Come on REALLY!!! - Mama_N4856 (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

“Come on Mione!” A voice whispering on the outside of the curtains surrounding the bed in the seventh-year girl dorms in Gryffindor caused Vivian to wake though she laid as if she was still sleeping. “If we don’t get the potions spelled in her in time, we’ll lose all chances!” She recognized the voice as Ginny’s and heard the movement around the outside of the bed. “She needs to have those in her so that she’ll continue doing what Dumbledore has planned for her.”

Vivian had to fight not to scoff at the fact that they thought the potions worked on her. She’d gone to Gringotts after her fourth year, before the events with the Dementors and been alerted to the fact that she was a Lady many times over. She’d been cleansed and healed as best the Goblins could with the state that she came to them. If it hadn’t been for the Goblins help, she’d never have survived the past year. As it was, they’d given her the ladyship rings under glamour that always alerted her to the presence of potions, and she frequently took cleansing potions since then.

“You’re sure this is what has to be done?” Hermione asked as if she was unsure of the actions they were taking.

“Ron was supposed to stay with you both so that we could maintain the potions even while she was hunting for the bastard's soul pieces. The headmaster knew that he was dying and set it so that mum and Ron would be the ones to keep her on the path of the light.” Ginny’s voice clearly had a sneer in it.

“But I just feel…” Hermione stuttered and stumbled.

“Oh, come on! Give them here! If you’re going to be so much of a puss* about it, you can leave.” There was the sound of clinking bottles and a scuffle. “It’s a good thing she sleeps like the dead after a battle or you’d’ve woken her by now!” There was more scuffling. “I’m not about to let my family continue to live as paupers when our payday is right there…” More scuffling and Vivian felt something land beside her hand when she closed her hand around it, she felt two things, one the unmistakable feel of the resurrection stone and the other the time turner from her third year when Hermione had taken them back to save Sirius and Buckbeak. “If you’re not going to help us any longer, we can’t have you stopping us.” The sounds of a knife sliding into flesh and the gasp of shock. “It’s just so sad that you couldn’t live with the scars that Mad Bella left on you.”

Vivian couldn’t take just listening anymore, she knew the invisibility cloak was in her pocket and her new wand, the one that was the combined materials of the elder wand and her holly wand, was in her hand as she leapt out of the bed and cast a healing charm on Hermione. She saw the relief in Hermione’s eyes as she saw Vivian leap out and the ‘thank you’ that came pass her lips before the light died in her eyes.

“Huh so that’s what Basilisk venom does…” Ginny speaks in a distracted sort of air before looking at Vivian, her eyes showing a true madness that had been hidden until this day. “Now be a good girl and take your potions.”

“You’ve snapped…Especially if you think that I’ve not known about the sh*t your mother, Ronald, and you’ve been up to since the first day I met the lot of you.” Vivian stepped up clutching the time-turner and resurrection stone in one hand and in the other her wand. “You’ve gone as Mad as Bellatrix if you think for one second, I’ve not taken steps to prevent you or your brother from getting a single KNUT from me.” She co*cked her head to the side as she smirked. “Oh, and just so you know bitch…you lose!” With that final statement she started firing off spells and Ginny was fighting back but Vivian was willing to do whatever it took to make sure that Ginny didn’t win.


Vivian is shocked at the fact that Ginny called out that particular spell as she’s thrown back by the blast. She felt her ribs shatter felt as all her bones were broken from the concussive force of it in the small space that they’d been battling in. She felt as the time turner shattered in her hand slicing it with metal and glass as the sand mixed with her blood. As the wand and stone were shattered into grains of sand and entering her bloodstream. It was as if time froze and sped up at the same time. She didn’t hear the scream that came from her own vocal cords nor the horrified shout from the door of the dorms and the ‘Incarcerous!’ that was shouted out along with the frustrated scream from Ginny as they realized what was happening. All she knew was a darkness that overtook her vision as she felt the familiar sensations of moving through time and space and she had no clue where she’d end up.

“Oh mistress…this was not what was supposed to happen…” A soft voice spoke from the darkness as she felt her body healing and shifting. “My brother will be grateful…Time is not supposed to be mess with…” She felt as if the time sand was being shifted out of her blood piece by piece. She was screaming but couldn’t hear it. “I’m sorry for the pain…Rest sweet Mistress…”

‘I don’t want to be your mistress…’ Vivian knew who was speaking to her, she knew what the legends of the stone, wand, and cloak held. ‘I just want someone to love me…for me…’

“I know sweet mistress…but what is shall always be…you were always meant to be my mistress…just as your ancestor was meant to greet me as friend…” Vivian felt the voice wrap around her and the feeling of the cloak covering her in its folds. “We can’t send you back to the time you came…nor even to that world…but…oh this will work…don’t worry sweet mistress…love will be yours.”

Vivian let the darkness take her back into unconsciousness feeling the embrace of Death as time lost all meaning.

“You know that you’re pissing off Fate?” Another voice spoke from nearby with amusem*nt coloring it.

“Fate can go f*ck herself…there’s a reason she’s called a bitch by most after all. If it wasn’t for this happening,she’d never find the other half of her soul and Fate knows it.” Death spoke from where they held their Mistress in in their arms and walked along the streams of time and space with Time walking beside him holding a glowing ball of golden sand that flowed into the time stream around them.

“That may be…but…anger her too much and she’ll fight back.” Time reminded Death with a sigh.

“I’ll fight back if she tries.” Death spoke softly. “My Mistress has been Her Bitch for long enough…She deserves a chance at a good life.”

“I don’t disagree…I’m just wanting you to be careful. Even with the soul stone within her very bloodstream now there will be much that is done…” Time spoke gently as he placed a gentle hand on Death’s shoulder. “The place you'retaking her…” He looked forward to the end of the path that awaited them. “Will it not cause a paradox by having the soul stone in her blood while another resides in the universe?”

“The stones are different…one created by the One above us the other created by me…they are two different stones though they have similar purposes…One captures…one ‘resurrects’…” Death was calm as they continued to walk not even slowing as they reached the end of the path and step out into a time and place that would fit with her old world but different at the same time."Now just to get her to the place that will make the most of her time with the other half of her soul..."

"No one would believe that Death is a closet romantic..." Time smirked as he watched his sibling as they carried Vivian Lily Potter through the pathways of time in this new universe and place her battered body into a position where she'd get help and healing.

Chapter 2


So this took a twist slightly but I like where it is going...I hope you do as well...thanks for all the supportive comments...

Chapter Text

*You will have only that which you must remember. The past will be a dream for you…a new family will belong to you child…* A voice spoke within her mind. *I wish that you didn’t have to have pain, but it was the condition that Fate made for you to live in this world…*

Screams surrounded her and all she felt was pain and a drained feeling down to her very marrow.

“Someone get the Healers!”

“Where did she come from?”

“Who is she?”

“Sir step away!”

“Coming through!”

“Let us through!”

“sh*t! We need to get her to the warded chambers!”

She passed out from the pain of being moved and it took several days before she felt any sort of awareness again.

May 6th, 1941

Vivian came awake with a bitten off scream on her lips. She still had several broken bones though they were less than had originally happened. She looked around and saw that she was in a magical hospital, something she was thankful for as that meant healing potions and pain potions, but she could not remember how she came to be there.

“Easy young lady…” A voice spoke from beside the bed, it had a clearly American accent. “Let me help you.” They came over closer and helped her to move into a sitting position. She got a look at the man that was helping her sit up, he had streaks of silver on the side of his head, but the rest of his hair was pitch black, his eyes though sad were a deep brown that showed kindness, and he had the robes of an American Auror on with a black tie, white shirt, silver vest, black suit, and black robe/trench coat.

“We’re glad to see you’re awake.” Another voice spoke, with a fading English accent in place. He stepped forward with a pitcher of water and a cup. His face held a bunch of freckles beneath shaggy brown hair and also had kind brown eyes. He was dressed in a brown waist coat, white button down, skinny bowtie, and in the corner of the room there was a blue wool jacket and Hufflepuff scarf. “You had people quite worried when you appeared so battered inside the Woolworth building. It is May 6, 1941, and you are in the New York Hospital for Magical Maladies.”

Vivian looked at them with a furrowed brow looking around the room again and then back toward the men who were talking to her.

“Can you tell us your name?” The dark-haired man asked gently.

Vivian opened her mouth attempting to speak to make any sound, but nothing came out no sound nor gasp. Tears pooled in her eyes as she looked around again searching for something anything that would allow her to tell them who she was.

“There were signs that you’d taken the full force of a bombarda maxima, and several wounds tied with that. There was also evidence that the healers were able to find that you had several spells on you that were shattered. We can have the Goblins come and preform an inheritance test on you…” The brown-haired man spoke gently.

Vivian closed her eyes as she thought back to what had happened. She had two sets of memories one of a place and time that seemed distant from her in the way of a dream, that screamed she shouldn’t be seeing the pair before her for she’d never seen them outside of books. The other set showed her being raised by the two men until she was two years old before someone took her from them and kept her secret from others raising her and using her for her gifts. She remembered how on her sixteenth birthday she felt as if she was burning up from the inside out. She remembered how things became clear for the first time in a long time and the pleasure she’d taken in telling the man that there would be someone that will beat him. After she’d turned 7 the man had stopped treating the injuries that he caused her, she remembered how she’d told him about the dream she’d had about his latest efforts and his anger.

Vivian looked at the men who were waiting for her answer and simply nodded, she wanted to know if what she was remembering was real or if it was yet another of her dreams. Since the Obliviates had been broken she remembered so many things and the main dreams that she had were of being reunited with the men in the room with her.

The dark-haired man nodded in return and stepped out to place the call needed to get the Healers in as well as the goblins.

Vivian kept her attention focused on the magical window against the far wall, she could see the magic that surrounded the window letting her know it was just a charm. The time passed as they waited, though the two men were talking softly in the corner of the room keeping an eye on her at the same time. There seemed to be a rolling mass of black around the brown-haired man’s waist that gave her the feeling of something wrong. She focused on her magical core but knew that she didn’t have enough to do anything for the man.

“What do you mean?” The brown-haired man was asking a healer that was standing in the room.

“She’s got an infection setting in, in the lash wounds on her back. There is also evidence that she’s had multiple infections in the same location. And she has several broken bones that have not healed properly.” The Healer whispered looking at the young woman. “She’s got an extremely drained core that makes it difficult to use healing magic on her at the moment. Wherever she was the person did not care for her as she should’ve been. It’s a miracle that she was strong enough to get to MACUSA, especially since she punched through the wards to do so. We’ve kept her under a magical coma since we brought her in but that she woke speaks of the strength of her core even as drained as it is. She shouldn’t be awake yet.”

“Can you tell us her medical condition?” The dark-haired man asked looking over at the young woman that reminded him of their lost daughter in her curly dark brown hair and glowing emerald eyes.

“I’m sorry but until we know more about her…” The Healer shrugged. “We can’t tell any other about her…”

The Goblins arrived at that moment and looked at the group huddled before looking at the young woman in the bed. “You must be the one we’re here to test. You should feel honored that we’re making an appearance here and not forcing you to come to us.” The attitude of the Goblins seemed on par to what she expected though she didn’t know what she was actually expecting. “We’ll need seven drops of blood on this parchment. Just make a cut with your wand…”

“She doesn’t have a wand and is not allowed to use her magic until cleared by myself or my superior.” The Healer spoke up stepping forward with frustration in her gaze.

“Well then we’ve wasted a trip.” The Goblin sneered. “It has to be her magic that causes the blood to flow, or it will be read wrong.” He shrugged and started gathering up the things only to see that while they were arguing with the healer Vivian had caused a pin prick to appear on her finger and dropped the seven drops of blood as instructed and the parchment was filling out.

She smirked at the healer as she sucked on the finger she’d pricked until it stopped bleeding and the magic in her body closed it.

Vivian Lillian Graves-Scamander
July 31, 1924, 2:50pm
Core Color: Gold


Father: Percival Josiah Graves-Scamander (Born July 15, 1886)

Carrier: Newton Artemis Fido Graves-Scamander (Born February 24, 1897)


Father’s Line:

Galahad Abraham Graves – father (deceased)

Irene Mabel Graves née MacDougal – mother (deceased)

Gertrude Irene Tolliver née Graves – older sister (Born June 1, 1884)

Richard William Tolliver – husband (deceased)

William Daniel Tolliver – son (Born May 5, 1923)

Coraline Helen Tolliver – daughter (Born March 31, 1924)

Arthur Clarence Graves – younger brother (Born April 15, 1889)

Catherine Lena Graves née Salvatore (Born February 28, 1894)

Carrier’s Line:

Leonard Alexander Floyd Scamander – father (deceased)

Mildred Kathryn Scamander née Smith – mother (deceased)

Theseus Leonard Franklin Scamander – older brother (Born February 1, 1889)

Leta Lestrange – soulmate (Deceased)


Father: Theseus Leonard Franklin Scamander

Mother: Seraphina Kathryn Picquery



Scamander – to go to husband

Hufflepuff – eligible at 17 for Ladyship via Carrier’s Maternal Line

Ravenclaw – eligible at 17 for Ladyship via Father’s Maternal Line

Emrys – eligible at 17 for Ladyship via Magic’s Choice


Eidetic Memory

Photographic Memory

Foresight – dream visions

Natural Healer

Mage Sight

Percival Graves-Scamander looked at the information that was forming on the sheet of parchment with a look of shock in his eyes. When he’d been taken by Gellert Grindelwald he’d been watching the daughter that he’d had with Newt. They’d found they were soulmates when they met during the world war on the Eastern Front, Theseus always tried to claim that he was the one that had introduced them, while Newt always said it was simply the fact that Percival was brought to him by the dragons that he’d been working with. Newt had been commissioned for the book on creatures and for the safety of their infant he’d left Vivian with Percival. Then the attack by Grindelwald and after it was all over no one, but Percival and Newt even remembered that they had a daughter in the first place. Even her Godparents didn’t remember her, and they’d done a magical godparent bond with them. From the few conversations they’d had they felt the bond but didn’t realize what the bond lead to. But because of the bond of parents to the child they had never forgotten. Since then, they had hunted for their daughter but without others remembering it made it more difficult.

Newt looked at his soulmate and husband after he’d read the information showing on the parchment. He covered his lips with a shaking hand as he bit back a sob while looking over at the Healer who was checking his baby to see if the small touch of magic had harmed her. After the disappearance of their daughter, they’d struggled for a bit and while they’d never stopped hunting, they had decided to try again for a child only to find out that at some point between the loss of their daughter and the battle in Paris against Grindelwald he’d been hit with something that destroyed his ability to carry his own children.

“Well…we’ll get the heiress rings ready for whenever she’s clear to come and get them. We’ll also get the Ladyship rings and prepare for that when it is time for her seventeenth.” The Goblin grumbled out before moving out of the room leaving the parchment behind for the young woman.

“I take it we can find out what has happened to her now?” Percival looked at the Healer with a firm gaze challenge in his tone and stance.

“As you are her parents, and she is still a minor yes.” The healer nodded looking in disbelief at the parchment on the small table that was present in the room. She then shook her head and pulled out the folder that held the diagnostic information from within her pocket. She handed the folder over to Percival and Newton before moving to a special little cupboard in the room that held the potions for the patient but could only be opened by a certified healer.

Jane-Doe Vivian Lillian Graves-Scamander

Age: approximately 13 16

Gender: Female

Height: 4’11

Weight: 75 pounds


Obedience Potion – Cleansed by Magic

Obliviate Spells – 14x

Wish Magic Residue


0-2 year:

Falls and scrapes typical of age

2 years – 4 years:

Beginning signs of Malnutrition

Broken right leg – healed with magic

Obliviate – 2x

4 years – 7 years:

Malnutrition worsens – weak bones and anemia present

Broken Right Leg – healed with magic

Lashings 170x – infection occurred healed with magic

Broken right arm – healed with magic

Shattered right hand – healed with magic

Obliviate – 3x

7 years – 11 years:

Dislocated Shoulder – untreated healed wrong

Broken Clavicle – untreated healed wrong

Broken left arm in two places – untreated healed wrong

Lashes 129x – infection occurred untreated

Obliviate – 4x

Broken right ankle – untreated healed wrong

Malnutrition – untreated

Magical Exhaustion - untreated

11 years – 13 years:

Lashes 45x – untreated infection occurred

Magical exhaustion – untreated

Broken Right Hand – untreated healed wrong

Malnutrition – untreated

Obliviate 2x

13 years – 16 years

Broken right hand – untreated healed wrong

Broken Left Hand – untreated healed wrong

Lashes 72x – untreated infection occurred

Obliviate 3x

16 years – current

Lashes 25x – recent infection setting in

Bombarda Maxima Injuries

Extreme Magical Exhaustion


Obliviates – Broken, mental scaring

There were areas that were crossed out, magic having corrected the name and age once she’d been fully identified. Newt fought back tears at the words that were showing and knew that they needed to do whatever they could to help her.

“Will you be able to correct the bones, malnutrition, and mental scarring?” Percival asked carefully. “And was there any magical residue beside the wish magic that obviously landed her inside MACUSA to be found?” He was in full protective parent mode.

“I’m sorry but there was no residue beside the wish magic. The distance and magic used to get her to the location it did…plus her punching through the wards as she did erased the magic that was on her.” The healer shook her head in a sorrowful tone. She brought the potions over to the young woman and passed over the pain and a dreamless sleep. She’d be unable to do anything more for the young woman until her core had filled a little more. “We’ll be keeping her here for at least two months as her core heals, she’s in a protected room right now due to the level her core was emptied to. If she’s not in a shielded room and exposed to too much magic it would cause her to drain her core completely.”

“Is there anything that could be done to help her?” Newt asked watching as his baby girl fell asleep.

“Unless you have access to a Phoenix’s tears…” The healer shook her head.

“Hmmmmm….” Newt turned his attention inward with his thoughts as he moved around the room trying to think of where he could get a hold of a phoenix and get it to willingly give up its tears.

“Excuse me, Healer Jones?” A trainee peeked in the room but didn’t step in. “There are two people out here asking for Director Graves-Scamander.”

“Make sure they understand the importance of the room and let them in.” Percival looked at the man, he had a feeling he knew who was waiting to get in.

“Yes, sir.” The trainee nodded before leaving the doorway.

Ten minutes passed before Seraphina Picquery and Theseus Scamander rushed into the room. Theseus went to Newt and wrapped his little brother up in his arms, the moment he did Newt broke down in silent sobs. Seraphina went to Percival and cupped his cheek with wide eyes checking him over before turning and looking at the small form on the bed in a potion induced slumber.

“How did we forget?” Seraphina asked with a sorrowful expression, tears filling her eyes. To most she was a hard woman but when it was around her dearest friends and family, they saw her softness.

“Whoever took her…they cast something that caused everyone to forget we had a daughter…” Percival said softly after the Healer had left the room. “It happened in the chaos of Grindelwald taking me and the adventure that was.” The way he said adventure said he felt it was anything but. “I don’t know if it was Grindelwald or someone else who saw an opportunity. All we knew was that she was gone and none of our family remembered that we even had her for two years before she disappeared.”

“What has happened to her?” Seraphina asked gently watching the young lady sleep, the release of the memories at her existence happened when the inheritance test happened. It also released memories of her amusem*nt at the relationship between Percival and the wild ‘Newt’ and all the chaos he got up to.

Percival handed over the information that they had on her wounds and scars. Newt was whispering with Theseus, his brother attempting to convince Newt to talk to Professor Dumbledore to request the help of the phoenix that had joined the man three years before. Newt when he thought of his old teacher and all that he’d done since the loss of Vivian he felt uncomfortable about having anything to do with the man. He was whispering in an angry tone with his brother when Percival came up and wrapped his arms around him just holding him.

“We’ll not be asking for Dumbledore’s help.” Percival said softly. “I just don’t trust the man…he puts me on edge.”

“What can we do then? Fawkes is the only phoenix I know of.” Theseus looked at his niece with sorrow.

“We support her through all of this and hope that the work of the healers will be enough to heal her core so that there’s no damage.” Newt sighed as he looked at his daughter.

“Was she able to tell you anything when she woke?” Seraphina asked, she may no longer be the president of MACUSA, but she was still well enough known to make a difference in getting someone to pay attention if need be.

“She tried to tell us her name, but no sound came from her. Even when she woke, we could tell that she was trying to scream but again no sound…” Percival shook his head.

“She’s mute?” Seraphina looked back at the little girl; she could remember the way the little girl would babble every time she was able to see her.

“Likely due to the damage caused by the bombarda that she experienced. There’s also the possibility that it’s all mental…if she was told not to talk and silenced enough, if she was harmed enough for talking…” Newt looked at his angel brushing a few loose strands of hair from her face.

“Then she’d learn to be silent. There’s no evidence in the injury records to something being done magically to her…or even physically.” Seraphina looked through the file again. “It’s a high possibility that it is a mental issue and that with time we’ll hear her voice again.”

“We can only hope.” Percival gently touched Vivian’s hand.

“I’m sorry but visitors' hours are over.” The trainee from earlier peaked into the room again. “We can bring in beds for both her parents but everyone else needs to leave.”

“I’ll make sure things are cleared for you to take the needed time away from work without anyone thinking you’ve been abducted again.” Seraphina looked at Percival with an amused expression causing the man to chuckle, the few times since Grindelwald’s abduction if he got sick and missed work agents arrived in mass to make sure that he was safe. Today they knew that he was checking on the young ‘Jane-Doe’ that had been found so that he could try to get some answers into how she’d gotten through the wards. “I don’t wonder if the reason she landed where she did…from the evidence of wish magic…” She looked at her long-time friend. “If she remembers her parents and Wished to get to you and therefore to safety. After all she landed right at your feet Percy.”

“At our feet…since I was there to help with a creature case…” Newt said with an awed expression, he had a very good feeling that was exactly what happened. After all he’d seen the mention of a photographic memory and an eidetic memory. “I wouldn’t be surprised…” He smiled still amazed at the fact that they’d finally found their daughter again. “I’ll have to send word to Bunty so she can care for the creatures.”

“I’ll let her know Newt.” Theseus nodded before placing a soft kiss on his niece's forehead. “I’ll try to find some legitimate phoenix tears freely given.”

“Thanks, Thee.” Newt squeezed his brother’s hand in thanks before the godparents left the room and two camp cots were brought in. They were a thicker camp cot than he slept in, in his case or during the war, but it was still a camp cot.

“I apologize that we can’t make it a more comfortable experience.” The trainee said looking over at the young woman in concern.

“We understand and we’re grateful for this.” Percival nodded and looked around spotting the door to the private bathroom that was attached to this room. When the trainee was gone, he looked at Newt. “I’m going to run home and get us some things to tide us over…books and such…I’ll also grab us something to eat. Don’t worry I’ll make sure not to bring anything too magical.”

“I’ll be here…” Newt sat on the edge of their baby’s bed.

“I had no doubt about that in the least love.” Percival went and placed a gentle kiss on Newt’s lips before kissing his daughter’s forehead like Theseus had done. “We’re not leaving you little one…you’re safe…just focus on healing. Mama is staying with you…”

Newt choked out a laugh at the title he’d been given, it had been something they had joked about when he was carrying her, and it had just merged until her first words were Dada and mama.

“Bring my knitting needles and yarn as well please?” Newt asked as Percival headed for the door.

“Of course, love.” Percival gave one last smile before heading for the apparation point that would take him home.

Newt moved to the chair that was set right beside the bed and continued to hold Vivian’s hand in his own. He started telling her about everything that had happened since she was taken from them and all that they’d done to try and find her. He dozed off with his head on the bed before Percival returned and it was the shout of shock from his husband that woke him. Sitting up quickly he looked from Percival to where he was staring at the bed. There just beside Vivian’s head was a fully formed WHITE phoenix, and it was steadily crying tears into Vivian’s open mouth.

“Well sh*t!” Newt was amazed at what was happening. “Thank you…” He looked at the majestic bird and nodded his head. “Just…thank you…”

It took several weeks of help on the part of the healers and the phoenix before Vivian was able to stay awake for several hours at a time. She still had not said a word to them and though her expression brightened when she saw the phoenix who would disappear when the healers would come after the first time it had been spotted. The Healer in question was removed from the hospital when the person attempted to take the phoenix muttering about how the tears and feathers would help them so much. He’d done so when only Vivian was in the room, though Newt was in the restroom and was able to send a message to Percival. The phoenix had flashed out leaving behind a thin layer of frost and ice crystals which left frostbite on the hand of the Healer that the other Healers were unable to repair and was a way to identify him when he attempted to flee when Newt exited the room. They went to his home after he’d been apprehended and were shocked to find several ‘healing’ creatures in horrid conditions, many ended up in Newt’s town home where they started caring for them when he wasn’t staying with Vivian.

The phoenix would croon a soothing song as it helped her heal and sleep peacefully, often singing and rubbing its head across her cheek and preening her hair when she was having a nightmare.

“Tomorrow, I feel comfortable that we’ll be able to release your daughter back into your care.” The Head Healer said as she entered the space, the phoenix having flashed out again. “Her healing is coming along wonderfully thanks to her companion. Her core is refilling nicely, and I believe that it will be helpful for her to be at home for the remainder of her healing.” She spoke to Newt who was sitting holding his daughter. The Phoenix had been helping her after a nightmare when they heard the healer coming. She had then climbed into Newt’s lap wanting a calming comfort and in the past few weeks she’d become very comfortable with her parents, staying with her parents even when her godparents stopped into visit. “We have been unable to find any reason for her continued silence and feel that a different environment will be the best for her to get comfortable enough to begin speaking again.”

“Thank you.” Newt nodded to the healer before turning his attention away from her to his daughter who was still shaking from her nightmare.

Vivian had taken to writing in a journal that Newt had brought her the second day so that she could communicate what she had dreamed and just hold conversations with her parents, though she’d still not communicated with anyone else. She pulled the journal close to her and wrote out a short note before showing it to her Mama.

“She says thank you for your help in healing her.” Newt looked at the note written and gave a gentle hug to show he was proud of her for actually ‘speaking’ to the Healer.

“You are very welcome child. I’m glad we were able to help you as much as we could. And I’m very grateful to your companion for their assistance.” The healer smiled gently looking at her.

Vivian wrote out again a short note before passing the journal to her Mama again.

“Her name is Hedwig…If you bring ONE large vial, she will give tears to fill it. But only one and not an unending…” Newt read out again with a soft smile to his daughter.

“We’re very grateful…” The healer nodded in shock and then quickly went to gather the single largest untampered vial that they had already at the hospital, there were several people that would benefit from the use of phoenix tears and meant the difference between life and death for some of them.

Vivian just cuddled into Newt more as she absorbed the kind touch having only had pain from the last touches before she was able to get free. She pulled the journal back toward her and started sketching what had woken her from her dreams. The image of a bunch of large ships and planes with smoke billowing, thanks to the type of quill her mama had given her she was able to render it in color showing the dark nature of the smoke.

Newt watched as she drew and felt sorrow over what she was seeing in her sleep. “Do you know when?”

Vivian only shook her head in sorrow she knew that there was going to be many lives lost and that it would lead the country into the war.

“I’m sorry you must see that, Princess.” Newt just wrapped her in his arms and a knit blanket that he’d made for her as soon as she’d woken up. “I’m here sweetheart…”

Vivian just sighed and flipped a page to draw another image, this one a pair of men in an intimate moment, she knew that her parents wouldn’t be upset over the image, but she also knew that no one else could see this image in the mundane world.

“Are those your mates?” Newt asked gently studying the image carefully.

Vivian just shrugged not sure if they both were or one or just a set of dear friends that would help her find her mate.

“Either way we’ll support you.” Newt whispered he looked up when the healer returned with the vial and left again before Hedwig appeared in a gentle chill as soon as the healer had once again left. “Thank you, Lady Hedwig, for your help.” Newt held the vial in place for Hedwig to cry into it and watched as the tears slowly filled the vial.

Percival arrived just as the vial was finished filling and smiled at the trio that he walked in on. “Hello darlings.” He walked up and dropped a gentle kiss on Newt’s lips and a soft kiss on Vivian’s forehead where she was still leaning into Newt basking in the comfort from her carrier.

“Hello love…what chaos happened that kept you out for so long?” Newt asked co*cking his head to the side as he ran his hands through Vivian’s waist length brown hair.

“Just some paperwork that needed to be completed still from our Princess’s sudden arrival.” Percival sighed before handing over a brush and ribbon.

Vivian blushed at the attention that she was receiving but sighed at the comfort that it was offering her at the same time. She leaned into Newt as Percival took over the care of her hair and getting it braided for the night. Percival gave a gentle smile to his mate as he watched their daughter snuggle into him. Newt had a gentle look on his own face as he felt the comfort that was having his baby in his arms again.

July 31st, 1941

Vivian looked around the space that had been given to her by her parents in their town home. After the events with Grindelwald, they’d moved from the house that they’d lived in prior, but they’d still set up a space for her. The five-story townhome had been changed while keeping the outside structure the same while the inside is magical space. They had created a lake in the bottom of the house for a Kelpie and other water creatures along several levels for creatures below the house. She’d met the demiguise that had become a companion of her mother during the travels he’d been in.

Dougal came up to the top floor where Vivian had been given a room and she was startled when he reached out and handed her a single flower, a sunflower which brought a smile to her face. She smiled and signed her thanks before finishing getting dressed, she placed the sunflower in the vase that had flowers that had been brought to her each day since she’d come home, enchanted so that the flowers never died when they were in the vase. It was something that the animals had picked up on that the way to bring a smile to Vivian’s face was to bring her a flower. Dougal was the main one to bring her flowers while the Teddy would actually give her a few of his shinier items, though they usually disappeared again later in the day. She wrapped her hair up into a bun and pinned it in place before looking out her window to see what the day held in store. The day was cloudy and looked like there would be rain later but for now she smiled and pulled her robe on over her swimsuit since she was planning on going down to swim with the Kelpie and check on the saltwater mermaid that had been rescued from a magical aquarium, she was secretly glad that it wasn’t one of the freshwater ones like her mother mentioned lived in lakes in Scotland. Since they both didn’t talk, they’d been learning sign language together and talk with each other, even though the female was what most would think mermaids looked like in myths she was unable to speak in a language understandable to the human ears.

“Good morning, Princess! Off for your morning swim before breakfast?” Newt asked from where he was giving Pickett some wood lice.

Vivian nodded with a smile and kiss to her mama’s cheek.

“Have fun. Can you check the wounds on the little water dragon?” Newt asked as he moved to the tea pot to get it ready for when she was done.

Vivian nodded and held a louse out to Pickett before moving through the house to go into the basem*nt. She slipped out of her robe as she reached the bottom of the stairs and soon slipped into the water swimming over to check on the water dragon first before slipping under the water to groom the kelpie. Finally, she sought out the mermaid and greeted her. She smiled at the present that she received of a pearl as well as the signed ‘happy birthday’. Giving a hug she asked if she needed anything only to get a headshake and a smile. After the checks and her morning swim finished, she moved from the small lake lagoon and headed back up to her room where she placed the large saltwater pearl that she’d been given in her jewelry box she was fascinated with the random form of the pearl. She dressed in a lightweight blue and white polka dot dress with white kitten heels. She changed her hair to be a chignon before she went back down to join her parents at the breakfast table giving a gentle kiss in thanks for the cup of tea that her mama put on the table.

“What would you like to do for your birthday today darling?” Percival asked as he came over with his cup of coffee. “I’ve taken the day off so that I can spend it with you.”

Vivian shrugged and then smiled as a large platter of French crepes with whipped cream and syrup were placed in front of her.

“I’ve gotten your results and we’re so proud of you.” Newt handed over an envelope which had the marking of the department of education in MACUSA.

With slightly shaking hands she opened the letter, seeing that the seal was still in place and wondering at how they could be proud if they hadn’t seen the results.

“No, matter what the results say we’d be proud of you.” Percival said softly seeing the expression on Vivian’s face.

Vivian only raised an eyebrow in challenge before pulling out the letter. Her results surprised her, but she’d been educated to use the most of her abilities even if she was never tested. She absorbed everything that she read and soon pressed the letter to the table in shock.

“Well done sweetie!” Newt smiled and came over to hug her when he had a chance to look at the sheet of parchment. It was all O’s or O+’s.

“I’ve very proud of you darling!” Percival came around to give her a hug as well allowing her to see how proud of her they were.

She pulled out a piece of parchment and pen that she’d gotten from the mundane side of things so that she didn’t have to deal with an ink pot and quill to keep up conversations, while her parents were learning sign language it was still slow going. *I’d like to go to the Pier*

“Coney Island?” Newt asked gently.

Vivian nodded with a shy smile. *I’m ready to go out in bigger crowds…If I don’t do it now…I never will.*

“We can leave whenever you want.” Newt smiled at the words she’d written. “I’m so proud of you sweetie…”

*I don’t want to live in fear…* She wrote before returning to her breakfast.

“And that shows just how brave you are.” Percival smiled softly as he continued eating his own breakfast. “We can go in after we finish eating.” He summoned a package and placed it beside her seat. “Happy birthday sweetheart.”

Vivian smiled and signed ‘thank you’ before opening the package which held a beautiful ruby and diamond set in gold necklace and earrings, the gems created beautiful butterflies and swirls. She let out a little gasp of delight before her eyes widened in fear at the fact that she’d made noise.

“You’re okay sweetheart…it’s okay…shhhh….” Newt whispered as he wrapped Vivian in his arms. “You’re okay…I’m so proud of you….”

Vivian shuddered in her mama’s arms before taking a deep breath.

“Are you still wanting to go to Coney Island? We can go to the Wizarding market for your first trip if you wish…” Percival smiled softly but remained in his seat so as not to overwhelm his daughter. “My siblings and their children have sent packages that you can open whenever you wish.” He gestured to the side were there were other packages wrapped up and waiting for her, they were wrapped in a plain paper so as not to draw the Niffler’s attention.

Vivian just smiled and shook her head to the market idea and signed out ‘later’ for the packages.

“Alright sweetheart.” Percival nodded as he finished his coffee.

Later that evening when they returned exhausted from the adventure that was a summer trip to Coney Island Vivian just hugged her parents' goodnight and left the lower level to head for her bedroom. She was going to leave the presents behind for now, she’d briefly met through floo calls her Aunt Gertrude and her two children, along with Uncle Arthur and his wife. They were overjoyed to learn that she’d been found and returned and extremely apologetic that they didn’t believe them about the disappearance of her in the first place. She’d been writing back and forth with William and Coraline since she’d been home and free of the hospital. She stripped from her dress only to stop in shock as something on her back caught her attention.

“MAMA!” She shouted out in her shock at the sight that she saw. She jumped slightly when Newt apparated into the room and came to her instantly.

“What’s wrong sweetie? Are you hurt?” Newt was checking her for injuries, she had been jostled a bit as they explored the park earlier, and there was a group of men that had cornered her near the ice cream stand and refused to back off until two young men interfered and brought her back to them.

