What Does This Excerpt Reveal About The Setting Of The Story?HELP ASAP IM ON TIMER Sorry (2024)

English College


Answer 1


I think: A highly populated city

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Answer:the moon


Located in San Francisco Bay, Angel Island is now a California state park.

(a) simple (b) compound (c) complex


It is C complex because “located in San francisco bay,” is a dependent clause and “Angel island is now california state park” is a independent clause therefore when put together, it is a complex sentence

The sentence, “Located in San Francisco Bay, Angel Island is now a California state park” is a complex sentence. Therefore C is the correct option.

What is a complex sentence?

A complex sentence has more than one clause. It is made by adding one or more dependent clauses with an independent clause by using conjunction or relative pronouns such as and, but, or, and so on. Whereas a clause is a simple sentence, which contains only one verb group or only one clause.

The sentence “Located in San Francisco Bay, Angel Island is now a California state park” is a complex sentence because it contains two clauses. “Located in San Francisco Bay” is a dependent clause that is added with “Angel Island is now a California state park” which is a simple sentence and an independent clause.

Therefore, C is the correct t option.

To know more about Complex sentences, visit the link below:



Part A Which sentence best conveys Anne Frank's viewpoint regarding how she sees herself in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl? She wants others to treat her with more respect because she is smarter than they are. She thinks the others should accept her flaws and treat her as if she has none. She assumes the others shouldn't give her responsibilities because she is a child. She believes she can think for herself and should be treated as an adult. Question 2 Part B How does Anne acknowledge a viewpoint that conflicts with hers that is described in Part A? Anne writes about how she is assigned too many chores because she is viewed as a child. Anne writes about how the others respect her and ask for her opinions when they are arguing. Anne reports that the others are overcritical of her flaws, and she resents their criticism of her. Anne reports that the others see her as a spoiled child and treat her as if she can't make her own decisions.



A- She believes she can think for herself and should be treated as an adult.

B- Anne reports that the others see her as a spoiled child and treat her as if she can't make her own decisions.


I took the test.

The sentence that best conveys Anne Frank's viewpoint regarding how she sees herself in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl is

D. She believes she can think for herself and should be treated as an adult.

Anne acknowledged a viewpoint that conflicts with hers that is described in Part A

Anne reports that the others see her as a spoiled child and treat her as if she can't make her own decisions.

In the story, Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne who is a Jew finds herself locked up in a hidden apartment when the German Nazis persecuted the Jews in the Netherlands.

Anne is a young girl who wants to explore life but she found that she was restricted by the adults who were in the same shelter as her.

She wants to be independent but the elders do not accord her the independence she desires.

Learn more here:


got skype or dicord


Answer: yes



Answer: i got discord and twitter, carterburton5069#1105


Plz help I would be amazing plz



first one :)


What are chemical formulas are used for?​


scientists to show the number and type of atoms present in a molecule

did she jump over the moon​



no becauseeee


Make a 5 questions from this story.

In 1853. George Crum was working as a chef at a restaurant in NewYork. One day, a customer sent
Crum's French fries back to the
kitchen, saying they were too
thick. Crum got very angry and
decided to take revenge on the fussy diner; he made a new batch of fries so thin and crispy that the customer couldn't eat them with a
fork! To George's surprise, the
guest was thrilled with them and other diners began asking for them too. Fast-Forward to the 21st century and in the US alone, sales of potato chips amount to over $6 billion per year.​

Is it one complete thought Or Two Complete Thoughts?





:) Hope this helps

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2. What types of injuries are caused by heavy
3. What are two ways to prevent falls?
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1. bodily reaction, slips, trips and falls


1) being careless in the workplace.2)broken bone or even death.3)being carefull.4) 9-10 hours and bedrest


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Contribute in this context means, to give to help to a person or people so they can accomplish something with it.

Which lines best reflect the naturalist theme of the insignificance of the individual “an episode of war”



An Episode of War" was written by Stephen Crane. It is a vivid war story. The story is in part about a typical scene that occurred during the Civil War. An officer becomes injured, and he stumbles...

The lieutenant gets shot while distributing coffee, which is the first ironic twist. He is not identified by name or given any specifics, suggesting that both the military and war depersonalize its victims.

What insignificance of the individual, “an episode of war”?

According to O'Brien's own experience, conflict is often sparked by the need to avoid humiliation in front of others. After getting his conscription notice, the author of “On the Rainy River” describes his moral conundrum: he does not want to participate in a conflict he feels is unjust, but he also does not want to be viewed as a coward.

Knowledge gained through experience. In “An Episode of War,” one of the topics that emerges soon is that of knowledge and how it is attained via experience.

