Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (2024)

01.03.2010Helene Dujardin(Senior Editor) 84 Comments

Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (2)

Almost a week without posting makes me feel like I am missing out on all the fun. Can’t believe February is over and gone. Makes me wonder why so much always gets packed into such a short month but I am relieved that all the projects have been completed and deadlines met. So, "Hello March! Let’s get going!" Yep, this month is definitely another kind of busy, filled with travels, workshops and visits and you can bet I am looking forward to the change of scenery. Oh yes.

Taking small breaks throughout the work day is vital for everyone. You’ve probably noticed it just by peeking your head outside for 10 minutes or taking a walk with a colleague. One thing I find most invigorating is lunch. I can’t do without. I guess it stems directly from my childhood when my mom would pick us from school for lunch. She had nothing against cafeteria meals but she enjoyed taking the time to do it. It was nothing fancy really but breaking away for an hour also meant picking up a new book at the library, getting more stickers at the book store, stopping by the bakery for a treat. A little fun in the middle of a long work day. Always a treat when you are a kid. Or an adult.

Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (3)

I love a good salad with tons of colorful vegetables, sometimes topped with a hard boiled egg, or two. Soups are another favorite staple but nothing says lunch break more than a savory tart and a side salad to me. Quintessential French bistro food. One that warms my very soul being so far away from home. One that makes me feel all grown up although I have been there for a while. Savory tarts are the perfect vessels to get a good dose of all the food essentials your brain and body need to function properly without too much effort or planning. Once you have the crust, thrown in anything that strikes your fancy or whatever you have on hand. The sky is the limit regarding fillings, spices, herbs, etc…

Funny thing is that in my family a savory tart is also the meal of choice for any exhausted traveler. Whenever we go home, I know our first meal will be my mom’s quiche Lorraine with a salad and my dad’s shallot vinaigrette. Whenever they come visit, there is quiche ready for them to get a quick bite after a long day of travel. How did it come to be this way? I don’t know. It’s tradition. And you don’t mess with tradition. Well at least no this one, ehehe.

Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (4)

I guess you can call this Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto tart a rehearsal of sort for my parents' arrival in two weeks. I finally came up with a savory gluten free crust that I am in love with. Tastes good, bakes good and rolls like a charm. For the filling, I used what I had on hand: a bunch of Swiss chard languishing in the fridge, some goat cheese and prosciutto left over from a tapas night with friends. Next time it might simply be bacon and onion. Who knows…

I can’t believe I’ll be in L.A on Wednesday and Seattle on Sunday! If you are registered for any of the workshops, well, "thank you" in advance and I can’t wait to meet you! There are some tweet-ups/meet-ups being organized as I write this so if you are interested, the best thing is to check my Twitter feed (@SweetTartelette) or any of the (crazy – awesome – fun) gals who will be showing me around town this week: Rachael (@fujimama), Jen (@jenjenk) and Gaby (@WhatsGabyCookin).

Since I know it’s going to be pretty tight to get any major post in and to avoid a major "post travel" blog post, I thought I’d do quick and fun entries throughout the weeks. Capturing the moment. I have never been to any of these cities so I figured it’d be fun to post quick accounts of things that strike me. Landscape, people, food, the macaron and photography workshops, whatever… I am looking forward to it all and everything in between.

Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (5)

Gluten Free Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart:
Serves 4

For the crust:
5 tablespoons (70gr) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
3 egg yolks
pinch salt
1/2 cup (80gr) brown rice flour
1/2 cup (60gr) millet flour
1/4 cup (30gr) sorghum flour
1/4 cup (40gr) tapioca starch
(or 1.5 cups of all purpose flour if not using gf flours)
1/2 teaspoon xantham gum

For the filling:
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium onion (I used 1/2 of a giant sweet Vidalia), sliced thin
1 bunch Swiss chard (red – green rainbow – your choice), washed and patted dry
4-6 slices prosciutto
3 eggs, slightly beaten
2/3 cup whole milk
salt and pepper
pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
4 to 6 oz (120gr – 180gr) crumbled goat cheese
a few sprigs of thyme

