germany into the Holocaust?


The answer is By Working from these principles, Hitler carried his party from its inauspicious beginnings in a beer cellar in Munich to a dominant position in world politics 20 years later.

Totalitarianism definition

Totalitarianism is a political system that seeks complete control over its citizens' lives. It is defined by a strict central government that uses force and repression to try and guide and control every element of a person's life.

Describe a totalitarian in one sentence.

Totalitarian regimes include those ruled by Benito Mussolini in Italy (1922–1943), Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union (1924–1953), Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany (1933–1945), Mao Zedong in the People's Republic of China (1949–1976), and the Kim dynasty in North Korea (1948– ).

To know more about Totalitarianism visit:


10 crisis of balkans war


The Balkans War of the 1990s was a complex conflict that emerged after the breakup of Yugoslavia. The crisis was characterized by a series of armed conflicts, ethnic tensions, and political struggles that resulted in significant human suffering, displacement, and economic devastation.

What caused the war in the Balkans?

The unrest caused by the chaos in Macedonia gave rise to the Balkan Wars, which started in Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece. The Young Turk Revolution of 1908 installed a government in Constantinople (now Istanbul) that was committed to reform but insisted on the idea of centralized control.

The roots of the Balkans crisis can be traced back to the early 1990s when Yugoslavia began to disintegrate into separate republics.

The political tensions between different ethnic and religious groups, such as Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks, were heightened by economic instability and political instability. This led to the rise of nationalist and extremist groups, which further escalated tensions.

Learn more about the Balkans war here:


using arguments and evidence from documents a-e, make a final claim to answer the question:

what caused the sepoy rebellion?


Indian soldiers serving for the English East India Company began the Sepoy Mutiny, also known as the Indian Rebellion of 1857, which was a widespread uprising against British rule in India.

What caused the Sepoy Rebellion claim?

When Rebellion sepoys refused to use brand-new rifle cartridges even though they thought they were greased with a mixture of pig and cow lard, rendering them unclean for Muslims and Hindus, a rebellion broke out.

The soldiers were tied down and locked up, but their furious companions killed their British guards and marched on Delhi. The combat that followed was fierce on both sides and resulted in defeat for the Indian soldiers.

To know more about Rebellion sepoys, visit:


Cameron scored between judging and prospecting on his personality test. In this function,what preferences might Cameron have?


Cameron's score on the personality test indicates that he falls somewhere in the middle of the Judging-Prospecting spectrum, which suggests that he has a mix of both preferences.

What preferences might Cameron have?

Two of the four preferences on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test are judging (J) and prospecting (P). Whereas P types are flexible, impulsive, and want to keep their choices open, J kinds tend to be organized, structured, and prefer a planned approach.

Cameron might have some of the following preferences depending on his score:

He might handle planning and improvisation in a balanced manner. He may be able to make plans and follow them when it's necessary, but he may also be flexible and spontaneous when it's needed.He might have a propensity to be both flexible and determined. He might be able to gather data from several sources and weigh various choices before making a choice.He might feel at ease in both structured and unstructured settings. Depending on the circ*mstance, he could be able to thrive in both types of surroundings.

It's critical to remember that everyone is different and that the MBTI is only one method of classifying personality types. Hence, even though Cameron's score indicates some preferences, it's crucial to approach figuring out his personality as a whole.

To know more about personality test visit:


A) The piece is most accurately described as controversial for its portrayal of the French political scandal.
B) The piece is most accurately described as Neoclassical for its proportionality.


The piece is most accurately described as realistic for its portrayal of the Medusa shipwreck.

How can you describe the art of Théodore Géricault?

Théodore Géricault, a French Romantic painter and lithographer, created The Raft of the Medusa in 1818–1819. (1791–1824). [1] The piece, which the artist finished when he was 27 years old, has come to represent French Romanticism. The sight is from the aftermath of the French navy ship Méduse's wreck, which occurred on July 2, 1816, off the coast of present-day Mauritania.

The Medusa shipwreck, which occurred on July 5, 1816, had at least 147 individuals who were abandoned on a hurriedly built raft; all but 15 perished in the 13 days until their rescue, and those who survived had to deal with famine, thirst, and cannibalism (a marine custom).

To know more about Théodore Géricault, visit:


why does it make sense that religious intolerance caused death of indigenous/Pequot during the Mystic Massacre


The Pequot war was sparked by the desire of both the Dutch-Pequot and the English for control of the fur trade. As a result, the tribe either fled, died, or was sold into slavery.

What do you mean by Pequot War Massacre?

The struggle to control trade was the primary cause of the Pequot War. The English were attempting to break the Dutch-Pequot control of the fur and wampum trade, while the Pequots were attempting to maintain their political and economic dominance in the region.