Therefore, Stephen Crane wrote “An Episode of War”. It's a compelling war story. The narrative includes a portion about a typical Civil War scene. An injured policeman stumbles as a result.

Learn more about war here:



Which three events should be included in a summary of the passage?
Select the correct text in the passage.

*I'm gonna put all the selectable options in [brackets]*

The Ant and the Grasshopper

by Aesop

[In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing.] He played to his heart's content. [An Ant passed by, working very hard.] [He was carrying a kernel of corn to the nest.]

"Why not come and play with me?" said the Grasshopper. "Why should you work so hard?"

"I am helping to store food for the winter," said the Ant. ["I think that you should do the same."]

["Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper.] "We have got plenty of food now." But the Ant went on his way and continued his work.

When the winter came, the Grasshopper had no food. He was very hungry. Every day, he saw the ants passing out corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer.
[Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for the days of need.]


Answer: 1,2,6

Explanation:1.In a field one summers day a grasshopper was hoping about, chirping and singing.

2. An ant passed by working very hard

6.Then the Grasshopper knew; it is best to prepare for the days of need.

The three events that should be included in a summary of the passage are: The Grasshopper plays and sings while the Ant works hard, carrying a kernel of corn to the nest, The Grasshopper suggests to the Ant that they should play instead of working hard to store food for winter and In winter, the Grasshopper is hungry and sees the ants passing out corn and grain from their collected stores, realizing the importance of preparation.

In English, a summary is a concise and condensed version of a longer text or piece of writing. It captures the main points, ideas, and essential information of the original text while presenting it in a shorter form. A summary provides a brief overview or synopsis of the original material, enabling readers to understand the key concepts and content without going through the entire text. It should be objective and neutral, representing the original author's ideas accurately, without adding personal opinions or interpretations.

To know more about summary, here:



Hiroshima graphic organizer



Explanation:that is all i can find

correct the sentence fragment to make the thought complete.
My brother and his friends.



My brother and his friends go out.


That could be just an example of what you could do. It's your decion though.. I think. I'm really sorry if it ends up wrong!!

Which sentence uses the first-person point of view?​



using " i " or "me"




the answer is A


A-My brother and I spend hours playing ping-pong on weekends.

B-His sister spent the afternoon baking cupcakes for a fundraiser.

C-They often participate in yoga classes at the community center.

D-The students spent weeks preparing for the geometry exam.

right on edg 5/19/2022-if im wrong just correct me

Which set of words best describes the woman's character?
lonely, languid, desperate
worried, shy, intimidated
Oc. independent, eccentric, nervous
energetic, attractive, friendly



It's A


I read the passage

The set of words that best describe the woman's character are lonely, languid, and desperate. Therefore, option A is the correct option.

What is a character?

A character is the amalgamation of qualities, attitudes, and approaches towards life. The character of a person is defined by their responses to difficult situations because during difficult times, the real traits of a person are shown.

A character is also a person in a play, story, or movie around whom the story and various phases of the story revolve around. Also, the character also means high morals and conduct as an individual who is calm, ethical, and moral even during difficult situations. Thus, after reading the given passage, lonely, languid, and desperate are the phrases that sum up the woman's personality the best. As a result, choice A is the best one.

Know more about characters from here:



Conflict is...
A.the environment and setting that gives a story its mood.
B.the description of characters and their motivation.
C.a problem that shapes the action of a plot.
D.poetic language, including simile and metaphor.


C a problem that shapes the action of a plot

What are their structure compose of haiku and Diona? In your own please help me


Traditionally, haiku are about nature and usually use seasonal or weather words. If you really want to get your teeth into haiku, however, you need to go deeper. The subject is not merely nature, but nature combined or juxtaposed with human nature. Traditional Haiku Structure
There are only three lines, totaling 17 syllables.
The first line is 5 syllables.
The second line is 7 syllables.
The third line is 5 syllables like the first.
Punctuation and capitalization are up to the poet, and need not follow the rigid rules used in structuring sentences. The purpose of haiku is to share a brief moment or event so that the reader can bring to life in his or her mind (and thus experience the same feelings) without having to physically experience what the author is expressing in the poem. Haiku is a form of poetry that focuses on a brief moment in time, and a sense of sudden illumination or enlightenment. A haiku is usually composed of seventeen syllables in three short lines. The first line often contains five syllables, the second line seven syllables, and the third line five syllables. Haiku often captures a moment in time, implying what happened both before and after that moment. To help imply this context of time before and after the poem itself, many haiku poets start with a lowercase letter and avoid ending with a period. ... Haiku are rarely single complete sentences, and are often fragmentary. A fixed-form 5-3-5 syllable (or 3-5-3 word) haiku is sometimes known as a lune. Examples: Haiku about Nature. Haiku is a Japanese poem. In the traditional form, it consist 3 lines and 17 syllables - 1st line has 5 syllables, 2nd line has 7 syllables, and 3rd line has 5 syllables. ... Admire the beauty of nature! Like me, I wrote haikus about nature that I had experienced or observed wherever I go. Haiku don't have titles. Failing at Haiku.