Prepare the crust:
In a mixer, whip together the butter and mustard on medium speed until light and airy. Add the egg yolks, one at a time and beating well after each addition. Mix until incorporated. Add all the different flours, and the xantham gum and mix briefly. Dump the whole mixture onto a lightly floured (use more rice flour) board and gather the dough into a smooth ball. Flatten the dough into a disk, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour.
Preheat oven to 350F and position a rack in the center.
When the dough is nice and cold, roll it out on a lightly floured board or in between two sheets of plastic to fit your prefered pie pan. (I went with rectangular this time) If the dough tears while you roll or/and transfer into the pan, just patch it with your fingertips. Line the dough with a piece of parchment paper, fill with pie weights or dy beans and par bake for 15-20 minutes until completely done. Remove the weights and parchment paper. At this point you can refrigerate the baked crust for up to 5 days if not using right away or freeze it for up to 3 months.

Prepare the filling:
Preheat the oven to 350F and position a rack in the middle.
Heat the oil in a large sautee pan over medium high heat and cook the onion until translucent (about 3-4 minutes), add the Swiss chard and cooked until wilted. Remove from the pan and set aside to cool. In the same pan, quickly sautee the slices of prosciutto to get them nice and crispy. Remove from the pan.
In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Layer the onion and Swiss chard at the bottom of the crust and slowly pour the egg mixture over it. Top with slices of prosciutto and crumbled goat cheese.
Bake for about 30-40 minutes or until the tart starts getting golden brown and the custard is cooked. Spinkle with freshly chopped thyme.


Le P’tit Coin Francais:

Tarte aux Bettes, Chevre et Prosciutto:

Pour 4 a 6 personnes:

Pour la pate:
70gr beurre mou, non sale
1 cc moutarde de Dijon
3 jaunes d’oeuf
pincee de sel
80gr farine de riz brun
60gr farine de millet
30gr farine de sorghum
40gr de farine de tapioca
(ou de 210gr de farine blanche)
1/2 cc de gomme de xantham

Pour la garniture:
2 cs d’huile d’olive
1 oignon moyen, coupe en tranche fine
1 petite bottes de bettes
4-6 tranches de prosciutto
3 oeufs, legerement battus
150ml lait entier
sel, poivre
pincee de muscade fraiche
120gr a 180gr de fromage de chevre emiette
quelques brins de thym

Preparer la pate:
Dans le bol d’un mixer, battez le beurre et la moutarde pendant 2 minutes. Ajoutez les jaunes d’oeufs un a un, tout en melangeant bien apres chaque jaune. Ajoutez les farines sans gluten, le sel et la gomme de xantham. Melangez brievement et verzes le contenu sur un plan de travail. Ramassez en boule et metter au refrigerateur pendant une heure.
Prechauffez le four a 180C et positionnez une plaque au milieu.
Etalez la pate sur un plan de travail legerement farine (farine sans gluten de preference), ou entre deux feuilles de papier sulfurise. Foncez en un plat a tarte (rectangulaire ou rond), mettre une feuille de papier sulfurise dans le fond, et des pois/riz. Faire pre-cuire 10-12 minutes. Sortez la tarte du four et laissez refroidir.

Preparez la garniture:
Prechauffez le four a 180C.
Dans une grande poele a feu moyen, faites revenir l’oignon dans l’huile. Ajoutez les bettes et cuire jusqu’a ce qu’elles apparaissent fanees. Retirez de la poele et faites-y revenir les tranches de prosciutto. Laissez refroidir.
Dans un grand bol, melangez les oeufs, le lait, sel, poivre et la pointe de muscade.
Repartissez les oignons et bettes au fond de la tarte. Versez dessus le melange oeufs/lait, parsemer des tranches de prosciutto et de fromage de chevre. Faites cuire 30-40 minutes. Parsemez de thym frais a la sortie du four.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (8)

JessicaMarch 1, 2010 um 5:50 pm

That is the sweetest thing that your mom would take you from school to do lunch. Breaks through the day are vital to me as well, and I always look forward to lunch. Now, if only I was eating this tart for lunch … 🙂

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (9)

