A 5-year-old Needs An Im Injection. The Least Painful And Most Effective Injection Site Would Be The: (2024)

Medicine College


Answer 1

The least painful and most effective site for IM injection would be: ventro-gluteal muscle.

IM injection refers to intramuscular injection. It is the administration of drugs and medications deep into the muscles of the body. This site of injection facilitates the quick absorption of the medication into the specific targeted muscles.

Ventro-gluteal muscle refers to the group of muscles present at the ventro-gluteal site of the body. It is the bony part of that sticks out of the upper thigh near the hip region. This site is free from blood vessels and nerves and has vey thick mass of muscles.

To know more about IM, here



Related Questions

the nurse is caring for a client who is recovering from an acute episode of alcoholism. which component of a therapeutic diet would the nurse encourage the client to consume?


Proteins should be a part of the nurse's diet. What you eat before consuming alcohol can have a significant impact on how you feel at night and the next day.

Choosing different foods, on the other hand, may result in bloating, dehydration, heartburn, and indigestion.

The following are the top protein-rich foods for alcoholics:

eggs, oatmeal, bananas, salmon, chia seeds, berries, avocado, sweet potatoes, quinoa, and asparagus.

Are you considering reducing your alcohol consumption or giving it up altogether?

You have a wide range of options for assistance and care:

Free recovery support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or SMART Recovery, as well as online recovery tools like Tempest counselling can be used to address drinking-related issues and acquire practical coping mechanisms. Medical care to manage any associated health issues and symptoms of alcohol use disorder medicines that can lessen cravings.

The complete question is:

The nurse is caring for a client who is recovering from an acute episode of alcoholism. which component of a therapeutic diet would the nurse encourage the client to consume?

More fat diet

High protein diet

High iron diet

Low protein diet

Learn more about Alcoholics here:



the nurse is inserting an indwelling urinary catheter into a male client. as the catheter is inserted into the urethra, urine begins to flow into the tubing. when would the nurse inflate the balloon?


As you delicately push the indwelling uriinary caatheter tip into the , remind your patient to breathe deeply. Once uirine begins to drain, move it forward another inch, or 7 to 9 inches (17.5 to 22.5 cm) (2.5 cm).

When placing an indwelling caatheter in an uncircumcised male, what procedures should the nurse follow?

A sterile sheet should go beneath the patient's buttuocks, and a feneustrated (drape with hole) sheet should go over the pienis. To the caatheter tip, apply a water-soluble lubbricant. Grab the pienis just below the glans and hold it up straight with your non-dominant hand.

How long should the caatheter be inserted for a male patient?

Male caatheters typically range in length from 15 to 18 inches. Because of this physical difference, men need a male length caatheter because their uraethras are longer.

To know more about indwelling urinary caatheter visit :-



a 22-year-old woman pregnant with a single fetus has a preconception body mass index (bmi) of 24. when she was seen in the clinic at 14 weeks of gestation, she had gained 1.8 kg (4 lb) since conception. how would the nurse interpret this?


The nurse interprets this the woman's weight gain is appropriate for this stage of pregnancy.

What medical issue that the mother had throughout her pregnancy might have contributed to the elevated levels of lead?

Increased lead exposure during pregnancy has been linked to low birth weight, spontaneous abortion, gestational hypertension, and poor neurodevelopment.

Why is maternal nutrition status a particularly important element that could affect the pregnancy's outcome?

Poor diets deficient in essential nutrients during pregnancy, such as iodine, iron, folate, calcium, and zinc, can result in anemia, pre-eclampsia, hemorrhage, and mortality in mothers. They can also result in a stillbirth, a low birth weight waste, wasting, and problems in a child's development.

When educating a teen who is pregnant, what task should the nurse prioritize?

Add 35 pounds to the weight increase required to accommodate adolescent growth. Most pregnant women who have straightforward pregnancies can get their nutrition advice primarily from the nurse.