I really need help, I'm confused!!! Which one is it? and you will get marked branliest and you get points if you do it



i think usurers hope this will work


Cast is the answer I guess

The following question references the novel The Call of the Wild by Jack London.

What task does Buck perform that earns John Thornton $1600?
He pulls a 1,000 lb. Sled.
He wins a fight against a black bear.
He takes a sled all the way to Dawson City by himself.
He discovers a mine full of gold nuggets.



A. He pulls a 1,000 lb. Sled.


In the novel The Call of the Wild by Jack London, we have a story about a true friendship between a man and a dog. Buck, after having several bad owners, finally meets John Thorton who saves Buck`s life. Although just a dog, Buck returns the favor several times. They build a strong trust which, among other reasons, caused John Thornton to bet that Buck can pull a thousand pounds worth sled. Buck does not disappoint him and in front of seven hundred people, he pulls the mentioned sled and even wins the euphoric reaction of the audience.


I believe the answer is "A" Hope this helps


I need on it pls tell me :(​



a group of people listening to a performance is called an audience



Is The Capitalization And Punctuation Correct?



Jimmy Butler was interested in three jobs on career day; Engineer, Magician, and Acrobat.


No there is nothing wrong I used grammarly to help me


Yes this is correct. Personally i would say: Jimmy Butler was interested in three jobs on career day: Engineer, Magician, and Acrobat.


Among American robins the



Gawain mo Yan mag answer ka

Directions: Identify the Participle from among the underlined words:
Aunt Clara noticed about a missing child and then reported to the authorities.



A. noticed

B. reported


Grammatically, a participle is a type of non-finite verb that can take various forms such as present, past, etc. It can.act as an adverb or adjective.

A and B are both participles and should be the correct answers.

Select the correct text in the passage.

Identify the two groups of words in the excerpt that are coordinate adjectives.

During her speech, the newest presidential candidate stated that she had clear, definite plans for the country's future. She wanted to make changes that would not only help the United States but also the world. In her closing remarks, she noted that she was a proud American citizen and that she couldn’t wait to lead the United States to a bright and shining future.



clear, definitebright and shining


Coordinate adjectives are two or more words that perform the job of an adjective by modifying the same noun. For instance, in the following sentence the coordinate adjectives are highlighted: Alyssa Price is a wonderful and kind soul.

In the excerpt therefore, the coordinate adjectives are;

''...candidate stated that she had clear, definite plans...''


''...she couldn’t wait to lead the United States to a bright and shining future.''


I hope this helps!


1. The dog went to the park.
Identify the:



Subject: The dog

Predicate: went to the park


predicate basically what the person or thing is doing, and the subject is who or what that person or thing is


Subject- The dog

Predicate- went to the park


What do you think the American Dream meant to Frederick Douglass?


I think what the American Dream meant to Frederick Douglass is that every American should have a good life in the country, and they should live the American Dream.

Hope this helps!


the promise of living in America with opportunities for all, regardless of social class, and according to their ability and effort

Hope this helps:)

I lived first in a little house,
And lived there very well;
I thought the world was small and round,
And made of pale blue shell.

I lived next in a little nest,
Nor needed any other;
I thought the world was made of straw,
And brooded by my mother.

One day I fluttered from the nest
To see what I could find.
I said, “The world is made of leaves;
I have been very blind.”

At length I flew beyond the tree,
Quite fit for grown-up labours.
I don’t know how the world is made,
And neither do my neighbours!

Which BEST describes the mood of this poem?

A) angry and upset
B) happy and wonder-filled
C) miserably sad and lonely
D) mocking and satirical


the answer to the question is: B

what are the things you are not allowed to do when you are walking in the streets in Manila? write at least 3 sentences using modals of obligation​



1. You must avoid unlit and narrow areas and always wall in groups during night time.

2. You should'nt wear expensive jewelry or clothing, as this will make you an easy target for snatcher

3. You should always be wary of your surroundings to avoid accidents since it is such a busy city.

What Does This Excerpt Reveal About The Setting Of The Story?HELP ASAP IM ON TIMER Sorry (2024)


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.