SasaMarch 1, 2010 um 6:21 pm

Homecoming food traditions are lovely! Every time we get back from somewhere, my boyfriend's Austrian mum makes us soup with beans – nothing like a bit of familiarity after the excitement of travel.
Bon voyage!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (10)

Busy Bee HesterMarch 1, 2010 um 6:28 pm

Oh my golly… this looks fantastic! I can't wait to make the crust! It seems simple enough! Mmmm, and I can't wait to put in different fillings. Caramelized onions and goat cheese doesn't sound so bad, haha.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (11)

AnonymousMarch 1, 2010 um 6:46 pm

Looks so good! I've seen a few tarts prepared in a dish shaped like this and I really like it. Seems like a great, versatile shape for a lot of things.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (12)

JamieMarch 1, 2010 um 6:46 pm

I can never ever EVER go without a meal… I get cranky, haha! This tart looks fabulous and fairly simple. I love that you used a rectangular pan… the more crusty edges, the better I say!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (13)

Steph (desserts for breakfast)March 1, 2010 um 6:49 pm

mmm… this looks so incredibly good, i love that it's studded with huge pieces of prosciutto and chard.

(also reminds me that i should go find something for lunch. :-))

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (14)

melopapillesMarch 1, 2010 um 7:06 pm

Que de délicieuses saveurs… cette tarte est parfaite pour attendre le printemps en douceur…

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (15)

annieMarch 1, 2010 um 7:12 pm

Helene, hopefully all is well with your family in spite of the terrible weather in Europe. I'm enjoying the look of this tarte, it's very elegant yet a very comforting food.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (16)

KarenpieMarch 1, 2010 um 7:22 pm

Oh that looks so good! And I'm in love with the pan!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (17)

CheriMarch 1, 2010 um 7:25 pm

Such a gorgeous tart! All the best in your coming travels. Can't wait to see the updates!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (18)

Jen YuMarch 1, 2010 um 7:59 pm

Few people can make food look so consistently beautiful and I don't doubt so consistently delicious. Stunning as always, my dear. While I'm sure any person would be delighted to nosh on goodies that you've stocked up in their fridge, I think B would rather have you there over all that lovely food any day 🙂 Safe travels, hon. Have a great time.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (19)

Snooky doodleMarch 1, 2010 um 8:37 pm

this looks so tempting 🙂

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (20)

ShaunaMarch 1, 2010 um 8:56 pm

oh good god, woman! you're freaking amazing. I cannot wait to eat with you this weekend. we need to start making lists of everything we're going to bake together, okay?

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (21)

BarbaraMarch 1, 2010 um 9:11 pm

I second Shauna's comment. You are freaking amazing. Love the colours of that last photo. Have a great trip. I'm looking forward to your travel posts.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (22)

Lisa Fain (Homesick Texan)March 1, 2010 um 9:17 pm

Any tradition this delicious is worth keeping. Happy travels westward–I can't wait to see what you and Shauna get up to in the kitchen!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (23)

Ciao Chow LindaMarch 1, 2010 um 9:38 pm

Oh my gosh, these photos are tantalizingly gorgeous. And it sounds divine too.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (25)

ArletteMarch 1, 2010 um 10:27 pm

I can live on recipe like this..
I loves savoury tarts… and the flavours we can add …
this is a great recipe.. I bookmarked it.
thanks so much for sharing

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (26)

AnhMarch 1, 2010 um 10:37 pm

You should come around to Australia for a workshop one day, Helen. It must eb amazing to have you around here.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (27)

EMarch 2, 2010 um 1:21 am

Your tart looks gorgeous and I am thrilled that your crust is gluten free. Thanks!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (28)

JenniferMarch 2, 2010 um 1:23 am

How sweet of your mom!