Vivian only turned to show him what had caught her attention. On her back in illuminated colors that were predominantly blue, and purple was an ice phoenix with chunks of ice around it and a suit of armor on its chest and neck.

“Oh sweetie…” Newt walked over softly and cupped her cheeks. “At some point today, you’ve bumped into your soulmate…” He was soft as he spoke. The tattoo took up most of her back and shown with light from the inside out almost. “Get in your pajamas and we’ll get a cup of hot chocolate to calm from the shock…I’ll let you see the tattoo that developed when I met your papa. He has one almost exactly the same but where I have a red rose, he has a blue.” Newt summoned her silk pajama set and then stepped out holding her brush. “I’ll also braid your hair for the night.”

Vivian only nodded as she stepped behind the changing screen that she had in her room and dressed in her pajamas before going back down to the main floor where Newt was talking softly with her Papa. He’d removed his shirt and had across his back was the image of a silver dragon holding a silver rose with a red blossom. Papa was looking at the tattoo with a soft look that was so gentle. Papa looked up when she came down with a soft smile on his own face.

“Your mama told me what was wrong. I’m happy for you sweetie.” Percival came over and gave her a gentle hug. “I’m also proud of you for calling for one of us.”

Vivian blushed having not even realized that she’d vocally called out for one of her parents.

“When you’re ready…you can talk as much as you want when you’re ready.” Percival kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll leave the pair of you to your hot chocolate.”

Vivian just kissed his cheek in return and walked over to the table.

“We can go over your memories at another time to see if we can figure out when the contact happened, but we know you’ve met them today even if just in an accidental contact.” Newt said as they sat with their hot cocoa. Teddy the Niffler came and crawled into Vivian’s lap checking out the coin she’d been toying with needing something in her hands. “We’ll help you as you continue to search. Now we know that they live in near this place, so we’ve got a place to start.”

“Unless they’re visiting to go as a tourist to the park.” Vivian whispered flinching as soon as her voice was heard.

“That is a possibility, but I don’t believe that the Fates would do such a thing to you.” Newt responded not even acknowledging that she’d spoken out loud, he didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable by acknowledging it every time it happened. “I will believe until proved otherwise that you are not destined to having bumped into them and then not find them again.”

“I hope so…” Vivian whispered as she drank her hot chocolate and cuddled with Teddy.

~*~*~Across town in Brooklyn the next morning~*~*~

“Damn Stevie what did we do last night?” Bucky walked out of the kitchen clutching his head. “I could swear that I saw something on my back when I was in the bathroom.” He scratched his head as he exited the kitchen and found his best friend.

“Damn…” Steve said as Bucky turned so he could see his back. “Ummm…I didn’t get drunk, and I don’t…we didn’t…”

“What punk?”

“You’ve got a big tattoo on your back of some sorta bird…” Steve replied rubbing the back of his own head. “We just went to coney…and I got sick…and you spent most of it tryin ta impress those dolls.”

“Oh yeah…huh…” Bucky shrugged. “I’m not feelin as if I got drunk…Did you get one?”

“I don’t know…” Steve stood up and slipped out of his shirt turning so Bucky could see his back.

“Damn…yeah…you’ve got one to…” Bucky studied the bird on Steve’s back. “This makes me think of the stories from Ma…”

“About findin the one destined for ya by a mark appearing the first time ya touch? That she'd tell us mixed with her tales of magic?” Steve turned and put his shirt back on while Bucky pulled one on as well.

“Exactly…only thing…who was it? And how are we both meant for her…” Bucky sighed.

“I don’t know…the area was super busy…Don’t think it was any of the ladies ya were flirting with since they didn’ give me the time of day…”

“There was that one pretty doll with the blue and white dress that was so quiet, and you protected from the asshole who wouldn’ get the hint…” Bucky smirked, especially since Steve started blushing. “We both helped her get back to her parents…”

“I remember that…” Steve nodded. “Good luck ever findin the doll again…” Steve sighed as he turned back to his paper that he was sketching on.

“We’ll both find her…” Bucky nodded his head.

“Buck…” Steve looked at his best friend with an expression that showed why he thought that it would only be Bucky that would have her.

“If she won’t accept us both than I don’t want the doll. Her mark is on us both…” Bucky gripped Steve on the back of the neck just giving him as much comfort as he could. Knowing that he was destined to be with Steve and whoever their soulmate was made him feel more comfortable about the feelings that he’d always felt for Steve.

“Thanks…” Steve gave a sheepish smile. He’d known he had feelings for Bucky but also knew how it was looked on by the world and so settled to be his best friend instead.

“Course Punk…” Bucky chuckled. “Now I’ve got ta get to the factory…”

“Alright…” Steve gave a tight smile.

“We should make plans ta go to the expo when it opens…” Bucky smiled and squeezed Steve’s shoulder before moving to leave the little flat that they shared, ever since the first winter after Steve’s Ma had died.

Steve just started sketching out the tattoo that was on Bucky's back and would ask him if it was the one that was on his so that they could get an idea if it was the same girl or not. Part of Steve hoped that they wouldn't actually find her so that she wouldn't be tied with someone as sickly as him. Bucky was thinking about the way the young woman who they'd rescued from the idiots was so terrified looking to be surrounded as she was but still being brave enough to do everything that she had up to that point. He knew that she'd walked off with her parents who had thanked him and Stevie so profusely for helping her when they had only just realized that she'd been cornered. Something settled in his gut that the young woman was the one that was connected with his new tattoo.

"Hey Bucky!" A Lady called out from in front of the closest bakery. "You goin' ta work?"

"Yeah Mrs. Kowalski...Steve's home sick again and rents comin due..." Bucky smiled at the older lady who was still as beautiful as when the bakery first opened in the late twenties.

" take care dear one...stop in on your way home...we'll have somethin' special for poor Stevie." Mrs. Kowalski said with a sad smile before she turned back into the bakery.

"Will do Ma'am." Bucky smiled and waved before moving on from the bakery and to the canning factory where he'd found work.

Queenie watched the young man walk off and smiled at the but that she was picking up from his thoughts. She smiled as she moved through the front of the bakery to the back where her own soulmate was. She'd almost been drawn into Grindelwald's words but then she caught a glimpse, it was just a glimpse, but it was enough for what he had planned for Mundane's if he won the war he was planning.

"Hey Love." Jacob gave her a gentle kiss to his wife as she came up to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"We should call Newt and Percival to come for a visit and make a special dessert for their little Princess...I'm so happy she's back with them." Queenie said with a smile ready to play matchmaker.

"What are you up to love?" Jacob worked on the next bit of bread for the front, one of his helpers was out in front manning the counter while he worked on his pastries.

"Just helping some people find the love that I've found with you." Queenie smiled thinking of the moment that their soulmarks had shown up after they'd met up after the events that had led to Newt and Percival had lost their little girl.

"How can you be sure of it..." Jacob asked softly.

"I'm not but I've got a good feeling...the type that was when Tinnie met Thee and when I met you..." Queenie smiled as she kissed his cheek.

"We'll see...It would be nice to meet the little lady and see Newt again." Jacob smiled.

"I'll contact them later." Queenie smiled before moving to man the counter and send the staff back to help with prepping the pastries.

Chapter 3


I apologize for the length of time it took to get this chapter out. Thanks for waiting so patiently for it my dear readers. The last few weeks have been insane and I'm currently recovering from covid as well as two others of the four total in my home doing the same.
There are some time jumps and brief clips, but this will lead up to the first merging between the two worlds...
I've also included part of President Franklin D. Roosevelts speech given on December 8, 1941, the very beginning and the very end it is in italics.

Chapter Text

“So, Queenie wants us to come for a visit to the bakery…Said something about having a late birthday treat for Vivian.” Newt said as he set dinner on the table with Vivian’s help.

“It has been a while since we’ve been to the bakery…” Percival sighed as he sat, it had been a long day due to him having taken the day before. “Any luck with the memories?” He looked at both of them as they sat with the roast and roasted veggies at the table.

Hedwig landed on the back of Vivian’s chair and snatched pieces of veggie that she held up for her companion.

“No…there were too many times she was bumped…or even grabbed.” Newt sighed squeezing Vivian’s hand in a gentle grip before turning to his meal. “The only time there was a prolonged touch was when those two young men helped her get back to us. Only thing is they were calling each other nicknames the whole time and we’ve no way to tell.”

Vivian held her sketch book in her hands and flipped through the pages past the one of the burning ships and to the one of the two men sharing a tender moment. She laid the image on the table before sitting back.

“That’s the young men…though they look a little older, maybe a year or so…” Newt said looking at the image. “I remember when you drew that…” He looked between the image and Vivian. “You think these are the two men for you?”

Vivian only nodded with a smile she remembered the dream that she’d had the night before which showed her a new image with the two men in the picture, they were wrapped protectively around her though there was a difference with the lighter haired man in that he was bigger and had more muscles. It was one that she held only in her mind not wanting to share it with others as it was just a gentle thought.

“Well then…we’ve got something to look for…” Newt smiled softly. “Do you want to go see Aunt Queenie?”

Vivian shook her head, she didn’t like the feeling that she got when Queenie looked at her, she knew that Queenie didn’t intentionally look into her mind, but her shields weren’t strong enough to keep the natural out.

Newt only nodded. “I’ll go and get some pastries. I think it just Queenie trying to be a matchmaker again.” He shrugged. “She wants everyone to find the happiness she has with Jacob.”

“Perhaps.” Vivian shrugged. “My shields aren’t strong enough right now.”

“Alright baby.” Newt nodded.

“I’ll stop in as well. Pick some things up for the crew…Let her get some gossip in…” Percival sighed as he ate the meal his family had made.

“Newt sweetie! Come in! Where’s little Viv?” Queenie said the next day when Newt came into the shop with a nervous sort of air to her.

“My Princess wasn’t up to coming out. She had a really bad night last night.” Newt replied, she’d been up several times screaming from the dreams that came to her and the images in the sketch book showed war in a bloody horrifying way.

“I’m sorry…” Queenie sighed with a tired look.

“It is the price that she pays for being woken to her gifts the way that she was.” Newt sighed rubbing his hand through his curls. “Percy said he was going to stop in.”

“He did…” Jacob said with a smile as he came out of the back with a large box filled with treats for them to take home. “Queenie got her daily dose of gossip.”

“Oh, hush you.” Queenie smiled at her husband and soulmate, so glad that the Rappaport’s Law did not extend to proven soulmates of a magical in a no-maj, though it hadn’t been figured out that they were soulmates until after the events of the Obscurial. It had been found that it took longer for people who were non magical to find their soulmates, especially when their soulmate was a magical, and that they needed to have more and longer contact for the tattoos to form. “He just had some information to share that Tina refuses to ‘since she no longer works there’…as if that stops her from hearing all the good stuff.” She smirked. “But with Tinie I still get good news anyway. Did you hear that her and Thee are expecting?”

“Yes, Thee told me the other day during out fire call.” Newt smiled happy for his big brother in a way he hadn’t been expecting. “He sent a gift through at that time for Viv for her birthday.”

“How did that go?” Queenie asked with a gentle expression.

“She was brave enough to go to Coney Island of all places…though some things happened that spooked her…she was really brave and had a lot of fun.” Newt smiled gently.

“I’m so glad.” Jacob sighed happy for his close friend. “We’ll gladly see her when she’s feeling better.”

“Something big is coming…” Newt’s expression took on a faraway look as he spoke. “She has visions of war similar to what Grindelwald was showing at the rally in Paris…but it is a thousand times worse…” He looked at his friends. “For there are more than just the no-maj’s and the magicals at war with Grindelwald but someone who knows the legends…I fear for her…I fear what the visions show her…”

“Do you know when…I mean the war is going on already in Europe.” Jacob said gently grateful that Newt had come when they were closing up for the day so that they could chat without having to watch their words.

“I’m not sure and she can’t say only that it is soon when America will be drawn in.” Newt said with sorrow in his eyes.

“I’m too old to fight now…and I’m already dealing with the rationing that’s happening…grateful for the tricks that you’ve learned to substitute things for sugar and other items.” Jacob nodded to Newt.

“Of course…anyway I need to get back to Vivian.” Newt said softly as he nodded in thanks to the pair for the box of treats that he had been given, he shrunk it down and placed it in his pocket so that he wouldn’t have to juggle it.

~*~*~December 8th, 1941~*~*~

The radio was playing in the corner of the townhome when the special announcement came over the line.

Vivian turned to the radio as Picket turned it up and closed her eyes in horror.

"Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan…” President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was saying over the airwaves explaining about the attack not only on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii but also on naval ships between Honolulu and San Francisco. She stood and moved to look out over the streets of New York as she listened to the speech being read. “I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.”

“So, it’s happened.” Newt said from where he stood looking at his daughter who had tears flowing from her eyes. “We’re at war…”

Vivian turned to look at her mama and papa, who was standing with his hands on Newt’s shoulders.

“We’re at war…” Percival replied with sorrow in every syllable.

“I'm going to fight…” Vivian looked at them with a firm expression on her face. “I know how to move through the ranks…I know how to spy…”

“No!” Newt stepped forward horrified at the thought of his daughter joining in the war in any way. “I just got you back…we can’t lose you again…”

“Mama…” Vivian stepped forward with her chin raised showing a slightly bent but complete spirit. “You know the images I’ve drawn…You know what they face…”

“And I know that I’ll lose you forever if you go.” Newt said with tears in his own eyes.

“But it would be by my choice.” Vivian said firmly. She looked at her parents with a firm expression. “I’ve already been helping…” She pulled herself up more with a soft expression. “I’ve been made an Agent of the ICW to help prevent the exposure of magic through the actions of Hydra and Grindelwald. Agent Vivian Graves at your service…”

“When?” Percival asked softly his own expression understanding and grief filled.

“I was approached by the ICW last month after I’d started going out more. They knew of what I’d been through and promised that they’d do what they could to make sure that none of my missions encountered Grindelwald. I can’t sit by and do nothing…not with the images that I see…If I can stop even one death from happening…They’re having me go by just Papa’s last name for ease…” Vivian looked at her parents.

“Then you need to do it…you wouldn’t be our daughter otherwise…” Percival nodded with tears caught on his lashes. “When did you get so brave?”

“When you helped me learn that I can be whoever I need to be. And gave me the time and space I needed to heal.” Vivian responded with a soft smile. “I received my first orders yesterday and was going to talk to you later today…” She looked at her parents. “I’m heading to help keep magic a secret in the midst of Dr. Erskine’s research.”

“You are my little Phoenix.” Newt walked up and cupped her cheek. “Being reborn into a stronger braver woman than we could ever dream for you.” Newt took a deep breath. “We’ll be here waiting for you.”

“No, you won’t…” Vivian said with tears in her eyes. “You’re going to be out there kicking Grindelwald’s ass.”

“Language young lady.” Newt chuckled through his tears.

“You’ve said worse.” Vivian chuckled and wrapped her mama in her arms. Many would say that she was pushing her past away and not processing things properly, but she knew that things would be different. She knew that she needed to do this and that through this she’d have a true chance with her mates for she’d continued to draw them, and, in each drawing, she saw one or both in uniforms, and the smaller of the two changed as the drawing progressed. “We’ll see each other again have no worries about that…” She knew deep in her heart that things were changing in ways that even she could not imagine.

“We’ll see each other again…and don’t think you’re getting away without keeping contact with us during all of this missy.” Newt said stepping back and cupping his daughter’s face. “I’m so proud of how far you’ve come.”

“And I’ll go even further…” Vivian whispered leaning into her mother’s touch.

“To the end of time and back again.” Percival said as he stepped up and wrapped Vivian in his own hug.

“And back again…” Vivian nodded as her phoenix sang into the room and landed on Vivian’s shoulder. “After all I’ve got so much to fight for now.”

They had through the new year before she was called to her first posting, at a building in New York itself, in Queens near her Aunt Queenie and Uncle Jacob’s bakery. They had been glad to allow an agent to live in the apartment above the bakery as a way to help keep watch, and Vivian had moved in there with another female who had rescued Dr. Erskine. The year passed in a blur as Vivian worked with Dr. Erskine to make sure that the truth of what was needed for the formula to work was never figured out by mundanes as well as making plans for what would happen if they figured it out.

~*~*~March 19th, 1942~*~*~

“Schmidt just made his move.” ICW agent Jones said as he came to get the news from Vivian on what has been happening. “He just attacked Tønsberg, Norway.”

“He’s found the tesseract?” Vivian looked up from her notes.

“Aye…and wiped out all the mundanes of the village, the maj’s were able to escape and took those they could that wouldn’t draw attention.” Jones said with a sorrowful look.

“Who are they sending in…” Vivian asked looking up from the papers briefly.

“They’re not sending anyone yet.” Jones shrugged. “Too much of a risk. At this moment they’re just figuring things’ll not be secret yet. They’re not worried about him discovering the secret.”

“If wishes were horses beggars would ride.” Vivian sneered. “What’s going on with Grindelwald?”

“That’s not your concern Agent Graves.” Jones stood up with a sneer. “You make sure that mundanes like Stark don’t figure out what the hell is going on with the formula. After all, most mundane medicines don’t glow.”

“I’ll deal with what I must. But don’t let Grindelwald fall to the wayside.” Vivian replied placing the papers aside and moving to the window to look out over the antique shop that they’d created the base for the Project Rebirth under. “We’re besieged on three sides the mundanes, the magicals, and those who would do what they could to discover both. Have care Agent Jones for there are threats that we cannot escape coming for us all.”

“The mundanes are not a worry of ours.” Jones sneered.

“That is where you are wrong.” Vivian turned to look at her commanding officer. “The mundanes are the ones who will bring the worst. I’d send word to the members of the Japanese Magical communities. Their mundane leaders have stirred the beast, but all shall perish if they don’t take steps to leave.”

“Whatever Agent Graves, I’ll send word though I doubt any would listen.” He shrugged. “You worry about the tasks you’ve been given.”

“On your head be it…” Vivian sighed as the man apparated away leaving her alone in the apartment watching the store across the way. “Hedwig…” She called out to her familiar. “I’ll need you to take a message…” She moved through the rooms to the little bedroom she’d been given. She grabbed paper and pen before sitting back at the desk before the window. “Agent Jones’ll not send word and I refuse to leave it to chance. Stay and find one that will listen to the warning…” She wrote out what she’d seen along with sending a copy of one of the images that she’d seen in her nightmares of a vibrant mushroom cloud of dust and debris with a temple in the background. “They’ve got until August of 1945 to find shelter.” She held out her letter to whomever would pay attention. She’d done what she could now it was up to others.

“Good evening, Vivian.” Peggy called as she entered the apartment placing her shopping to the side so that they could fix something to eat later. “How was the watch?”

“Same as always.” Vivian replied with a shrug.

“With time that will change. Dr. Erskine is getting closer to choosing.” Peggy said with a sigh as she moved to the window.

“No, he’s not…Colonel Phillips is simply pushing him to find one.” Vivian said knowing from her dreams who would be chosen and knowing that there would be a time when she would need to help make it so.

“No…he’s not.” Peggy nodded agreeing.

~*~*~June 14th, 1942~*~*~

“We should go to the Expo tonight, Dr. Erskine. See who comes to the recruiting offices there.” Vivian said softly as she helped tidy up for the doctor after the latest batch of rejected suggestions.

“If you think it would work…” Abraham said not expecting anything to happen.

“I’ve a good feeling you’ll find someone soon.” Vivian smiled before passing him the latest results being run on the formula. “I mean this last batch is what is needed. And you’ve got just enough with one left over for refabrications.”

“Are we truly ready?” Abraham looked at the young lady who’d blossomed and reminded him so much of his daughter that he’d lost in his attempt to flee to Switzerland.

“I believe you are Doctor.” Vivian smiled softly at the man.

“Then we shall go to the Expo.” He nodded.

Vivian watched Doctor Abraham Erskine don his brown suit jacket and fix his glasses that had been sliding down his face before gathering up his briefcase and moving through the lab below 73rd Street and Utopia Parkway in Queens. “I think…that things are going to be changing…and not necessarily for the better…at least at first.” She whispered as she followed behind. She nodded to the old woman who manned the front counter and stood guard before stepping outside. She looked over at her uncle’s place and knew everything was about to change.

“What was that my dear?” Erskine asked looking over at her.

“Just voicing some thoughts out loud doctor.” Vivian responded. “I’m ready to go when you are…” She walked over to the car that was at the ready for them.

“Of course.” Abraham climbed into the car with one of the SSR’s agents getting behind the wheel.

“To the Stark Expo recruitment office.” Vivian instructed and just got a nod in response. “Peggy is in New Jersey with Colonel Phillips. They’re going to be starting the runs for the latest batch tomorrow. If we find anyone tonight, we’ll have to send them straight away to the camp.” She sighed. “I fear that the Colonel will push for someone to be chosen from this next batch…but I have a good feeling that you’ll find someone this time.”

“I hope so…” Erskine nodded before setting his hat in place. “Perhaps I’ll wander the pavilions before going into the center see if anyone stands out…”

“You just want to explore the exhibits. Don’t you get enough working with Stark…” She was uncomfortable around the opinionated man who thought he was god’s gift to woman.

“Ah but it’s not all Stark’s work is it.” Erskine smiled in return.

“Touché.” Vivian chuckled. To think that two years ago she’d not been brave enough to do any of this but now she was working in making sure that the magical world didn’t get exposed.

In another part of the city, a short distance from where the antique shop and bakery lay another pair was getting ready to head to the Expo as well. Bucky had gotten his orders and gotten Steve out of yet another brawl. They then made plans to spend the night exploring the Expo before Bucky was to ship out the next day. They’d searched since the day they discovered their matching marks for the other of their triad but so far, they’d had no luck. People had started to whisper about the pair of them and being ‘unnatural’ so Bucky had found some girls to be their dates even though he knew that they wouldn’t be anything more than a distraction for the community.

“Come on Punk we’re going to be late!” Bucky called out as they arrived at the Expo. “Hey Dolls!” He waved back putting on an image of a playboy that was still respectful to the women.

Steve just put on the look of a bashful dejected young man who couldn’t find a date on his own.

Little did the pair know that they were only 50 feet from their third when they argued in the recruitment center entrance, she was at one of the desks looking over the forms laid out and the information displayed. Erskine stood listening to their argument and admiring the young man whose body betrayed a struggle to survive but was still so willing to do what he could to join the fight.

“Ms. Graves…” Erskine walked up to the desk. “A young man will be coming up soon to turn in some papers…I want everything you can find on him…”

“Of course, Doctor.” Vivian nodded and looked over to see who he was talking about, and she just knew…it was about to begin.

Chapter 4


so things are starting to take off...things are going to change slightly from here on out...more than Vivian getting after the ones that thought they had the right to treat Steve like he was only an experiment, or show monkey, instead of human...

Chapter Text

Vivian watched everything happening as they prepped the chamber to perform the procedure that will create a super soldier. She watched as Peggy led Steve into the room and had him move to greet Dr. Erskine. When the Doctor told him to strip down, she had to fight back the gasp that wanted to cross her lips at the sight of the ‘tattoo’ on his back.

“Where did you get that Steve?” Peggy asked her head co*cked to the side as she noticed it before going up stairs.

“A few years ago, after my best friend and I went to Coney for a day.” Steve shrugged as he finished handing things over to the young nurse that had stepped up. “He’s got one just like it…It was after my ma passed…”

Vivian was over checking the vials again to make sure that things were safe and there were no cracks. She’d warned Dr. Erskine of a ‘bad feeling’ she had that he was going to be targeted today but he’d just waved it off. She took a deep breath as she watched Peggy head up to the observation area while she rolled over the vials full of the serum. She discreetly scanned her mate and knew that if this worked how she expected his magical core would turn from keeping him alive to being a full-fledged core. She’d have to find a way to carefully teach him how to keep his magic hidden. One of the men up in the observation gave her a bad feeling but she couldn’t do anything about it at the moment.

“We’re ready Doctor.” Vivian whispered as she stepped back, she would be helping with the monitoring of the procedure. She watched as the nurse stepped up and gave Steve the penicillin injection before she stepped back up to help insert the vials into the machine that her soulmate was laying on. She hated the thought that she was going to be part of the introduction of pain that he would be experiencing but she also knew that this had to happen. “When you’re ready…” She nodded before moved off the platform.

The next fifteen minutes she watched and listened as first Dr. Erskine spoke of the future, the procedure began, and then the chaos that followed. She hid a glare at the actions of Agent Peggy as she reached out to fondle Steve’s chest, Peggy was so focused on being respected for her talents instead of her physical assets and yet she was willing to fondle someone else and objectify them. The explosion knocked most off their feet, though with a lot it was as they were ducking for cover. Vivian felt as if something else was going to happen and looked toward the one remaining vial and the man that stood beside it.

“Stop him!” She yelled out, pointing at the man, she’d been standing beside Dr. Erskine hoping to help when the thing she’d seen came to be. She worried she wouldn’t make it in time to stop him.

Dr. Erskine heard her call and looked up in shock before calling out the same thing when he saw the man grab the vial. The gun shots that rang out startled several, the other nurses screamed even though they’d been drafted from the army medical force. Steve was beside her in minutes as she helped lower the doctor to the ground.

“Stay with me Doc!” Vivian called out keeping her eyes on the man. “Look at me!”

He was looking over at Steve and talking to him. She watched as Steve’s expression went harsh as he looked in the direction of the man who’d fired the shot.

“Get him…don’t worry about getting the vial…” Vivian whispered. “Be careful of the false tooth…If he’s caught, he’ll use it…”

Steve looked at her briefly before nodding not even letting Erskine finish what he was saying before running off. There was so much chaos as he was moving through the crowd that she was able to take out a little vial of Hedwig’s tears and drip two into the worst wound, the doctor had been hit several times but the one closest to his heart was the most worrying. She healed it enough not to kill him but enough that no one would look too closely.

“He’s just unconscious!” Vivian told a nurse that came close. “Get him to medical but make sure he has a guard at ALL TIMES!” She had also slipped a vial of a modified draught of living death that would work on a mundane, or squib, and would make it seem as if he was in a coma instead of just unconscious. She then grabbed a gun off the nearest guard that was still in the area and rushed off up the stairs behind the others.

“MISS GRAVES!” Several voices shouted out behind her, but she ignored it. They didn’t attempt to stop Peggy they weren’t going to stop her. Especially since knowing her Uncle and Aunt they’d try to help if something was happening, and she wasn’t about to let them get hit. She heard the shooting happening and snarled.

She watched as Steve tackled Peggy out of the way of the speeding vehicle and ran up beside them. “Steve, you stick to them like glue…I’ll deal with Peggy.”

“Deal with me?!” Peggy snarled as she stood up. “I Had them!”

“You also almost had several civilians!” Vivian snarled as she got into Peggy’s face, not caring that she was so much shorter than Peggy. “Including my UNCLE AND AUNT!” She snarled turning her so that she could see what was going on in the street around them. “There are CHILDREN ON THE ROAD! What did you think was going to happen if you just started firing! Get your act together and help the civilians that were hit!” She shoved her in the direction of others. She went and checked on the agents that had been hit thankfully she found a few that were hit but not dead. She wept when she came upon a child that had been hit and killed, she bit back a snarl when she found the bullet laying a short distance from the child. “CARTER!” She looked over at the woman getting her attention and having her come over. “This is what happens when you fire randomly into the street…” She snarled standing up and holding out the bullet for Peggy to see. “Innocents won’t be going home. Use your head! And learn when to fire and when to wait!”

Peggy looked down at the dead child with horror in her eyes, yes, they were at war, yes there were children that were killed overseas but to see it here in New York…it hit her in a way that didn’t while she was helping find the one for Erskine to use the serum on.

“BOBBY!!!” A mother’s wail cut through as she came tearing down the street. “BOBBY!!!” She was hunting for a child looking around she slowed when she saw Vivian and Peggy standing to the side with one looking horrified and the other looking angry and then she noticed the shoes between the women’s feet. “NOOOO!” She dashed forward pushing the two women out of the way. “BOBBY NO!!! NOT YOU TOOOO!!!” She gathered her baby into her arms sobbing.

“That Agent Carter is what happens when you act without thought.” Vivian snarled. “Ma’am I’m sorry for your loss…I’ll help with the funeral costs if you need it…” Vivian knelt down beside the woman who was looking at her with a lost expression.

“I just got word this morning that his father was killed overseas…and now this…” The woman was rocking while holding her son’s slowly cooling body.

“I’ll take care of her Viv dear…” Queenie said as she walked over and placed a gentle hand on her niece’s shoulder. “You’re needed to take care of the mess inside…” She nodded back toward the building they’d come out of. “Both of you're needed.” She then turned back to the woman grieving. “Come on Sugar…let’s get you inside…My Jacob has something that will help you…” She whispered softly as she helped the woman to her feet. “I’ll make some of my special hot chocolate…it will help…”

“I don’t know what to do…” The woman sobbed as she still cradled her baby in her arms.

Vivian grabbed Peggy’s arm and pulled her away from the scene glad from her aunt’s words to know that both her and uncle were safe. She was amazed that Peggy let her move her but also glad for she was so pissed she’d have used magic, if need be, to get her to move. She stopped and looked at the woman who’d been their forward watch lying dead. She continued through the halls and checked on the soldiers that were down. She stepped into the lab and glared at the blown-up sitting section and the crowd that was still mingling and trying to figure things out.

“Agent Graves, you do not have permission to take a gun and run off when you are here as a purely medical consult.” Phillips snarled at her as she entered the room.

“You are not my commanding officer Colonel so forgive me if I don’t give a sh*t what you think I’m allowed. Because of the Governor Brandt bringing a spy into the facility we’ve got civilian casualties along with several agents dead. Not to mention the wounds on Dr. Erskine.” Vivian snarled getting into his face. “One of the casualties is a child. The mother having just this morning received word that her husband was killed overseas.” Vivian got as close to the man as she could glaring at both him and Governor Brandt. “Now I’ve been brought in to protect this project and the Doctor. Since he’s in my care I’ll make sure that he survives. But you sir do NOT get to order me around.” She co*cked her head. “Add to that you aren’t scolding Agent Carter for doing the exact same. I never fired the gun. I carried it knowing that those out there were armed, and I may need to fire it. I wasn’t about to let more civilians die if I could help it.” She handed the gun back to the guard that she’d gotten it from in the first place. “Now…I’m going to the medical division and check on Doctor Erskine.”

“You’ll do no such thing.” Phillips snarled down at her. “You are here by relieved of your post.”

“As I said before you don’t command me, Colonel. Only my superiors can command me to leave my post. And just so you know. I’m to be attached to not only Dr. Erskine but any that he successfully performs the procedure on. Perhaps before you try to take command of things you don’t understand you read the full docket of the person you’re trying to control.” Vivian snarled before turning and storming out of the area heading for the medical section of the tunnels where they’d set up the SSR base.

Peggy watched Vivian stand up to the Colonel who was so much taller than her as if she had no worry about the trouble that would come from the backfire. She followed Vivian as she headed to the medical wing of the tunnels.

“Who the HELL authorized this?!!!!” Vivian snarled out as she entered the room where Steve’s blood was being pulled. Peggy was standing beside the bed with a file packet in her arms while Steve was on the bed. “Nurse Destroy those vials NOW!” Vivian snarled.

“With the Doctor in a deep coma due to his age and injuries the only clue to unlocking the serum is in that blood there.” Peggy said straightening up.

“Only FOOLS would play with something like that! Idiots!” Vivian turned and snarled when she didn’t see the nurse following her orders. “Out!” She moved with purpose to block the nurse and take the vials of blood. “OUT NOW YOU Incompetent bitch!” She sneered at the woman who was looking like she was about to slap Vivian for attempting to order her to do something. “Beside Doctor Erskine I AND ONLY I Have the authority to authorize the experiments on the blood and I NEVER gave the order nor would I EVER!”

“Now Vivian…” Peggy tried to speak up.

“NO!” Vivian snarled having the rack of vials in her hands as she turned. “You are NOT to conduct any experiments…Get out.” She pointed with one hand as the Nurse dashed out, likely to report her to Colonel Phillips but she didn’t give a sh*t. Steve remained when Peggy huffed and exited the room in frustration, likely for the same reason as the nurse. “You can stay Steve. You should witness the destruction of the vials. Did they take anything else?”

Steve blushed and explained that they’d had him give a biological sample along with siliva.

“They want to see if your seed would produce a child with the super serum in it.” Vivian snarled. “Do you know of the hidden realm?”

“Yes…Buck’s ma was a no-maj born to maj.” Steve answered carefully. “She told us several stories that my ma backed up. My ma was the same as Buck’s.”

“Good…there was testing done…the serum will only work for those with a core…you have one, but it was focused on keepin ya alive.” Vivian explained. “So, you should know that we can’t let our blood or other biologicals get found or studied. It shows in the samples…”

“We wondered…” Steve nodded. “There were several times I should’ve died but didn’t.”

“Exactly. When the ICW heard of Dr. Erskine’s research they needed someone near him to keep the society hidden.” Vivian moved to where the other samples were and sneered before putting it all in a large beaker and putting it in a bowl. “Now…before the puss* is back with MP, I’m taking care of this.” She then sent a flash of flame into the beaker and watched with Steve at her back to witness as everything was destroyed. “Don’t let them talk you into giving any more. Say it’s against your religious beliefs or something.”

“I tried but they still forced it.” Steve shrugged. “I remember my ma telling me to never let someone take blood that wasn’t needed for medical testing to figure out what was wrong with me.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “They’re not gonna let me overseas are they.”

“You’ll get there…” Vivian smirked thinking of the things she’d seen in her dreams. “You can work on your art and stage fright in the meantime.”

“Wha…” Steve started to ask but was interrupted by MP’s entering the room with Colonel Phillips in a rage.

“Colonel Phillips…I don’t care what you’re going to say you’re going to listen to me.” Vivian turned with her eyes flashing in her anger. “When someone tells you that it is against their religious beliefs to have their blood drawn, I don’t care what rank they are you LISTEN!” She snarled. “You are also aware that as long as Doctor Erskine is ALIVE…that you are not to try and conduct any sort of experiment to figure out the formula. I was sent here to protect the Doctor and his formula. The President sent me here personally for this. And I’LL NOT HAVE YOU IGNORE THE ORDERS YOU WERE GIVEN.” She snarled getting up in the Colonel’s face again. “As it is I’m taking Doctor Erskine to a secure facility since the time he’s been laying in his coma there have been three more attempts on his life in the past three days. HYDRA knows of this base because of that bastard that got in. And I’m not risking more doing so. If Doctor Erskine wakes and decides to return to continue assisting the SSR that is up to him. As it is right now, I’ve got his power of attorney.” She pulled out a file from the bag she’d set down when she entered. “I’ve already gathered all his research and things. Now you will move out of the way. If I discover that anyone and I mean ANYONE attempts to force Rogers to give his blood or any other form of biological specimine again I’ll be having your rank and your pension.” She sneered not only at Colonel Phillips but at Agent Carter who’d walked in with a smug air behind only to blanch at what she was hearing. “Also, if I find that anyone attempts to force their attention on Rogers the same will happen. He’s a human being NOT a Scientific experiment!” She walked around Phillips to Carter. “Just as you don’t like being whistled at or ogled you should take into consideration that someone else might not like the same thing happen to them. Keep your hands to yourself Agent Carter.” She whispered before she picked up her bag again and left the room heading to the hospital room across the way where she found Doctor Erskine hooked up to several machines keeping track of his vitals. She glared at the nurse that was in there, it was the one that had been taking the blood. She was in the process of filling a syringe with something. “How long have you been HYDRA?” She asked stepping up and snatching the vial and syringe before the woman even registered anything going on.