The majority of the remaining Pequots were sold into slavery, but a few escaped to join other southern New England tribes.

The massacre at Mystic turned the tide against the Pequots and effectively ended the tribe's resistance.

Therefore, the Pequot war was sparked by the desire of both the Dutch-Pequot and the English for control of the fur trade. As a result, the tribe either fled, died, or was sold into slavery.

To know more about the Pequot War Massacre, visit:


Use the chart titled "Population Growth in New York City, 1800-1890" to answer the following question:

Between 1800 and 1890, the population of New York City

decreased by more than three-quarters
increased more than two million
decreased by less than two million
fell by more than half


The New York City's population increased by more than two million people between 1800 and 1890.

What is population and types?

A population is an identifiable grouping of objects with the purpose of data analysis and gathering. Examples include humans and animals. It comprises of a related group of species that live in a specific area and have the ability to interbreed.

Why is it called a population?

A community of individuals is a community of human beings from which a statistical sample is taken in statistics. Consequently, a population is a group of people who have something in common.

To know more about population visit :


What geographic area does the Number 2 mark on this map?

ancient land bridge now covered by the Bering Sea

Panama Canal

area occupied by the Eastern Woodland peoples

land connecting Europe and Africa


The geographic area that the Number 2 mark on this map is the ancient land bridge now covered by the Bering Sea.The Option A is correct.

What should we know about Beringia?

Beringia, also called Bering Land Bridge, any in a series of landforms that once existed periodically and in various configurations between northeastern Asia and northwestern North America and that were associated with periods of worldwide glaciation and subsequent lowering of sea levels.

Such dryland regions began appearing between the two continents about 70 million years ago, but the term Beringia more commonly refers to the often large areas that intermittently linked present-day northwestern Canada and northern and western Alaska, U.S., with northeastern Siberia, Russia, during the Pleistocene Epoch.

Read more about Beringia


The middle colonies and lower South colonies activity
The following table lists characteristics that describe English settlements in the Middle colonies and the Lower South colonies. Identify which colony each characteristic describes: New York (NY), Pennsylvania (PA), South Carolina (SC), or Georgia (GA)


This area's geography, which included a milder climate, flat ground, rivers that were simple to navigate, and large valleys, made it ideal for farming and crop cultivation.

What characteristics set the New England colonies apart from their neighbours in the middle and south?

The shipbuilding industry was well-represented in New England by talented artisans. Farmers, fishermen, and merchants made up a diversified workforce in the Mid-Atlantic. The Southern Colonies had few cities, few schools, and were mostly agrarian.

What traits distinguish the Southern Colonies?

Warm weather, inland plantation agriculture, coastal port cities, and prosperity from exporting their goods were the well-known attributes of the Southern Colonies.

To know more about flat ground visit:-


The Clovis culture is the earliest widespread culture of the Paleoindian. Please briefly describe what relevant archaeological evidence has revealed about these ancient people.

(Sample key words: subsistence, stone tools, etc...)


The Clovis culture is a Paleoamerican prehistoric civilization that was called after distinctive stone and bone implements that were discovered in Blackwater Locality No. in close proximity to Pleistocene animals, particularly two mammoths.


Although Paleoindian artifacts have been discovered at the location since the 1920s, one was unearthed close to Clovis, New Mexico, in 1936 and 1937.

Where was the first Clovis tribal evidence discovered?

The flint spearheads discovered in the 1930s at a site in Clovis, New Mexico, gave rise to the name of the Clovis culture. All over the contiguous United States, as well as in Mexico and Central America, Clovis sites have been discovered.

To Know more about civilization


the food that built american


1. Four historical items or ideas that a person might find interesting after watching "The Food That Built America: Best Served Cold" are:

Clarence Birdseye's patented "double-belt freezer"Swanson TV DinnersLean CuisineThe "Cold War"

2. Milton Hershey changed the candy industry in America by creating the Hershey's chocolate bar, which was the first mass-produced chocolate bar in the United States.

3. The business relationship between Clarence Birdseye and Marjorie Post was one of mutual benefit. Post provided Birdseye with a place to conduct his experiments, while Birdseye was able to use Post's estate as a testing ground for his frozen foods. The two also collaborated on creating new frozen food products, with Post investing in Birdseye's company and helping to promote the new products.

4. The cereal wars in America were a series of marketing battles between companies like Kellogg's and Post, as they competed to create the most popular and successful breakfast cereal. The cereal companies used a variety of tactics to win over consumers, including advertising campaigns, prizes, and sponsorships.