This tart looks and sounds out of this world! I love the goat cheese and chard!! Im saving! beautiful work as always 🙂

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (29)

AnonymousMarch 2, 2010 um 1:28 am

my former boss never, ever took lunch breaks and was probably the most stressed out and quick to explode person i have ever met. there is something to be said for balance and breaks. looks delicious!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (30)

[emailprotected]March 2, 2010 um 2:24 am

I have started making Swiss Chard savory tarts this year as a new way to feed chard to my children. They love it! Will definitively try this one as well soon… Especially if you are happy with a GF crust. I am always looking for new crust recipes!
Bonne escapade dans l'Ouest americain!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (31)

juliana alonso dorolaMarch 2, 2010 um 3:25 am

amazaing! its make me hungry! yummmmmm

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (32)

SarMarch 2, 2010 um 4:01 am

Oh. Wow. YUM! Must try! And as always, your photos are also YUM!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (33)

CocoMarch 2, 2010 um 7:11 am

oh this looks so fabulous! Thank you for posting the recipe! after seeing your flickr pics I have been happily awaiting this post! I cant wait to try your crust!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (34)

ChichaJoMarch 2, 2010 um 12:25 pm

I so want a slice of that gorgeous tart right now!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (35)

bunkycooksMarch 2, 2010 um 2:12 pm

The tart and the pictures are beautiful. I might even give the gluten free crust a try because it looks so wonderful!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (36)

Lilly HigginsMarch 2, 2010 um 2:14 pm

This looks amazing! I love the combination of goats cheese, chard & prosciutto. A tart like this is so handy for grab and go lunches! I'll have top make it, thanks again for another lovely recipe and such beautiful photos! x

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (37)

angela@spinachtigerMarch 2, 2010 um 3:12 pm

Swiss Chard is my favorite tart ingredient. I am a tart lover, torte lover, etc. I would love to see that shallot vinaigrette recipe of your dad's. Hope you have a wonderful trip.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (38)

MariaMarch 2, 2010 um 3:44 pm

That looks quite good! Lovely tart and it does indeed make the perfect lunch.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (39)

Connie @ SogniESorrisiMarch 2, 2010 um 4:00 pm

Looks delicious!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (40)

AnonymousMarch 2, 2010 um 4:25 pm

c'est beau!!!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (41)

SandyMarch 2, 2010 um 4:38 pm

i am drooling at my desk and soo hoping for lunch time to come faster! these are amazing pics and a great recipe!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (42)

mMarch 2, 2010 um 5:41 pm

I completely agree that taking small breaks throughout the work day is essential. I don't know how I'd get through work without lunch break! I always look forward to it.

The tart looks amazing–I love sweet tarts, so I'm excited at the prospect of savory tarts!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (43)

Kris MulkeyMarch 2, 2010 um 5:56 pm

This looks delicious – except for the goat cheese part. I really, really don't like the game/goat/barn flavor in goat cheese. Is it just me? Am I buying the wrong kind of goat cheese? Any recommendations?

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (44)

PastrychefgrlMarch 2, 2010 um 7:14 pm

This looks absolutely delicious I cant wait to try this out!! It looks like a very filling dinner meal!! Love it in the long tart pan and not the round one!!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (45)

TKWMarch 3, 2010 um 1:14 am

Oh, Helen! This tart looks right up my alley. If only I could bake! But it looks so delicious that I just might try.

I love the story about your mom picking you up for lunch. It took me back. The year I was in 3rd grade, while my mother was recovering from lung cancer, the school allowed me to come home for lunch (alarmingly, we had to petition to do so). I loved those lunches. I'd run the 3 blocks home, eat something warm and wonderful, and Mama would read Ramona the Pest or Stuart Little aloud while we ate. It centered me for the rest of my day.

As always, your photos are brilliant. Have fun in sunny California!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (46)

prernaMarch 3, 2010 um 1:50 am

Throughout my school life my mom would never miss a day bringing warm tasty food for lunch..I never realized how precious that was untill I went out on my own n thr was no lunch ready waiting..
Miss those days!
Will definitely try the recipe..
You have fun travelling but come back soon, will be waiting for your next post.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (47)

lindaMarch 3, 2010 um 2:13 am

your tart looks just luscious & i can't wait to bake this…
i am having a tapas party soon & this would be perfect!
helen, do you think i could substitute sun dried tomatoes for the prosciutto or do you have any other suggestions….
thanks so much!
enjoy your travels & have wonderful experiences @ the workshops…i am jealous!!
any plans for a nyc workshop?