“Long enough!” The Nurse snarled.

“Have fun greeting Death for me.” Vivian snarled. “He’s an old friend.” She cracked a smile that was tight as she pulled out the gun she’d been carrying since after the events in the lab, and she’d handed the gun she’d grabbed back to the guard. The gunshot brought several back to the room and she sneered. “So much for guarding Doctor Erskine and protecting the formula when the one you had taking the blood was HYDRA all along.” She bent down and pried the woman’s mouth open before pulling out the cyanide tooth. “She was making attempt number four on Doctor Erskine. Leading me to believe that the move couldn’t come soon enough.” She showed the tooth and the vial and syringe to the others. “Clean up your ranks or someone else might slip in and make things difficult.”

Vivian had taken Doctor Erskine via ambulance to the area that held the medical facility for the magical side. She handed him over to the care of the healers and explained that he needed to remain in his coma until the end of the war to keep him safe. She then got her orders from the ICW to get into the base of HYDRA and sneered at the fact that they were ignoring what they’d said they were doing and was being sent over to the war zone.

“Who gave these directives?” Vivian asked crossing her arms as she looked at her handler.

“The Head of the ICW.” Jones sneered back at her.

“Really…” Vivian lifted an eyebrow. “Was it them or was it you who decided it since I went over your head to inform them of the threats that were going to be coming toward the Japanese Magical community.” She tilted her head. “I have in my MAGICAL contract signed by the heads of the department, the president, and the head of the ICW that I’m not to be sent overseas while Grindelwald is still on the loose. And I know for a fact that he’s still on the loose and attempting to get into the facility for the same reason that HYDRA is working on things. He wants the power of the tesseract.”

“Too bad…” Jones said before snapping his wand up. “You’re going…” He smirked. “Only not as a spy but a test subject…” He snapped out a curse that Vivian threw up a shield for quickly before she felt a prick at the back of her neck.

“Bastard…” She whispered reaching up and pulling out the dart and looking in the direction of where it had come from, she saw a flash of red hair and beard and a smirk. Darkness washed over her as she felt her body be picked up.

“Take her to Herr Schmidt with our well wishes.” A voice she’d heard several times in the care of Grindelwald spoke as Jones apparated away. “I’ll deal with the good doctor.”

After all Death can only be avoided so long for someone whose time had been scheduled. Erskine had been scheduled to die that day at the lab and that is the reason he’d had so many chances.

Vivian woke up three days later strapped to a table in a lab with only a bra and panties on and an IV full of a glowing formula pumping into her. She couldn’t feel her magic, but she could feel a collar around her neck, so she knew that somehow, they’d gotten a hold of a magic suppression collar.

“Well f*ck…” She whispered before letting her eyes slide back close. “Didn’t see this happening…”

“Willkommen Erbin Graves-Scamander (Welcome Heiress Graves-Scamander) …” A man stepped into view of her head even though she was strapped fully down to the table and couldn’t move her head. “You are going to help us so much with the rise of HYDRA.” He smirked. “Magic and Science are well matched.”

“sh*t…” Vivian closed her eyes mentally cursing Jones and the one who’d helped him.

“Perhaps with time you will carry the heir of my legacy…” He smirked as he looked at her. “First we need to take some tests…” He stepped back. “Oh, and Fräulein (Miss) thanks to the assistance of Herr (Mister) Jones your little pet won’t be able to get you from here…”

The sound of footsteps walking away from the bed to the side of the room followed by the sound of a metal door closing caused her to start cursing even more.

Chapter 5: Possible Triggers in this chapter!


There is rape that happens in this chapter! It is marked like this: ~*~*~warning: non/con, Rape scene~*~*~ you can skip if you desire just go between the two areas marked as shown.
There is also miscarriage mentioned. Please read carefully to keep yourself safe. At the end there will be a short summary of the warning section. Please keep yourself safe. Thank you for reading my stories and your patience as I work on writing each chapter.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

October 30, 1943

Vivian sighed as yet another round of tests were conducted. She’d been moved from the mountain fortress she’d first awoken into another buried in a forest. She could feel the land around them, the screaming echoes of the balance disturbed by the war and death. Vivian’s voice was wrecked from the screams brought about from the testing. The table that she was strapped to would fit in a mad scientist's torture chamber/ laboratory. It was currently raised so that she was all but standing up even though she was strapped to the table. She was simply glad that with the help of Mother Magic before her capture she’d been able to hide the soul mark upon her back.

“Now…we have a new test subject to join you…” Doctor Zola smirked as he came in with two guards dragging a battered and wounded soldier. “You cooperated Fräulein, or we will test everything on Herr Soldat (Mr. Soldier).” He smirked as he directed the masked soldiers to place him upon the second table in the room and strap him down. “What say you Fräulein? Will you answer our questions now?”

Vivian kept her mouth shut as she watched them strap the man to the table tears in her eyes, she was apologizing to him with a look and had to give a sorrowful smile when he told them to focus on him. He egged them on until they actually went through with it. She let the tears fall from her eyes as his first screams echoed out. She swore in all the languages that she knew, including Parsletongue, when she saw them attach the IVs with the glowing concoction pumping the poison it was into his body. She willed even with her weakened magic that somehow some way he’d be protected from the poison. They though they’d created their own version of the Super Soldier Serum but there was a reason that every test subject failed to survive before this point. Even bound her magic had burned the foul concoction from her body.

“See what you cause Fräulein?” Zola smirked as the soldier passed out from the testing. “If he dies that is on you and your silence.” He walked over and turned up the electricity that they pump through her instead of leaving her collared, they had figured that by leaving her collared they were risking her death with the wounds and serum that they caused her. Instead through experiments they figured that they could keep her from reaching her magic when they had her hooked up to a current that would normally kill another. “Your stubbornness will get many killed…oh but you will survive…We begin the process for you to carry Hydra’s heirs tomorrow…Enjoy your last night pure…” He smirked and ran his beady little eyes up and down her form, still clothed in only her underwear and bra. “Perhaps Herr Schmidt will allow me a taste after you grant him his wish…” He looked back up at her before turning and leaving the room.

Vivian watched as the soldier roused enough and started stating him serial number and rank.

~*~*~Warning: Begin Non-con/rape scene~*~*~

The next day as she was woken by the laughter of the guards who were carrying in a odd table that had the look of modified breeding bench with extra straps to keep her head and arms in place. They then took her to the bench and strapped her down cutting away her few remaining garments and slapping her breasts and ass. Several of them roughly shoved their gloved fingers into her vagin* and one was even brave enough to finger her ass. She could hear them talking about how they wouldn’t mind having a turn with the one that was to become the Bitch of Hydra. She was sobbing by the time they were sure she was as secure as she could be before they stepped back, Zola turned up the electricity a touch to get even more screams, he even added clamps to her nipples that had the electricity flowing through it.

Schmidt entered the room and gave a perverted grin as she struggled where she was. He didn’t care that the soldier was strapped to a table close by he didn’t care that there was one of the guards present as he approached, the rest including Zola were banished from the room at a simple order from Schmidt.

“Cooperate Fräulein and the Häftling (Prisoner) lives…” Schmidt leaned over her with a leering sneer. “Fight against me and you will watch as my soldat slits his throat.” He turned the bench and forced her head up so that she could see where the guard was holding a large knife to the prisoner’s throat. “As for you Häftling…you will watch and witness the continuation of Hydra…Look away or close your eyes and I’ll just keep going until such time as you give in to watch…” Schmidt then pulled out a vial of a vibrant red potion which he forced down Vivian’s throat before drinking a vibrant green potion and shuddering. “I must remember to thank Herr Dumbledore and Herr Grindelwald…” He shuddered again and it was clear that he was painfully aroused as he adjusted to where he was standing behind her at her bare arse. He opened his trousers releasing his erection. “Now Wench…we start. Feel free to struggle and scream…no one will help you…and it will just make it more pleasurable for me…”

Vivian couldn’t help but scream and thrash as he slammed his erection into her with a groan on his part. The American prisoner was cursing at Schmidt and struggling against the bonds that held him down. The guard simply hit him with a stun baton while palming his own erection from watching the show before him.

“That’s right…take it…ughh…yes…so tight…” Schmidt panted and groaned as he f*cked in and out of her caring nothing for her comfort or release, he was only seeking his own. He groaned as he came the first time and Vivian screamed as she felt the tearing that began happening. “Yes! Ahh…yes…take my knot! f*ck! Yes! I knew that I was superior man! Ughh…yes!” The potion that he’d taken in conjunction to the serum that was in his body changed him to have the co*ck of an alpha werewolf complete with a knot that was locked into Vivian even as she screamed and struggled. “You’ll carry my heirs! Take it…ugh…” He ripped the knot from her even though it hadn’t shrunk at all and continued to f*ck her with it seeking another release. “Soldat…shut her up…” Schmidt commanded the guard that was standing in the room and gestured to her head. “A reward for your dedication to the cause…”

The guard didn’t waste a second before he was over and pulling his own co*ck from the confines of his uniform and thrusting into her screaming mouth gagging her with it.

“Ugh…thank you sir…” The soldier stuttered out as he continued to f*ck her throat. “She’s taking it all…ugnn…” He grabbed her head and with double fist full of hair began ramming even harder into her throat seeking release before yanking her head to his pelvis and stilling as he spilled down her throat. “Ya…yeah…yes…take it bitch…” He continued thrusting after swallowing the potion that Schmidt handed to him, it was then that Vivian realized that it was Jones. She wished she could bite his co*ck off but the way he was holding her head she couldn’t. “Ugnng…such a good bitch…servicing your betters…yes…ugn…that’s it gag for it…” He came again down her throat.

The pair thanks to the potion continued to rape her for the rest of the day while the prisoner was forced to watch. She’d passed out after the fourth time Schmidt had come but it didn’t stop them.

~*~*~End Non-Con/Rape Scene~*~*~

When Vivian came around again it was already the next day and she couldn’t help but sob even though her throat was torn, and she shuddered at the memories that surfaced. She looked over to see that the prisoner was gone and there was a new puddle of drying blood beneath the table. Zola entered the room and looked at the information that was waiting for him as a new soldier was brought in. He was just as battered at the last one.

“Now Feldwebel (Sergeant)” The rank of the prisoner was sneered. “We begin the deeper tests…” Zola looked over at the dark-haired man who had the necessary skills to be a true asset if the work prospered, he also had discrepancies in his blood that would hopefully allow him to survive. “We’ve done the basics in the other room…now we go deeper…” Zola smirked as he set up the machines and IV’s. He tilted the table up enough that the prisoner would be able to see the woman strapped down. “Fight us any longer and you will watch as we break her even further…” Zola made sure that the sem*n and blood-soaked bench was in sight behind her. “I’m sure there are several that would enjoy a chance at the Hündin von Hydra (bitch of Hydra).” Zola smirked. “And Fräulein…fight us and he dies all the faster…” The assistants came in and hooked up a feeding tube and additional IVs on Vivian. “After all you possibly carry Herr Schmidt’s heirs.”

The Sergeant started cursing for he knew what had happened to the young woman. The only cover that she had was the metal bands that crossed her chest over her breasts and the thicker one that crossed over her privates. They’d not cleaned her up, so she was covered in dry sem*n and blood. Fire lit his eyes as he looked in her eyes and saw that she was giving up. He tried to show that he’d figure out a way to help her. Though he had no idea how he would he mentally vowed he’d get her out of there, a deep sense flowing through his body as he made the mental vow as if something in his very soul would hold him to it.

Vivian’s eyes slowly cleared over the following days as they pumped her with a foul nutritional co*cktail and IVs of fluids and nutrients to keep her as healthy as could be. Fire grew in her eyes as she noticed that the man attached to the table was the same as the day after the events of her defilement. One of the soldiers sprayed her down with a harsh stream of ice-cold water, finally cleansing her of everything that had been done to her and all the other bodily excretions that would happen after they started force feeding her. She knew it was late in the day, the pair of prisoners were alone in the lab. The soldier mumbling to himself repeating his rank and serial number in his partial consciousness. Tomorrow they’d be testing her to see if she was pregnant, she prayed with all that she was that it would come back negative though she could already feel it in her magic that her dreams would not come true. She knew that the red potion she’d been fed was a high-powered fertility potion while the green one had been one to help the males stay erect for a long time and produce more seed than they normally would.

Vivian was startled a short time later as shouts started echoing through the building and Zola came dashing into the room. He looked at her with a sneer before turning to gather items and stuffing them into the briefcase he carried. To guards came in behind him and went to her table. One started unstrapping her and she smirked. The fools had not been feeding electricity into her for a while for fear of harming any fetuses that there could be, and she bared her teeth when the first strap was removed.

“Avada Kedavra!” She shouted twice dropping the men on either side of the table and reaching to finish the process of taking the straps off, her head span from using so much wandless magic even though she had a large core. She stood on wobbling legs and pulled the different tubes and pieces off of her while keeping her eye on Zola.

“We’ll find you again…” Zola stuttered out his eyes wide in shock.

“You’re welcome to try…I’ll do to you what I did to them.” She gestured at the two soldiers, she flipped one over with her foot and smirked to see it was Jones. “Run along to your master…tell him…he’s welcome to try and cage the phoenix again…but his death will come to him in fire!” She snarled and cast a blasting curse at the man blasting him out into the hall.

Zola kept a hold of his suitcase and struggled to his feet turning and looking down the hall he swore as he saw the American soldier known as Captain America standing at the end of the hallway. With a curled lip he turned and dashed down the hall the other direction he’d simply blame the blasted Americans for being unable to bring her to Herr Schmidt as ordered.

Steve Rogers steps faltered as he saw the small man look at him before taking off. He went to chase him but stopped as he reached the doorway of the room the man had come out of. Something called out to him from within and he’d learned since the serum to listen to those feelings. Back tracking two steps he entered the room. Looking one way he saw a map hanging on the wall with pins in strategic places. A moan and a snarl drew his attention the other way and he bit back a gasp of shock when he saw that not only was Bucky strapped to the table struggling to get free, but Miss Graves was standing over him attempting to get the straps off of him and cursing creatively. He was shocked to see that her hair which reached the back of her knees was the only thing covering her at the moment, his mind briefly went to the statue of Lady Godiva that he’d seen pictures of while studying art, and quickly worked off his jacket before approaching her.

Vivian turned with another curse on her tongue only to sigh in relief as she saw Steve. The glamour on her soulmark had fallen when she brushed Sergeant Barnes’s hand when attempting to release the strap holding his arms down.

“I’ve got this…here…” Steve stepped up and handed her his jacket, which hung to her knees due to her small stature and reached over to pull of the binds that were holding Bucky to the table. “Come on let’s get out of here…”

Vivian moved to follow but her legs felt weak from not using them for months. She bit back a sob; she’d actually fallen against the table that was holding Sergeant Barnes after Zola had fled and it had been the only thing holding her up.

Steve was there instantly and pulled her into his arms. “Let me carry you…” He whispered as he cradled her to his chest. He felt the pulse of power that flowed through them at the contact he had with her bare legs.

Vivian just clung to him and did her best not to sob and recoil from the touch, for even if it was her soulmate, it was the touch of a man and that was one thing that she didn’t want at the moment. She shuddered in his arms and let him lead her and Bucky through the compound as explosions started to flare around them. She pulled what little magical reserves she had after the blasting curse and two death curses to shield them from flying debris. When they changed direction and came upon Schmidt with Zola as she was clinging to Steve she shuddered even more. Steve handed her to Bucky who wrapped himself around her even though he was weakened from the testing that had been done and lack of adequate nutrition for survival. They watched as Steve confronted Schmidt who’d started forward upon spotting her. Yeah, he was bragging about being the superior man and such but his eyes when not following the motions of Steve were tracking her where she stood huddled in Bucky’s arms. When Zola pressed the lever to being Schmidt back toward him, she was grateful, though she hated that she as grateful to the sad*stic bastard, even though it meant they didn’t have a way over any longer.

“I will find you again Fräulein…” Schmidt called out looking straight at her. “And I will have the heirs you carry!”

“I’ll kill you first bastard!” Vivian snarled out her face twisted in anger. She was not going to let him control her.

Steve pulled her back into his arms as he directed them up to the area above them and sent Bucky across the stretch. Vivian tested her magical reserves and sighed clinging to Steve as the beam collapsed just as Bucky leapt the final distance.

“Captain Rogers, do you trust me?” Vivian looked up at him distracting him from his shouts to Bucky for him to get out of there.

“Of course, I do Miss Graves.” Steve looked down at her in his arms.

“Then take a deep breath for this will feel odd.” Vivian whispered before pulling on her reserves and apparating them across the distance.

“Holy sh*t…” Bucky whispered turning to look at Vivian and Steve. “Graves…Like Lord Percival Graves-Scamander the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement?” Bucky stepped forward.

“One of my fathers.” She looked at him with a curious expression.

“Two months ago, before we were captured, we ran into Lord Graves-Scamander as he was searching for a specific target and a secondary. The 107 is made up of wizards and squibs or those in the know…” Bucky looked between Steve and Vivian. “We could see he was more interested in the secondary target…”

“Who was he searching for…” Vivian asked cautiously as they moved through the building with Steve still carrying her, thanks to the conversation and the danger around her she was able to remain conscious though she knew that she was going to pass out as soon as they were in a location of safety. “Who were his targets?”

“Herr Grindelwald…and an Agent Jones…who went missing at the same time as his daughter and had been the last to be seen with her…” Bucky stated simply keeping an eye on the area around them and snagging a gun as he went after killing the soldier that was carrying it with a quick snap of the neck.

“HE betrayed me…brought me to Schmidt as a ‘gift’ from Grindelwald…and a second of his…My mind is fuzzy on who it was…which means someone messed with my mind for I don’t forget things.” Vivian managed to stutter out, though she also snarled when she realized what it meant. “He was rewarded a few weeks ago…” She shuddered as she remembered the ‘reward’ he’d been granted. “And he was paid in full earlier.” She smirked a with a blood thirsty look. “One of the two soldiers that I killed…”

Bucky smirked in response he was proud of her for taking the actions she did even though he could see that it had hurt her. “Good girl…I’m proud of you…I vowed mentally that I’d get you the hell out of here…And with Steve’s help we’ve done it…there is the way to freedom…” He pointed out the blasted open doors to where other prisoners were killing the soldiers and stealing supplies.

“We should try and find her something to wear…” Steve said before looking out at the others.

“When my magic is recovered, I’ll be able to transfigure clothing until we reach safety and can get me some proper clothes…” Vivian sighed out as she snuggled into Steve even though another part of her wanted to flee.

“Come on…let’s get out of here then…” Steve nodded and carried Vivian from the exploding wreckage behind them.

They joined the other Prisoners of War on the trek from the facility in Austria and the others were shocked when they noticed the woman that Steve was carrying. As the days went on the weary prisoners continued to march, what should’ve taken them only two days at most it instead took them four. They could not do the thirty-mile march as fast as they normally would do the injured and weak among them and the refusal to leave any behind. The other prisoners had thought to grab supplies that included extra clothes which they handed some to Vivian, worried for her in the Cold Austrian fall weather. It was as they reached the enemy lines that Vivian knew that even if she was pregnant at one point, she wasn’t now for the cramps were horrid and when they were almost within sight of the allies' camp she would’ve collapsed if not for Bucky’s arm keeping her upright.

“Steve!” Bucky cried out stopping Steve and the others, who’d started to see Vivian as their mascot and little sister, in their tracks. “Viv what’s wrong?” He helped her lower to the ground carefully.

“I’m losing the fetus…” She whispered looking up at Bucky with wide eyes. “My magic is purging my body of that which would harm it…” She grimaced as she wrapped her arms around her stomach and Bucky cursed as he saw the blood soaking the seat of her pants.

“f*ck…” Bucky looked up at Steve as he came to kneel beside them. “We need to get her to the medics…she’s having a miscarriage from the rape.” He whispered to those that were gathered close, Dum-Dum brought over a blanket to wrap her in so the men wouldn’t see the blood. While Falsworth, Morita, Jones, and Dernier all created a living wall around her as she cursed and sobbed reliving the awful day that occurred weeks ago. “We need to get her to safety…”

“I’ll carry her…” Steve said nodding at the group. “Keep the others away if you can…we need to reach the camp…it's just ahead…” Steve sighed as he looked back at Vivian. “May I pick you up and carry you?”

“Please…” Vivian nodded sobs choaking her throat.

Steve had her in his arms and was standing within moments. “Let’s keep moving…we’re nearly there!” He called out to the other rescued soldiers.

That statement lit another breath in the group as they all picked up their pace and were soon moving at a steady clip to the allied camp that had been just out of range. When others started shouting from the other side of the line Steve wanted to smile but he ignored the cheers and continued moving through the crowd the others helping create a path for him.

“I need a medic!” Steve shouted as soon as he could go no further due to the crowd.

“You’re late…” Peggy stepped forward with a smug look on her face before it transformed into a look of shock. “Is that Agent Graves?!”

Vivian had tucked her face into Steve’s neck not wanting to see the looks that would be surrounding them nor feel any of the touches from all the men that were cheering.

“What is wrong with her?” Peggy stepped forward attempting to get a look.

“Something she’d not want broadcasted for the world to know…Now back off and let the medics through here or let me through to the medics.” Steve sneered before pushing his way through. He always felt uncomfortable around Peggy when he felt she was attempting to flirt with him, even though he hadn’t seen her until he’d arrived overseas, she still didn’t let up.

“She’s been a prisoner of Hydra since she went missing…what do you think is wrong with her?” Bucky sneered at the red head who wouldn’t move out of the way and even went to touch both Steve and Vivian.

“Colonel…After I get Agent Graves to the medics, I’ll submit myself for disciplinary actions.” Steve looked at the man who had called him a science experiment and would’ve had him confined to a lab to study if he hadn’t gone on that campaign tour for the senator.

The colonel looked at the woman buried in a blanket clutching onto the captain as if he was a lifeline and simply shook his head. “That won’t be necessary kid. Just get her taken care of. I want to get my spit fire agent back to work.”

“With all due respect sir…” Steve nodded as Bucky, and Dugan went off with the healers, there was a secret pin that showed crossed wands behind the traditional medical symbol on the collars of their uniforms, once he put her on a stretcher that was brought over. “Agent Graves had it in her contract she was never supposed to come overseas.” He stepped up and stood firm in front of the Colonel. “She’ll be returned home and you, nor anyone else, will attempt to blackmail her into staying.” He glared at Peggy when he said this last bit, causing her to step back in shock. “Schmidt has promised to get her back into his grasp…he’s determined to have her…” He bit off what he was saying with all the others around. “As it is sir…you don’t hold her contract and therefore you have no say in where she goes or what she does. She’s part of a subdivision that doesn’t answer to you or anyone in the army.” He then walked off and headed to the medical tents to make sure that her blood was properly taken care of, including the bloody clothes.

Steve was grateful to see that the healers were discretely burning the bloody articles as he entered the tent, didn’t have time for proper disposal so better to just burn it they told those that asked with a hidden smirk. Bucky was sitting close being tended himself while watching over Vivian. Steve sat beside him on the cot also keeping watch.

“She’s our match isn’t she…” Bucky whispered softly as he kept his eyes trained on her.

“She is…” Steve replied gently.

“She’s going back overseas but we’ve got to stay and fight…” Bucky looked at Steve before turning his attention back to Vivian.

“Her family will protect her until we return…” Steve said as he watched. When the healers stepped away, he approached one. “Excuse me…”

“How can I help you captain?” Healer Tolliver asked, he’d been horrified to catch sight of his cousin being brought into the tent and wouldn’t let any other tend her. He’d sent word to his uncles as soon as he could before he started tending Vivian.

“Sergeant Barnes was exposed to something while in the camp…I worry it will harm him but don’t want the medics to see to him. His ma was a no-maj.” Steve explained.

“I’ll check his blood…” Healer Tolliver nodded before moving over to the man that had come in.

Bucky allowed them to heal him and check his blood. He cursed when he realized they’d pumped something in him that would react similar to whatever had happened to Steve and that it was only because of his squib core that kept him alive. Though according to the report that Healer Tolliver had done his core was changing as he was gaining more and more magic, he was unclear as to whether it was because of the drug co*cktail or because he’d found his soulmate.

Three Days later:

Healer William Tolliver, older cousin to Vivian Graves-Scamander via her aunt, had disguised her soulmark for her again so that no one would question why she had a mark that had been documented as being on Captain Rogers, along with Sergeant Barnes. He looked up when he heard a double exclamation of shock and horror before turning back to the work he was doing in caring for Vivian. He’d given her dreamless sleep before they started the procedure to remove the dead fetuses from her womb, there had been three.

“Hello uncles.” William whispered. “She’s had a dreamless sleep…”

Newt and Percival were standing in shock in the tent flaps, and it was only by the words spoken from William that they moved forward.

“Who found her?” Newt sat gently on the edge of the transfigured camp bed, there was a ward on the tent that would keep anyone that didn’t know about magic from truly seeing what was happening in there.

“Captain Rogers when he went to rescue his soulmate Sergeant Barnes…” William answered, he looked around and raised a silencing spell around the four of them. “They have the same mark as Viv.” He whispered with sorrow in his eyes for he knew that they would continue to fight while she would return home and there was no guarantee that they’d survive even with the concoction Dr. Erskine had created.

“Where are they now?” Percival asked softly looking down at his daughter from where he stood watching over her.

“They were relocated to London for further debriefing.” William responded. “She was forced to remain here…” His eyes took on a haunted look. “She suffered a miscarriage…” He closed his eyes in pain. “Her magic wouldn’t let offspring of the one who’d forced himself upon her to remain within her, especially not when she’d finally found her soulmates.” He stood from where he’d been tending some of the wounds on her body rebandaging them not wanting to use to much magic on her when she was so drained. “There are signs that she drained her core to almost empty…”

“Did she say why?” Percival asked his expression closed off at the mention of his baby being raped, it was obviously a muggle that had done it for a magical would never willing participate in such a thing, well at least most wouldn’t.

William looked at his little cousin before looking at her fathers. “The bastard Jones…he was the one to take her to Schmidt…” He snarled. “She refused to tell me what she went through, but she did allow me to look as to better help her…it’s why she took the dreamless sleep. Schmidt was the one to take her virginity bastard tore her so bad it was amazing she didn’t die from blood loss…Jones participated though…he was going to help Schmidt take her with when Rogers raided the base. They’d kept her under control until after they’d raped her. Didn’t want the electricity to affect the fetuses…” He smirked as he thought about what she’d done. “He was co*cky and was unlocking her before attempting to control her. She killed him and the other that was going to help before blasting another bastard out of the room to take a message to Schmidt.”

“Jones wouldn’t have been able to overpower her on his own…” Newt furrowed his brow.

“Oh, he didn’t…” William growled. “But the bastard that helped modified her memory to where she can’t remember who it was even though Schmidt mentioned his name a few times.” He sneered. “He didn’t expect her to ever get free, he placed wards over the bastard’s bases so that Hedwig couldn’t reach her…” He smirked. “He didn’t expect someone to look and see through the spells since it is only on her.”

“Who helped Jones do this to my Princess?” Percival growled.

“Albus Dumbledore.”


Summary for warning scene:
Soldiers bind Vivian to a special table and assault her before Schmidt enters and forces her to take a potion while he takes a different one. After forcing all but one guard and the prisoner to leave the room. He then proceeds to rape her while forcing one of the test subjects to watch. He then gives permission for Jones to join in. Because of the potion he and Jones are able to rape her for a long time, though she passes out after a while.

Chapter 6


Thank you to all who have been following this story and waiting patiently for me to post...our internet had been down for a week due to a faulty modium and so I was attempting to write on my ipad...this chapter though has been started on my computer before the connection went down and so had not been connected to the ipad with is 13800+ words to tide you over...I have more that is written in addition but this was a good place to stop...


James Writing

Steve Writing
Vivian Writing

~~~Merlin's journal entries~~~

Chapter Text

January 20, 1945

Vivian looked around her bedroom where she sat looking out into the bustling city. It was as if the war wasn’t going on overseas. She looked back down at the book in her lap. Her papa had gotten three-way journals to Steve and Bucky before they’d gone on the raids to take out Hydra. Though they’d had to be extra careful they had been communicating when they could. The other Howling Commandos knew about magic and so helped cover for Steve and Bucky as well as kept Peggy from getting her clutches in Steve.

Papa had informed the ICW of the duplicity of Dumbledore, though he’d been able to slip out of imprisonment saying that he’d been at Hogwarts at the supposed times actually teaching. When the alibi was confirmed, he’d been released much to the anger of the rest. Dumbledore claimed that it was obviously Grindelwald having someone use Polyjuice to look like him. Papa though was unconvinced as were Auntie Seraphina and Uncle Theseus. Even Mama knew that Dumbledore was a lying liar who lies. Others claimed he wouldn’t have a phoenix familiar if he was actually evil and wouldn’t hear the thought that maybe it wasn’t a willing bond, after all no one was so evil as to do such to a pure creature like a phoenix.

Vivian looked back down at the journal in her hands with a smile when it vibrated letting her know that there was a message waiting for her. Steve and Bucky were writing to her.

Hello my love…

Hey doll…

We miss you so much…

we are close to reaching the end of this battle…

We’ve just received intel of movements on the Hydra front. Zola…

the short little bastard...

he’s on the move.

We’re being sent to capture him. We’ve only got the main base left to find…

Be careful both of you…

Vivian was apprehensive over this mission.

I…my dreams are disturbed…something’s going to happen…I’m worried even if you get this last base there will still be more left to find…they’ll just go to cover…

Sweetheart…we’ll take care…I’ll watch the punk’s six…

I’ll be careful love…

We’ll alert the others of the possibility…

I love you both so much…and no matter what comes…I’ll be waiting for you to come home…

I love you too sweetheart…and Merlin willing we’ll be home soon.

I love you Princess…

we’ve got the pendants that you created for us…

we’ll find you…

we’ll return for you…

We’ve got to go love. We’re being called out…

Need to get to the rendezvous point…


whatever happens…

don’t let Zola live…

Get the info needed from the bastard, but don’t let him live.

Vivian fought her tears for she knew though they’d try her dreams were very clear, they’d been happening for the past year. She looked back out the window as the sky started releasing the icy snow that had been threatening all day. Hedwig gave a soft trill of soothing magic, but Vivian didn’t feel it. Hedwig seemed to sense that Vivian needed something more and landed on her shoulder to groom her hair.

“Bucky…” Vivian started speaking when she felt her mother enter the room with Uncle Theseus. “Bucky’s going to fall from the train…He’ll live but be captured…the bastard,” The name they’d taken to calling Dumbledore, “Placed wards to keep him from being found around all the places that he could be taken too…” She took a deep breath. “A week later Steve will disappear from my senses…” She looked at her momma. “The Bastard even warded the war plane so that if someone picked up on it, they wouldn’t be able to shoot it down. It’d have to be taken down from the inside…” She let her tears fall. “He’ll take it down and I’ll not be able to find him either…They’ll both be alive but kept from me for so long momma…”

“I’m so sorry love.” Newt wrapped his daughter in a hug and just held her as she began sobbing. He held and rocked her back and forth until she cried herself to sleep before laying her on the bed and pulling the covers over her after magically switching her clothing for pajamas.

Down in the kitchen a few hours later Newt blew out a deep breath and looked at his big brother.

“What’s going to happen to her if she’s separated from her soulmates for as long as she believes?” Newt looked at the journal that was open in front of her that Hedwig had brought to him which was open to show a completely different looking New York and a sign on the side showing the date to be 69 years into the future.

Theseus studied the image it was of a panicked looking Steve gazing around a futuristic city. The vehicles and everything around him looked like a distant fantasy. He took a sip of his tea that Newt had made when they’d come downstairs and gave the niffler as scratch when he felt it attempting to lift his pocket watch, something all magical members of the Scamander-Graves family was how to make sure their personal items couldn’t be lifted by the little thief. Looking at Newt he rubbed his forehead.

“There has never been an occurrence that spoke of such happening between soulmates…I’ve no clue what will happen.” Theseus sighed out finally. “There’s speculation that the one left behind would be frozen in time somehow…but…” He shrugged. “Most soulmates find each other at the perfect moment and don’t have things that separate them like this.”

“So…” Newt started only to look up startled when Queenie apparated directly into the room not even sending notice first. “What’s wrong Queenie?” He rose to his feet.

“Tinee needs Thee home right now…” She looked at her brother-in-law who looked at her with wide eyes and apparated away. She then looked back at Newt before sighing and sitting down. “There are things that aren’t known about our family…” She said out of the blue as she looked down at the image open on the table. “We had a case of a family member being separated from their soulmate due to draught of living death…it was before the wiggenweld potion was created…” She summoned a cup and the tea pot that Newt had made up pouring herself a cup. “He worked until he figured out the potion but by that time almost eighty years had passed. They had already been in the bonding process though had not taken the final step. They were still courting.” She took a sip before looking up at an enthralled Newt. “Now Tina may be my sister, but she refuses to believe this tale since there were no written records beside that which was in our own house.” She smirked.

“What happened?” Newt asked softly.

“His aging stopped completely to the point that many thought him immortal for he changed not a bit.” Queenie said looking up at where Vivian was walking down the stairs. “According to what he recorded; he felt the moment she’d been given the potion.” She sighed and looked back down at her cup. “He felt as his magic reacted and froze him in the state of being that was the same as his mate. They’d already had their matching marks appear.” She raised her head and looked at Vivian again. “They were going through the year and a day courting when she was drugged three days before she’d’ve been able to bond with her mate. The witch who did so had her eyes on my ancestor and figured with her out of the way he’d fall in love with her.” Queenie smirked. “He killed her without a second thought when she appeared in his bed hoping to force his hand. When he explained what was going on to his heart brother, it was brushed away and not spoken of. They were high enough in the nobility that it wasn’t mentioned, and the witch’s death was ignored completely.”

“So…If…I’m separated them I won’t age?” Vivian asked with sorrow in her tone. “I already know that they won’t really age while their separated from me…but…”

“No…you won’t age…” Queenie said. “I’ve looked into things. There aren’t many out there that speak of it. Mostly those of the line of Emrys…and their dearest friends” She sighed closing her eyes. “People forget that Merlin and Morgana were soulmates…while Morgana was the half-sister of Prince Arthur…especially with the tales that are out there…” She smirked at the shocked looks on their faces.

“Merlin was the one that created out the wiggenweld potion…” Vivian spoke in a whisper.

“Exactly…he worked at first with his mentor but upon his mentor’s death and then King Arthur’s he continued. Until he figured it out.” Queenie nodded before pulling a worn but magically persevered journal from her purse and handing it over to Vivian. “I know your Lady Emrys…chosen by magic…” She whispered in awe, many thought that the line gone. “We’re descended from the line of Sir Gwaine, he and Merlin performed a brother blood bond.” She explained. “Merlin kept a journal and after the ages passed, he left that journal in the care of his brother’s line.” She nodded to the journal she slid over. “He knew that it would be needed for another of his line. He knew that due to spells cast by Morgause that neither he nor Morgana would be able to have children. He knew though that there would come a day when his line would be continued by Mother Magic…and he wanted to offer whatever guidance he could to the one that would be chosen.”

“How did you learn that?” Newt asked looking at Queenie in shock when she mentioned knowing the Ladyship that they’d done everything to keep under wraps so not to alert Dumbledore to a powerful witch of Merlin Gold level.

“The records room at the Ministry is open to anyone. It has a listing of the Lords and Ladies of nobility that are on American soil. I went to make sure that no one could get at Vi’s file and magically altered it so that only someone that knows the truth can see the truth on the document.” Queenie explained. “There’s a reason I waited until Percy and Tina weren’t around along with Thee.”

“Slytherin…” Newt mumbled as he took a fortifying drink of his tea.

“Pukwudgie actually…” Queenie smirked in return as she took another drink of her tea.

Vivian bit her lip to keep from smiling at the interaction though it did lighten her heart. She began making mental plans for what she’d do in the intervening years between now and when her soulmates would be returned to her. She smiled as Teddy climbed into her lap holding a shiny bauble from his nest. She looked back up and just settled in for the day.

“I think we should get away for a time…” Percival said as he walked into the library that evening after Newt had filled him in on what Queenie had shared. He’d been thankful that she’d taken the initiative to block others from finding what Vivian’s file said. He made a mental note to change the wards of the records room so that only those authorized could enter and look at anything within the files and they could only look at the files they were authorized to handle. “My family has a vacation home in the Colorado mountains…we should go there. Get away from the city…”

“That sounds like a wonderful plan papa.” Vivian looked up with red rimmed eyes, she hadn’t even lost her mates yet but already the fear and grief had started.

At 3am on the morning of February 3, 1945, Vivian woke with a gasp and a sob. She choked out a strangled Bucky before she curled into herself and wrapped her arms around the pillow that had been infused with the help of her Papa with the magical signature of both her mates. He’d found out what was coming and hunted them both down getting them to help when she’d woken with multiple nightmares of her time in captivity and the inability for Newt or himself to sooth her since she’d met her mates. It was at that point that he gave them the spelled diaries, that would only open for Steve or James.

She stood from her bed and wrapped up in her robe while slipping her feet into her slippers. She walked toward the window and looked out into the silence of the night. There was a heavy frost over the trees and a layer of ice reflecting the moon on top of the snow. She looked into the distance as an owl winged across the sky. Her parents had brought her out to the Graves Family Colorado mountain manor where there were mountains in the distance trees and no buildings or crowds. The manor was split into two sections. The main house with a large stone fireplace and outdoor area. Then the second portion where there was another house connected by a covered walkway. The bottom floor of the second portion was all library and then the second floor was the apartment they had given her to stay in, it was elegant in creams and whites with metal fixtures here and there to add a touch of something, there was also hints of dark blue and dark teal that just spoke to her. It had a balcony where she stepped out to look at the sky. Stars shown down in the billions, and she caught sight of one shooting against the sky and wished against the sight that his mind would be guarded, and he’d be able to break free when the time was right.

Taking a breath, she changed out of the pajamas into an oversized pale rose sweater and a pair of leggings and walked into the library settling in the lounging couch that was in the middle of some of the shelves and just taking in the scent of the books for a while before pulling out the journal that Auntie Queenie had given her. She was amazed as she opened it and the words went from the old language to modern English and she was able to read it clearly. It was obvious that it was a young man that was writing, and she chuckled at some of the things she read.