To know more about the stage of pregnancy visit:



what medications are traditionally used in treatment of physical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome


Traditional drugs used to treat physical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome include:

AntidepressantsNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsDiureticsHormonal contraceptives

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is the more severe and debilitating end of the premenstrual syndrome range, affecting an estimated 2% to 9% of menstruation women. Anger/irritability, anxiety/tension, feeling sleepy or sluggish, mood fluctuations, feeling sad or depressed, & increased interpersonal conflicts are the most common PMDD symptoms among women seeking therapy. PMDD appears to be caused by serotonergic dysregulation, which may be induced by cyclic variations in gonadal hormones.

In the last decade, a significant rise in the number of very well placebo-controlled trials has established numerous selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors as effective first-line therapies for this illness. Continuous and intermittent luteal dosage regimens both result in quick improvement in symptoms & functionality.

To know more about the Premenstrual syndrome, here



fitness is the ability to meet routine physical demands with enough reserve energy to rise to a physical challenge, and it is composed of several components. identify the fitness component or activity being described.


Physical fitness consists of five different factors: body composition, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, muscular strength, and (3) cardiorespiratory endurance. Every aspect of fitness that is relevant to health should be included in a well-rounded exercise program.

What does being physically fit mean?

Performance of the heart, lungs, and muscles is a component of physical fitness. Fitness also has some bearing on traits like mental acuity and emotional stability since what we accomplish with our bodies ultimately affects what we can achieve with our minds.

Which one best describes physical fitness?

Physical fitness is the capacity of your body's systems to cooperate effectively, enabling you to maintain good health and carry out daily tasks. Being efficient is putting forth the least amount of effort feasible when performing daily tasks.

To know more about physical fitness visit:



which is an anticipated finding for the pediatric patient who is dignosed with turners syndrome


Short stature is the anticipated finding for the pediatric patient diagnosed with Turner's syndrome.

Turner's syndrome is a genetic disease recognized by the presence of only X chromosome. The disease affects only the females. The first recognizable symptom of the disease is short stature. Other symptoms include delayed puberty, infertility, heart conditions, etc.

Pediatrics is the branch of science, specifically medical science that deals with the development, care and diseases of the children and adolescents. It includes all the people from newborns up to 18 years of age. The term pediatrics is Greek in origin: "pais" meaning child and "iatros" meaning doctor and healer.

To know more about pediatrics, here



A patient's pacemaker is firing electricity at the appropriate times, but the EKG shows a flat line with no EKG complex after each pacer spike.
What pacemaker problem does this describe?
a. Failure to capture
b. Failure to sense
c. Failure to pace
d. Appropriately functioning pacemaker


(A) Failure to capture is the appropriate response.

What distinguishes a patient from a patient's?

The adjective "patient" thus becomes the noun "characteristics," as in "a slow horse," which is to say, "a horse that is slow." Characteristics of the patient: Although the comma indicates a feeling of ownership, as in [a/the] "child's automobile" and [a/the] "patient's head," this is still a viable option.

Why are patients referred to as patients?

The Latin term "patiens," which meaning to tolerate suffering, is the source of the English term "tender." In this tongue, the patient is genuinely passive—bearing whatever agony is necessary and receiving the outside expert's treatment with grace.

To know more about patient's visit:



the nurse is teaching a patient about a dietary plan for managing premenstrual dysphoric disorder. which instruction given by the nurse would be beneficial for the patient


The nurse would advise the patient to "Eat nuts daily ",
"Use good-quality vegetable oils for cooking ", "Avoid consuming caffeinated beverages", that would be would be beneficial for the patient. These are the ways to manage premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) with nutrition. This instruction is helpful since it addresses the patient's dietary requirements and offers suggestions for choosing healthier foods.

Vegetables, nuts, and vegetable oils are believed to lessen PMDD symptoms. The nurse should thus include these foods in the patient's diet plan. Caffeinated drinks are probably going to make PMDD symptoms worse. The nurse should thus urge the patient to stay away from them. Juices from fruits like watermelon and cranberries act as natural diuretics to help the body retain less water. Therefore, the nurse should counsel the patient to frequently consume these drinks.