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (48)

HeleneMarch 3, 2010 um 2:33 am

Linda: sun dried tomatoes would work really well. You could use bacon or cured ham also.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (49)

my spatulaMarch 3, 2010 um 3:20 am

french bistro fare is something i could have everyday. so casual, so homey, so comforting. the prosciutto puts it over the top for me! just wonderful!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (50)

BrittMarch 3, 2010 um 2:21 pm

What a beautiful crust! I came up with a good pie crust, but never gave the tart crust much effort–looks like you made a real winner though! I may have to give this a try. The whole thing looks delicious.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (51)

AliceMarch 3, 2010 um 4:22 pm

hm…looks so tasty!
my compliments 😉

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (52)

StellaMarch 3, 2010 um 4:54 pm

This is so pretty, and I suppose it is a sort of quiche, no? I want a pan like that now.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (53)

UnknownMarch 3, 2010 um 5:14 pm

THis looks absolutely great. I love your photos, and proscuitto is always amazing!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (54)

VickiMarch 3, 2010 um 6:57 pm

This looks too delicious for words!
Are your parent's recipes for quiche Loraine and shallot vinaigrette posted?

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (55)

emma. our kitchenMarch 3, 2010 um 7:06 pm

Beautiful photos and styling. The recipe looks delicious too – I will have to try it!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (56)

Orlando personal injury lawyerMarch 3, 2010 um 7:46 pm

What a delicious tart. I've never seen a recipe like this one… thinking about changing out the meat for tomatoes since I'm veggie.:0)

Thanks a lot for the idea.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (57)

KatieMarch 4, 2010 um 3:45 am

That tart looks delicious – I love the prosciutto on top, it would be so delicious and crispy.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (58)

NinaMarch 4, 2010 um 2:13 pm

Carmelized onions and goat cheese sounds very inviting.The crust sounds alot simple,its lovely recipe.thanks for sharing.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (59)

The Short (dis)Order CookMarch 4, 2010 um 2:57 pm

That looks almost too delicious for words! So many great ingredients.

How lucky to be able to go home for a home-cooked lunch as a child. I couldn't leave school for lunch until my senior year of high school when I had both permission to leave campus at lunch and a car in which to leave it.

I am planning my very first trip to Paris later this year and you are making me look forward to typical French lunches!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (60)

CatMarch 4, 2010 um 3:38 pm

I'm making this tonight for my Girl's Night 😀 We have a Vegetarian and an Onion allergy in the group, so I will be making 1 sans Prosciutto and substituting the onion in the other for shallots. I'm not brave enough to try this crust though,..will be using mine 🙂 SO EXCITED!!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (61)

HeleneMarch 4, 2010 um 4:41 pm

Vicki: no they are not on the site, well not yet, anyway 🙂

Stella: could be, yes. It all depends on how true to form and tradition one wants to be.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (62)

colorchicMarch 4, 2010 um 5:11 pm

Oh my gosh I have to try this recipe! I tried something similar at my favorite french restaurant in Salem "LaCapital" Yumm!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (63)

CherineMarch 4, 2010 um 5:15 pm

Your tart is beautiful and mouth-watering!! YUMMY!!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (64)

HollyMarch 4, 2010 um 6:22 pm

Hi! I'm new to your blog and would like to follow, so I can see latest updates, but can't seem to find a follow button. Feel free to come by and check us out as well-The Peppered Pantry:)

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (65)

EnilaMarch 4, 2010 um 6:39 pm

Ohh je peux en avoir une part ?? 🙂 such amazing, it's all i love

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (66)

AnonymousMarch 4, 2010 um 7:44 pm

Simplemente delicioso! que aspecto tan rico tiene, las fotos son una preciosidad. Un saludo desde Madrid!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (67)

steph- whisk/spoonMarch 4, 2010 um 9:10 pm

looks so good– i love anything with dark greens!! how do you decide which combo of GF flours you will use for different purposes? do they have different properties, or is it flavor-based? there are so many types, i wouldn't know how to begin! have a wonderful trip–seattle is lovely!!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (68)

A cupcake or twoMarch 5, 2010 um 7:10 am

What a beautiful tart. Your photos are just amazing. I just bought a tart tin so I will be making this on the weekend. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (69)

A cupcake or twoMarch 5, 2010 um 7:10 am

What a beautiful tart. Your photos are just amazing. I just bought a tart tin so I will be making this on the weekend. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (70)

HeleneMarch 5, 2010 um 7:47 am

Holly: you can click on the RSS feed button in the welcome box or simply click on the "suscribe by email" bar.