~~~My mother sent me to off for Camelot three weeks ago. I’ve got to admit that I took my time since I was walkin and on my own…She gave me this journal so that I could record my life’s journey. I have made it so that only I or one of my line can read it…not that I ever believe I’ll have children but well one can wish…She’s sending me to her brother…I didn’t even realize I had an uncle…All I hear about is how I’m a bastard…I wonder if there’s a spell to find out who my father is…mum never talks of him but the sorrow in her eyes…

I’ve been in Camelot for three days already witnessed an execution of a magic user, had a day in the dungeons, one in the stocks…his royal highness has a stick so far up his…bloody bully…but that’s to be expected when everyone fears the king’s action if something happen to him. Not only that but there is a bloody dragon beneath the castle!

Mum was worried about me because King Cenred’s men were getting close to finding me. Someone at home spoke of a possible magic user in the village…if he’d gotten a hold of me…I don’t want to think what would’ve happened…But here not only do I have to hide what I am what I was born like but now there’s a bloody dragon telling me that I need to serve and save Arthur who’ll be the once and future king to unite all of Albion whatever that means…bloody wanker was talking in riddles the whole time…

I delivered a tonic to Lady Morgana today for uncle, she’s been dealing with nightmares. But I think it is something else…bloody hell…I passed her a dress and my magic reached out for her. I’ll have to be careful…

Morgana looked amazing tonight…but the rest of the feast was a nightmare…

I’m the bloody manservant of Prat Prince! First the bloody dragon tells me I’m destined to serve the prince but now his own father has made me his manservant…bloody hell

A serving girl was found dead earlier in Lady Helen’s chambers, though it wasn’t Lady Helen, but the mother of the boy executed my first day in Camelot, the others are trying to cover it up but…something isn’t right about it. When I saw her remains it was as if the very life had been drained from her my magic within my being recoiled in horror…

So much for my destiny…~~~

Vivian chuckled as she read through the short entries for his first few days at Camelot and how he came to be the manservant of King Arthur, at the time a Prince but still. She read through for a while before finding an entry that caught her attention carefully.

~~~I heard a terrified voice in my head today…I spoke back at him…I didn’t know I could do this…Morgana helped me hide the young boy from the guards. He was a druid boy.

Morgana and I had to watch while the druid, the boy’s own father, was executed for simply being a druid…the pain in his mind voice was the axe fell…I think I can easily come to despise the king.

Morgana asked me a question today that makes me wonder if I could tell her my secret…

I swear Morgana has the cunning of a snake with how she out maneuvered Arthur today it was priceless I almost pissed myself to keep from laughing…wouldn’t do to give the boy away because of my carelessness…

Bloody wanker of a wyrm! He tells me I must not protect a CHILD a bloody CHILD! He tells me I should’ve let him be caught! He won’t explain anything always talking in riddles! AGHH….

I felt as if fire flew through my blood today…Morgana grabbed my hand to plead I bring uncle to help care for the child…

I have a mark! What the hell! I’ve never seen that which now marks my skin…~~~

Vivian starred at the image that had been drawn out below the last entry. It was two stylized dragons forming a heart and wrapping through a circle which contained the triquetra Celtic Knot. She thought back to all she knew about the knot, it meant several different things, but she wasn’t sure which of the meanings this could be. Perhaps it was for life, death, and rebirth; or it was for the earth, sea, and sky; though she thought perhaps it might be to represent the past, present, and future.

~~~Uncle helped us and thought he was so funny saying that I’m no physician…of course I’m not! I’ve had one lesson with him, and it was on anatomy!

The Prat he fell for the behind you trick! But I got the keys…Morgana’s going to slip the child out of the castle tonight…

Bloody Hell the one time for him to be smart! Now Morgana is in trouble…I truly am coming to despise the king…he’d execute a child to teach Morgana a lesson! It is because of his hatred against all things magical…

Morgana is amazing! She got the Prat to help! And he helped me convince her to not help with the next attempt…we have until dawn…I hope I live through tonight…I’m going to speak with the dragon before I go…I must know why he said I shouldn’t protect the boy…

f*ck…If I save the boy one day he’ll kill Arthur…but if I let him die tomorrow…I’ll do nothing…Arthur will be able to talk out of the situation his father won’t kill him…he’d be without an heir…I couldn’t not help…I just pray it won’t come back to bite us in the ass…

I just heard Gwen whispering to Morgana about a mark that has appeared on her lower back…Mother told me tales…could it be…~~~

“Darling what are you doing awake…” Newt entered with a large craft of coffee and a tray containing cups, cream, and sugar floating beside him.

“I’ve lost James, mama…I felt it…I woke at 3 this morning…” Vivian looked up from the journal with tears coming to her eyes again. “I’ve checked my journal to see if Steve’s said anything but there’s been no reply…”

“Oh, my baby…I’m sorry…” Newt came over to the couch and wrapped her in a hug. “We’ll support you as long as you need.”

“Thank you, mama,…”

“What were you chuckling about when I entered?” Newt asked as he set the tray and coffee down on the small table beside the couch allowing her to fix what she wanted hers to be like.

“I’ve been reading the journal given to me by Auntie Queenie.” She smiled and stroked the pages. “I wanted to see what he was like before he ended up having everything happen.”

“I see…so what was so amusing?” Newt asked and then listened as Vivian read him the entries she’d already read causing him to chuckle here and there. “There are some that say Merlin was taught by the four founders of Hogwarts…but it makes me wonder if he and Morgana were the ones to teach the Founders…”

“I suppose we’ll have to wait and find out.” Vivian smiled gently as she took a sip of her coffee. She looked at the window to see that the sun had risen fully as they talked.

“How bout you read some more? It is most amusing…” Newt said knowing that his daughter wouldn’t be hungry and planning on tempting her later with some of Jacob’s pastries, which the house-elf that tended the manor would pop to New York for.

~~~Bloody hell…Arthur’s returned from the ‘hunting trip’ so glad that he didn’t make me go with this time…the boy’s name was Mordred.

Something is going to happen soon…it’s been too quiet my magic is uncomfortable

Well Prince Prat is about to become Crown Prince Prat…since he’s now of age he’ll be crowned as the heir apparent for Camelot tonight.

I knew that something was going to happen soon! Bloody HELL! A black knight broke in during the crowning ceremony, thankfully Arthur had already been crowned…but I fear for Sir Owain that picked up the gauntlet…my magic is screaming…

Uncle is worried though he’s trying to hide it…he knows something

Owain was killed but he’d given a mortal blow! I saw it!! Now Sir Pellinor will face him, and I fear will meet the same fate, especially since he is still wounded from Othanden…

Now Uncle is speaking in riddles…

The burial vault of Tristan De Bois lay empty and reeks of black magic…I won’t go near even if Uncle tease me of being scared…my very being recoils away

The queen’s own brother raised from the dead…what is the goal of the one to raise him?

Pellinor is dead just as I feared…he also ran Tristan through, but the bloody wraith did not fall…I must find a way to end it for Arthur has accepted the next challenge. I’ve til noon tomorrow

BLOODY UTHER!! FOOL OF AN UNCLE! I had a plan…but they had to go and blow the whole blasted thing out of the water!!!! Now I’ve got to steal the sword enchanted by dragon fire from the armory and hide the blasted thing! ~~~

“Bloody hell! He’s talking about Excalibur!” Vivian looked at the sketch that sat below the last entry.

“How can you tell?” Newt asked softly.

“He drew the blade…on one side it says ‘take me up’ in ancient runes…on the other…it says…cast me away…” Vivian while holding the journal showed the drawn image to her mother with wide shocked eyes. “Uther used Excalibur before Arthur…” She whispered in horror.

“But only the once and future king could use it…” Newt said with his own growing horror.

“This was before it was drawn from the stone so perhaps…” She raised her eyes to looked at her father who entered with worry in her gaze. “Perhaps it was only after Uther died that it was fit for him to use?”

“I don’t know…” Percival shrugged before entering the room and kissing Newt good morning and pressing a kiss to Vivian’s forehead, he’d been listening to the pair since she reached the part about a wraith. He fixed a cup of coffee for himself and relaxed in the chair.

After Vivian had been rescued from Hydra her parents had given up their attempts at tracking Grindelwald and his group wanting to help her recover. It had taken the year to get her comfortable with others, even though Queenie, Seraphina, and Theseus had been able to visit. Theseus could only be in the room with her if one of her parents or another female was in the room with her.

“What else is going on with the young Merlin?” Percival asked drawing her thoughts away from speculations and worries, he figured that something had happened to one of her soulmates even if he wouldn’t ask.

~~~you must not kill Arthur…you can’t kill Arthur no matter how stupid and how much of a cabbage head he is…

The bloody idiot really topped his stupidity and pride today…He bloody shot a unicorn while hunting and then took the horn to his father as PROOF! HE was so proud of himself the bloody wanker! He even called me a girl for crying at such a pure creature having been slain! I was forced to carry the horn to the king on a pillow…

Something is happening due to the slaying of the unicorn…crops dying in the fields overnight…rats infesting the kingdom…bad luck befalling the prince…

Sand instead of water! Food shortages around the whole country…

Damnation! I knew it! Uncle warned against it…but did anyone listen to us? nooooo! They were so blasted proud to have slain something so pure! There is a curse on Camelot

Arthur showed he can be a good man tonight…if this was the first of the tests perhaps something good would come of it

The water has returned…Morgana and Gwen were distributing food among the children and old…I actually made Arthur eat rat stew tonight…the prat turned it back on me and had me eat it as well..

Of course Arthur is making me go with him to hunt this keeper of the unicorns…

I lost Arthur in the woods as he went hunting the keeper…when we were reunited he was so angry…now the grain is all rotten…

Bloody Uther! He’d have his people starve rather than distribute the food to the masses. He hordes the food like a dragon their treasure! I must do something the pain I see in Arthur’s eyes…in Morgana’s…I’m going after Anhora myself…

Arthur gets another chance…the Labyrinth of Gedref…he wants to go alone I’m not about to let that happen…

The idiot got me with my own look out trick! The Bastard Anhora tested us in a way that could’ve doomed Camelot even more than the famine…and then it turned out to be a blasted TRICK! If I ever come across the bastard,I’ll curse him til kingdom come! He made me think that the chalice was poison and I watched as Arthur tricked me and drank it. Only it was a sleeping draught…Arthur had to prove he was pure of heart…at least the curse shall be lifted…

Of course,he was pure of heart and noble…he laid the horn upon a burial stone and when we looked up…the unicorn was reborn…~~~

“Well sh*t…I didn’t know that…I knew that if one were to drink the blood of a unicorn they’d killed the person would live a cursed life…this is something I need to add to my book…” Newt scrambled around looking for a pen and some parchment.

“Well, we’ve lost him for the day…” Percival said softly with a smile as he sat beside Vivian and felt her snuggle into him. “What shall we do? Hmm do you want to continue reading about Merlin or would you like to go on a sled ride with me?”

“A sled ride please Papa…” Vivian said softly as she snuggled to her father. “I’ll go changed into something a little warmer…And join you at the stable.”

“I’ll go get things ready.” Percival kissed her on the forehead again before heading out of the library.

Vivian went upstairs to her room and changed leaving oversized sweater on but pulling on a pair of woolen pants over the leggings, she got cold so easily even with warming charms around them. She found her jacket and a cap while putting on a pair of ankle boots. She went back downstairs and pulled on the gloves infused with warming charms and joined her papa at the stables. They climbed into the open carriage that was drawn by large magical draft horses and were soon being pulled through the countryside.

“What had you up at three this morning princess?” Percival asked wrapping her in another blanket.

“You know the dreams I’ve been having…the ones that led Auntie to give me that journal…”

“Yes baby…”

“The first event happened…” She pulled out her own journal and showed a magical picture, one of the few that she had in her journal. It showed as Bucky fell down into a ravine below and Steve watched in horrified sorrow. “This happened this morning…”

“f*ck…” Percival looked at the image and then at his baby girl and pulled her in closer to him. “I’m so sorry baby…”

“The military are going to declare him dead…but he’s not…” Vivian looked off into the distance as she spoke. “He’s injured…badly injured…but because of his growing magical core and the fact that the bastard they were going to capture had been experimenting on him prior to being rescued a year ago…”

“He survives…” Percival looked at the image again in shock. “What have they done to him…” For he knew for one with no training in magic and therefore unable to apparate that fall should’ve killed him, even if he fell in the water below.

“Their own bastardized version of what had been done to Steve.” She whispered.

“f*ck…” Percival pinched the bridge of his nose. “And he’s going to be experimented on from here?” He whispered.

“Yes…but…” She developed a little smirk. “I’ve developed a spell…”

“What does it do…” Percival looked at her with a calculating expression.

“Simple…any anomaly found in a magic user's blood will be brushed off. They won’t look into it more and those that would study it will just think it’s a mutation of some sort…No one will even consider ‘magic’ after all that isn’t normal,” the way she said the word spoke of a frustration with people wanting things to be normal though she couldn’t for the life of her figure out why.

“Well done…” Percival smiled and gave her a squeeze of a hug before turning the horses back to the house. “We should pull your mom out of the library and get something to eat.”

“I really like it here…” Vivian said as they were pulling into the stables. “It’s peaceful…Like nothing can touch us…”

“That’s the family magics at play.” Percival smiled gently as they entered the library to see Newt working at the desk that was near the couch.

“Noo…that wording won’t work…hmmm…should I put in about the that still a position…oh how I wish…” Newt was mumbling to himself as he wrote on the parchment and going over the different bits and pieces of what he’d learned. He looked up at the pair when they entered. “Did Merlin mention the name of the Great Dragon? Or what type he was?”

“No…just that he was a bloody wanker…” Vivian chuckled while her parents both scolded her for her language. “oh, come on…Papa said f*ck and blood hell multiple times in our ride.”

Newt just looked over at Percival with a raised eyebrow and the man in question actually gained a slightly sheepish look. Vivian smirked inwardly before turning to her mom again.

“We were going to get something to eat…do you want to join us?” Vivian asked innocently with her head co*cked as if she had not just thrown her father under the bus as it were.

“Of course!” Newt jumped up leaving his papers spread all over the table and heading to the door with the pair.

Two weeks after she felt the fall of Bucky she felt as Steve was lost as well. She shivered as she stood on the balcony, her parents had returned to New York to continue their work. She wouldn’t let them put their jobs aside for her. She wrapped her arms around herself and felt the change in her magic as she turned back to the library where she snuggled on the couch in front of the fireplace.

~~~Just when I think I couldn’t hate Uther any more I learn something like this…he was so desperate for an heir that he was willing to use the darkest of magic. A life for a life…He bargained his own wife’s life to get the heir he needed. He says he didn’t know what would happen…but even so the deal was clear a life for a life…even if he were to simply expect it to be a peasant,he was still bargaining a life for a life…

Morgause did something…when she was here and spelled Arthur something happened…I don’t know what but now Morgana wears a bracelet I don’t recognize that reeks of black magic…

I confided in Morgana today about having magic…she was furious that I hid it from her for so long…if she’s this mad at me what will Arthur be like? I’ve come to see the cabbage head as a brother, and I think he sees me the same way though he can’t show it around his father.

Morgana’s gone! She’d gone to the druids before, but this is different…I heard Mordred in the castle again…he was talking mentally I heard him the same as the ones he was projecting too…what does this mean…She was sneaking around stealing Arthur’s keys…then a crystal is stolen…she is not acting like herself…

OF course,the crystal that was stolen can see the past present and future…of course things like this happen all the time…bloody wyrm…Now he’s telling me I must kill both Mordred and Morgana! I’ll never harm Morgana…This is not her…I know it isn’t something is not right…

The bracelet must be broken…I swear if it were not a man that were causing it that Morgana was being enchanted by a veela…Mordred has sworn to never forgive and never forget well I won’t either you little bastard…I spared you once…I won’t spare you again…

She is defending the criminal…I must get a chance alone with the man see what magic he’s casting…

Blood and damnation on Morgause! Her bracelet opened a door into Morgana’s mind leaving it susceptible to the spells of others. This is not the sly princess that helped Mordred escape the first time…she’s too easily distracted.

I got the bracelet and replicated it but instead of opening her mind this one…it protects her…she’s been swearing up a storm at the thought of what she’s done. When I catch the bastard that spelled her as he did,I’ll kill him…he almost stole the purity she protects so desperately.

Kilgharrah’s pissed but I could care less…I will not free him until I’m certain I can keep the reign of fire from ever happening.~~~

Vivian was interested in the sketch that sat on the page opposite the last entry it showed an image of the great dragon, named Kilgharrah if the last entry was correct, burning parts of Camelot. She read the next few entries. Morgana had come to Merlin after she received a letter from Morgause. She’d forgiven Merlin for keeping the secret and they’d talked; he’d been helping her learn to control her magic and then the letter had come. Vivian read as they talked of the plan to have Morgana enter Morgause’s camp to discover what her plan was what her methods would be. Merlin is against it, but he wasn’t able to stop things.

~~~Morgana’s been spelled by Morgause she went against our plans…something is happening to the city…everyone is fighting the urge to fall asleep while an attack happens…

I’m going to kill Morgause when I have the chance! The bitch…she tied the spell to Morgana…but she didn’t count on the fact that we are soul tied. I was able to break the spell on Morgana but now the bitch is fixated on me along with ending Uther’s hunt on magic. Blasted Wyrm wanted me to KILL My soulmate because of the magic worked by Morgause!

If I ever get the chance,I WILL KILL THAT WRYM! I care not the reasons he gives for his actions! He TRIED TO KILL ARTHUR AND MORGANA!

I know who my father is…Of course he’s the last dragon lord…there is a reason I’m able to understand that bastard…Mother bears his mark upon her chest, right over her hearts, and he bears hers in the same place.

I told Arthur the truth today…He witnessed me crying over my father’s body…My father is dead…killed protecting me…he saved Arthur’s life and then was killed protecting me…I don’t care the betrayal the wyrm faced from my father and Uther…His actions…his betrayal of the bond he shared with my father is far deeper…The betrayal against mother magic…Now we shall see if I head for the pyre or if I continue to serve Arthur…he’s requested a complete accounting of my actions since I came to serve him.

So,I’m not headed for the pyre…and for now I’ve banished the wyrm…I will kill him should he ever return. He’s told me I’ll need to call him, but I refuse…I’m worried for Arthur…If I’m ever discovered by Uther,he’d be killed the same…

Morgana is missing…we were so close to finishing our courtship…three more days and We could’ve gone to the Druids for a magical binding…

Someone wearing Morgana’s face and trying to convince us all that it is her…I’ve asked Gwen…she does not have the mark on the small of her back. This is not my Morgana…~~~

Vivian read the journal with wide eyes. She looked at the books across from her. The fear that Merlin must have felt when his soulmate was missing.

Two months had passed since she’d began reading the journal, she’d left it at the mountain cabin on one of the most dust covered shelves tucked in the back of the library. Thankfully the peoples of magical Japan listened to her warnings. They were evacuating the areas and moving into the mountain. They’ve created a New Haven in the mountain, anyone that approaches the area will only find a protected land. They were even taking steps to hide and protect the mundane animals. This caused Vivian to smile before it fell, it was rare for the smiles to stay.

“What do you mean Hitler committed suicide?” Vivian looked at her papa with shock on her face as she heard his news.

“He got word that Mussolini was dead…I fear that Grindelwald has a hand in this. With Hydra hiding there was no support on that end. He knows the end is coming.” Percival said softly. “There is still Japan, they don’t want to give up. Though thanks to your warnings…”

“I heard about how the communities are moving. I’m glad.” Vivian said with a gentle smile before she turned back to the papers on her desk. “What is happening on the Grindelwald front?”

“The ICW is pushing for Dumbledore to prove himself and handle this…I fear what’s going to happen.” Percival leaned on the edge of the desk with his arms crossed over his chest.

“You think he’s going to pull a double cross?” Vivian sat back in her desk chair and steepled her fingers in front of her face. “He’s going to ‘defeat’ Gellert…Get the accolades of being the one to stop him…prove he’s truly changed. After all a Phoenix wouldn’t have chosen him if he hadn’t…nor would the Qilin…”

“Newt’s been a spy in Dumbledore’s ranks…I don’t know how he’s able to hide it so well from him but I’m grateful for the fact. Dumbledore has created his ‘own army’ to counter act the horrible actions of Grindelwald. Everyone forgets they were lovers…and that Dumbledore had a blood pact with Grindelwald.” Percival said with a sigh as he rubbed his forehead. “Thankfully Dumbledore is keeping to himself and not looking too closely into what Jacob and Newt have been up to. He’s too busy with how many hats he’s juggling.”

Vivian stood up and went to the stack of journals where she kept her visions. She pulled one out and began flipping through it. She pinched the bridge of her nose trying to keep the migraine away as she attempted to look further into what the image told her. All it was, was the image of a young man who had a calculating expression filled with distrust. He wore a set of secondhand Hogwarts robes with the Slytherin emblem on the robes.

“We need to find this lad…his soul…ugh…” Vivian fell to her knees. “He’s so damaged…Dumbledore has caused him to be ostracized.” She clutched her head. “He’s going to cause so much pain to happen if he’s not helped…”

“What has happened to his soul?” Percival looked at the image before him.

“It’s torn…three pieces exist…” Vivian whispered through the pain. “He reaches for the magical numbers…he seeks…seven parts…”

Percival looked up at Newt who’d stepped into the room with Teddy in his arms, clearly the niffler had gotten his attention.

“Can you see anything more…” Percival asked softly, he knew that this was hard on her, he could see the beginnings of a bloody nose.

She held the book out to her father who took it with gentle hands, the next page after the young man was that of a man who had clearly dabbled too deeply into the darkest of arts. His face had changed completely from the handsome charismatic looking man on the page before, he was even missing his nose! But the further he paged through he noticed something troubling, in the background there is the image of a small child decked in armor with the rest of the world in the form of a small globe hiding behind them. Behind the globe stood a shadow with a chained Phoenix upon their shoulder and a twinkle in their eyes which were the only thing they could see.

“Can we stop this?” He looked up in shock. “Can we save the child this?”

Vivian looked up with terror in her eyes. “I don’t know…”

August 10, 1945

The war was declared over. Soldiers were coming home. The Howling Commandos were still hunting for ruminants to Hydra. Vivian was fuming as she watched the news reels. They were claiming that Peggy was the love of Steve Roger’s life.

Albus Dumbledore had defeated Gellert Grindelwald in battle the day after an atomic bomb was dropped on Japan. He disarmed him, with no witnesses, and he was going to be locked away in the very same prison he’d built. Vivian was furious about that fact for since he was the one that built it the wards would still answer to him. Grindelwald had been proficient with wandless magic for a long time, and she knew that he’d be finding a way to get free.

September 3, 1945

Vivian stood outside what had once been her prison but now housed the Wizard who’d taken her. She looked at her Godmother and Uncle, both who were looking at the building with a sneer on their faces.

“Are you sure you won’t tell your parents?” Theseus asked looking at her carefully.

“Positive.” Vivian stepped in the building without another word and went to the floor where they had jailed Grindelwald. “How the mighty have fallen…stabbed in the back by the one professed to love you…” She co*cked her head to the side. “Did the narcissistic asshole really act like he loved you…” She shook her head at the glare she was getting form Grindelwald. “Don’t worry…you’ll have plenty of time to think on your actions…After all…only true regret will ever see you freed from this mortal coil…”

Vivian turned and left ignoring the cries of anger that followed her. She looked at her godparents who stood on the outside of the building. “Can’t let the bearded bastard have a go at the man now can we…” She looked at the arch of the door where the famous words stood. She cut her hand ignoring the cries of shock from her godparents and smeared the blood along the words while pushing her magic into the blood. “Să nu se apropie nimeni... nimeni să nu fie liber din interior... dacă nu înflorește adevărata remușcare în inima celui prins. (Let none approach…let none be free from within…unless true remorse blooms in the heart of the one trapped. - Romanian)” She didn’t realize it, but she’d tapped into the power she had as Lady Emrys and her eyes flashed gold as she spoke in a language she did not know, nor did those that listen. “Cel care își caută binele mai mare să i se refuze intrarea celui ce-și caută binele mai mare. (Let he who seeks his own greater good be denied entry.)”

November 25, 1945

Peggy entered the apartment that she’d rented and smirked as she went to the dresser to put away her gun and credentials.

“Living up the fame of being with Captain America, have you?” Vivian spoke from the shadows where she sat on a chair watching.

“Graves!” Peggy turned her gun raised in shock. “I…I…”

“You thought me dead didn’t you.” She rose from her seat, she was dressed not as a modest woman like she normally would but in skintight body armor with weapons and vials covering her body and a black floor length trench coat, along with black knee-high boots that had the hilts of knives sticking out of the top. “You thought…upon seeing my body clutched in Steve’s arms and the fact that I was not brought with for the debriefing in London that I must have passed away from my injuries…”

“No! Of course not!” Peggy shook her head.

“You’re ignoring everything I’ve ever told you Margaret Elizabeth Carter. You hate being seen as a piece of meat or inferior. You feel as if you ‘the love of Captain America’s life’ should be given more responsibilities and powers.” Vivian was now right in front of Peggy with the gun still trained on her but shaking slightly. “You know of the secret society…” She narrowed her eyes as she bore her gaze into Peggy’s. “You are trying to get a foothold in a society that has ignored you while it accepted your brother…he wasn’t killed…He was taken in by Grindelwald. Of course…a squib…” She sneered. “You know who I am…you know what the mark on Steve’s back means…” She looked at Peggy. “I want to like you…but at time’s you’re an absolute bitch.” She grabbed the gun and pulled it apart with her magic. “I am the true soulmate of Steven Grant Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes. AND YOU WILL END THIS OBSESSION!” With that Vivian apparated right out of the apartment leaving a gob smacked Peggy Carter behind.

February 3, 1946

Vivian returned to the Colorado mansion just after the new year. She hadn’t wanted to be part of the parties and such but for her parents she’d put on the mask and acted as if her heart wasn’t breaking a little more each day. She’d woken again that morning and entered the library the same as she had a year before. She went to the shelf upon which she’d placed the journal and pulled it out. Starting the fire with a flick of her hand and summoning some coffee and pastries with the help of a house-elf she curled up in her favorite chair, a large tan oversized monstrosity that swallowed her petite stature and opened to where she’d marked as leaving it before she left last year.

~~~The imposter has attempted to tempt me into their bed…I’ve fairly sure I know who this is that would dare to do these things…but that she’d take the steps she did…and it has to be a female for there is no charm that will hide a male as female when they are skyclad…

I’ve found Morgana…but cannotwake her…no matter what I do she won’t wake…


Really Arthur can be such an idiot…still haven’t figured out why ‘Morgana’ is acting the way she is…at least I told him about my magic…if I hadn’t…well the fisher king’s quest would’ve revealed it all…Courage, Strength, and Magic werewhat he needed to defeat the quest…thanks to Gwaine we were able to do it…one more knows my secret Uncle would be enraged…

Arthur, Gwaine and I…we’ve sworn blood brotherhood to each other…When the time comes,I’ll pass this journal on to the one whose line remains so that when Mother Magic choses my heir they’ll know the truths of things that were…

I’ve killed the bitch…Uther has lost his mind…Arthur was named Regent until the time Uther is gone…thanks to Arthur being regent I’ll not be persecuted for having killed Morgause…

The BITCH! She’s…she’s potioned Morgana…a draught that keeps her asleep in a state like death…uncle calls it the draught of living death…there is no known cure…but I will find it this I swear…~~~

Vivian continued to read losing herself into the story that was unfolding and searching for the answers that she sought.

Time passed before Vivian knew it February had turned to March and into April then May. She tuned into the radio from time to time listening as the clean-up efforts went into effect. She read the letters sent by her parents, who’d stayed in New York and traveled to England frequently to hunt for the young man that she’d shown them the image of. Her dreams continued to show that he wouldn’t be stopped until at least fifty years had passed.