To learn more about premenstrual dysphoric disorder, click here: -


The above question is incomplete. The complete question is given below-
The nurse is teaching a patient about a dietary plan for managing premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Which instructions given by the nurse would be beneficial for the patient? Select all that apply.
a) "Eat nuts daily."
b) "Use good-quality vegetable oils for cooking."
c) "Avoid consuming caffeinated beverages."
d) "Include red meat in your daily diet."
e) "Avoid drinking watermelon and cranberry juices."

the nurse assists the client to the bathroom sink to perform morning care. the nurse observes the client wash his face, arms, abdomen, and legs. the nurse washes the client's back and rectal area and applies soap to the back. the client brushes his teeth and ambulation to a chair in his room with assistance. how will the nurse describe the morning care on the client's chart?


Self-care, partial care, comprehensive care are three types of morning care. Clients who have been classified as partial care typically receive morning care while seated by their beds or in bathroom, near the sink.

What function does the nurse perform?

The primary duty of a nurse is to care for patients by meeting their physical needs, preventing sickness, and treating illnesses.

In order to help with treatment decisions, nurses must observe the patient and report any pertinent information.

Who are nurses, exactly?

a somebody who takes care of the sick or crippled. Specifically: a licensed health care professional with knowledge of promoting and maintaining health who works either freely or under the direction of a physician, surgeon, or dentist. Licensed practical nurse, registered nurse, and qualified vocational nurse.

To know more about nurse visit:



the nurse is caring for a client with hepatic encephalopathy and ascites. which elements are important to include in the client's diet? select all that apply.one, some, or all responses may be correct.


A nurse is caring for a client with hepatic encephalopathy and ascites. Low sodium, High vitamins, Moderate protein elements are important to include in this client's diet

What Is Encephalopathy?

The term "encephalopathy" refers to brain damage or disease. It occurs when there is a shift in the way your brain works or when your body undergoes a change that affects your brain. These alterations result in an altered mental state, leaving you confused and responding differently than usual. Encephalopathy is a set of illnesses caused by a variety of factors. It's a serious health issue that, if left untreated, can result in temporary or permanent brain damage. It is common to mix up encephalopathy and encephalitis. The words sound identical, yet they refer to two distinct conditions. The brain is enlarged or inflamed in encephalitis. Encephalopathy, on the other hand, refers to a mental condition that can occur as a result of a variety of health issues.

To know about "encephalopathy" visit:



the nurse is collecting data on a newly admitted client with conversion disorder. the nurse knows which voluntary motor or sensory function deficits might be present in this client? select all that apply


The nurse is aware of any potential deficiencies in this client's voluntary motor or sensory functions.




5.Movement disorder

How does conversion disorder develop?

current severe stress, or recent mental or physical trauma. having a mental illness, such as an anxiety or mood problem, dissociative disorder, or specific personality disorders. having a family member who suffers from a neurological disorder or symptoms. having a background of childhood neglect or sexual or physical abuse.

Can speech be impacted by conversion disorder?

Any speech issue that is the result of one or more different psychological processes is referred to be a psychogenic speech disorder. Anxiety, depression, conversion disorders, and emotional reactions to stressful events are examples of this, although they are not the only ones.

To know more about speech disorder visit:



Complete question is:

the nurse is collecting data on a newly admitted client with conversion disorder. the nurse knows which voluntary motor or sensory function deficits might be present in this client? select all that apply





5.Movement disorder

a patient reports sudden onset of a productive cough, chest pain, and dyspnea. the nurse notes dullness on percussion and crackles on auscultation. which information does the nurse document as part of the history of present illness?


Information about dyspnea, chest discomfort, and a productive cough that the nurse records as part of the history of current illness

What transpires if dyspnea is not treated?

Dyspnea with exercise can develop into acute respiratory failure with hypoxia or hypercapnia if ignored, which can then result in a cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, or both, all of which can be fatal. Heart or lung diseases are the most typical causes of breathlessness (dyspnea). Anemia, anxiety, inactivity, or having a weight problem are some other factors.

How is dyspnea measured?