Thank you everyone!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (71)

CatMarch 5, 2010 um 1:41 pm

I made it last night- it tasted like HEAVEN! Thank you for the recipe!! <3

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (72)

veronMarch 5, 2010 um 1:42 pm

Major YUM! I would love this for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Can't keep up with you on twitter, you seem to be always coming and going. 🙂 Great to see you so busy! Have fun in your travels!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (73)

Truly SmittenMarch 5, 2010 um 8:09 pm

oh this looks SO delicious! I love swiss chard…and I desperately wish I can attend one of the workshops! Have safe travels =)

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (74)

NicoleMarch 7, 2010 um 5:01 pm

Looks beautiful — anything with goat cheese immediately goes on my "must make" list.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (75)

JulieMarch 7, 2010 um 5:51 pm

So stunning. I have all this in the fridge – what a wonderful brunch it would make!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (76)

MaggieMarch 7, 2010 um 10:16 pm

I made this today and it was DELICIOUS! Loved the bit of dijon in the crust. What a wonderful addition. Taking the rest to share with my co-workers tomorrow. Thank you for all your wonderful recipes!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (77)

Miss ConductMarch 8, 2010 um 12:12 am

Couldn't gather the dough together with only 3 egg yolks for moisture. It was like dry sand. Had to add ice water. I wonder how it will come out?

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (78)

HeleneMarch 8, 2010 um 7:28 am

L: that is odd indeed. As far as the result, I couldn't say since I have never had to add water to it but I am guessing that if you added up to 60ml you should be ok.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (79)

bridget {bake at 350}March 9, 2010 um 10:10 pm

That looks insanely good. Anything with the words "goat cheese and tart" HAS to be delicious, right?

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (80)

tweetMarch 10, 2010 um 9:34 pm

I'm just discovering your blog and I'm just wondering how I could not know it 😉
I'm french, blogging gluten-free and thanking you for all your good recipes and wonderful photos…

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (81)

IrisMarch 12, 2010 um 1:44 am

Oh yum. Really really yum. I love all of these ingredients.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (82)

A Beautiful LifeMarch 12, 2010 um 5:44 am

This looks simply divine and has my mouth watering and I've only just had lunch!!!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (83)

Heather @ Side of SneakersMarch 15, 2010 um 2:39 pm

That recipe looks absolutely fantastic- I may need to make it this week since I have so much goat cheese!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (84)

Cocoa MangoMarch 16, 2010 um 2:44 pm

oooo I love your savory dishes! I can't wait to make this for the folks 🙂

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (85)

Dinner TonightMarch 17, 2010 um 1:32 am

I can't wait to try this gluten free crust. It looks delicious!!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (86)

Chiara March 19, 2010 um 3:20 pm

It looks absolutely fantastic! I love this kind of dish and the photo is lovely!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (87)

NuM NuMDecember 10, 2010 um 7:44 am

Hi, I would love to make this but is there a substitute for xanthum gum. I also plan on using regular AP flour in substitute for all the other flours, is that ok? Thank you so much.

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (88)

GinaJuly 8, 2011 um 10:58 am

I cannot find the tapioca starch. Would potato starch be a suitable replacement, and if so should I use the same amount?

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (89)

LieslOctober 15, 2011 um 9:22 pm

I'm excited to make this next weekend for a gluten free friend. I'm wondering if I could make the whole thing the night before and reheat? Maybe that wouldn't work with the ham? I am going to make two, as one friend is vegetarian and put small roasted tomatoes in the second. Thank you!

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (90)

AnonymousMarch 31, 2013 um 4:03 pm

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (91)

AnonymousApril 1, 2013 um 4:55 am

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Swiss Chard, Goat Cheese and Prosciutto Tart - Tartelette (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.