~~~Arthur’s regent…Uther has taken sick enough that the council has pushed for him to step up. We’ve talked it over…he will work in the shadows within the court to slowly return magic to the country…When he becomes king the final decrees will happen. But now…he has returned magic for the use of healing and breaking curses in the hope that in our efforts to wake Morgana there will be no cause to kill us for the use of magic in doing so…

Someone has taken up Morgause’s cause…the threats keep increasing…

sh*t…there are wraiths…no uncle says their called something else…Dorocha…freezing death to any they touch…A sacrifice before the Veil between life and death…the Cailleach is the gate keeper…I’ll take Arthur’s place if I must…I despair of saving Morgana…it is as if my body is frozen in its current state and age while she rests…she does not age and so I do not…~~~

Vivian notices the presence of tears that splotch the page.

~~~Bloody Noble Lance! He had to sacrifice his own life! I was going to do it I SWORE I would end it…to protect Arthur and Albion…but he used the argument I was having with Arthur to go through…the gate closed…

There is something foul in the air…there is a spy in the court…I believe it Arthur’s uncle but know not how to tell him…

I Swear to the Mother of Magic that I will find a way to end the line of the High Priestesses! They seek their own gain and care not for the lives of those they hurt…

I’ve learned the consequences that have befallen those killed by the Dorocha. They’ve become creatures of soulless death…they seek souls to ‘feed’ I’ve bound them to the castle of Fyrien…I’ve cast it further into the sea…the cold they leave is similar to the cold left by the dorocha…it takes all joy peace and happiness from a person…the creature sucks the soul from one they catch…with the veil closed from the noble sacrifice they cannot be cast off…The knights have taken to calling them dementors

There is a new tear, but nothing emerges…it sits within the dungeons where once the victims of the dorocha lay…I’ve tried sending one of the dementors through, but it will not accept it…with the help of my uncle we’ve figured how to bind them to the castle…the protections should last over five hundred years by our estimations…

Arthur is King…Gwen is to be his queen…Lance is back but doesn’t remember vital things (suspect magic and false animation) Chaos reigns…

True loves kiss concurs all…bahh…I never needed to know the fact that Gwaine and Lancelot of all things were soulmates! Wish I had a way to wash my brain…Gwaine was upset with Lance not remembering him and hulled off and kissed him. Cue flash of light and smoke show and we have a whole Lancelot once more whose last memory was walking through the veil…upon being reminded of that Gwaine hauled of and punched Lance flat…oh the look on his face…he’s going to be sleeping separate for a while…

Lance came to me with some information…I don’t know what to do about what I’ve been told…I’ll see the death of my king and brothers before I see the return of my soul…He said his dreams of late are troubling…spoke of things yet to come…I fear for the world…Having gone through the veil he’s returned changed in part…

Arthur has given Lance the name Griffinlord for his actions when first he served beside Arthur…Scholars recorded it wrong though and he is now Gryffindor…Something tells me this will change things…

Magic is legal…I never thought I’d see the day…Agravaine has been found out to be a spy for the High Priestesses camp…It is Lady Vivienne who seeks to end Arthur and Camelot…Morgana’s own mother assisted in her drugged sleep…~~~

Vivian read and remained at the Colorado mansion for all of 1946. She enlarged the garden creating a magical oasis around the manor house. She smiled as different creatures began venturing to live in the area, her mother was overjoyed to see the different creatures but the one that brought her the greatest joy, just like her mother, was the Griffin that landed and remained.

“I thought them extinct…” Newt whispered looking at the amazing creature.

The head of an eagle the body of a lion, this one had the markings of a bald eagle and a cougar, or mountain LION as it was also called. The beast came and settled on the patio of the manor with a regal air that only a true predator could take.

“Of course, a griffin would show up.” Vivian muttered thinking about the passages that she’d read. “Mum…did you know that the Gryffindor line was started by Lancelot and Gwaine?”

“What how?” Newt looked up in shock from the sketches he was making of the griffin.

“Lancelot sacrificed himself to close a tear in the veil between life and death…” She answered before moving to sit in the rose garden pulling a few weeds as she spoke. “He was brought back by High Priestess Vivienne who was Morgana’s own mother and had an affair with King Uther…” She answered quickly. “But he wasn’t fully there…it took an act of ‘true love’…”

Newt coughed at the quotations that were clear in her voice. He raised an eyebrow as if to say ‘really’.

“Yeah…Merlin was shocked as well…Turns out they were soulmates and that they both had the potential for magic…they were what we’d call squibs now…The return from the veil did something…somehow they were able to continue their line obviously.” Vivian said with a chuckle in her voice. “Merlin was very firm in that it wasn’t something he had needed to know about.”

Newt chuckled at that.

They continued to talk and study the different creatures, they seemed to be drawn to her magic which made Vivian smile softly.

“Are you ever coming back to New York?” Newt asked finally.

“Eventually…but for now…for now this is where I need to be.” Vivian replied looking out over the landscape. “I love the city but…”

“It reminds you too much of them…” Newt said with understanding clear in his voice.

“Exactly…I’ll check in on the remaining Commandos from time to time…I’ll also keep an eye on the SSR division and what they might become. They’ll be ones that won’t give up.”

“We understand darling.” Newt wrapped his little girl in a hug.

“Thank you, mama,…” Vivian replied turning in his arms and wrapping her own around his waist.


“So, they’ve done it…” Vivian sighed as she saw what was happening. She’d been following what Howard was up to. She didn’t trust him just as she didn’t trust the rest of the SSR who were only determined to find Steve so they could continue to use him. “Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division…sounds like someone just wants their acronym to spell SHIELD.” She curled her nose as she stepped out of the pool in a bikini, she was grateful for glamour charms so that she could become who she needed to keep an eye on things. She’d watched as they opened a rift to take care of the Zero Matter and scoffed as they thought they had been successful, just because they put it through the rift doesn’t mean that it was gone.

1955 – Los Angeles

Vivian followed Stark as he was meeting with Carter’s husband, Daniel Sousa, though everyone thought he was her ‘old partner’. She watched the watchers and sneered at the obliviousness of Stark. Reaching out with her magic to ‘see’ if it was truly the time for the man and finding a big ‘NO’ all but being shouted at her. When someone appeared after Stark had left, she knew she needed to act. Vivian dropped her glamour and stepped up in an elegant black dress, of tea length and sleeveless shoulders, attaching herself to Sousa.

“I need your help…” She whispered softly when he looked ready to question her actions. “I’m trying to get away from an abusive ex who has followed me here…I’m afraid he’ll kill me…” She had false tears in her eyes, she noticed when he recognized her from old SSR photos of those on Project Rebirth. She tapped in morse code on his arm that there were assassins around.

“Of course…” Sousa slipped into the state of mind needed to get out of this. “How bout I buy you a drink?” He slipped his hand with a wedding ring on it into his pocket and slipped the ring off easily.

“Please?” Vivian tapped out HYDRA. “He’s like a big snake that you just can’t get rid of…”

Vivian smirked as they exited the hotel, and she slipped a notice-me-not charm over the both of them causing the mundane assassins to lose track of them.

“How did you know?” Daniel asked as they sat at the apartment that she’d gotten herself.

“Always watch the watchers.” Vivian smiled with a shrug. “They know that you’re wanting to expose there are some of the snakes in SHIELD…”

“Vivian! Vivian…it’s Daniel!” Peggy entered the room in tears only to stop when she saw Daniel sitting on the couch. “Oh, thank God! I was told you were killed!” She ran over and pulled him into her arms sobbing for a bit.

“But…” He looked back at Vivian.

“If they think you’re dead…” She smirked.

“They’ll stop gunning for me…” He sagged back on the couch. “But how do I keep up the work…”

“Vivian works within SHIELD with no one knowing that she works there. She’s been a part of it ever since Howard and I started it. She came to me after Howard directed John to inform me that I was going to be running it with him.” Peggy informed him with a smile. After the day that Vivian had cornered her in her apartment after the war ended, she’d become a dear friend with Vivian. When she’d learned that Vivian had lost both her soulmates though she knew that they were still alive she’d offered to help anyway she could. “Meet Agent Shadow.”

“She wanted to name me Agent Phoenix but…” Hedwig flashed into the room with that. “My familiar refuses to let me use that.” Vivian leaned forward. “I know that you know about the secret world hidden from mundane eyes. I’m part of SHIELD to keep that world a secret. There were too many close calls during the war thanks to the actions of HYRDA and the Dark Lord Grindelwald. Only the Directors or those with clearance above top secret have the ability to be read in. And even then, the directors or others have to sign magically binding contracts to keep the secret and to keep the secret world secret.”

“Agent Shadow…” Daniel’s eyes widened when he realized the stories that circulated over the agent.

“I’m always watching from the shadows.” She shrugged. “I’m going to bring you in with me into the shadows. We’ve got to gather evidence and keep them from figuring out that we’re on to them. My soulmates didn’t get lost to time for them to come back to the bastards still causing issues. I’m pretty sure to be honest that the bastards have one of my soulmates.”

“But they believe I’m dead…” Daniel shook his head.

“A golem is an easy enough thing to create in the right circ*mstances. They killed the golem and now they think that you are dead. You already hid your marriage to Peggy under a different name. Now we’ll just have you start things under that name.” Vivian shrugged as she stood and looked out the window into the city around them. “It’s an easy matter of changing a few features so that people think that there is no way that you can be Daniel Sousa. Instead, we’ll work it so that you are simply known as a soldier that had served in the war and were rescued by Steve and the Commandos…”

“How do we deal with the leg issue?” Daniel knocked against his leg that had been lost in the war.

“Magic of course. Though there are plenty of soldiers that have lost limbs.” Vivian smirked. “I can’t regrow the leg sadly but…” She looked at the man. “I can change it enough that you’ll be able to walk and look as if you aren’t wearing a prosthetic.”

“Really?” Daniel raised his eyebrow.

“Of course.” Vivian nodded as she looked back outside. “You aren’t the only one rescued by Steve…” She wrapped her arms around herself. “I was part of Project Rebirth and betrayed by my handler from the ICW…”

“ICW?” Daniel interrupted.

“International Confederation of Wizards. Though there are some that are wanting to change it to Wixen since it represents the witches of the world as well.” Vivian smirked, her father and godmother had been the ones behind the petitions happening. “I was placed in the ‘care’ of Schmidt and Zola…I still can’t believe they’ve brought the bastard in…”

“We’re keeping an eye on him.” Peggy said softly.

“It won’t be enough…” Vivian sighed; Steve had never seen her message to take care of Zola. “We just need to make sure that he isn’t able to I don’t know put his brain in a computer program somehow…”

“So, if your Shadow what am I?” Daniel smirked, giving the answer to her proposition that made them smirk.

“Well…ever read the legend of the HYDRA and how to defeat them?” Vivian looked over at the pair, Peggy was curled into the side of her husband still.

“No…” Daniel shrugged.

“When you cut of a head you sear the wound closed. Cauterize it as you will…” Vivian smirked. “But you have to move through shadows to get close enough with the strong flame to take the action.”

“Agent Fire…” Peggy looked up in shock. “That’s why you had me create that name…”

“Aye…I’ve got a gift…though at times it feels more like a curse…” Vivian replied as she looked at Daniel and Peggy. She turned back to the window giving a pained smile when Hedwig let out a song to sooth her grief. “I can see so many paths that are possible. I…I knew what was going to happen to Bucky and Steve even before it happened. Just as I had an idea, I needed to be at Hotel Roosevelt today to make sure that what I saw as a possible for you didn’t happen. It wasn’t your time yet and the Powers that Be were pissed that someone attempted to make it so.” She smirked sadly. “I tried to keep Doctor Erskine from meeting his time…Death still came for him…There is only so long someone can avoid death when it is their time.” She said with a shrug. “Now…all the world knows that Peggy has a thing for dirty blondes…let’s work with that…” She pulled out her wand and started making some changes to Daniel so that he’d be able to go on living with his beloved.

December 1959

Vivian looked around her with horror in her eyes. So many years had passed, she’d come in and out of the Colorado Manson, her relatives had gifted it to her when they’d learned that she’d met her soulmates and then lost them in the war.Though they knew that they weren’t dead but instead that they were truly lost. They had also been there and seen the changes that had happened in that she had a menagerie happening without even trying. She was part of SHIELD, not that Howard knew that he still thought her dead though she was about to change that. She had watched with Peggy and Daniel as Howard Stark married Maria Collins Carbonell, a third-generation squib of the Carbonell line. Vivian was angered when she saw how his ‘partner’ treated her and she was glad to see that he was a devoted husband at least.

“Oh, it’s so good to see you again…” Vivian simpered at Howard as they met at a charity benefit.

“I’m sorry I don’t…” Howard looked at her then his wife.

“I’m Miss Graves…I help you when Steve became a national figure.” Vivian had started making it seem as if she was aging, though not by much, when she came out in public when people might notice her. “I’ve heard congratulations are in order?”

“Pardon?” Maria looked at the young woman, placing a soft hand on her belly which only had the slightest swell at only four months pregnant.

“Oh, I heard he’d gotten a new contract with the Military…” Vivian said with a co*cked head. “It’s something he always bragged about while we were working together…”

“Miss Graves…I was led to believe you were dead…” Howard stuttered out.

“False news of course…I was betrayed from within and given over to HYDRA…” Vivian smirked, she’d slapped him several times when he’d gotten frisky with her and wouldn’t take no for an answer. “I heard you also have a new partner at your company…Good for you.”

“Vivian there you are…” Peggy came up and looped her arm though Vivian’s.

“Peggy…you knew that she was still alive?” Howard looked at Peggy carefully.

“I was there the day that Steve brought her back from behind enemy lines with the rest that he rescued from that midnight adventure we had…” Peggy smirked at Howard. “I swear she’s been protecting us from the shadows ever since the end of the war.”

“You must tell me Mrs. Stark…how do you put up with his arrogance?” Vivian smirked at Howard as he sputtered at the words from Peggy.

“Oh, I think I like you…you’re the one that taught him no means no aren’t you.” Maria said with a chuckle.

“Yes…He kept trying to get me to ‘take a tumble’ with him…” Vivian shook her head. “I’m of the old fashion values that won’t accept such a thing but with the love of my life.” Her eyes went sad.

“Thank you.” Maria smiled. “You must come and visit now that we know you’re alive. You seemed one of the regrets that he had when he couldn’t find out what happened to you.”

“That sounds wonderful.” Vivian replied with a smile of her own, she knew that Maria would need the support of another woman to deal with the idiocy of Howard when their child was born. She looked between them and lit up when she saw who was approaching. “Oh Edwin,” She saw as Jarvis came up behind the power couple and smiled at the man, he was one of the hidden agents from the ICW with him and his wife making sure that nothing close to the exposure of magic were to happen in his testing of things beyond him. “How wonderful to see you again. My parents send their well wishes. They would’ve come tonight but sadly Aunt Gertie’s health is fading and they wanted to be with her. How’s Ana?” Vivian asked.

“It’s good to see you again as well Miss Grant.” Edwin Jarvis smiled with a nod. “Ana is doing well…Send my well wishes to your parents.”

“I will…I think it’s just finally catching up with her having lost her other half as she did. Her kids are grown with their own families…she can finally stop holding on…” Vivian responded with a smile before turning to Maria who had raised a hand to her mouth after a particular strong perfume went by on one of the other guests. She opened her purse and pulled out a bag of hard candied ginger drops. “This will help…I get so nauseous at these things sometimes…the cloud of perfumes is almost as bad cloud of ‘atmosphere’ as the ‘alternative arts’ classroom at my boarding school growing up.” She shook her head. “The professor wanted to teach how to ‘divine the future’ and thought the scents would ‘open the third eye’.” She shook her head, one of the servants of Grindelwald that taught her had been determined to get her to see things for their master and would perfume the air with his special hookah.

“It can be overpowering sometimes.” Maria smiled and took the offered candy sucking on one of them and giving a smile as it helped abate the lingering morning sickness nausea.

“It’s like they think if they bathe in enough of the stuff, it will draw a man…” Vivian said in a dramatic stage whisper. “Instead, all they’re doing is putting out an impression of ‘Stay away danger danger!” She smirked as Maria and Peggy both broke into large fits of giggles. “I mean it's as if they’re skunks spraying their scent to get away…And for some reason they don’t seem to realize why it isn’t working like they thought!” She shook her head as if truly exasperated. “A dab at the wrists, and behind the ears is all that is needed…and if your being particularly daring…” She leaned forward slightly as if sharing a secret. “Between the cleavage to send your prey on the hunt…”

“Where on earth did you learn that?” Peggy asked in a chuckle.

“My Aunt Gertie…she said that was how she found Uncle Richie and reeled him in.” Vivian smirked again.

There were chuckles from the women at that while Howard, Daniel (as Michael), and Edwin looked on with confused smiles. Howard looked at Edwin with a slight look of fear.

“We never should’ve let them meet…they’re going to plan world take over aren’t they…” Howard whispered to his friend and driver.

“Most likely.” Edwin smirked in return.

May 29, 1970

Vivian stood in the waiting room of the hospital that Maria Stark had been admitted to for the delivery of her son. She knew that he’d be a world changer in a way that even his father would envy. She looked out the window to take in the surroundings and her eyes narrowed as she spotted Obadiah Stane with a smirk talking with someone that she couldn’t clearly see due to the distance.

“He trusts me fully…I’ve gotten on his good side…with time I’ll have him trusting me more.” Stane said when she let a spell bring the words to her.

“You are sure you can keep him blind?” The unknown man asked cautiously.

“If there is any point that I suspect he’s beginning to question things I’ll simply give the word…” Stane sneered. “For now, he’s concerned with his company, his wife, and now his child…”

“Make sure that you do. A little something to help control him.” The man said, handing over a vial of something she couldn’t identify from a distance, before walking off and leaving Stane standing in front of the hospital.

Stane entered the waiting room where Edwin Jarvis, his wife Ana, Howard, Carter and a woman he didn’t recognize stood talking with Carter.

“Ahhh good!” Howard said seeing Stane. “Now both godparents are here…”

“Obie…Maria and I both discussed it, and while she’s hesitant, I let her pick the godmother if I got my choice of godfather. I wish for you to our kid’s godfather.” Howard said with a firm nod. “And Vivian,” Howard turned to the woman Stane didn’t recognize. “Maria said she’d like it if you’d share the responsibility of Godmother with Peggy, she knows how busy Peggy is and wants to have someone able to give the most attention to our kid.”

“I’d be honored.” Peggy smiled as she got past her shock.

“Of course, Howard…” Vivian smiled in return and nodded, she’d make sure that later she could perform the godmother bond with the child, she knew it was going to be a boy thanks to her gifts. She knew in her heart that she needed to perform the spell if she was going to protect the child. “Oh…” She looked to the door where a nurse had just entered with wide eyes.

“Mr. Stark…” The nurse looked over at Howard.

“Yes?” Howard turned.

“You have a son…” The nurse held the babe in her arms. “The doctors are still assisting your wife…”

Vivian’s eyes widened in suspected thought and moved discreetly from the room casting a notice-me-not as she went. She snarled when she reached the room that Maria was in and noticed that the ‘doctors’ were HYDRA in disguise. With a quick bit of spell work she got rid of the doctors and modified their memories where they forgot their task and when asked if they did as ordered, would confirm that they had. She then went to Maria and felt tears in her eyes as she looked her over. They’d already done what was needed to keep her from ever having more children successfully, if she ever got pregnant again, she’d miscarry. She sighed as she discreetly left the room and returned with the others once it was made clear that they were finally allowed in. Vivian picked up the chart at the end of the bed and gave a sad smile to Maria.

“I’m unable to carry to term again, aren't I?” Maria asked softly looking at the woman had become such a dear friend in the last five months.

“From what it says here to stop you from bleeding out they took steps that long term will keep you alive but if you were to get pregnant again, you’ll miscarry.” Vivian gave a tight-lipped smile.

Maria only nodded and blinked back tears as she now held her son.

“So, what is the little man’s name?” Vivian asked softly.

“Anthony Edward Stark.” Howard said with a light smile on his face.

Vivian knew that would be the last time that would appear on his face when she caught a glimpse of Obadiah handing him a cup of coffee, and one to Maria as well, all the while slipping the vial he’d been handed into his pocket. A discreet switching charm had the vial in her pocket and unable to stop the potioning of her dear friend and her husband.

November 1978

“Liquid imperious…it is an unstoppable potion…With the spell one with enough willpower can break it.” Newt said sitting beside Vivian at the Sanctuary Library, the Newt Family Mansion so renamed The Sanctuary after several more thought to be extinct animals had shown up there, with the pilfered bottle sitting in front of them. “This though…this is one that no one can break even if they weren’t squibs or mundanes.”

“I’ve already seen differences happening.” Vivian sighed. “Howard has gotten sharper since little Anthony was born. While Maria has gotten more distant. They both maintain all ‘regular’ actions that they’d had before the babe was born. They have simply changed to where they treat Anthony as a chore and a necessary step to continue the line.”

“Then you need to remain the one that Maria can turn to, and you need to make sure that young Anthony knows that you’re there for him.” Newt said softly wrapping his daughter in his arms.

“He’s already shown signs of magic…” She whispered. "I’m worried with the way that Howard has changed that abuse over it will happen…He’s also become completely obsessed with finding Steve.” She sighed before looking at her mom again. “I’ve been having dreams ever since Voldie has become so powerful…” She looked at her mom.

“What sort of dreams?” Newt asked carefully. “Are they like what you saw before the war really broke out?”

“No…” She closed her eyes in pain. “They’re like memories…” She furrowed her brown as she thought over it. “But they’re confusing…Vague…as if I know what happens but can’t see it clearly…” She opened her eyes and focused on the journal of Merlin. “In the dreams I’m still called Vivian…but…It’s Vivian Lily Potter the prophesized child to defeat Voldie…only to die at a ‘friend’s’ hand shortly after the ‘final battle’.” She took a deep breath and looked at her mom before looking at her father across at where he stood in the doorway. “When I was killed, all I wanted was someplace where I could find love. Love of a family,” She looked at both her parents before looking into the distance, “And a romantic love.” She whispered thinking of her soulmates. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I know where he puts his soul pieces. I know what he does to protect them…” She opens her eyes with a snarl. “I’m not about to let him win this round.” She looked over at Percival. “Albus Dumbledore let a man who had nothing fear for everything when the war was going on. HE lived through the Blitz and feared death. His name is even an acronym. HE wasn’t supposed to rise to power in this time in this universe, but Fate is truly a bitch…” She took a deep breath. “I was destined to kill HIM in another life. And I’m not about to let the one who is the me of the past in this Universe be dealt the hand I was.” She turned to stand and look out over the grounds of the sanctuary. “I’m going to end this…I’m going to deal with two birds…” She turned around and Percival and Newt could see the determination in her eyes, they watched in amazement as her clothing swirled around her to form armor similar to what one of the knights of Camelot would wear with a sword in hand that belonged in legends at Hogwarts. “Albus Dumbledore and Tom Riddle will rue the day that they messed with Vivian Lillian Graves-Scamander.” Her eyes were filled with a battle fever.

“And we will help you.” Newt answered standing and looking at his daughter with determination in his own eyes.

“We’ve got two years before the bastard goes after a baby.” Vivian said looking at her parents. “We start at Hogwarts, there’s a tiara in the room of requirement that needs to be destroyed along with a basilisk under the school.” Vivian explained. “There will be a locket placed in a cave at some point next year…I’ll be setting wards there that are specific…The cave will have a pool of water filled with inferni…” She looked at her father. “There will be a cup placed in the vaults of Bellatrix Lestrange née Black, and a diary given to Lord Malfoy. There is a ring placed at the home of his grandfather near the manor his father lived in…He plans on making his sixth the day he goes after the babe…”

“Brother you’re meddling again…” Time said as he entered the area where Death stood watching things happening in a pool of water.

“If our sister wasn’t such a bitch I wouldn’t have to.” Death answered looking up briefly before looking back down. “You know just as I do that He wasn’t supposed to get to the point that he has. Fate’s just throwing a fit that I stopped her plans for Vivian in the last world…So now…” Death shrugged with a smirk covering his face. “I simply helped my Mistress remember the important things so that the lives that weren’t supposed to be lost yet don’t come to soon…I’m still upset how SHE counter acted things by having my Items remade in this world when we both know they were only to be myth.”

“Yes, we can agree that our sister is a Bitch but Brother…” Time sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

“We are just setting things right…” Another stepped into the room and wrapped herself around Death.

“Sister…are you sure this is what should happen?” Time looked at Magic as he looked back at the pool.

“Dumbledore was supposed to be taken down with the testimony of the one who witnessed who had helped capture Vivian…He was supposed to be sharing a cell across from his lover the past thirty-four years. Instead he’s back at that school and has bound one of my Blessed Children to his call.” Magic snarled. “His actions are also killing my gift to the world…I refuse to let it continue! Both of them would’ve killed my gift by the time things came to a head for Death’s Mistress with her mates.” Magic looked at them with a smirk. “After all there is a reason she attracts the creatures most thought were lost…”

“I’d wondered about that…” Time sighed. “Next time ask before you mess in my duties…”

The trio stood watching as Vivian Graves-Scamander took charge and went overseas. They smirked as she walked into Hogwarts without qualms and stood standing with her arms crossed in the door to the Great Hall as the students enjoyed feast for Samhain.

Chapter 7


A lot of time jumps in this chapter…next chapter will have more interactions between the coming avenger’s group and Vivian…thanks for being so patient in waiting as I got this written…didn’t know where I was going to go with this…

Chapter Text

October 31, 1981

“Can I help you miss…?” Dumbledore stood in shock from where he was sitting at the head table.

“Lady Vivian Lillian Graves-Scamander…” Vivian performed an elaborate bow. “Lady Ravenclaw, Lady Hufflepuff, and…Grand duch*ess Emrys by the will of Lady Magic.” She straightened up as a ripple of sound echoed through the room. “And you sir are the false Headmaster of this School.”

She’d been shocked when she stepped within Gringotts upon returning to England and claimed the titles that she was to inherit at 17. She’d not done it in England, at the time because she didn’t want to alert anyone to get word. As Vivian straightened Hedwig alighted on one shoulder while on the other Fawkes alighted.

“Oh…I guess I should tell you that I’ve broken the False Bond that you had on your ‘companion’.” Vivian smirked.

Dumbledore looked at her in shock before his eyes filled with anger. There were loud gasps that filled the hall when five more creatures surrounded her. A large Basilisk with secondary eyelids covering it’s deadly gaze rose behind her on the left. A griffin standing regally beside her on the right. On the left, in front of the basilisk, was the magical version of a badger that was four times the size of a normal badger. On the right landing on the ground in front of the griffin one of the magical ravens that reside at the tower of London. But behind them all rose a large white dragon, the Castle magically allowed the dragon in its full size to stand within the room.

“You have tickled the sleeping Dragon…” Vivian stood tall, even at her petite stature with the magic that was pouring from her brought attention to her and made her seem three times as large. In her hand she held not a wand but a large staff of elder wood with the resurrection stone standing on the top. “I, Vivian Lillian Graves-Scamander,” A cloak appeared across her shoulders. “Granted the title of Grand duch*ess Emrys by Lady Magic, and Mistress of Death hereby call upon Death and Magic to bring judgement on the one that would destroy our world! SO I say…”

“STOP!” Dumbledore called out with his eyes wide in shock as the power began to build even more in the room around them, though the other teachers were grateful to see that every child was protected.

“SO I SAY IT SO MOTE IT BE!” Vivian cried over his protest.

“Thank you darling…I can see why my brother is so taken with you…I hereby name you my Champion…Oh my brother has taken care of the rest of the pesky pieces since he now knows where to look. The ‘Prophecy’ will not come to be, and our sister can bitch all she wants, but brother will not be collecting the souls of those not due him.” A feminine voice echoed around the room as they looked to the door and saw a woman who looked regal and powerful. She had skin the color of rich soil and hair that was as white as snow in a high ponytail. Her eyes were without iris or pupil. She was neither Dark nor Light and saw not the differences in them. The power she controlled flashed around her like lightning in a storm. “You, Albus Dumbledore…if I’d not be called as I have been would have killed the magical world with your actions by the time the new millennia were to arrive. All for the ‘Greater Good’…there would’ve been no magical world to rule over nor would you’ve been able to rule over the mundanes. They would’ve killed every last magical within the world if you’d continued to actions.”

There were gasps all around the room from the students drawing the female’s attention to them then back to the man she was speaking to.

“You would DARE HARM MY CHILDREN!” The woman snarled before casting out a hand and grasping Dumbledore from where he remained behind the table frozen in shock. While he staggered he didn’t go to her instead his core was clear for all to see. “You’ve abused my gift for the last time Albus Dumbledore. In this world and the next you will not be remembered as any that almost ended the gift of Lady Magic.” It was clear from the sight of his core that he’d done something horrifying, for coming from the core were thousands of strings, there was one from every student within the room that had a light core. A twist of the hand had all the cores in the room to be seen. Those that were more dark inclined were blocked to the point that it would’ve destroyed them completely by the time they were fifty.

“You are truly a monster…” Vivian snarled as she looked at what was before her. “How long have you done this to your ‘charges’.” She smirked. “Be careful what you say…after all we’ll be able to tell.”

Dumbledore remained silent as he glared at Vivian ignoring Lady Magic completely.

“My judgement is passed…” Lady Magic said as she reached into the ball of strings and extracted the center corewhich was a pulsing dark indigo causing many to gasp.

“Hedge wizard…” The whispers went through the room.

“What does that mean?” A first year asked carefully.

“There are ten ranges of the cores a wixen can have.” Vivian explained keeping an eye on Dumbledore. “Black is a mundane, a muggle; violet cores are those that belong to a squib; Indigo is a hedge wixen; while blue is a high hedge wixen.” Vivian looked around. “A green core is a general core of a wixen and is what is generally needed to get into a wixen school. Above that is a yellow core for a high wixen. Wixens need a wand to perform their magics. Orange and red are for sorcerer or sorceress level, the reds are the highs, who need a focus that is stronger than a wand, generally a bracelet or ring were used. White is a mage, they generally accel at wandless and nonverbal magic. The highest and what is call the Merlin class is the High Mage at Gold. There has only been two gold recorded in history until recently.”

“Who?” Another first year asked.

“Grand duch*ess Morgana Pendragon, older half-sister to King Arthur and granted his last name upon his ascending to the throne, as well as the title of Grand duch*ess.” Vivian said with a gentle smile. “And Grand Duke Merlin Emrys, the court mage of Camelot. Morgana and Merlin were soulmates blessed with the soulmark of each other.”

“That’s a lie!” Albus snarled from where he stood.

“You said until recently miss…” A timid little girl spoke up carefully.

“Aye I did.” Vivian smiled at the child before turning back to Dumbledore with a sneer. “Dumbledore attempted to get himself registered as a gold core but Magic,” She nodded to the woman in question, “Refused to let it register.” She smirked and finally let her core be seen as well. It was a blinding gold. “There is a reason I was granted the title of Grand duch*ess Emrys.”

The people contained with in the room watched in shock as things went crazy. The children were shielded by the creatures that had joined the woman who’d shown up. Dumbledore pulled out a knife and in a move belying his age leapt the table and went to attack Vivian. Lady Magic grabbed a hold of the strings and with a simple tug had all of them free and rushing back to the people. With the action she released a lot to the spells that Dumbledore had in place. Several spells were fired at Albus causing him to drop before he could reach Vivian who had simply stood holding her staff and watching, she’d gathered the last of the Hollows, the wand was to come to her since she had the cloak and stone.

“Albus Dumbledore…your magic is gone and your control forfeit. My brother has you now…” Magic sneered down at the man and pulled the lightning back into her body standing there simply as a woman with power barely contained.


January 1, 1981

“Can we help you Miss?” James Potter looked at the woman that stood before them in Gringotts, they’d been summoned by the Potter Account Manager to bring in their daughter.

“I’ve got some information to share with you…but first…I requested and paid for the both of you…” She looked at James and Lily, “Along with several of your friends,” The door opened, and Sirius, Remus, Lucius, and Severus all walked in one door while Regulus walked through another door with Petunia who held her son in her arms. “To receive a full cleansing.” She kept her eyes on James and Lily never looking at the little girl in her mother’s arms.

“I don’t know why…” James started only to feel Lily place a hand on his arm.

“I think this is necessary James…please…” Lily kept an eye on the girl before them.

“Lils?” Severus looked at his old friend with confusion and longing in his eyes.

“My gut is telling me that we need to do this…” Lily said firmly.

“Then we do this.” James, Sirius, and Remus nodded in understanding.

It took four hours for all the tests and cleansings to be done. Then the group sat in the conference room that Vivian Graves-Scamander had rented for the day with a glowing pensieve sitting beside her.

“I know that you don’t know who I am or what my story is…” Vivian began her eyes once again sitting on the little one in James’s arms. “I want you to watch these memories…though I wouldn’t recommend the children seeing them, even though they aren’t a year old yet…” Her eyes were haunted. “I’ll explain more when you are done.”

The group of adults went into the memories in turns so that one of them was always with the children. Lily had tears in her eyes when she came out and just hugged her daughter closer to her. James, Sirius, and Remus all sat in shock before Sirius leapt up and wrapped his little brother in a hug crying apologies all the while. Severus and Petunia locked eyes on the woman who’d done so much.

“How…” Severus asked stopping himself before taking a deep breath and starting over. “How are you able to know these things?”

“Let me tell you a story…” Vivian started and once all their attention was on her, she started. It took several minutes to summarize what she’d been through in this life with Dumbledore and then taking a deep breath and a drink of tea continued. “You’ve all heard of rebirths and of second lives…that was my first life…” She gestured to the glowing liquid memories. “That is what would’ve happened this time if Death and Magic didn’t step in…Fate was pissed that Death took me away from what she’d planned for me…so she was going to have it replay here in this world in this life…” She gave a tight smile while lost in thought. “There’s a reason Fate is called a Bitch.” Remus choked on the drink of tea that he’d just taken from the set up that the Goblins had put together for them. “Mr. Potter…I need you to take up your title…and I need you and your wife to make a will so that should Fate’s plan happen…”

“You think he’ll still do something?” Lily asked with a tremble in her voice.

“I think that he’s planning so many steps ahead that he’d do anything to achieve his ‘greater good’. He’s currently frustrated because the one he wants for his soulmate, even though they don’t bare each other’s mark, is denied to him.” Vivian smirked in a way that said she knew how he was denied access to Grindelwald.

“Soulmate marks are a myth…the last recorded ones were Merlin and Morgana…” Remus whispered with wide eyes.

“Recorded being the true statement there. There have been many times that people have wanted to keep a record of soulmate marks.” Vivian nodded. “But there are things that would happen should that come to pass. A known soulmate is a vulnerable soulmate. For one cannot live without the other…” She took a deep breath. “A further thing that is not known about soulmates is that the life of one is connected to the other even without a full bond…” She looked into the distance briefly before looking back at the others. James and Lily had a high flush on their cheeks, as did Severus and Petunia. “There are those that have marks develop from the slightest brush of a hand. And others who need time to learn who the person meant for them truly is before they are able to develop the mark.” She smiled lightly at Remus who had a blush of his own forming on his cheeks as his hand went to his right hip and he glanced at Sirius out of the corner of his eye.

The group talked for a while over what they’d seen and what they’d learned. They knew that they’d do whatever they could to get out of the coming conflict.

James had given over the cloak when it was revealed what was going on. He wanted to make sure that the cloak remained safe and didn’t want to risk Dumbledore getting a hold of it. When they’d learned the number of spells and potions that were on them all it had pissed them off. But what upset all of them was the spells and bindings on both Dudley and their daughter Vivian. There were already leeches attached to both children, the ones on Dudley enough to make him all but a squib in power. Even Petunia had been blocked enough to be a squib level, which confused them all, but once the blocks had been removed she’d divorced Vernon and turned to Severus for help. James and Lily had immediately taken Petunia, Dudley, Severus, Remus, Sirius, Regulus, and little Vivian into hiding at the Potter Castle instead of the house that Dumbledore had wanted James and Lily to live in, in Godric’s Hollow. They’d cut ties with Peter, using their heads about the form of the animagus matching the soul of the person.