5. "The Food That Built America: Best Served Cold" was engaging and informative. It provided a fascinating look at the history of the food industry in the United States. A question a person might ask about the movie is "How has the development of frozen food impact American society and the food industry as a whole?"

What is Swanson TV Dinners all about?

In 1953, Swanson introduced the first TV dinner, which consisted of a pre-packaged meal of turkey, stuffing, peas, and sweet potatoes that could be heated up quickly in the oven. The meal was designed to be convenient for people who wanted to eat in front of their television sets, and it quickly became a popular staple in American households.

Find more historical events that happened in 1953 here;


Given the advent of more recent advances in communications technologies (internet, cell phones, A.I.), is communications technology becoming more deterministic (gaining more/autonomy)?


The answer to this question depends on how we define "deterministic" in the context of communications technology.

If we define deterministic as the degree to which communications technology can operate autonomously, without human intervention, then it's true that recent advances in technologies like artificial intelligence have enabled a greater degree of automation in communication. For example, chatbots and virtual assistants can now handle many routine customer service inquiries without the need for human operators.

However, it's important to note that these technologies are still ultimately programmed and designed by humans, and their actions are limited by the rules and algorithms that have been programmed into them. They do not have true autonomy or the ability to make independent decisions outside of their programming.

On the other hand, if we define deterministic as the ability to predict or control outcomes in communication, then it's less clear that communications technology is becoming more deterministic. The internet and social media, for example, have opened up new channels for communication that are highly unpredictable and can be difficult to control. While algorithms can be used to shape the content that users see, it's often difficult to predict how users will respond to that content, and there are still many unknown factors that can influence the success or failure of a particular communication.

In summary, while recent advances in communications technology have enabled greater automation and control, it's important to recognize that these technologies are still ultimately constrained by the rules and algorithms that have been programmed into them, and that the unpredictability of human communication remains a challenge for these technologies to overcome

Around 1920, the number of children aged 10 to 15 in the industrial workforce began to decline for which of the following reasons? Introduction of the minimum wage made child labor uneconomical.


About 1920, fewer children aged 10 to 15 were engaged in the industrial sector as a result of states beginning to set age restrictions on employment and mandates that kids stay in school until a certain age.

In the 1920s, what did kids get up to?

Between the ages of 10 and 15 years old, around 1 million children worked in America in 1920. (out of a total population of 12 million kids in that age range). They worked on tiny farms for the most part. The remainder were employed as messengers, apprentices, or factory workers.

In the 1920s, what was it like to be a kid?

Due to the larger houses that were more common in the 1920s, many children worked after school hours doing household chores, running errands, and looking after the younger family members. Grammar school pupils and fee-paying students both had the option of attending school until the age of 18.

Learn more about employment:


1. What were the "Western Influences" in Latin America? What did they do?



The "Western Influences" in Latin America refer to the impact of European colonization and later, the influence of the United States. These influences brought about significant changes in Latin American society, including the introduction of new languages, religions, and political and economic systems.


The term "Western Influences" generally refers to the cultural, economic, and political impacts that European and North American powers had on Latin America in the 19th and 20th centuries. These influences were a result of colonialism, imperialism, and the expansion of capitalism in the region.

Some of the main Western influences in Latin America include:

Colonization: Latin America was colonized by Spain and Portugal in the 16th century, which resulted in the introduction of the Spanish and Portuguese languages, religion (Christianity), and European culture. This had a lasting impact on the region and continues to influence Latin American culture today.

Economic and political domination: In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, European and North American countries exerted economic and political influence over Latin America, often to benefit their own interests. This included control over trade, investment, and natural resources, as well as the support of military dictatorships and authoritarian regimes.

Modernization: In the mid-20th century, Western countries encouraged modernization in Latin America, which involved the adoption of Western technologies, education, and business practices. This led to the growth of urbanization and the rise of a middle class, but also widened the gap between the wealthy and poor.

Pop culture and media: Western media, including music, film, and television, has had a significant impact on Latin American popular culture. This has led to the spread of Western values, such as consumerism and individualism, and has also led to the rise of Latin American cultural products that blend Western and indigenous influences.

Overall, the Western influences in Latin America have had a complex and often controversial impact on the region. While they have brought economic development and cultural exchange, they have also led to exploitation, inequality, and social conflict.

A less consumer choice

B more efficient production of goods

C higher consumer costs

D decreased profits for investors


These innovations in agriculture and industry resulted in B more efficient production of goods.

How did the innovations in agriculture and industry in the 19th century impact production ?

The development of new tools and techniques, such as the plow, seed drill, and threshing machine, helped farmers to cultivate more land and increase yields. The development of new crops and fertilizers also helped to improve productivity and output in agriculture.