Electrocardiograms and chest radiographs are the two most effective ways to assess dyspnea. These first treatments are affordable, secure, and simple to carry out. Many frequent diagnoses can be confirmed or ruled out with their assistance.

To know more about dyspnea visit:



the health care provider prescribes an oral hypoglycemic medication for the client with type 2 diabetes. which statement will the nurse need to consider when developing the teaching plan?


the health care provider prescribes an oral hypoglycemic medication for the client with type 2 diabetes, Clients taking oral hypoglycemics may subconsciously relax dietary rules to gain a sense of control will the nurse need to consider when developing the teaching plan

What is type 2 diabetes?

It is the most prevalent kind of diabetes. Your body improperly uses insulin if you have type 2. And although some individuals can regulate their blood glucose (blood sugar) levels with good nutrition and exercise, others might need to use insulin or prescription medications to do so. It doesn't matter; you have all you need to combat it.

The disease is severe and may last a lifetime. If you have type 2 diabetes and are not receiving medication, excessive blood sugar levels have the potential to significantly harm your feet, heart, and eyes. The complications of diabetes are these.

To know more about type 2 diabetes refer to:



The complete question is as follows:

The health care provider prescribes an oral hypoglycemic for the client with type 2 diabetes. What will the nurse need to consider when developing the teaching plan?

1. Oral hypoglycemics work by decreasing absorption of carbohydrates.

2. Oral hypoglycemics work by stimulating the pancreas to produce insulin.

3. Clients taking oral hypoglycemics may subconsciously relax dietary rules to gain a sense of control.

4. Clients with type 2 diabetes do not need to be concerned about serious adverse effects from oral hypoglycemics.

the animal research in the 1960s that led to the positive reinforcement model implied that blank is critical to the development of frequent patterns of drug-using behavior.multiple choice question.tolerancepsychological dependencedeviancephysical dependence


The animal research in the 1960s that led to the positive reinforcement model implied that psychological dependence is critical to the development of frequent patterns of drug-using behavior. The correct answer is B.

Psychological dependence is critical to the development of frequent patterns of drug-using behavior. The positive reinforcement model, which was developed in the 1960s through animal research, suggests that the rewarding effects of drugs are what drive individuals to continue using them. Psychological dependence is characterized by a person's emotional and psychological attachment to a substance, and the development of withdrawal symptoms if use is stopped. This research helped to shift the understanding of drug addiction from a moral failing to a medical condition, and led to the development of more effective treatment options.

Learn more about drug abuse here: brainly.com/question/1189815


(ATI Pharmacology Made Easy 4.0 Cardiovascular System)
A nurse is caring for a client who is taking a diuretic. The nurse should instruct the client to include which of the following foods in their diet to increase potassium intake?
A) Raisins
B) Cabbage
C) Cheese
D) Eggs


The response that is accurate is (A) Raisins.

What is the purpose of a diuretic?

Diuretics, often known as water pills, aid in the removal of salt (salt) and the body's retention of water. The majority of these drugs stimulate your kidneys to excrete more salt in your urine. By assisting in the removal of water from your circulation, salt aids to reduce the volume of fluid moving throughout the arteries and veins. Blood pressure falls as a result.

A diuretics, is coconut water?

When used to treat hypertension, coconut water can considerably lower blood pressure and increase urine, which suggests that it may have diuretic effects without causing an electrolyte imbalance. Diuretics may need to be taken once or twice each day at the same time every day.

To know more about diuretic visit:



which nursing interventions would provide safe oxygen therapy? select all that apply. one, some, or all responses may be correct.


Nursing interventions would be beneficial for providing safe oxygen therapy:

Checking the tubes for kinks Posting "no smoking" signs in the client's room


Oxygen is a gas that is vital to human life. It is one of the gases that is found in the air we breathe. If you have a chronic lung disease, you may need additional (supplemental) oxygen for your organs to function normally.