Peter had been confused especially since the plan had been to be the secret keeper at a home that Dumbledore had provided so that he could give the location to the Dark Lord. A severing charm in public from an unseen source revealed the dark mark on the rat man’s arm and his arrest. A bit of work on the Dark Lord’s part had seen Peter drained of his magic and life for ‘betraying his master’ at the same time that Vivian Graves-Scamander stepped into the Great Hall.

~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~

“What is going on here?” Professor McGonagall stood looking around in shock before she noticed the woman standing over a downed Dumbledore holding not only a Rowan staff but wearing a cloak that seemed to shimmer and a ring with a dark stone upon her finger.

“Justice brought about by Mother Magic…” Vivian co*cked her head to the side. “Oh…oh dear you were greatly affected weren’t you…”

“I…” Minerva blinked as her thoughts slipped into place and she remembered everything that had happened since she’d come home to her husband being killed by the old man on the floor in front of the cloaked female. “Bastard…” She spat on the man. “I hope that you face justice for all that you’ve done.”

“Oh don’t worry he will.” Vivian smirked as she looked down at the man and wove her own wand through the air binding him tight. “He won’t be taken by Death until he’s faced justice. After all…there’d never have been a Lord Voldemort if he’d only shown a hint of compassion to the youth.”

Screams rang out at the name of the Dark Lord causing her to roll her eyes as she looked around. “Lord Voldemort…” She used magic to write the name in the air before flicking her wand and reversing the anagram. “Tom Marvolo Riddle, Jr. Son of mundane, Tom Riddle, and squib, Merope Gaunt, via love potion. Which though certain parties would have one believe leads to one being unable to feel positive emotions is wrong…” She glared as the bound Dumbledore. “Is simply a man. Already Lord Death is collecting him. As Mother Magic said his soul pieces have all been gathered…” She smirked at the old man. “Soul pieces that would’ve never been made if not for some nudges from a certain old goat.” She crouched so that she was level with the man. “Judgement has come…and you’ve been found guilty of being an idiot.” She stood as the Aurors entered the Great Hall finally and arrested Dumbledore taking over the bindings as they pulled him to his feet. “You shouldn’t have left me alive old man…” She smirked.

“Who are you?” Dumbledore groaned out.

“I told you…I’m Vivian Graves-Scamander…and I can be patient for justice, but the time has come.” Vivian smirked a fire of hate flaming in her eyes. “Because of you and those that you worked with for ‘the greater good’,” She spat the three words with venom clear in her voice. “I’ve been through hell…now it’s your turn.” It was then that the students and Dumbledore realized that the Aurors were those that worked for the ICW causing many shocked whispers to work through the crowd. “You won’t slip out of charges this time old man…Check and Mate.” Those who cared to look would see a vindictive smirk on her face, but she didn’t care. He’d stolen her life by taking her from her parents and giving her to Grindelwald and then again when he stole her from the SSR and put her in the care of HYDRA. She’d endured hell because of this man and all anyone had seen prior to her actions was the grandfatherly façade that he had in place. “I’ll leave the rest in your hands gentlemen.” She nodded to the Aurors. “Professor Flitwick…I leave the running of the castle in your hands as the heiress of the castle I’m able to name the next headmaster. I think you are just what this school needs to return to the prime that it was before Dumbledore was placed in such positions of power. Remember carefully…” She looked around at all the students. “Power can corrupt…and absolute power can corrupt absolutely…so keep everyone in check. There are no houses in the wider world…so don’t let it control you in this one. After all according to my Father…I’m more Slytherin than Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, but I’m still brave, loyal, sly, and smart…everyone has many different parts to themselves.”

With those words Vivian turned and left the halls of the castle, following those that were escorting Dumbledore from the building.

Three months later:

Vivian sat in the seats reserved for victims or witnesses against the accused in the court room of the International Confederation of Wizards. She watched as the truth of all that Dumbledore had done with Grindelwald and what he’d created with Riddle were revealed. She smirked as she knew that the Dementors were taken care of and though the British threw a fit about it they had to comply, after all the Queen wasn’t about to stand for the ‘torture’ and ‘inhumane’ treatment of any of her subjects even the magical ones. The Prison was going through a full rebuild and warding, it was being done by the Goblins who’d provided the means to destroy the soul demons in the first place.

“Do any here wish to speak before judgement is given?” The new Supreme Mugwump asked looking around the room with trepidation, especially when his eyes landed on Vivian Graves-Scamander.

Vivian only shook her head and stayed quiet.

“I wish to speak…” A voice from the back spoke up and people turned to look shocked at the image presented to them. The man had a scruff of unshaved beard, silver grey eyes, and thick black hair. He was dressed as a Lord of a Noble Family and had fire in his eyes when he looked toward Dumbledore.

“Who may you be?” The Mugwump asked carefully.

“Lord Marvolo Riddle.” He replied with a sneer worthy of a pureblood.

“VOLDEMORT!” Dumbledore yelled out in shock.

“I was once…before Mother Magic and Lord Death healed my soul from the damage caused by you.” He replied looking down at the man who’d caused so much harm to the British Wixen world. “Now I’ve been reborn as I should’ve always been, and Magic has accepted my claim as Duke Slytherin.”

There were many whispers and cries of shock over the revelations. Vivian even perked up at the revelation that was to come.

“Mother Magic granted me a new chance due to the actions that he took. I just wanted him to know that I’m free from his manipulations in full. I’m going to work with the Grand duch*ess to make sure that the British Wixen world is brought back to the glory it once was. I’m going to protect children of all status in the Wixen world from those that would harm them. I’m going to make sure people realize that just because someone is ‘family’ doesn’t make their actions ones of love. There is a thing called abuse…and I’m going to make sure that abuse of any form is erased from the British Wixen world…no more will children live in fear of becoming an Obscurial all because of fear for their magic. Just like Grindelwald hunted for an Obscurial to study I’ll make sure that all children are protected. They are our future…and not in the terms of soldiers in a war that doesn’t exist.” Riddle stepped forward until he was right at the edge of the victim platform looking at the man. “You lose old man. Your Greater Good is dead.” He then turned and bowed the Mugwump. “Thank you.”

With that Riddle turned his back and went to walk away. Everyone was shocked when Dumbledore grabbed the wand from an Auror nearest him, a sympathizer for the old man who didn’t fight when he took his wand.

“I don’t lose you all do!” Dumbledore snarled out before going to fire a spell that would’ve activated a self-destruct he’d woven in during his short time as the Supreme Mugwump.

“Sit Mors iudex anima!” Vivian cried out reacting before he could finish his spell shielding him and stopping any of the spell from reaching the spectators and leaders of the ICW.

There were screams all around at the explosion of the mixing magic and they were shocked at the fact that the man who’d had so much power withered away before their very eyes.

“Grand duch*ess Emrys what was that?” The Supreme Mugwump cried out in shock as the pile of ashes was gathered by a wind not previously present in the place.

“A spell of Merlin’s that was recorded in his annuals.” Vivian rose to her feet and stood tall even at only her petite height. “I called for Death to judge the soul…Lord Death obviously deemed him a full threat and wiped him from existence.”

“But why would you do that…” One of the world leaders asked.

“Because he was going to kill us all if he had the chance. I suggest that those in charge of the wards look at the scheme again…just because his magic was reduced and the spells on the people were removed does not mean that he didn’t have the power any longer to kill with a single gesture.” Vivian sneered back. “Now excuse me I’ve a meeting to attend.” She nodded to the rest and left the room.

“Grand duch*ess Emrys…a moment of your time?” Duke Slytherin bowed lightly to her as she exited the room.

“You know what the Founders wanted for their school. Get it back to that. Protect the children.” She simply said while continuing to walk.

“What will you be doing in the meantime?” Riddle asked carefully.

“I’ll be waiting for the return of my soulmates and planning for the day when Magic can no longer be hidden from the mundanes.” Vivian replied as she walked off without a backward glance leaving everyone behind her gapping in shock at her words. She knew there were going to be people pissed at her and her words, but she was only speaking the truth and she knew that it wouldn’t be long before the future that she saw would come to pass.

September 1, 1991

Vivian stood in the shadows of the platform 9 ¾ and watched as the child that she would’ve been said goodbye to her parents, and godparents. She watched as Vivian Potter climbed onto the train with her cousin, Decimus Prince; her adopted cousin, Leola Black, who had previously been known as Hermione Granger until it was found that her parents were neglectful to an almost abusive degree due to her intelligence and magic; and her best friend, Draco Malfoy. She watched as the Weasley family rushed in and smirked at the twins, who’d gone into Slytherin to their mother’s disgust but father’s encouragement. Vivian watched as Ronald was shown the error of his actions when he attempted to force his friendship on Vivian Potter. She smirked as she apparated away after the train pulled out of the station. It would be a good life ahead for the child.

December 17, 1991

Vivian entered the house that Howard and Maria Stark had left the day before for their trip. She followed the sounds of breaking glass to the lab that Howard had set up for his son and stood with a shield charm around her watching in sorrow.

Stane was on the phone with Tony instead of coming in person to tell him that his parents had never made their flight. Vivian sneered as she hung up the call to Tony’s shock as he turned to one of his godmothers. She only held her arms out in a universal hug position allowing the young 21-year-old man to rush into his arms.

“I’m sorry baby…” Vivian whispered in his ears as she held him.

“Why did mom have to go with?” Tony sobbed against her holding her tight to him, he towered over her at almost 6’1 and was still in the gangly stage of not full adulthood.

Vivian pulled back and captured his face between her hands looking him in the eye. “Remember what I told you…”

“There are things that can never be understood but that grief can be good…” Tony whispered in return.

“Exactly…gather some things darling…I’m taking you to the Sanctuary…” Vivian replied as she pulled his head down to kiss his forehead.

“But the funeral…CEO…” Tony groaned out thinking of all he was going to have to do. He played up the image of a playboy for the media because it was what was expected of him, but he preferred to be in the places he was, his lab or the Sanctuary.

“The Funeral is being handled by Peggy and Stane. Stane will hold the position of Regent until you’re ready to step up. Give yourself time to grieve your mother and who your father could’ve been.” Vivian said softly. She looked around the room as she held and shushed the child in her arms. “Your control is slipping sweet-pea…we need to get you to the Sanctuary so that you can regain control before someone who shouldn’t notice does.” The electronics around the room were floating and sparking in his anger and grief. Tony sighed and just accepted the comfort of his Godmother. He’d always called her his ‘fairy’ godmother because of her size and her fae like features. She’d only smile before moving onto something else without expression. “Come on sweetie…we’ll be back for the funeral…don’t worry…but you need a chance to grieve.”

December 28, 1991

Vivian stood beside Peggy Cater as the elder Starks were buried with Stane standing beside Tony looking all the while like a devoted godfather and uncle figure. Tony’s friend Rhodey was deployed and extremely sorry he couldn’t be there to support his friend.

“We need to keep an eye on Stane…” Vivian whispered as she glared at Stane’s back from where he was putting his hand on Tony’s shoulder, steering him where he wanted him to go.

“We’ve already got an eye on him Viv…he’s doing nothing.” Peggy whispered back; she wasn’t one to believe that he was doing anything since she couldn’t find any evidence. She’d instead thrown herself into being the best director of SHIELD she could be and training her replacement. “Not everyone has bad intentions…you’re chasing shadows.”

“So you say…” Vivian sighed before she moved through the gathered crowd to step up beside Tony. “When you’re ready kid…I know that Griff is missing you.”

“It’s been less than a day.” Tony gave a sad chuckle.

“Miss Graves…” Stane looked at her with a glare that he hid behind a brief glimpse of sympathy. “Tony should…”

“Tony should most definitely take the time he needs to grieve the loss of his mother and father.” Vivian said with a sad grin that works on the heartstrings of those that were there to give their condolences to Tony or appear as if they were friends with his parents instead of knowing them merely in passing. “I’m going to take him back home with me as is my right as his godmother.”

“If you’re sure…” Tony whispered softly his eyes still pained over what he’d lost recently.

“Of course I’m sure darling.” Vivian stepped forward and cupped his cheek in sympathy. “Now…do you have anyone else you want to see or talk to?”

“No…I’ve done what I need to…” Tony shook his head before nodding his farewell to those that were around him and leaving with Vivian on his arm.

Vivian bit back a smirk at the flash of frustrated anger that she saw cross Stane’s face as they walked off. She knew that he’d gotten to Peggy some how and as a squib the woman wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. But she would keep an eye on him as long as she could.

June 1998

Vivian Graves-Scamander stood on the edge of the field where they were having the graduation ceremony of the new generation as they were being called. Those students who dealt with the aftermath of the reveal of the actions of Dumbledore and the horrors that he’d caused. It was also the best class of the latest generation.

“Heiress Vivian Potter…” Professor Riddle called out, he’d taken her words to heart and had gone to the school and gotten it back on track, he’d been the one to take over when McGonagall had suffered a stroke the year before and was forced to step back. He was now the Deputy Headmaster with Flitwick still the Headmaster. “Has achieved the highest of OWLs and NEWTs possible for a student showing that not all the smart ones are in Ravenclaw.” There was some chuckling. “She has also agreed to become my apprentice in Defense Against the Dark Arts and is already well on the way to her mastery. Your valedictorian!”

Vivian Potter stepped up the podium and looked out at the students and adults that had gathered, she saw her mom and dad in the audience with Uncles Sirius, Remus, Severus, and Regulus as well as Aunts Petunia and Alice, Uncle Frank had fallen to a wizard that hadn’t been happy to have Voldemort defeated and destroyed. She noticed the petite woman that sat in the back who appeared to be between the age of her classmates and her parents in looks. Before she spotted her little brother, Seaghdha also known as Shay, who’d been born two years under her, her parents had found out that they were pregnant when they’d arrived at Potter Castle and hiding from the old goat as they called Dumbledore. There was also her little twin sisters, Blodwen and Branwen, who were born two years after Shay, and went by Wen and Branny respectively. They’d told they’re parents that if they had any more children they weren’t allowed to chose such different names. Their little brother Harrison had been born a year after the twins.

“Seven years ago we entered Hogwarts fresh faced Firsties…looking for magic and adventure. We had out heads stuffed with ideas of what could be and weren’t about to let anyone else tell us different. We were the first to be part of a world without war and the rebirth of the school that came from the end of the war.” Vivian started to say. “Whispers echoed of the night that Albus Dumbledore was revealed to be the one behind so much. Now were going out into the world, as the person that ended the threat of Dumbledore and Voldemort told everyone there are no houses out there in the world. Everyone has the qualities to be of any of the houses. Let’s show them out there that we’ve learned that lesson well. Congratulations class of 1998 we’ve made it!”

There was cheers throughout the students who were graduating with Vivian they shot the sparks in the colors of their houses into the air after they all had been given their graduation certificates

Vivian Graves-Scamander smiled with tears in her eyes as she saw what was happening and the changes that had taken place. She was amazed that the changes were such that Vivian Potter was now going to be the apprentice of Marvolo Riddle the man who in her first life had wanted to kill her at the absence of all else. She watched as people congregate and congratulate each other and the fellow students. She watched as Draco walked up beside Vivian Potter and to the amazement of all the onlookers and the pride of their parents asked for the permission to court Vivian in the Old Ways with the goal of marriage at the end of her apprenticeship. Vivian Potter accepted with an excited nod and Lily was heard weeping about her baby girl growing up to fast. With a final smile she stepped away from the graduation and walked off into the Forbidden Forest.

“Miss Graves-Scamander…you are far from the path the stars show for you…” Firenze stepped into view after she looked over the area where the acromantula had been until the creature control group came in and took them out to a preserve, those that refused to be moved were killed. It had been explained to Hagrid after he’d been given his trial that by introducing them to the forest he was endangering not only the children but every creature that lived in the forest as they were an invasive species. “You…are a twice born…”

“That is one way to say it.” Vivian smiled as the forest was becoming so much safer as regulations and laws were being remade with the times.

“You’ve caused the stars to change their paths…Mars was bright but it has dimmed more and more each day since you first set foot in the school.” Firenze co*cked his head as he studied her.

“It won’t stay that way long…” She whispered in return. “Fourteen years of peace ahead…before fire will rain from the sky…it won’t be here but…”

“I understand.” Firenze nodded. “We’ll prepare for the time of emergence.”

“Enjoy your life Firenze…may it be filled with laughter and joy…” Vivian smiled sadly before turning and heading for the edge of the wards and as soon as she felt the returned power of the wards was over her she apparated away.

“May Mother Magic protect you Vivian Graves-Scamander…” Firenze whispered into the wind as he watched he walk away before he turned and went back to the herd where they were celebrating the first brith in fifteen years within the herd.

September 11, 2001

Vivian watched the news in shock as the image of a second airliner flew into the twin towers in New York. She wrapped her arms around her as she knew that the changes that were about to come to a head and that Tony would be called to make more weapons even though she watched him die a little more each day when he was asked to make something else that killed others instead of doing the many things he’d been attempting to make for the R&D department. Her phone ringing pulled her attention from the TV only briefly enough to answer.

:Where are you darling?: Newt’s voice came through shaking with shock.

“I’m at the Sanctuary…” Vivian answered softly.

:Stay there…no matter what you stay there…MACUSA has ordered that only those magical that are in the area to assist and only in such a way as to not draw attention. Several were already at work to do so. There are also several of those enhanced that you told us about. Even ones that have routinely been seen fighting each other are working side by side.: Percival spoke up letting her know that it was on speaker.

“Momma…Papa…” She choked out a sob as she watched the towers start to collapse. She dropped to her knees as she watched a man dive out of the tower rather then die in the flames. “sh*t…How can I sit here and not help…”

:I know baby…I know…but you need to…I’m sorry but you must…: Percival said his own voice shaking speaking as he was standing watching it happen out the window of their townhome. :We’ll be there soon…the others are going to be coming as well.:

“Stay safe…please…I can’t lose you please…” Vivian put her own phone on speaker and continued to watch. If she couldn’t be there then she could stand as witness to what was happening and those that were dying.

February 2009

“This is Vivian Graves…” Vivian looked at the painting that she was currently working on as she answered her phone on speaker before painting a little more.

:Miss Graves this is Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes…I was traveling with your godson Tony Stark.: A male voice choked with tears came over the line.

“What do you mean was Lieutenant…” Vivian put down her brush and glaring toward the phone.

:Our convoy was attacked and Tony is Missing in Action ma’am…: James replied struggling to get the words out.

“He’s still alive…He’s told me about you Lt. Colonel, his Platypus and Honeybear…” Vivian whispered. “He let me know that you knew his deepest secret…”

:Yes ma’am…: James said cautiously.

“Good then you can know that I have a way to know that he is truly still alive…and until it says different I won’t give up on him. Where was the convoy when it took place?” Vivian asked.

:We were in Afghanistan ma’am…: James said simply.

“Then I can not help…it is a dead zone for those like Tony and I…but he’s got more than the secret that will allow him to get through this.” Vivian said simply.

:I’ll keep the search going.: James said simply.

“See that you do.” Vivian replied.

May 2009

“Tears for your long lost boss?” Tony asked Pepper as he stepped carefully up to her.

“I hate job hunting.” Pepper chuckled tearfully as they went to get in the vehicle.

“You young man are in trouble…” Vivian smirked as Tony froze upon seeing her in the vehicle.

“Let me get a cheeseburger and a…” Tony started wincing when Pepper spoke up about him not being up to that. “A press conference…we’re going to change things up at SI and I know that some people are going to be pissed.”

“You learned something…” Vivian narrowed her eyes carefully before nodding. “Take care of the press conference and then I’ll take care of the rest of the healing you need at the house. Miss Pepper remember the NDA you signed…you’ll find it is a little more binding then you originally thought.” She smirked again before apparating from the moving vehicle to the Malibu office, Happy was a squib disowned from his family and resorting to boxing because of it before meeting Tony.

“What the hell?!” Pepper startled looking between Tony and where Vivian Graves had previously sat.

“We’ll explain later.” Tony narrowed his gaze at her to keep her from arguing further.

Vivian walked down to the conference room and looked around taking in everything that was happening. She spotted Agent Coulson and narrowed her eyes.

“Fury is not wasting any time is he Agent Coulson.” Vivian stepped up beside the man causing him to jump slightly.

“Agent Shadow…” Coulson looked at the legend in SHIELD in shock. “I didn’t realize you were going to be here.”

“No…you wouldn’t have.” Vivian raised an eyebrow. “You aren’t going to mention my presence to Fury at all. I’m here to protect my Godson and no one will get in my way.”

Coulson looked between her and Tony Stark who was entering the room finally in shock. “Well sh*t…”

June 2010

Vivian looked around at the destruction that was the Stark Expo grounds feeling sad nostalgia over the destruction of the place where she’d laid eyes on Steve for the second time in her life. She watched as officers were escorting Justin Hammer away and how he was bragging it would all be blown over that it’s as all out of proportion that he was a victim just like everyone else.

“That is bullsh*t and you know it young man!” She was wearing a glamour to look her true age instead of the frozen state that she’d been in. “That man would’ve never been able to do anything if you hadn’t broken him out of jail. YOU and You alone are responsible for every life lost here today and I’ll make sure that you answer for it.”

“And who would you be to threaten me…” Hammer sneered at the old lady in retro clothing that would’ve fit the first Stark Expo instead of this one.

“I’m Vivian Graves dear boy…and I can be your worst nightmare.” She let him see just a hint of the power that she contained before she looked at the officers. “Make sure gentlemen that he doesn’t get released into anyones custody before the full accounting of lives lost is gathered from this event.”

“Yes ma’am.” The officers said respectfully, though they were inwardly smirking at the words from the petite woman that reminded them of their grandmother instead of a war hero.

“Auntie Vi!” Tony came running up after having gotten Pepper away from the bombs. “Are you okay?”

“Auntie Vi?” Hammer muttered.

“Oh…did I forget to mention…I’m this young man’s godmother.” Vivian smirked as she patted Tony’s cheek when he bent to take her in a hug after assuring himself that she was okay.

“sh*t…” Hammer muttered eyes wide in realization that was matched with the officers, everyone knew of the women that Howard and Maria Stark had named godmothers of Tony when he was born. While one was well known for her work in the SSR the other was known for being ruthless in the protection of her boy as she was often recorded as calling Tony.

Vivian just gave a tooth filled smile that promised problems if things weren’t done to the letter. “I’ll make sure that the president doesn’t attempt anything more after this FUBAR situation.”

“Thanks Auntie Vi.” Tony smirked in response.

October 2011

:Sir…I think you should contact your Auntie Vi…:

“What’s going on J?” Tony looked up from the current blueprints that he was adjusting for the new tower that he was building.

:Facial recognition scans have picked up a 98% match to Captain Steven Grant Rogers in Times Square in New York City.:

“Well sh*t…” Tony startled and looked at the pictures that came up showing the image that had been picked up from several of the cameras around Times Square. “Place the call.”

:Yes sir…:

:Hello little bug…what can I do for you today?: Vivian’s voice came through Jarvis’s speakers.

“Auntie Vi…sh*t…ummm…Steve’s been found and…sh*t the ol’ one eye pirate got to him first.” Tony said as he watched some of the clips.

:You’re telling me Nick Fury knows where Steve is and has not yet told me of this fact?: Her voice was as icy as what one of her soulmates had been melted out of.

“Yeah…that’s what I’m saying Auntie Vi.” Tony gulped he knew that even though it wasn’t directed at him he didn’t want to upset her any more. “He was seen with Uncle Steve in Time Square an hour ago.”

:Thank you sweetie…I’ll talk to you later…I’ve got a one eye pirate that is in need of a lesson before he loses his other eye.: Vivian snarled before hanging up.

~*~ SHIELD Headquarters, New York City, Office of the Director ~*~

Nick walked into his office feeling proud of himself for getting Steve Rogers to come back with him so that he could get him to sign a contract with SHIELD, one that he made sure had hidden clauses.

“You are in a load of trouble!” Vivian turned the chair so that she was facing Nick who stopped in shock.

“Oh sh*t…” Nick whispered.

“Oh sh*t is right.” Vivian stood and walked around the desk trialing her finger over the papers that were the contract he was going to have Steve sign after he was cleared from medical from his run out in fright after the rough awakening. “This contract is a load of bullsh*t and completely invalid…See here’s the thing you might not know since Peggy started to forget somethings.” She dropped her glamour showing her as the young woman that she’d been when her soulmates were first lost to her. “Steven Grant Rogers and James Buchanan Barnes are at no time to be forced to sign a contract with any agency.” She tapped the section where he’d made sure to slip in that they were to be able to take his blood and sem*n whenever they wanted for testing. “They are not to be forced to give parts of their biological makeup for ‘testing’…” She actually made finger quotes at that part. “Nor are they to be coerced into any action.” She sat on the edge of the desk and lit the papers on fire with her magic burning only the contract. “Now…Nicholas Joseph Fury…you will tell me where Steven Grant Rogers is and you will allow me to escort him from this building without any sort of tracker. IF we discover one on either of us…well wouldn’t be the first time I destroyed a regime from the inside out.”

“Vivian?” Steve asked from where the door had just opened behind Fury with an Agent Sitwell escorting him.

“Hey Sweet-cheeks took a long enough of a nap.” Vivian stood from the desk and moved forward only to be wrapped in one of her soulmates arms and sending a discrete obliviate at Sitwell for she didn’t trust him in the least, she also sent a slight compulsion that would lead to him eventually finding where Bucky was and releasing him. She’d gone long enough without her mates. “How bout you and I get out of this dump…I’ve got a lot to catch you up on.”

“Sounds perfect doll…” Steve smiled at her was he cupped her face. “I’m glad you’re still around.”

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” Vivian smiled before she turned to Fury. “Make sure you don’t let the power go to your head Nicholas.”

Fury could only watch as Steve Rogers was apparated out of his office by the petite powerhouse that was Agent Shadow.

“Well that wasn’t part of the plan…” Hill said stepping in with Natasha.

“What plan…plans don’t work when Agent Shadow is at work.” Fury pinched the bridge of his nose.

Chapter 8


Thanks to all my faithful readers for waiting so patiently for this chapter. RL has gotten crazy and I've been dealing with a lot of health issues along with stresses but I'm not abandoning my works trust me on that...anyway here is the next chapter hope everyone enjoys it...Vivian goes BAMF in this one...

Chapter Text

October 2011 – two hours after rescue from SHIELD

Vivian was wrapped in Steve’s arms just enjoying the feel of it and the chance to be with him. She knew they were still missing Bucky; she knew that he was still out there, and she needed to find him, but for right now at least half of her world is where it should be. Finally, she stepped back and just looked up at her soulmate tracing his face with her hand when he leaned to rest his forehead on hers.

“I’ve missed you so much…” She whispered as she looked him over. “Those idiots don’t know how to do anything right…” She snarled as she saw he was still shivering. “Come on…” She stepped back and took his hand in her own pulling him along behind her. “I’ve got some clothes stored from your things…should be something warm enough to keep you comfortable until you readjust to being out of the ice. We’ll definitely not be staying here come winter…at least for a few years.”

Vivian had done a few apparation jumps the first getting rid of any trackers they’d implanted in Steve by frying them with magic and then others for if they used any of the magicals on the teams to try and track them that way. At the moment they were in the gardens outside of the Sanctuary and she was pulling him past the griffin that was lounging in the sun. She smiles at Steve’s double take at that before she finally gets him all the way and leaves him before the fire in the library, where she’d been curled up reading through Merlin’s journal again when Tony had called her. She sets him down and then calls in a house elf to fetch the clothes she was thinking of, mainly a large warm sweater that had belonged to Bucky before he went into the army.

“Mama B made this for Bucky…” Steve looked at the sweater with a fond look. “She’d made me a matching one…only Buck’s was too big for him and mine was too small.” He chuckled. “She never quite got the hang of knitting sweaters the right size, her hats and gloves always fit perfect but sweaters it was always a hit or miss.” He pulled the sweater on, and it was clear that even made too big it was almost too small for him now with his added muscle, but thankfully nothing was going to split. “Thanks doll.”

“Of course…” She brought over a tray with hot chocolate that was mounded with marshmallows and whipped cream. “I have to admit in the winters I’d wear that often just to feel like I had you both here…I’d also wear some of your old things…they fit me a little better…” She smiled as she handed him the hot cocoa. “My mama’s recipe…”

Steve took a sip of the cocoa and had to bite back a moan for it was rich and wonderful. It reminded him of his ma’s warm hugs on a cold winter day after he came back from school with another black eye. It reminded him of sitting cuddled against Bucky after losing his ma and letting him comfort him. It was warm campfires in the middle of the darkness of war with laughter and light chasing away the darkness that was crowding the eyes of their fellows.

Vivian watched Steve sip his cocoa with his eyes closed in front of the fireplace. She chuckled a little when he got some of the whip cream on the tip of his nose and was looking at it cross-eyed. She sat up and picked up her phone when it began ringing breaking the gentle silence that they were dealing with.

“This is Vivian…” She answered not looking at the caller or number on the screen.

:Auntie Vi…please tell me you were successful?: Tony’s voice came through.

“I was successful little bug.” Vivian smiled looking at Steve who raised an eyebrow in question. She put her phone on speaker and continued to lean against Steve. “We’re currently at the Sanctuary and drinking some hot cocoa…”

:Thank Merlin…: Tony’s voice came over the line as the sound of someone collapsing into a chair came through the line. :I was worried you weren’t going to be in time to keep him from the contract that I found.:

“No worries there. He needed to sign it in Fury’s office, and I was there before he arrived and burned the contract which was completely invalid and could’ve been called for judgement.” Vivian smirked as she snuggled into Steve, who looped his free arm around her pulling her close and letting her warmth along with Bucky’s sweater help warm him from the inside out. “I have a task for you little bug…”

:What can I do for you Auntie Vi…: Tony asked seeming to perk up when he heard that.

“I need you to compile a short but comprehensive file on the past 69 years of history. Music, art, movies, and books as a list, things that can be done over time. A summary of the politics and laws passed or repealed in that time. Also, the truth of what your father was up to in the time that you were growing up. I’ll give Steve the important information behind their actions…but I need him to learn everything. Also, the truth about everything you’ve been up to. I don’t trust the ol’ pirate to tell the truth if we ever work for him and he’ll swing things his way.”

:Auntie Vi…are you sure? I know that the captainwas a good friend of dad…I don’t want to hurt him with this…: Tony asked carefully.

“I’m sure little bug…” Vivian said with a gentle smile on her face. “He needs the truth…and as sad as things were, it became the truth…”

:If you’re sure Auntie…I’ll get it put together…or more like J will…: Tony sighed out and there was a slight creek of a chair before there was the sound of a keys on a keyboard clicking. :The reason I was calling though…wasn’t just the contract I found but also the fact that as he was brought out of the ice there were samples already taken of blood and sem*n…and there are notes of a plan on the computer of an Agent Hill with Romanoff…:

“What plan?” Vivian straightened with a growl in her voice. “I’ve taken care of the samples…I created a spell that’ll eliminate anything that is illegally gathered, cast it while waiting for Fury. It was created to keep magicals safe so that the agencies out there couldn’t find the special gene.”

Steve also straightened in shock at the fact that something like that had been done to him. They’d basically raped his comatose body for biological samples. It caused him to stand and start pacing pulling at his hair in shock at what had been done to him. He shook his arms out and looked over at Vivian who had moved to a computer on the desk in the corner of the space they were in. He followed after her as she carried her phone over to the desk and placed it down.

:I’ll send the information through to you so you can see the full extent but the basic was a Honey Pot…: Tony sighed as he continued to type in the background. :They were hoping to have Agent Romanoff seduce the good Captain, don’t know why they thought he’d go for her…she didn’t even entice me though I let her think she did…It is a common theme with her missions…:

“So, they use her just like the Red Room did…” Vivian sat at the desk and started typing in a few things before pulling up the information that Tony was sending through.

:Exactly like…though they cover it in words of removing the red in her ledger and other crap like that…I also…sh*t…this isn’t good…sh*t…no this…damnit!: Thecall cut off abruptly causing both Vivian and Steve to look at each other in shock.

“J…can you tell me what just happened with Tony?” Vivian patched through a call to someone else.

:Sir just discovered a buried file in Agent Fire’s files…which were being accessed by an Agent Sitwell at this moment…: A British voice echoed over the line causing Steve to startle slightly. Sousa had been killed in action after making sure that Zola didn’t do what he’d dreamed of in putting his brain into a computer, it had been close, but Sousa had blown the whole bunker instead of letting the transfer continue. :It is information on Sergeant Barnes and everything that he’s done since the day he was listed as MIA.:

“sh*t…okay…it has to be bad if it’s something tied with Hydra…” Vivian settled into the chair and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I know they were behind Stane getting ahold of the mind-altering potions…but what else could they’ve done…especially to Bucky…”

:What do you know of an assassin known as the Winter Soldier?: Tony’s voice broke through the connection anger still back in his voice.

“He’s a myth…We’ve never been able to find anything on him…” Vivian started answering before her eyes widened and she snarled. “Are you sh*ttin me?! Merlin’s saggy bollocks! If Peg and Dan knew and kept that sh*t from me!”

:It was hidden from them as well…it’s the reason she started forgettin things…: Tony replied with a sigh it was clear he was worn out. :Are you somewhere I can get to easily…I need to talk this out with you in person…and I…I could really use some of your Mama’s hot cocoa…:

“You get your arse here now Little Bug…and make sure you come prepared to stay…I’m not letting you out of my sight for a little while…” Vivian replied with a smile curling around her lips slightly.

:Alright…: The voice down the line had a tired air to it before the line went dead again.

“Okay what you need to know before he gets here…That was Tony, the son of Howard and his soulmate Maria. They were very much in love but when they had just delivered Tony, they were subjected to altering potions, Liquid Imperious.” Vivian turned and looked at Steve with pain in her eyes. “They were absent in his life for the most part and at times Howard was extremely abusive. I think he knew in his mind that something was wrong and spent more time away to keep the pair safe. Howard spent most of Tony’s life way from home hunting for you or trying to recreate the serum. He and Maria were killed in a car accident when Tony was twenty-one and they were on their way for a Christmas vacation after they took a batch of new serum to the Washington SHIELD office. When the car was discovered with their bodies, the suitcase containing the serum was missing, but since no one was to know about it no one realized what was going on…I always questioned things but wasn’t able to get anywhere with those questions. I was a hidden agent…Hydra is still alive and well even though many would have you believe they are completely gone, thanks to the efforts of Daniel and a few others that work with me they aren’t as entrenched as they could be but they’re still out there.” Vivian stood and moved to look out the windows behind the desk. “Peggy was looking into the death of Howard and Maria and after her memory started acting faulty…”

“You think Hydra did something?” Steve asked looking at his petite mate.

“I know that they did…it was like with Howard and Maria…since Peg is a squib it was able to affect her and she’s unable to tell or fight it off.” Vivian responded turning and looking at her mate while leaning against the window. “Due to what was given to Howard he was an abusive bastard. I protected Tony as best I could…but Howard was always comparing him to you, so he played up being the complete opposite. IF it had been on SHIELD, they’d have only shown you the playboy that he was and not the absolute genius. Howard used him for that intelligence. Maria loved her son but was more made to be neglectful, she fought the potions so hard, evidenced in the fact that she had frequent migraines. But she was still neglectful. Tony calls me Auntie Vi…but there have been a few times when he’s been sick as a little one that he’s called me mama…” Vivian gave a tight lip smile at the memories. “I love that boy as if he’s my own and am so damn proud of him…”

“Then I’ll do my best to get to know him for him and not see his father or others in him. I know how I felt when everyone was comparing my sick self to my healthy strong father so much…before the mustard gas…” Steve answered walking over and wrapping Vivian in a hug.

Ten minutes later, a little more conversation between the pair, and another pot of Mama’s special hot cocoa later and Tony popped into the library with a pile of papers that were printed off and a USB to be plugged into her computer.