The development of new machines, such as the spinning jenny, power loom, and steam engine, revolutionized manufacturing, leading to increased production and efficiency.

Find out more on innovations at


An Axis victory in World War II was:
1: the driving of Germans from North Africa
2: the invasion of Normandy
3: Doolittle's raid
4: the battle of Guadalcanal
5: the attack on Pearl Harbor



the driving of Germans from North Africa

how the expansion of Civic virtues, democratic principles, constitutional rights, and human' rights influence the thoughts and actions of individuals and groups?


Democratic citizens in particular fulfill their civic virtue, democratic principles, constitutional rights, and human rights well when they are engaged, well-informed, and open to ideas and views different from their own.

What are Civic Virtues?

Civic values are the values individuals hold in common which ensure the proper running of society.

In a constitutional democracy, the power of the majority is constrained by institutional and legal mechanisms in order to safeguard the rights of individuals and minorities. This kind of democracy is used in countries like Germany, Israel, Japan, the United States, and others.

This framework is meant to help those who are interested in doing so in different countries create or enhance educational initiatives that promote appreciation for and support for constitutional democracy. The plan must be modified to match the conditions and requirements of various political communities.

Therefore, The expansion of Civic virtues, democratic principles, constitutional rights, and human rights influence the thoughts and actions of individuals and groups.

Learn more about Civic Virtues, here;


What were kamikaze attacks?


Kamikaze attacks is a attack made by Japanese planes. (Option D).

What is Kamikaze Attack?

Kamikaze attacks were a military tactic used by the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. Kamikaze, which means "divine wind" in Japanese, refers to attacks by Japanese military aviators who deliberately crashed their planes into enemy ships or other targets.

The kamikaze attacks were used as a last resort in desperate situations, when the Japanese military was unable to compete with the superior firepower of the Allied forces. The pilots who carried out these attacks were often very young, and were motivated by a sense of duty and loyalty to their country.

Learn more about kamikaze attacks here:


Who was the last ruler of the Roman Empire?


Romulus Augustus

Is the answer

Romulus Augustus is the correct answer

According to records, researchers estimate that alcohol consumption was greatest in which of the following historical eras?
A. the late 1700s
B. the early 1800s
C. between 1850 and 1919
D. during Prohibition (1920-1933)





Examine the public service ads. The first ad is from 2001; the second ad is from 1950. How are these ads similar?.


Both public service ads are similar in use visual images to convey their message and encourage viewers to take action to support the cause they are promoting.

Both public service ads use strong visual images to convey their message and elicit an emotional response from viewers. The 2001 ad uses a photograph of a young child with the words "stop child abuse" superimposed over the image, while the 1950 ad uses a cartoon image of a little girl holding a kitten, with the words "fight cruelty to animals" written above.Both ads are promoting a social cause and encouraging viewers to take action to support that cause. The 2001 ad encourages people to report suspected cases of child abuse, while the 1950 ad encourages people to support organizations that work to prevent animal cruelty.Both ads use concise and direct language to convey their message, with clear calls to action that urge viewers to take immediate steps to support the cause.

learn more about public service here:


Cross-sectional survey studies are like filming a video that documents how changes occur over time. True or False


Answer: false

Explanation: trust me.

Explains how the Supreme Court ruling in New York Times Co. v. United States (1971) interpreted the balance of power of government and individual rights?


The Supreme Court ruling in New York Times Co. v. United States (1971), also known as the "Pentagon Papers" case, interpreted the balance of power between government and individual rights in relation to freedom of the press. The case involved the New York Times and the Washington Post publishing classified documents related to the Vietnam War, which the government sought to prevent.

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the newspapers, stating that the government did not have the right to prevent the publication of the documents. The ruling was based on the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of the press.

The Court determined that the government's desire to protect national security did not outweigh the public's right to know about the government's actions.

This ruling was significant because it reinforced the idea that the government cannot censor the press, even in the name of national security. It also highlighted the importance of individual rights, specifically the right to freedom of the press, in balancing the power of the government.

To learn more about Supreme court:


Please help! I’ll give BRAINLIEST!

What was the logic behind President Coolidge and Secretary Mellon’s tax cuts? And What did they expect would be the benefits of lower tax rates? What were the pitfalls?



President Coolidge and Secretary Mellon implemented tax cuts during the 1920s based on "supply-side economics," which held that lower taxes on the wealthiest would increase investment, economic growth, and job creation. They expected this to lead to overall economic growth and increased government revenues. However, the approach had potential pitfalls, including exacerbating income inequality and failing to produce the expected economic growth, resulting in lower government revenues and contributing to the Great Depression.

Do You Think The Second Great Awakening And The Various Antebellum Reform Movements Inspired More Nationalism (2024)


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