Here are some conditions that may require supplemental oxygen, either temporarily or long-term:

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)Pulmonary fibrosisPneumoniaA severe asthma attackCystic fibrosisSleep apnea

Although oxygen therapy may be common in the hospital, it can also be used at home. There are several devices used to deliver oxygen at home. Your healthcare provider will help you choose the equipment that works best for you. Oxygen is usually delivered through nasal prongs (an oxygen cannula) or a face mask. Oxygen equipment can attach to other medical equipment such as CPAP machines and ventilators.

Learn more about oxygen therapy at https://brainly.com/question/28284947.


the nurse manager is planning to change the procedures of communication between nursing shifts. which strategies should be applied? select all that apply.


Involve staff . Mention the positives of the change. Reassure the staff that no one will lose a position are the strategies should be applied when the nurse manager is planning to change the procedures of communication between nursing shifts.

What do you know about the nurse manager?

A person in a medical setting who has the authority to make decisions that affect everyday operations is termed as a nurse manager. They can promote better patient care by streamlining the daily tasks that a hospital or healthcare facility must complete.

Assuring patient and employee happiness, keeping a safe work environment for staff, patients, and visitors, ensuring standards and quality of care are maintained, and coordinating the unit's objectives with the hospital's strategic objectives are all responsibilities of a nurse managers.

To know more about nurse manager visit



which information would the nurse provide when teaching parents about the nutritional needs of their 15-year-old child? select all that apply. one, some, or all responses may be correct.


When educating parents on the nutritional requirements of their 15-year-old child, the nurse would present information. Adolescents from underrepresented.

What exactly is adolescence?

Between the ages of 10 and 19, adolescence is the stage of existence between childhood and adulthood. It is a distinct period in human development and crucial for setting the groundwork for long-term health.

Teenagers grow quickly in terms of their physical, cognitive, and emotional development. The period of development and growth between childhood and maturity is known as adolescence.

Any person between the ages of 10 and 19 is considered an adolescent by the World Health Organization (WHO). Pay attention to how it sounds. Concerning a disease's psychological, emotional, economic, and spiritual side effects.

To know more about Adolescent visits :



what aspects of self-administration of drugs show that the client is deficient in knowledge of the subject? (select all that apply.)


The aspects of self-administration of drugs which show that the client is deficient in knowledge of the subject are option B) inability to remember, option D) lack of interest in learning, and option E) cognitive limitation.

Memory loss and inability to remembermay be brought on by excessive and ongoing substance usage. For instance, tobacco impairs memory formation and recall by reducing the quantity of oxygen that reaches the brain. Furthermore, using illicit drugs can alter brain chemistry, which might make it challenging to remember past events.

The highly evolved frontal cortex of the brain, which controls cognitive processes including judgement, reaction control, organization, and remembering, is disrupted by repeated drug use, according to studies on brain imaging in humans and neuropsychological testing on nonhuman animals.

The question is incomplete, find the complete question here

What aspects of self-administration of drugs show that the client is deficient in knowledge of the subject? (Select all that apply.)

A) not having a high school degree

B) inability to remember

C) not having a college degree

D) lack of interest in learning

E) cognitive limitation

To learn more about cognitive here



dr. render is a neuropsychologist who works with postsurgical patients who have had surgery to sever the corpus callosum (to reduce severe seizures). when she presents the word sal-ted to one patient, sal transmits to his left visual field and ted to his right visual field. she then asks him to tell her what he saw. what does this patient say?


This patient spoke to Dr. Render, a neuropsychologist who treats postoperative patients who have undergone corpus callosum severance surgery.

What role does the corpus callosum play?

The corpus callosum, a substantial bundle of nerve cells that connects your brain's two hemispheres, enables communication and signal transmission between the two halves.

What occurs if the corpus callosum is hurt?

Injuries to the corpus callosum cause "corpus callosum syndrome," which includes left purposeful movement apraxia, agraphia, dyslexia, alien hands syndrome, reduced left recognition, & left auditory deafness. This rare illness affects patients with brain tumours.

To know more about corpus callosum visit:



regulated medical waste falls into which dot hazard class


Regulated medical trash is classified as PG II packaging. Rgulated Medical Waste, n.o.s. is its correct shipping name, and it belongs in Hazard Class 6, Division 6.