“More security through this Auntie…” Tony said as he handed over the USB. “There are things on there you need, you both, need to see…it’s not pretty…”

“I trust you baby…come here now…” Vivian held her arms out engulfing the young man into a tight hug.

“It’s still so odd to see you as you truly are…” Tony smirked as he pulled back. “People would think that you’re my little sister instead of my Auntie…”

“Perhaps we can work with that if we have to come out of hiding…” Vivian smirked in reply before taking the files and USB from Tony and going to the computer. Steve followed and placed a hand on her shoulder watching as she pulled up the information. “I know that road…”

“That’s what I thought the first time I saw it as well…” Tony sighed as he moved to fix his mug of cocoa a grateful smile on his face at its presence. “It’s not pretty…”

“Peg and Stane refused to let anyone see the bodies…they claimed them too badly damaged in the crash…” Vivian whispered as she watched what happened and snarled. “Look at his movements…that isn’t of someone in control of themselves…that is someone with a puppet master…”

“That was my thought as well after I had a little bit to think about it.” Tony nodded as he stepped back over.

“So, Hydra got ahold of the remade serum…we’ll have to track what they did with it…” Vivian snarled as she sat back nodding her head in thanks as Tony handed her the mug off cocoa, he’d prepped for her. “Thank you, baby,” She continued watching for there were other missions that had been saved. “He’s their puppet…and he’s fighting it…”

“How can you tell?” Steve asked carefully, his hand that wasn’t on Vivian’s shoulder was clasped in a fist at what he was watching.

“The way he grabs his head…” Vivian pointed at a few instances where it seemed as if Bucky was struggling against the commands, especially those of no witnesses as was evidenced that he was killing anyone in the building that may have seen things. “He never wants to take out the children…There…” It is clear in one of brief camera shots that Vivian froze where he had a brief tear in the corner of his eye and a bit of light, it was one of the few missions where he’d lost his goggles at some point. She winced as someone else came up behind Bucky and took the kill shot instead into the little child before pulling out a book and quickly reading off a series of words. “They’ve got him stuck with trigger words…I know someone who’s skilled in the mind arts…he’ll be able to help.” She thought of the young man that she’d mentored into achieving his dreams and the child that he’d taken under his own wing to mentor. “I’ll get a hold of them as soon as possible.” She nodded to herself before moving from where she’d been sitting unable to continue remaining still as more files download and play. “I’ll find the miserable bastards that did this to him…I’ve never been more tempted to use an unforgivable then I am at this moment.” She said as she watched the ‘reprograming’ that was recorded as evidence of the procedure working. “JARVIS…”

:Yes Miss Vivian?:

“I want the name of every member that was present in that room at any moment…” Vivian snarled as she watched Bucky be all but electrocuted to death to be ‘reprogramed’. “I want every little bit of information on them as there is out there. From what they eat for breakfast to where they get their next fix…I want it all and I want to RUIN them.” She sneered as she moved and looked at the information. “I want their bosses and their commanders I want every last rat. It’s time for us to sear the stumps so no more heads can grow.” She started typing something on her computer. “I have some of the information from my deep dives with Agent Fire. I want everything that he hid and everything that I’ve hidden moved. I don’t want the bastards getting anywhere near it. Sitwell should’ve never been near those files. I’m starting with him and then…” She smirked as she looked at the man that stepped into view in the latest ‘reprograming’ video. “I’m taking out the bastard at the top.” The computer froze on the image of Secretary Alexander Pierce the Undersecretary of the World Security Council who was the one to oversee Fury being placed as Director of SHIELD. “I finally have what I need to take the bastards out…”

Steve walked over and put his hands on Vivian’s shoulders giving a squeeze and pulling her attention back. “We have what we need.” He whispered. “I helped from the start and now that I’m back I’ll continue to do so.”

“Okay…” Vivian nodded in response before moving back to her computer and pulling up another window. She typed in a special code and then sat back. Thanks to the aging of wixen Severus Prince only looked to be 35 instead of the fifty-one he was when the communication window opened up. “Master Prince…I’ve got a job that I need your ‘special’ help on…I’ll also need Duke Slytherin’s help.” Vivian sat back and made sure that she was clearly viewed on the screen that had popped up. “I’ll be needing help in breaking control on someone through the use of trigger words. I’ve got a gift at healing but…I can’t touch the mind…and…” She looked over at Steve before looking back at the image of Potion Master Severus Prince. “I’m too close to this case to go in…”

:Who will we be helping, what is his age, and where are we going?: Severus looked at the young woman, she’d shown them the truth all those years ago and helped him join back up with his soulmate, he’d do anything he could to help her.

“One of my soulmates…he’s been frozen in cryo off and on for the past 66 years, so age is an iffy…if going by his birth year he’d be 94, he was first frozen at the age of 26 and is barely let out of the cryo. Only long enough to perform his ‘missions’ before being ‘wiped’ and put back under. I need Duke Slytherin due to some of the things that he’s done and having the understanding how to help someone who’d lost the ability to control their own mind.” Vivian explained. “I’ll send what information is safe to do so. We’re going to be retrieving him in…” She looked at the information that was showing up on the corner of her screen and smirked. “In three days. If you can get to the Sanctuary and help get things ready…”

:We’ll be there…: Severus nodded looking over at Duke Slytherin, he’d come to visit with his daughter’s grandchildren. Severus’s son Decimus had married Kalyani, a child that Riddle had adopted from India when alerted to the fact that there was abuse happening. Thanks to his work in the Wizengamot and the ICW it was almost unheard of now for abuse to happen and not get caught. :In two days. It’ll give us time to get things worked out here and gather supplies.:

“Thank you Master Prince. We’ll be bringing him to the Sanctuary as soon as he’s retrieved.” Vivian explained.

:Very well…we’ll be there.:

“Oh Master Prince…” Vivian called out before he ended the call. “Be aware of the multi-headed snake…they’re attempting to make their rise…”

Severus only blinked his eyes in shock remembering what she’d told them about the events of the second world war that she’d been a part of, and that Riddle had lived through. Riddle dropped the mug that he’d been holding with a fluent swear in parsletongue before he moved around the computer screen.

:I thought them defeated!: Riddle had a look of shock and fear on his face, the matron of the orphanage had talked about giving a young Riddle to them to study, she’d been a sympathizer hidden within England.

“I wish they were…they just went into hibernation. Slithering out every so often to make moves…but now…they’re finally going to meet their match. I know who the head is and who has the most control. I’ve finally found the last pieces due to one of my mates being found and thawed by their latest cover agency.” Vivian explained simply as she looked at the man who was technically only a two years younger than her. “Grindelwald is finally dead…he gave into Death gratefully after everything was explained and revealed to him…” She had a slight smirk on her face. “I may or may not have given him evidence that Dumbledore had been using him to take the fall for him…”

Severus and Marvolo both smirked in response with a simple raised eyebrow on each of their faces.

“He couldn’t kill himself in the cell, but he could refuse that which would keep him alive. Loopholes aren’t they wonderful. I told him only an act of true remorse would free him from the mortal coil…” Vivian smirked in response to the silent questions how the man’s death was achieved at his age if the prison reforms were in place.

:Why wasn’t Britain informed?: Riddle asked carefully.

“Oh…didn’t you see? There was mention in the obituaries…after all wouldn’t want to pander to his ego, he did a lot of his sh*t himself without the help of Dumbledore it just made it worse when he joined that bastard.” Vivian smirked. “They were a team after all.”

:Huh…: Both Prince and Riddle huffed and looked at each other briefly before turning back to the screen. :We’ll be there in two days.: With that Prince ended the call, it was only after that Vivian realized she hadn’t mentioned much about HYDRA only that they were still there.

“Why did you say three days?” Tony asked from where he was looking at the Merlin Journal little chuckles ever so often escaping him.

“Because that is when Pierce is bringing him from his hibernation for his next mission. And I should feel special…” Vivian smirked as she clicked on the information that had been discovered by JARVIS. “After all I’m the mission.”

“They think that their brainwashing will allow him to what kill his own mate?” Tony looked up in shock.

“Oh no…I’m to be captured and returned to the fold…” Vivian scoffed as she stood and moved to the back of the library with Steve and Tony following her with exclamations of shock. “Romanoff was an idiot…she put a description of me, and the name given into her briefing that Pierce read. He’s already made the connection, after all Fury has a lose mouth when he is angry over his plans not working. He told her my true name instead of referring me to my code name. Pierce knows about my position as HYDRA’s prize prisoner near the end of the war. He wants me back in that position but as a broodmare for the Asset.” She snarled the last word, as if that was all that Bucky was. She set JARVIS to page through information scoffing at what they’d attempted to hide, thanks to Sitwell using Daniel’s old computer to access the information she was able to get into the secret cache of HYDRA files things that helped her track and discover the last few remnants that were waiting to be taken out. With a silent thought she summoned a sword from the room that she entered that was revealed by her pulling on a book on the bookshelf.

“Really Auntie Viv?” Tony looked around the room with a raised eyebrow, it was filled to the brim with weapons even some that he’d created.

“Swords don’t always solve the problem, but they do solve a lot of problems when it comes to removing a snake’s head.” Vivian smirked as she checked the blade. She then stepped up the area that was to the side that held body suits. “I believe there is something here that will work for you love.” She looked at Steve.

Steve followed her over and chuckled when he saw a black version of his uniform that he’d created, it was less about standing out and more about working in the shadows. Instead of the Kevlar that had made up his previous outfit this was made of dragon hide. There was also his shield.

“How?” He looked at her.

“A specialized spell…” She smirked as she moved her version of the outfit and began switching out her clothes with some localized spells. “It will always return to here or you…all you have to do is place a drop of blood on the shield and it will never be taken from you without you willingly giving it up.”

Steve followed her instructions and placed a single drop on the rune that she pointed out. The shield glowed briefly for a moment before going back to its regular state. Tony walked through the different suits and the weapons checking everything. He showed Steve how to work the newest version of his choice of gun from the war. With quick work they found what they needed and stepped back out of the hidden room with the group heading back to the fireplace.

“In two days Duke Slytherin will be arriving with Master Prince.” Vivian told the house-elf that popped in to bring them a snack. “Make sure chambers are ready for them. In three days we’ll have another guest, but he’ll be in the room with me and Captain Rogers…”

“Missy Vi has found one of her mates! Oh! This is call for celebration!” The house-elf started bouncing in place before popping out.

“Twinkle has been with the Sanctuary since I first came to stay here, just after I was rescued by you.” Vivian explained to Steve with a soft look. “She’s been concerned for me since the day I felt Bucky fall.”

“He’s still alive…I tried to tell the others…they wouldn’t believe me…” Steve shook his head.

“Of course they wouldn’t after all how would someone survive that…” She shook her head with a sad look in her eyes. “If it wasn’t for the bastard Zola and his little tests…” She shook herself out before moving further through the house.

“If you’re not getting him until three days from now, why are you already suited up Auntie Vi?” Tony asked an hour later as they moved into the dining room where there was some food ready.

“Because I’m going to scout the area before then…Tony I need you to be seen out and about you can’t disappear right now…” She reached over and cupped his cheek. “I know you want to hide and truly grieve. But you need to give no indication that something has happened to alert you to the truth…Fury has too many balls in the air and if one of them deviates it will alert the rest…”

“And if Fury is alerted then Pierce is…okay…” Tony nodded.

“I’m going to contact who I need to in the ICW to make sure that the players are in place to take care of the world council. If we don’t deal with the snake now…then they will attempt to nuke New York in May of 2012.” Vivian closed her eyes as she thought back to the different paths she was able to see. “There are things in motion that can’t be changed things that can’t be altered from their path…but that…that can…” She opened her eyes and looked at the others. “We’ve got work to do and I’ve got some agents to corrupt.” She smirked with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

“Who’re you stealing from Fury this time darling?” Steve smirked in reply.

“Oh…I’m just going to lift the rose-colored glasses on a few of his best agents and give him an ultimatum. Tony, I need you to make sure that the information that might get out doesn’t compromise agents or their dependents.” Vivian smirked right back at Steve before looking at Tony. “First I need to go put the fear of death in Alexander Pierce...or just death period depending on what I witness...” She dropped a kiss on Steve’s cheek. “You stay put, can’t have people seeing you yet.”

“Alright doll.” Steve nodded. “Bring our boy back to us.”

“Always.” Vivian nodded before looking at Tony. “Go to the Gala…make it seem as if you’re fighting to get Pepper to date you…”

“Why?” Tony raised an eyebrow at the objective he had. “I see her as a little sister…”

“I know that…you and Pepper both know that, but it will give you some leverage and leeway to hide the truth…” Vivian said softly cupping his cheek again.

“That I don’t really find anyone appealing sexually?” Tony asked with a soft tilt to his voice.

“I know baby but because of the actions of your father and Stane no one believes that…and because of the help from the girls you’ve saved…” Vivian smiled with tight lips as she replied.

“Alright…” Tony nodded before finishing his meal and then looking at his Auntie again. “I’ll be in and out the next few days. I’ll be staying here as long as I can.”

“Good. You and Steve need to talk and go over the past while I’m gone. Just make sure that you’re seen in public from time to time.” Vivian nodded before dropping a kiss on his forehead and then a kiss quickly on Steve’s lips before she apparated away to the sound of Tony cracking up from the gob smacked look on Steve’s face.

“I’m making sure that Fury doesn’t look into anything to deeply. With the arrival of Vivian Graves again and looking as she does, I’m going to make sure that she isn’t seen again. I’ve already activated the Asset, his defrost will be done in two days.” Pierce was standing with his back to his office and talking on the phone. Vivian smirked, that was ahead of what she'd seen, it gave her a little bit of time. “His goal will be to grab her. We’ve been unable to recreate whatever it was that Zola had achieved and figure we’ll go a more…natural method…yes…of course…thanks. I’ve got a meeting happening in twenty minutes…Yeah, a redirect of Fury’s attention from that silly initiative that he’s got going on in his head…Thank you. Talk to you later…” Pierce lowered his cell from his ear and turned only to startle when he saw who was sitting in his desk chair with her hands behind her head and her feet on his paperwork.

Vivian was in a set of red body armor that looked to be made of leather but was truly dragon hide. A neck guard which attached to the corset with a few straps and buckles, her body suit laced up the side and pulled tight. Red leather boots with a slight heel to them all completed by a belt with a holster for her wand and several daggers and pouches for potions. She had gloves on her hands that were dyed just a touch darker than the rest. Her hair was pulled back in a braid that went down to her waist. Perched on the back of his chair digging lethal looking talons into the expensive leather sat a large regal looking white bird that caused ice to form on the back as well.

“You’ve been a very naughty boy Alexander…” Vivian stood from the seat and looked at the man, he may be taller than her, but he felt tiny before her as she let the power flow. “When you were given the position that you hold you were give complete access to the files available to you. You knew then just as you do now the truth about who your ‘Asset’ is. As well as what he means to me.” She stalked forward. “You’ve had 20 warnings from the ICW not to interfere in the secret world. They are not meant to come into the light just yet…” She watched as the man gulped but tried to puff himself up and seem more than he was. “And now…” She stopped just out of arms reach from the man. “Now you’re attempting things that should never have been done.”

“Miss Graves…” Pierce co*cked his head attempting to be in control.

“You’d know me better as Agent Shadow, Alexander Goodwin Pierce.” Vivian smirked and pulled out something out of one of her pouches. “And now…it’s time for the fall of HYDRA to come.” She shot the man with the dart that she’d pulled out and smirked as he stumbled. “People won’t remember you for anything but being a warmonger…Long live Freedom.” She smirked as he dropped.

“What…” Pierce tried to choke out.

“A modified version of Basilisk Venom…as soon as you’re dead…there will be no trace of it…” She smirked as she crouched in front of the fallen man. “I thought it fitting that the multiheaded snake be taken out by the KING of serpents.” She stood back up. “You give snakes a bad name…oh Say hi to Death for me…he’s an old friend.”

Pierce’s heart stopped and on his face was an expression of pure horror for briefly he saw Vivian as what most pictured the Goddess Hel as that is half human, half skeleton. Of course, Vivian had only cast a glamour on herself with an internal smirk before she removed the dart and left the room, thanks to JARVIS there was no record of her at all being in the office.

It took a day for her to figure out who he'd been talking to but as soon as she knew she appeared in the office of the man, one Gideon Malick. There were several others who were appearing in the offices of those that were high up in HYDRA and using the same venom mixture as Vivian. They had all been on a call together recently and they would all die within hours of each other. It was then that the truth would be revealed, thanks to a little something that she'd be adding to the mix.

“Mr. Malick…pleasure to meet you…” Vivian said, she now had on a black leather eye mask that had a built-in glamour charm that hid her more noticeable features and added a bit of dramatics to the look, she’d also changed her outfit to be black to match the mask.

“Who are you?! How did you get in here?!” Malick looked around in shock at the arrival of the woman.

“I’m one of Death’s Knights…” She smirked as she had the sword she’d taken from the armory at the Sanctuary strapped to her back now. “And you sir have a meeting with Death that you’re late for.”

“You can’t kill me! Do you not know who I am!”

“Of course, I do…You are Gideon Robert Malick and believe to be the Head of Hydra and the Boss…What you are is a pretender…and today I’m here to escort you to Death…along with everyone else in the snake…” She stepped forward with a slight swagger. “You are going to send a message for me…oh you don’t have to personally do it…your death is all I need.” She snarled. “You just need to tell Death that Agent Shadow sent you…He likes me.”

Gideon Malick’s eyes went wide in shock before he felt something pierce the side of his neck.

“Long live freedom…” Vivian whispered in his ear as he dropped to his knees.


“Because you kept my soulmate prisoner you son of a Bitch…” Vivian stood and watched as the light died in Gideon Malick’s eyes. She then went over to his computer and started working on the code, one of the good things about her memory capabilities she was able to learn and retain things very easily as such she knew how to hack and code with the best computer programmers out there. She’d learned everything from the first computer on and made sure to stay on top of it. She smirked as she saw the message that she’d prepared disappear into the void of the internet.

“Long live freedom…” She whispered as she turned and with a whisper of ‘iustos ignis’ (righteous fire) the room and body went up in flames. This fire was different from fiendfyre in that it would only burn things that were harmful, including the body of a bastard who’d caused untold pain to others. Vivian apparated away as the flames burned knowing she could leave them unattended, and it wouldn’t destroy the surrounding community.

“Hello Agent Sitwell…” Vivian smirked as she appeared behind the balding, sweating man, the day after the death of Alexander Pierce and Gideon Malick were reported on the news stations around the world, there was also reports on secret cover-ups happening on what they'd been up to for so long. “You’ve been a very naughty boy Agent Sitwell…”

“Wh…whoo…who are you?” He didn’t turn around just continued to look at the screen in front of him where the newest orders from the Head of Hydra had come in before the report of his death had reached them.

“I’m just a Shadow who see’s everything…” She dug the knife a little deeper into the man’s back. “You’re going to take me to the cryo chamber…and then you are going to follow the orders you were given.”

“Ummm…” Sitwell stammered out before standing and feeling the knife dig a little deeper.

“Attempt anything but what you’ve been ordered…Please attempt it…” Vivian snarled before sneering as a smell reached her. “Did you really just piss your pants? Really! Some brave SHIELD…No wait you’re not shield are you you’re all HYDRA and I can understand you pissing yourself when I think of that…Pitiful.”

Sitwell just whimpered before he led Agent Shadow down to the cryo chamber that was under an old bank in Washington, D.C. and then turned and left without another word, he didn’t take her in didn’t announce their presence nothing but show her where it was. He’d brought her into the area above the room on the walkway around it, he didn’t want to be seen giving the location to the enemy. He was just grateful for the dark suit that he wore. He returned to his office and due to the way the orders were made, with a hint of a magical compulsion to it though no one would be able to tell, began typing up the truth of everything he’d done for HYDRA while in the midst of missions for SHIELD. With that done he moved to his couch and broke the cyanide tooth that all HYDRA agents had.

Vivian watched him leave with a smirk before turning back to the chamber and the group of scientists and soldiers that were in the room before her.

“Jarvis…” She pressed on the earwig that she had put in before leaving that morning after a brief time with Steve talking about what was about to happen and when she greeted Severus and Marvolo.

:Yes Miss Shadow?:

“Let Tony know that the final pieces are about to fall…and let Steve know to be ready…” Vivian explained as she looked into the chamber where the defrost was in process on Bucky, she was letting it finish before she entered, for she wasn’t about to interrupt it and potentially hurt him. “Have Tony also pull up the schematics for Buck’s arm and make a new version…I don’t trust the bastards.”

:Of course Miss Shadow.:

She smirked again as she looked to the left and saw Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton entering carefully, Clint snapping the neck of a HYDRA guard that was coming around the corner.

“Agents…Here to help me take out the trash?” Vivian smirked grateful for the outfit that hid who she was from even these two.

“Agent Coulson informed us that we were to come be back up and that the Agent in charge was an Agent Shadow who had some truths for us…” Clint said as he approached, she’d watched him ever since he’d been brought in, she saw how his skill shots were partially due to being a Hedge.

“Hawkeye…Black Widow…a pleasure…I’m Agent Shadow…” She nodded before turning back to the room. She held a USB out to both of them. “The truth that I told Phil I'd have for you...while those down there…are what should be the last of HYDRA. This is something that Fury has been 'investigating' for a while, only Agent Fire, former Director Carter, and myself truly know the full extent. Fire and Carter were both taken out because of what they were discovering. They just never thought to look into the Shadows.”

Both startled at the words that she said not expecting the petite woman in a special leather to say what she had. They looked down into the room and Natasha seemed to startle at the sight of the man in the cryo chamber. Both took the USBs and put them in pockets on their uniforms.

“Are we to take him out as well…” Natasha smirked fingering her gun, she had yet to forgive him for the bullet through her own body to kill his target.

“No.” Vivian snarled before turning to face the red head. “That man has been a prisoner of war since 1945. He’s been either placed in cryogenic stasis or placed in that chair.” She pointed at the monstrosity of a chair near the tube. “Where they torture him to make him compliant to their commands. He’s been their puppet and we’re about to steal him from them.” She sneered at the female.

“Who is he?” Clint asked carefully.

“That is Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, also known as Bucky and the soulmate of Steven Grant Rogers and Vivian Graves.” Vivian said with a gentle look at the man. “They’ve brainwashed him and controlled him. I know you both know of the secret part of the world. There is help standing by from that sector to remove the control that they have over him.”

“Huh…” Clint nodded before looking back down he glanced at Natasha quickly and firmly removed her hand from her gun. “No shooting the POW.”

“But he shot me!” Natasha grumbled.

“Princess he was controlled…” Vivian sneered at Natasha before turning her attention back to the room below them. “Besides…that bastard needed to die anyway.”

“He was a nuclear scientist that was being protected by SHIELD.” Natasha snarled.

“He was a Dumbledore Plant in the Iranian Nuclear division that was sympathetic to HYDRA, as well as 'the Greater Good', and wanting to get in the good graces of SHIELD to betray them.” Vivian snarled right back at Natasha. “He was an abusive asshole who’d killed his wife because she didn’t fix his favorite meal or spread her legs for him when he’d had a bad day.”

“But…” Natasha looked at Vivian carefully. “How do you know this?”

“Вы будете удивлены тем, что я знаю, Наталья Альяновна "Наташа" Романов (You’d be surprised what I know, Natalia Alianovna ‘Natasha’ Romanoff).” Vivian smirked before she turned her attention back to the room again. “We wait until the defrost is done…I’ll not have him harmed.”

“Why is he so important to you?” Natasha snarled.

“Because Bitch he’s a victim just like you were and He’s MY soulmate.” Vivian removed the mask that was hiding her face. “You’ve been fed lies from the moment you set foot in SHIELD and blindly believed them. Get over yourself entitled feelings. You aren’t the best or greatest at your work.” Vivian stalked up to Natasha and even though the Black Widow was taller than her she still felt tiny before this powerful woman. “Just because someone doesn’t fall all over you doesn’t mean they are a narcissistic entitled person. That’s all you. So shut up and do your damn job!” She snapped before turning back to the room.

“Why aren’t they aware we’re up here arguing? You’re not exactly being quiet.” Clint asked perched as he was over the room studying the lines of sight. He’d been brought in from the Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. in the Mojave Desert by Phil when he’d been contacted by Agent Shadow. “Are we going to take care of this?” He pointed at the guards that were moving around looking for whoever had killed the one that had started to sneak up on Natasha.

“Feel free. They won’t notice anything while I have the spells in place. We can talk at a normal level, and no one would notice.” Vivian smirked.

Clint only smirked back at her before drawing a knife and throwing it. He was able, thanks to the small amount of magical gift that he had, to summon the knives that he carried back to him after throwing them. He knew that Natasha needed the wake-up call that she was getting though it would take a bit more before it sunk in. He’d been unhappy for a while and was grateful for the help from Coulson in moving his sister-in-law and niblings from where Fury had settled them, there was no record of them at all remaining on the mainframes or even paperwork any longer thanks to Phil. He’d be back at Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. as soon as they were done with this, though he’d be taking a new contact if he had his way, he knew the name Vivian Graves and knew the power that she had and that her family had, and he wasn’t about to let that slip away.

Two hours and forty-five minutes that is how long it took from the time that Vivian arrived to when the last of the defrost sequence had run its course. Over half of those that were set up to guard the room from the outside were taken out thanks to Clint and Vivian, Natasha had simply stood there with a raised eyebrow and a disgusted expression on her face, she didn’t want to let the bastard in the tube out to kill again she didn’t care that he was controlled all she could remember was him helping with the training she went through as well as the fact that he shot the target through her without a second of remorse. Vivian had already made a mental note to check Natasha over for magical tampering but that would come at another point as the beeps that signaled the end of the defrost started up.

“Show time.” She smirked before leaping from the platform to land in a crouch in the middle of the room the spells dropping as she did so, she didn’t bother putting her mask back on the people that were in here were dead anyway for she’d been doing surface scans the whole time and knew that they were all very willing participates in what had been done to her mate. “Miss me Sweet Cheeks?” She said as soon as she saw Bucky’s eyes open.

“Who the f*ck are you?” The lead scientist snarled out from behind her.

Clint and Natasha followed and started taking out the guards as Vivian was focused on Bucky.

“Doesn’t matter…” The scientist finally stammered out before pulling out the book that she was waiting to emerge. “After all He’ll kill you just the same.”

“You see…that’s where you’re wrong.” Vivian smirked and let satisfaction fill her as she saw Bucky’s eyes widen in recognition moments before the first word started slipping from the scientist’s mouth. “See…” She turned so that her back was to Bucky. “I’m the Champion of Death…and He doesn’t want me…you on the other hand…” She summoned the book and lit it on fire. “He’s most excited to finally get the last of the multiheaded snake in his grip. Say hi to Malick and Pierce…” Her other hand shot out and another dart with the basilisk venom lodged itself in the man’s throat. “After all they were the first to go…” She sauntered over to crouch before the man studying him. “And I’ll say to you what I told them…Long…Live…Freedom.” She leaned forward and whispered it as if sharing a secret as the venom did its job and killed him. She stood and looked around the room. “HYDRA is DEAD! Let freedom RING!” She sent out a concussive blast of magic that threw the remaining men back and summoned their cyanide teeth so they couldn’t kill themselves, after all some of them needed to answer for their crimes against the world. She turned back to Bucky. “Ready to go?” She held her hand out to Bucky and just waited.

Chapter 9: NEW CHAPTER


Here is the follow up from the last chapter leading up to the Battle of New York which will take place in the next chapter. Thank you to all my faithful readers for your patience as I got this chapter written.

Chapter Text

December 1, 2011

“No!...f*ck you Fury I’m Not handing over this POW!...Bullsh*t! That is complete and utter bullsh*t, and you know it!...Watch it Director I’ve just taken down one corrupt group I’m not above taking out another…Lose my number…Again Fury…Sergeant Barnes has been cleared by the President himself after receiving the proof I gave him. I’m not about to let him back into some idiots' grip…f*ck off!” Vivian growled before ending the call and throwing her phone across the room with a scream of rage. Taking a deep breath, she turned and jumped lightly at seeing Bucky standing leaning against the door frame with a raised eyebrow.

Bucky studied the girl that had come to save him and taken him to a place that she said was a sanctuary. She’d taken him to a large tower in New York that was under construction, where he’d had his artificial arm removed and destroyed, they’d found several explosive caps hidden in the arm. She’d then taken him to the Sanctuary where there were a few people that were talented in mind arts and removed the programing from the trigger words. They also helped him remember his past and the training. The Winter Soldier was melded with his conscious and Vivian had likened him to a Phoenix in the rebirth that he’d gone through. After the ‘deprograming’ and healing, he’d been gifted a new lighter arm that had a glamour worked into it so that it looked as a natural arm even though it was just as strong and powerful as his older one.

“Thanks for defending me doll.” Bucky walked forward and wrapped Vivian in his arms. “Punk’s in the gym beating up the bag…Fury attempted the same sh*t with him.” He felt her let out a sigh and sink into his hold. “Agent Barton sent a message that sadly Romanoff is showing no signs of tampering. Coulson went discrete and got her tested.”

“She’s going to need a large wake up call to get past the work of the one-eyed bastard.” Vivian sighed before she looked up at Bucky. “I say we create a bang…”

“How so doll?” Bucky cupped her face.

“He’s pushin as he is because we haven’t made appearances since your rescue.” Vivian moved to the computer desk were a fancy envelope sat with an invitation was in sight. “I got an invite from Tony for his Christmas charity gala…” She turned and showed it to Bucky. “What say we drop in and let the public know at least some of the truth…”

“How would we explain your youth?” Bucky asked with his head co*cked to the side. “After all, for me and Steve we were frozen in time…”

“Why I’m a mutant…didn’t you know?” She co*cked her head to the side with a smirk. “There’ve been times when people have gotten glimpses of me as I drop my glamours…and James Howlett is still around…though He calls himself Logan now or Wolverine. He’s also been coated with metal on his skeleton. One of the idiots that will eventually get taken down will have some answers he’ll need to give. Thankfully with the help of Tony and I, along with others in the know, we’ve been able to use the emergence of Mutants into the mainstream to hide those with magic. I’m just the longest that has had to cover up since I was seen around Tony so much. We’ll just explain it as something with a mutation…it’s not time for the wixen to come out of hiding…too many issues yet from mutants being revealed.” Vivian explained as she moved into Bucky’s arms.

“You’ve been planning for this for a long time, haven’t you?” Bucky said with a raised eyebrow as he looked down at the woman in his arms.

“Of course, I have. I knew I’d get you both back sooner or later and there was no way I was going to keep aging and having to hide behind being a ‘descendant’ or something to stay with the pair of you.” Vivian smirked as she moved so she was facing the computer again. “So, the Gala is going to be Black Tie…so tuxes for you and Steve…but not with tails…I’ve got cufflinks for both of you with the family crests, it’ll show a subtle claim. There’s also a tie pin, that way if you don’t want the bow tie…” She pulled up the different styles of tuxes. I think this sort of tux…” She pulled up an image of James in a modern tux. “So loving J’s abilities to put you in the place of the actor…I think you look rugged with the light beard…” She smirked as she reached up and cupped the five o’clock shadow. “You can do with the bow tie or with a straight black tie…” She pulled up an image of Steve also with the rugged well-groomed beard in a black tux with a subtle stripe on the leg and black bow tie. “I think he’d look good like this as well…”

“That’s all nice and good but it’s easy for us to find the clothing needed…what about you darling?” Bucky asked before he looked at the computer screen.

Vivian went to answer only for the computer image to change without Vivian doing anything to the image of a dark blue dress that would hug her upper body before flaring at the base with a train in the back, the neckline was a portrait style with cap sleeves. There was also a picture of a tall, maybe five-inch, silver stiletto heel. There was a diamond wrap bangle bracelet that had a vague snake image to it, a pair of diamond and sapphire earrings, and two diamond rings one a round and one a square cut. There was a variety of makeup with tones of blue for the eyes and a deep red for the lips along with a bottle of perfume and a silver sparkling clutch purse.

“That is perfect…” He brushed his hand through her hair where she was wearing it loose, it still reached to her thighs as it had when she’d been held captive by Hydra, though she tended it style it in a way that hid the length. “What about her hair?” He spoke to the computer having gotten used to the AI that helped her out.

The image that came up was a fancy but loose bun with a simply flower decoration in pearl and brass. Vivian sighed before she smirked and stepped forward and with a few clicks of the computer a different image showed up. This one was a variation of hairstyles that were popular when the war was happening and in the years following with the main part a rose formed out of her hair.

“I was thinking something more like this…” She smiled as she showed it to Bucky and watched as he nodded. “A nod to when we first met…and truly knew each other…”

“I like it doll.” Bucky wrapped his arms around her again. “Are you gonna be able to dance in that dress though?” He twirled her in his arms with a smile. “I want to be able to dance the night away with you finally.” He smiled as she laughed and flowed into the hold he had as the computer started playing some formal dance music. “Even the classic waltzes I want to take you across the floor and show how stunning my soulmate is.”

The image on the computer changed again this time with a V-neck dress in dark blue with embellishments of crystal and silver, there was a small section of slightly darker blue fabric across where the bust would be. The straps were a thicker style while the body fit to the hips in a classic form fitting the bottom flared away, with the top layer a dark blue diaphanous fabric over the satin below, with a slight train in the back. The back when the image rotated showed a corset style lace up to help fit the dress. It reminded Vivian of gowns from when the war was ending and the years that followed. The remainder of the image remained the same with the jewelry and makeup.

“I guess Jarvis wanted to make sure I could dance with you…” Vivian smiled as she laughed through the dip that Bucky performed.

“Someone needs to make sure that you have the time of your life.” Bucky said with a smirk as he looked toward the door where Steve was standing. “After all the Punk still has two left feet…”

Steve sputtered and stepped forward taking Vivian from Bucky as the music changed into a formal waltz. “I know the more traditional dances; he was the one that got into all the ‘fashionable dances’ when we were growing up.” He chuckled. “But what are we planning on dancing for?”

“There’s a gala coming up and we’re going to make a statement…It’s black tie…” Bucky explained as the pair waltzed around the room.

“A statement?” Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.

“A big o’ middle finger to Fury and the rest.” Vivian smirked as she went through the motions of the waltz with ease before being slipped into Bucky’s arms as a Tango started. “They think they have a chance to blackmail us because we’ve not been in public since Buck’s rescue…” She moved through the motions with flare and laughter. “So, we’re going to Tony’s Yule Gala and we’re making a big o’ public statement by being seen as a trio. I’ll handle the press statements if we’re questioned since the public knows me from my frequent defense of Tony.”

“This’ll be fun…” Steve smirked, he’d gotten to know Tony well during the time that it took for Vivian to rescue Bucky and eliminate HYDRA. He’d seen what had drawn Vivian to the kid and was determined to help her protect him, even if in certain circ*mstances they would play a part of not liking each other for many reasons.

Steve stole her back and swung her into a quickstep dance much to her amusem*nt. Both Bucky and Steve smirked at each other as they continued to move through the types of dances that they knew, with Bucky focusing on the more Latin inspired dances while Steve focused on the more European traditional. The whole time Vivian was laughing and keeping up with them easily.

“Now this is an interesting way to practice…” Tony said from the door of the library, the house-elves had moved the furniture and such out of the way when the trio had begun their dancing. He smiled as he heard his godmother laugh and all but collapse into a chair that appeared via house-elf right behind her. “So, what’s the reason for all the dancing?”