What is Hazardous Materials?

Hazardous substances, hazardous waste, marine pollutants, elevated temperature material, and hazardous substances (6) Materials that match the definitions in Part 173, as well as (5) Materials listed in 172.101. CONTROLLED BY THE US D.O.T.

UN3373 refers to medical waste.

The term "Biological substance, Category B" and the identification number UN3373 must be used to describe infectious substances in Category B. Medical waste that is subject to regulation must be given the identification number UN3291 and is excluded from this.

To know more about Hazard Class visit:



Full question:

Regulated medical waste falls into which hazard class?

a. Hazard Class 6

b. Hazard Class 5

c. Hazard Class 1

d. None

a primary health care provider examines an 11-month-old infant and suspects anemia. which questions would the primary health care provider most likely ask the mother? select all that apply. one, some, or all responses may be correct.


The main health professional suspects anemia during an evaluation. The answer might be one, several, or all of them.

What is the primary reason for anemia?

Your risk of anemia rises if you consume a diet that is persistently deficient in iron, vitamins B-12, folate, and copper. Gastrointestinal problems You are at risk of developing anemia if you have an intestinal condition like Crohn's disease or celiac disease that interferes with the nutrient absorption in your small intestine.

Can anemia be treated?

If you are unable to produce healthy red blood cells, a bone marrow transplant, commonly referred to as a stem cell transplant is an alternative. Your bone marrow is replaced during this treatment with donor bone marrow, which can produce healthy cells. The sole treatment for certain types of anemia, such as hemoglobinuria at night that's also recurrent.

To know more about anemia visit:



a 30-year-old woman who has given birth 12 hours prior is displaying signs and symptoms of disseminated intravascular coagulation (dic). the client's husband is confused as to why a disease of coagulation can result in bleeding. which of the nurse's following statements best characterizes dic?


"There is so much clotting in the client's body that there is no clot left available and bleeding occurs." This is the response from a nurse to a client with a blood clot.

DIC affects about 10% of people who are critically ill with sepsis, cancer, or pancreatitis, and who are recovering from trauma such as burns or serious complications of pregnancy or childbirth. increase. Supportive care includes Plasma transfusions to replace blood clotting factors when bleeding is profuse. A blood thinner (heparin) keeps the blood from clotting if there is a large amount of clotting. Thus the nurse would give the appropriate explanation about the intravascular clotting to the client's husband.

Learn more about coagulation in



identify a route of drug administration that puts users primarily at a higher risk of contracting dangerous viral diseases like hiv/aids and hepatitis.multiple choice question.smoking snorting insufflation injection


The route of drug administration that has higher changes of putting users at higher risk of contracting diseases like HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis is: injection.

Hepatitis is the inflammatory disease of the liver. There are several factors that can cause hepatitis like: alcohol use, toxins, some medications, etc. The disease is also caused due to a virus and such disease is divided into certain types like: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.

Injection is an equipment used to administer the liquid medications, or some sort of fluid into the body. The injection is composed of a needle which punctures the body and the syringe where the medication is filled.

To know more about hepatitis, here



the nurse will be caring for a client with a new diagnosis of hypertension. the client will be arriving for laboratory testing. when should the nurse begin client teaching?


Should the nurse start client education with a fresh diagnosis of hypertension, atherosclerosis

What comes first in the treatment of a hypertensive patient?

Making lifestyle changes is an essential first step in the management of high blood pressure. Some people find that controlling high blood pressure is as simple as reducing sodium (salt) and alcohol intake, keeping a healthy weight, doing regular cardiovascular activity, and quitting smoking.

How are you treating your newly discovered hypertension?

Making lifestyle adjustments, such as exercising more, eating better, and, if necessary, decreasing weight and stopping smoking, is the first step in treating high blood pressure.

To know more about hypertension visit:-



which nursing concern is appropriate for designing educational interventions for a single parent who leaves their toddler unattended in the bathtub?


There is a risk of suffocation and has to keep their attention to their child.

For avoiding risk of suffocation to their toddler they can

make sure the lids on large boxes fit snugly and are difficult to remove. Or secure boxes and other large objects, such as old refrigerators or freezers, with child-resistant locks. This will prevent your youngster from opening the containers, climbing inside, and becoming trapped. Make sure there are air gaps in boxes and other large containers. This can assist prevent suffocation if your toddler climbs into a container and gets stuck.

Keep dry cleaning bags, plastic wrap, and plastic bags out of reach. Before keeping or discarding them, tie a knot in them. If your youngster pulls them over their head, they can suffocate. Mattresses for cots and bassinettes should be cleaned of all plastic and thrown away and keep bathtub clean and empty it after use.

To learn more about parent education visit,



the nurse is delegating a task of measuring a patient's oxygen saturation. which instruction would n


The instruction to be provided to the NAP about measuring a patient's oxygen saturation is: to select the appropriate sensor site for measurement.

NAP refers to the Nursing Assistive Person. They are usually the unlicensed person who are assigned by the licensed nurse to take care of the patients. These people are trained for assisting the nurses and provide the care to patients as instructed by the nurse.

Oxygen saturation is the measurement of fraction of hemoglobin bound to the oxygen molecules to that hemoglobin which remains unbound. For a safe and healthy body oxygen saturation must always remain above 92%.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

The nurse is delegating a task of measuring a patient's oxygen saturation. What instruction should be provided to the nursing assistive person (NAP)?

To know more about oxygen saturation, here



the nurse teaches a client about foods to help prevent constipation after pelvic surgery. which foods selected by the client indicate that the teaching is understood? select all that apply. one, some, or all responses may be correct.


The foods selected by the client indicate that the teaching is understood as Green vegetables and Whole grain bread.

What foods aggravate constipation the most?

Constipation may result from consuming an excessive amount of high-fat meats, dairy products, eggs, sweets, or processed meals. lacking in liquids. If you don't drink enough liquids, your fiber won't function as well, which might result in tougher stools that are more challenging to pass.

Bananas can help with constipation, right?

When completely ripe, bananas contain soluble fiber and can therefore aid in the treatment of constipation, according to Lee. However, green or unripe bananas contain a lot of resistant starch, which can bind strongly and result in constipation. She adds that this is why unripe bananas can be used to cure diarrhea.

How long does constipation persist after surgery?

Most patients who develop constipation after surgery will feel better in a few days, especially if they receive treatment right away. Stool softeners and fiber laxatives normally take several days to operate, whereas stimulant laxatives and suppositories usually start working immediately.

To know more about constipation visit:



an adult child of a dying client says to the nurse, 'i am so upset because my parent is always angry at me.' which would be the correct response by the nurse?


The correct response by the nurse would be "Your parent is working through acceptance of the situation."

The family member may be able to better appreciate the client's emotions and fury if they are aware of the stages leading up to the acceptance of death. If the client does not express fear for the parent, the parent may not be scared; some clients view death as a reprieve from suffering.

Given that anger is one of the stages of accepting death, it is doubtful that the parent is striving to lessen the family member's need. The nurse makes the presumption that the parent is distressed since the family member won't give physical care at home unless the client specifically requests it.

To learn more about nurses, visit the link below:



a new nurse employed at a community hospital is reading the organization's mission statement. the new nurse understands that this statement:


The new nurse realises that this statement summarizes the organization plans to accomplish

Patients who already have autonomy are able to make their own decisions. This implies that nurses must ensure that patients have all of the information they need to make an informed decision regarding their medical treatment. The nurses have no influence on the patient's decision. In terms of medical competence, nurses should deliver treatment that prevents or reduces danger. This attitude would prevent a nurse from delivering negligent care to a patient.

A nurse showing this philosophy would avoid providing negligent treatment to a patient. The Code applies to all sorts of nurses, including researchers, managers, staff nurses, or public health nurses. At times, nurses may need to handle ethical dilemmas as a team, as the most difficult decisions should not be taken by a single individual.

To know more about the Mission statement, here



A 5-year-old Needs An Im Injection. The Least Painful And Most Effective Injection Site Would Be The: (2024)


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