“Started with Bucky asking if a dress I was thinking of for the Gala would work to dance in…then he teased Steve about how he couldn’t dance…He had to prove otherwise.” Vivian smirked as she looked at the pair who’d turned to each other and were dancing together now in a Viennese Waltz. “I think the reason he didn’t do much dancing before was due to his health…but now that has been taken care of…” She chuckled as she sipped from the water bottle that appeared beside her on a small table.

“I’ll make sure that the band knows to do as many of the traditional dances as possible while you are present so that you can add to the big ‘f*ck you’ that I’m figuring you're going to be giving…” Tony chuckled as he sat on the arm of the chair.

“Let me guess Fury attempted the blackmail with you?” Vivian looked at her little bug.

“Yep!” Tony popped the p obnoxiously. “Though he sent Romanoff to attempt it. I had her arrested for trespassing and espionage in the company. She was pissed…”

“Good for you baby…” She squeezed his knee. “She thinks she has carte blanche to do whatever she can to get the information needed. She didn’t want Buck rescued and if it wasn’t for me making sure she was unable to do so she was going to shoot him or knife him to get rid of him all because he shot a target through her while under the bastard’s control.”

“She was left alive?” Tony looked at his godmother in shock. “I’m surprised you didn’t kill her for her thoughts alone…”

“Oh, trust me it was very tempting…very, very tempting…” Vivian snarled. “I’ll eliminate her if I have to but…she’s needed in the future still to come…” Vivian thought back to the visions she’d had of the way the woman was able to shut down the portal that would come and bring about the rain of alien forces. She kept watching Bucky and Steve, who’d switched to a Tango, admiring the way they looked together dark and light, night and day. “Who do you think will be most affected if they do that during the gala?” She watched as they ended with a kiss, Bucky clearly dominating it, before they rested their foreheads together and just looked at each other as they caught their breaths.

“Anyone that is still around from the war…” Tony smirked. “Though most likely Fury will have the worst conniption fit…This is going to be fun.”

“Yes…thank you for planning it black tie and not white…” Vivian smirked, she liked formal dresses, but she hated gloves.

“You’re welcome.” Tony chuckled as he looked at the pair who’d come out of the effects of the dance and were looking at Vivian with love in their eyes. “They’ll be good for you.”

“Yeah…they really will.” She smiled as she stood and went to the pair when they held their hands out to her.

Tony watched as she was pulled in between them and kissed, first by Steve who cupped her face and kissed her tenderly, before her face was turned toward Bucky and he kissed her with passion and domination which left her breathless in the best of ways.

Vivian looked at the press and smirked as she stepped out of the vehicle her long blue dress floating around her ankles, her hand on Bucky’s arm while Steve’s arm was around her waist as soon as she stepped out. The back of the dress revealed just slightly the image of her ice-phoenix soulmate mark, something that was clearly recorded as having been on Steve Roger’s back before he even had the serum used on him.

Tony looked at her and smirked in return as she came up to him and hugged him with Steve and Bucky shaking his hands.

“Mr. Stark!! Who are these three? How do you know them?” The press seized the moment to start to fire the questions.

“It’s Doctor, Miss…” Vivian turned and looked at the reporter that had shouted out the first questions.

“Christine Everhart with Vanity Fair…” The reporter with a shark like grin replied.

“You remind me of a bitch of a reporter I’ve encountered before…A Rita Skeeter…any relation?” Vivian smirked and saw the woman flinch meaning that she was in the know. “No…oh sorry…Anyway…to answer your questions, which you could’ve just asked us instead of distracting Tony from his job of greeting his guests…I’m Vivian Graves-Scamander, yes that Vivian Graves-Scamander.” She looked at the reporters. “Beside me are Steven Rogers, also known as Captain America, he was found around six months ago frozen but alive thanks to the serum that was used on him. He was thawed out and the reason he hasn’t appeared before now is we’ve been catching him up on the times.” She smiled her ‘press smile’ which looked real but was fake. “And on the other side is Sergeant James Barnes, the longest surviving POW who was discovered at the time of the final collapse of HYDRA.” She smirked. “He’s also been adjusting since during his first-time captive, which anyone who’s followed Captain America and the Howling Commandos knows about, he was giving a bastardized version of the serum that changed the captain. It was what allowed him to survive though no one truly knew he had. He was recaptured and tortured before being frozen as well.” She stopped talking when Bucky gently squeezed her arm and stepped forward one step drawing attention to him instead of the petite female between him and Stevie.

“What Vivian won’t say but I will be is that while I was prisoner of Hydra, I was controlled…I was made into a ‘robot’ of a sort only performing the tasks given. I had no thoughts no actions that weren’t decided by Hydra.” Bucky’s eyes had a pained look to them. “I was made to do things that I am so regretful of in the name of Hydra…thanks to the help of those with mental gifts in the Mutant community they were able to break my ‘programing’. The President and the heads of the different nations are all aware of what I was made to do. I was the weapon that Hydra pointed at those that would break through their control. I was rescued when they were ‘waking me’ to send me after Vivian…” Bucky looked at his petite soulmate beside him. “She was too close to the truth in their eyes…seeing her stopped me and as soon as she had the chance, she got me out of there and healed.” He looked back at the reporters. “Because of the brainwashing/mind control I was under I’ve been pardoned of all crimes though I will be assisting Captain America and Iron Man if the need comes at any point for them to be brought out…especially in the case of Steve who would basically be forced out of retirement.”

“Why are you with both of them?” Another reporter asked focusing on Steve.

“Because I’ve been with them since the day, I met them…Bucky and I lived in a time where having an open relationship was a death sentence. So, we hid it. I met Vivian when I was in the program that changed me from the sick skinny twig to this…” Steve smirked as he subtly flexed and emphasized his height. “She helped protect me even after I was changed…” He looked down at her with a smile before looking back at the reporters. “I was made to give biological samples along with blood as they wished to discover how the serum was made using those samples. The thing is it is against the religion I follow to do so but when I explained it was against my beliefs, I was told I’d be court marshaled and locked up if I didn’t. Vivian, the little firecracker she is, stepped in and read the commanding officers the riot act. She was there to protect the doctor and his research and had power of attorney. She then held the power of attorney for myself if something were to happen such as when I was found and thawed out. While I was unconscious and unable to consent the organization that had found me again took the samples…” He looked at the women that were in the crowd. “Vivian found out and dealt with it…she made sure the samples were destroyed just like she had in the past. I fell for her then…”

“Biological samples?” One of the male reporters asked with a quirked eyebrow.

“sem*n. They took his sem*n without his consent to see if they could create a child with the serum in their blood. They wanted to raise a lab rat…I saw the folders of the plans that were in place if they got ahold of a sample. The child would be carried by a surrogate of their choice depending on the year that Steve was found. Then the child would be taken from the woman, she would then be killed instead of paid off. The child was then to be raised in a cell and tested for the serum and it’s properties until the day it either showed success or failure and then they’d repeat the experiment until success. The child would only be known as Subject A – Z and then numbers after the alphabet ran out depending on successes.” Vivian snarled looking at the man.

Steve placed a calming hand on Vivian’s shoulder giving her a light squeeze. “In honesty they raped my unconscious body and I’ll not call it anything less. I was unable and unwilling to give consent and it had to be ‘extracted naturally’ according to the notes that Vivian found. I am currently working with Dr. Stark’s lawyers to sue the organization for their actions as they blatantly ignored the contract and terms that I had in place with the US government for my body and image.”

“It’s not rape!” Everhart called out with a sneer.

“Let me guess you’re one of those that doesn’t believe a male, or one of male reproductive organs, can be raped? Let me tell you something we can, and we have been.” Bucky snarled. “Just as when a woman ‘doesn’t want it’ or it is ‘non-consensual’ it is the same for men. There was a time where women couldn’t be raped. They had to have wanted it. They were asking for it…so on and so forth…” He stepped forward a bit more to keep attention on him. “It’s called Victim Blaming and we…” He gestured to Tony, Vivian, Steve, and himself, “Have all dealt with that bullsh*t. Now take your self-righteous ‘woe is me’ mentality and beat it…”

“Easy Buck…” Steve laid a hand on his shoulder as well before looking at the female reporter who was glaring at Tony and Buck in equal measure. “Listen Ms. Everhart your attitude your belief that to get the scoop anything is acceptable is a load of bullsh*t. There’s a thing called a Public Mask…think on that before trying anything more. And that goes for everyone else.” He glared at the rest of the reporters before directing Vivian and Bucky away from the press line and into the hotel where the gala ball was being held.

“Well, that was a clusterf*ck…” Tony said after the ball was over. “J, what’s the news status from the opening?”

:Most are caught up in the fact that some organization willingly stole biological samples from a national icon. They wonder who else they’d be willing to do such to…: Jarvis explained as he pulled up the information on the many screens around Tony’s pent house living room. :The other hot topic is the multitude of ‘scandalous’ pictures of Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes dancing with Mama Vi…though that is in conjunction with the topic of Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes tango and kiss before the trio disappeared.:

Tony had laughed when Steve and Buck had recreated the dance from when they’d been practicing at the Sanctuary. Then he’d turned furious when a woman that he later realized was Miss Romanoff with blonde hair stormed up and tried to stab Barnes, only for Vivian to grab her arm and break it with a sneer before whispering something in the Black Widow’s ear and turning to her soulmates and asking them if they were ready to leave. Tony had security escort Natasha away only for her to disappear on them while they ‘guarded’ the office they’d stuffed her in while waiting for EMTs and Police.

“So there’s no reports on the attempted stabbing?” Tony asked as he looked over the information.

:I was able to keep that from being captured by the press that were allowed in the gala. Also I’ve added Ms. Everhart to the banned list for reporters allowed to cover events. It doesn’t matter if she goes to a different periodical or station she’s fully black listed from all Stark Events.:

“Thanks J.” Tony nodded; he thought back to the events that happened just before he’d been captured by the Ten Rings. He’d had to slip her a simple co*cktail that Vivian had created, it allowed her to think that he’d actually slept with her since she refused to take a no as an answer and was threatening to scream rape of all things in the papers if he didn’t give an ‘exclusive’ interview. He’d put up with her for the press conferences after that but she’d pushed the edge of appropriate statements and questions at every point to the point he had told Jarvis if she did it one more time to black list her. “I don’t care if I end her career she needs to get it through her head that a man can say no just as much as a woman has the right…” Tony rubbed his hand down his face with a sigh as he moved to the bar and poured a bit of sweet tea into a crystal tumbler. “Any word from Platypus?”

:Not yet sir.:

“Alright…I’m takin a dreamless and going to bed…Mama Vi will be pissed if I don’t get some sleep tonight after that sh*t show.” Tony sighed as he turned to head to his bedroom. “Oh and Fury…” He turned to look into the corner where the bastard was standing in the shadows. “This is the last time I issue this warning. Stay out of my properties and away from my family…Send in Miss Romanoff again and she won’t have to worry about being arrested. I’m done playin nice.”

“Are you threatening me Stark?” Fury stepped forward with a glare in his eye.

“It’s a promise…” Tony sneered before with a twist of his magic activating the wards that surrounded his property and forcibly ejecting Fury, they were set so that only those who were keyed into the wards were able to get in and it would destroy any of the listening devices that were planted by any spy organization. “J…Let Mama Vi know about the one eyed pirates latest infiltration and that I’ve raised the wards to war level.”

:Will do sir.:

Tony then nodded and headed to bed as he said he was going to.

Vivian looked at her two soulmates as they arrived back at the manor that belonged to Vivian and therefore the two gentlemen that was on the outskirts of LA where they’d had the Gala. She smiled as they helped her strip and slip into something less restrictive before they removed their own tuxes to do the same. She smiled as they climbed into the custom Alaskan King size bed that was in the master bedroom. They hadn’t gone far in their relationship besides kissing and that was something that they were still only doing. Bucky and Steve both had trauma to work through, something they were working with Severus over. Thankfully over the years while waiting for her soulmates she’d spent time with a mind healer and got help for her own trauma. She looked at her phone after it pinged with a message and sighed.

“What’s wrong doll?” Bucky asked pulling her into the little spoon position while she was facing Steve after she laid her phone back down.

“Fury showed up at Tony’s house. He had to raise his wards to war level…only those keyed in will be able to enter.” Vivian sighed as she let herself melt into the warm strength of her soulmates.

“He’s getting way to big for his breeches isn’t he…” Steve sighed in return. “How are we going to take care of him?”

“We need him for a coming conflict…but after that his second will be able to take over and make the changes that will be good for the organization. Right now he’s feeding us the information we need to be able to build a case against the bastard that will seem him black listed in a way that even he can’t escape. If Tasha doesn’t change the same will happen to her. We’ll blow every single identity they have.” Vivian snarled. “He’s a man with a god complex…and I’m sick of dealing with him…as it is there are ‘gods’ that have less of a god complex than he does…” She sighed in exhaustion this time and just let the heat of her mates sooth her sore muscles, other than sitting down for the meal and the few times she’d been able to convince Steve and Bucky to dance with each other or Pepper she’d been on her feet and was only grateful for the charms that were in place on the killer heels she’d been wearing. “I was so tempted to use the shoes for their secondary purpose when Tasha came up and attempted to stab you.” She looked over her shoulder at Buck.

“They’re too beautiful to be stained with her blood…she wasn’t worth ruining them.” Bucky smirked in return, he’d been impressed when he figured out that the shoes she was wearing weren’t just called stilettos for aesthetic, the heel was actually a glamoured stiletto blade.

“Rest Doll…we’ve got you protected…” Steve whispered into her hair, which was out of its complicated hair do and in a simple French braid to keep from getting tangled in sleep. “Plus you know that no one’s getting in here unless one of us allows them.”

“I know…” Vivian sighed. “I’m just pissed the one eyed bastard keeps trying…”

“I know a way to get your mind off it…” Bucky smirked against her neck before turning her toward him and pulling her in for a deep breath stealing kiss. His hand, charmed to feel and look like a flesh and bone arm, moved down cupping her breast through the thin well worn tee-shirt while Steve smirked and brought his hand to rest on her thigh drawing small soothing yet arousing circles on her hip. “Will you let us distract you?”

“I won’t let you distract me…but I will allow you to love me if you’re both ready for it.” Vivian sighed after she regained her wits from the kiss. “Complete our bond?” She whispered as she looked between the two men. “Wipe the last memories away…”

“With pleasure.” Steve whispered as he leaned in to steal his own kiss as he moved his fingers from her hip to the waist band of her pajama shorts.

From that whisper against Vivian’s lips the trio worked on erasing the feeling of other’s touches upon them little by little until they fell asleep in a pile of tangled sweaty limbs. Vivian’s French braid was undone, and their clothing was shredded after Bucky had gotten frustrated and tore her clothes away and Steve had followed suit with Bucky’s. As they slept the last of the bond settled into place, they’d be able to find each other with no problem now and would age together. With time they’d be able to talk mentally to each other, but that would take a bit to learn the emotions that the others were experiencing, that would be the first connection that came after the situational and location awareness.

Across the ocean in England at the Scamander family home Newt settled against the window with a smile on his face as he saw the glow of the family tapestry changing.

“About time sweet darling…” Newt smiled feeling his age at 114 he was nearing the end of his long life and was ready for it to come.

Both Percival and Newt had lived longer than they’d figured they would waiting for Vivian to find and bond with her soulmates. Queenie had passed a few years after Jacob, holding on as long as she could. Tina and Thee had both died in action during the after shocks of the trial against Dumbledore leaving behind their three children. Now Percival and Newt were simply waiting they were ready to go onto the next adventure. After all the damage sustained in the different wars it was not shock that they were already feeling their age.

“What’s about time?” Percival moved over to wrap aged arms around his soulmate.

“Look at the tapestry.” Newt smiled in return just leaning into the hold.

There on the tapestry was two new faces connected to Vivian’s showing a bond to Steve and James, they currently had all the same last names as they were known by. Slowly another glow formed under Vivian connected by both lines from her mates.

“We’re going to be grandparents…” Newt whispered as he studied the image, there was two hazy images as Magic recognized the conception of two new members of the family but even they had no further picture, as they developed the picture would change as would the information under the picture.

“Mother Magic must be excited to already be showing this…” Percy smiled into his mates now white hair. “I’m glad for our baby girl…”

“Same here…so much hell she’s been through…” Newt sighed.

“She’s got the strength to continue though, and she shall. I find I’m not quiet so ready for the next adventure…do you think Fawkes or Hedwig could help us any?” Percival smirked as he looked at the pictures.

“I don’t know what they would do to help…I’ll look into things and see if I can’t find something to help us remain a little while longer.” Newt smirked.

“Just until the coming chaos she’s warned us of is handled and we get to walk her down the aisle. It’s a good thing that we know how volatile an unfulfilled soulbond is or I’d be going after the two that got our little girl pregnant…especially a soulbond that has been unfulfilled for over 70 years.” Percy smirked thinking of the fear that he’d likely instill in the two men, after all any suitor of a daughter rightfully felt fear when faced with a protective father.

“Of course dear…” Newt just patted Percy on the hand before turning and leading the way to the bedroom. “Let’s go to bed…”

“But it’s morning…” Percy looked at his mate in confusion briefly before he finally caught on. “Oh! Let’s go…” Percy and Newt though they were over 110 years old were still as active as before they turned 50, something that seemed to disturb their daughter to their amusem*nt.

May 2, 2012

Tony woke the morning after the final touches were placed on the building and looked at all the information and reports that were waiting for him. He knew that time would come to be ready for the attack that was going to come soon and Pepper was going to be coming in the evening as they worked on getting things ready for the transfer of power. He knew thanks to Vivian that he would be seeing Phil this evening.

:Sir…there was a large explosion and destruction of a NASA research facility where Agent Coulson and Agent Barton were located as of last night…there are still rescue efforts in action…From the way things are being said the attack that Mama Vi had warned about is eminent.:

“Alright…” Tony sighed as he went to look out the large windows, he’d already raised the wards that would keep unfriendlies from the main areas of his home. “Make sure the lockdown is in affect from the moment that Agent Coulson approaches me. Prepare the last of the modifications on my newest suit. I’ll take the current one when it’s time.” He sipped his coffee. “Make sure to give Steve and Buck a heads up so that they can get Mama Vi out of the city…Even if she’ll be pissed at us…I want to keep the little bugs safe.”

:Already sent the notification.:

When Tony had heard that Vivian was pregnant he’d been worried since Vivian was only his godmother that he’d be replaced but she had taken that worry and kicked it to Saturn in her opinion. She’d gone through the steps to name Tony as her son in an adult adoption. Though he kept his name the same he was now freely calling her Mama Vi and showing his protective nature.

“Now we just wait…”

Chapter 10


This chapter has the 'battle' of New York, though Vivian is going to piss of Fate a bit 😋, and it isn't going to go how anyone expects...I definitely didn't expect the twist...Natasha gets a wakeup call and Fury gets his butt handed to him by a Mama Bear who isn't about to take any more of his 'I know everything, so you have to listen to me' crap that he's been acting like. Enjoy this 11555-word installment of this world.


Thanks to all my wonderful readers who've been waiting so faithfully for this chapter to be ready. It took a bit for my muse to get to work on this as I've been dealing with a lot of seasonal depression along with the depression and grief as I dealt with the memories of losing my grandmother a year ago this month...
Here is the next installment...likely only one or two more chapters to come...the next one will have planning taking place and birth of Steve, Bucky, and Vivian's twins. Let me know which you want to see: One of each, two boys, or two girls...
I hope you enjoy.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Vivian was pissed to put it mildly. She was pregnant not an invalid. She paced as she watched the events on the screen that she’d JARVIS pull up. She narrowed her eyes when she looked at Loki during the events happening in Germany and the events between Tony and Steve. She smirked because she knew the pair were being over the top in their ‘distrust’ for Fury’s benefit. Few would realize that Steve was such a troll. She didn’t jump as she felt arms come around her waist and allowed herself to lean back in Buck’s arms.

“I know your unhappy love. But we didn’t want to risk things after everything Jay was able to discover.” Bucky whispered into her hair. “We know you’re not an invalid but one wrong hit…”

“I know love…It’s just hard…thank you for remaining with me.” She whispered in return as they continued to watch things. “Tell me…look at the two images…” She pulled up an image that had been captured by SHIELD and found in the archives by JARVIS from the events in New Mexico when a whole city was almost flattened and an image from Germany. “What do you see different here?”

“His eyes…” Bucky said quickly as he studied the two images. “Jay anything from the events that brought him to earth?”

:There are a few images before the building collapsed Sir.: JARVIS responded before pulling up the different pictures that had been captured from the time the portal began acting up and the time that the portal caused a catastrophic collapse of the NASA building.

“He’s badly injured…look carefully…” Bucky said with a quick curse.

“He pulls up a glamour can’t be seen to be weak…also his eyes when he first emerged…the blue and green battled…” Vivian responded with a curse. “Jay patch in Tony and Steve…tell them it’s regarding their intergalactic prisoner.”

:Viv?: Steve’s voice came through with confusion clear in his voice. :Now really isn’t a great time…we’ve got another visitor that’s determined to take the first…:

“Jay put me on speaker from Tony’s suit…are there any others that are near them that we don’t want listening?” Vivian asked carefully.

:Right now,it’s only point break and reindeer games.: Tony replied instead of letting JARVIS.

“Good…Speaker Jay.” Vivian said firmly. “And holographic with the different pictures you’ve pulled up for us. Prince Thor Odinsson, my name is Lady Vivian Lillian Graves-Scamander. I am Lady Magic’s choice of Heiress to Lord Emrys, known to you and your family as Merlin.” She looked at the image that came up when JARVIS connected with Tony’s helmet and projected the information between them she saw when Prince Thor stopped his efforts to attack Tony. “Before you is my heart-son Tony and soon to join you is one of my soulmates’ Steven Rogers.” Tony moved his head, and they could see that Steve had joined them. “I ask you Prince Thor, what color are you brother Loki’s eyes?”

They heard the intake of breath from Tony and Steve as they realized what had been noticed, after all their ‘debriefing’ had been about the way those affected by the scepter had been changed.

:He has green eyes, like an emerald glowing with power, Lady Graves-Scamander.: Thor straightened up with confusion.

:If that is so then why does he currently have blue eyes?: Tony asked before the images were projected. :What are we seeing here Mama Vi?:

“These are images captured when he visited Prince Thor in New Mexico, you can see the blue is beginning to take over the green, but it isn’t quite strong enough, yet it is a very low amount. There are also images of when he came through the portal, you know what Glamours look like Tony.” Vivian explained softly. “You can also see how at first when he comes through the green is prominent again until he picks up the scepter.”

:Even with this my father will not let him be free without punishment for what he’s done.: Thor replied taking in the pictures and seeing with shock the obvious signs of torture, he thought back to the mountain side when he’d confronted Loki and he only had very minor injuries. He looked back toward the cliff side and had to furrow his brow for Loki was looking down at them with a smirk. :Why has he not run while we’re busy here…:

:He wants to be taken back to the headquarters doesn’t he…whoever’s in charge…: Steve answered looking up at the being who was watching them.

“He likely has plans. I know that if I were hunting for something even after having gotten the tesseract then I’d make a production of things…I’d do my best to sew discord and fighting…” Bucky said softly as he continued to watch the videos. “He his hunting for something…and while being controlled, he wants to get to the ‘base’ to make sure his hunting comes to fruition…”

:How can we break him of this?: Thor asked carefully.

“Cognitive recalibration.” Vivian was at the computer now typing away.

:What she means Point Break is we have to hit him hard enough to knock the controller out and then make sure he doesn’t pick up the glowstick of destiny again…should also secure that to make sure it can’t affect anyone else.: Tony grumbled.

“Tony, Steve, I know you wanted to keep me out of this…but this is bigger than both of you combined. Even with the assistance of the Bitch Widow and Bruce.” Vivian muttered as she continued to type away. “Fury’s making too many plans as are the Council who didn’t get the memo not to interfere…Steve you’ll need Buck beside you as well…”

:How will you get here Love?:

“Fawkes will bring Lord Slytherin and Lord Prince…I’ll be joining you via Hedwig with Bucky. It’s going to take more than a hit to the head Tony…It’s gonna be like Buck we’re gonna have to get in there and dig out the worm that dares this.” Vivian looked carefully at the information she was able to extract while they were talking. “After that’s taken care of the Magical World will gladly offer him political asylum from Asgard for his actions were at the control of another and he should not be blamed in any way for what occurred.”

“Are you sure babe?” Bucky looked at Vivian carefully.

“I won’t leave the base…But…” She closes her eyes briefly before opening them with fire flashing within. “But Fury is about to push my last button and I’m sure as hell not going to let him affect by baby boy or my soulmates.” She snarled there was a flash in her eyes that was her magic barely contained. Something was coming and the others knew they needed to be wary. “This is not things he should mess with and if I knew he had that blasted stone I’d have taken it years ago. I’ve no doubt there’s some big idiot out in the world that wants it and any other big things of power to make a grand gesture…” She snarled thinking back to the dreams that she’d had and the images that were in several of her sketch books. “This is just the beginning salvo…we’ve got more to come.”

“Then we gear up and meet you at the base Steve and Tony…Tony make sure that Loki doesn’t get near that scepter…” Buck nodded before looking at Vivian again.

:I’ve already discreetly warded it, but I’ll increase the wards on the box when we return.: Tony responded before moving with the others to get to the mountain side where Loki was sitting against the rocks watching the events with a confused smirk on his face, he’d obviously been planning for a big drawn-out fight between at least Thor and Tony.

Vivian moved through the halls of the helicarrier, Hedwig having dropped her and Bucky off in the area where Tony had a container for his suit. She nodded at Lord Slytherin and Lord Prince both who were watching her with raised eyebrows in question to the necessity of their presence, she’d basically had Fawkes kidnap them after all. Bucky was walking behind her his hair hanging long and lose around his face, his artificial arm out in the open with a leather biker’s glove over the fingers, he had tactical gear on along with several guns, knives, and explosives with a mask over his lower face. He was putting a bunch of the agents on edge with his look which only caused Vivian to smirk. Instead of her body armor, though the clothing was covered in protective runes and wards, she was wearing black skinny jeans, a bright blue tank and a black leather bikers' jacket with black knee-high riding boots. She also was carrying a gun and several discrete knives with her hair in a no-nonsense bun at the base of her skull and black and blue winged eyeliner and blood red lipstick.

“We’re about to crash a party gentleman…and in doing so we’re going to piss off a lot of people.” Vivian explained as she stormed into the bridge of the helicarrier.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!” Fury snarled as he turned from where he’d been watching out the windows waiting for Romanoff and the others to return.

“Simple Fury…I’m here to make sure you don’t cause sh*t to befall too many more innocents. But then again you always did love when innocents learned that the world isn’t a kind place.” Vivian snarled. “You will sit down and shut up! I’m sick of your bullsh*t running roughshod over innocents and I include that in those that work for you.” She leaned forward, she had a glamour on to hide her pregnant state she wasn’t going to give that sort of ammunition to the bastard or his little followers. “I am taking back command of this unit until this blasted event is over, then the person I SAY will be the one in charge and you will be DONE. I was tagged to be the leader before even Howard and Peggy but I turned it down so I could keep working from the shadows. That ends now.” She looks to the cameras that she knows the World Council are watching from. “We have no longer a need for the World Council to oversee this division. Especially since you bastards let HYDRA run amok.” She turned back to Fury with a snarl. “I Said SIT DOWN!” She laced her voice with a compulsion that made him actually obey before turning back to the others on the bridge with a sneer to Hill and the others she looked over the area.

“My name is Agent Shadow. Due to circ*mstances, you don’t need to know I’ve been around since the founding of SHIELD before it was even SHIELD. I’ve seen hell and I’ve seen war. I’ve also seen how one can be controlled by another. Jay pull it up.” The images on the screens changed all around them with Bucky, Lord Slytherin, and Lord Prince standing behind her with a determined guarded air to them. “If you pay attention, you will see that Prince Loki is also under the thrall of the scepter. I’ve already notified Captain America and Iron Man to this, and they are taking measure to ensure that the prince as unaffected by it as possible as they return to this area.” She looked at where Bruce Banner walked into the room and sat down at the table. “From this point on I am taking control of SHIELD because I’m done watching the idiots that had the control ignoring the real mission of this organization. For one…” She looks up as Agent Romanoff enters with a glare clear on her face. “WE Do NOT perform Honey Traps.” She looked over at Fury with a snarl. “We do not Hold blackmail on an agent that came to us to clear their conscious. Several of the best agents I know of came from the worst circ*mstances.” She looked at Natasha. “And the contracts that were created by the World Council and the Director will be reviewed to make sure there are no hidden angels.” Natasha startled before she looked over at the door where Thor, Steve, and a shackled Loki entered.

“Lord Slytherin, Lord Prince…Your help is required to break control again…” She looked at the two men who only raised an eyebrow before looking at the ‘prisoner’. “This one’s going to be a pain and a half to do but it needs to be completed. It likely won’t stop the events unless we can figure out a way to completely block the scepter’s ability to control but we’ll be able to free agents as soon as we’ve got a chance.” It was clear that Loki’s eyes started to show brighter green, and less blue, the longer he was away from contact with the scepter itself.

Coulson walked with Thor, Loki, and the two Wixen Lords to a side room where he watched as they worked together, with Thor restraining Loki as necessary, to break him of the control of the scepter. Hill watched as the agents around the bridge whispered over what they were learning and wondering who the different people were, there were a few that were talking about who was who and what they were known for. Natasha sat at the table with Banner and just watched her focus turned inward as she realized just what she’d been driven to do in an attempt to clear her ledger. Fury was simply put furious especially when he tried to get out of the seat that he’d been compelled to sit in and couldn’t budge from it, something which brought a smirk to Agent Shadow’s lips. Vivian stood at the controls and made sure that the hidden wards to allow it to continue working around magic were functioning fully and that she was able to raise the protective wards that were an alternate of intent wards. Bucky and Steve stood at her left and right hands respectively making sure that the rest of the agents didn’t try anything.

“Are you going to let me up any time soon?” Nick finally snapped out after a half hour.

“No…” Vivian shrugged. “I don’t trust you. Pure and simple so you will remain right there where I can keep an eye on you. You’ve messed with things that you had no right to do…I told Howard years ago he should’ve left the blasted cube in the bottom of the ocean. But like him you have a god complex…well surprise the ‘Gods’ are real, and they now think we’ve got what they want.” She snarled. “I’ve warned you many times Nicholas Fury that you should watch what you do because it’ll come back to bite you in the arse, and it has. Now shut up and watch as the real adults do their job.” She patted his cheek before walking back to the controls.

Everyone that was watching knew that there was going to be some large changes happening, even more than when HYDRA was weeded out of the system. Vivian looked at the information being shown on the different screens as she watched as others around the world seemed to be in shock over what was going on. The World Council kept attempting to get a call through, but she simply gave JARVIS complete access and gave him the go ahead to air the dirty laundry that needed to be aired to get rid of the bastards.

“Listen up people! Because of the way things are going it will be very likely that the Puppet Master will still be pulling the strings.” Vivian spoke from the captain's position of the bridge. “We’ve got eyes everywhere use them. Find the Agents…keep an eye on our enemies…Jay reach out to the enclaves.” She spoke to the others. “They already made a move to get some of iridium now we make sure that anything else that is needed is found. They’re going to be looking for a large power source.”

“How do you know?” Agent Hill asked with a sneer.

“Because unlike you I paid attention to the information that came through with the Doctor’s reports.” Vivian sneered at Hill she was an ass licker and would go for the one that gave her the highest position, but she had her eyes on the Director’s seat and it wasn’t going to be happening. “The Puppet Master…he’s on the other side of the Universe…”

“How do you figure that Mama Vi?” Tony asked as he entered the chamber and looked at her carefully.

“I know it because the only reason they’d want a portal created is if there was no other way to attack in a timely manner. He’s looking for the tesseract…and likely the scepter…Why? That’s what we need to figure out. They both give off different variations of gamma…but there’s something more there. Figure it out and we can likely figure out a way to destroy them.” Vivian said with a sigh.

“Why would you destroy them?” Fury snarled.

“Because there is something that ties them together with others…I can’t see what it is but I can tell that if they were ever to be combined with the others that give similar power surges then the universe is f*cked.” Vivian glared at Fury before looking back at the information being sent in. “We deal as always and take the steps needed to stop them from ever being combined together. If there were a way to destroy every last one of them…all the better but I’ve no clue where the others are nor to be honest due I want to…After this sh*t’s over I’m going to figure out how to take them out.”

“Thanos is after the infinity stones.” Loki said as he returned to the chamber with Thor supporting him. “Thank you for your assistance…Lord Slytherin and Lord Prince called upon your companion to return to where they came to alert the enclaves of the risks that are coming.”

“I’m glad they were able to help you Prince Loki.” Vivian bowed lightly. “What can you tell us of Thanos and the infinity stones?” She asked as she stepped away from the consoles and over to the table where Thor helped him sit.

“There are seven infinity stones…though most only know of six…The ‘Big Bang’ I believe it is known as formed them into concentrated crystals. Space, Mind, Reality, Power, Time, and Soul were the six that are known…there is a seventh known as Death…it started with just the six but after the Celestials used the power stone to wipe out entire planets and civilizations Death stepped forward and created a seventh stone though They hid it in a way that no one knows, it is said though that they divided the power of it in three parts so as to be even more hidden.” Loki smirked before grimacing and sitting back in the chair nodding in thanks as she handed over a healing potion from her belt pouch that she kept glamoured like her pregnant belly. “Death with their siblings, Life, Magic, Fate, and Time, were horrified by the actions of the Celestials, though Death was mostly just annoyed by the paperwork.”

“How do you know all this?” Fury snarled.

“Because my daughter Hel is the soulmate of Death…” Loki sneered at the man though it changed to a smirk when he realized the man was stuck in his seat. “Though most believe that she’s the Goddess of Death and therefore Death themself…Thanos found me after I fought in a battle where I was captured for a short time…it was when he started his attempt to change my goals and actions…I fought…” Loki closed his eyes briefly. “I…” Thor placed a comforting hand on his brother’s shoulder. “It wasn’t until I fell from the Rainbow Bridge into the Void that he was able to get me to his main base and the Other was able to take the steps needed to get me mailable to their actions. Thanos wants to have my daughter as his wife even if she has denied him multiple times. He thinks if he’s able to gather the six stones that are known then he’ll be able to gift her half of all life in the Universe…”

“He wants to wipe out half of all life?? Is…what…he’s insane…” Vivian sputtered before sitting at the table with Loki, Tony, Steve, Thor, Natasha, and Bruce while Bucky continued to stand guard behind her seat. “What’s his goal here…”

“He can tell because of the Tesseract being activated that there are currently multiple stones on Midgard…He plans to have a large enough portal opened to allow his army to come through at the guidance of the Other…once they take over the planet they’ll ‘cull’ the world as they do on every planet they go to…”

“Cull?” Steve asked leaning forward his arms resting on the table as he studies the Alien that was across from him.

“They attack and of those that survive the original invasion they divide them and sacrifice half…on some planets he’ll take a single being with him from the planet that he will ‘raise’ as his children. The Black Order are made up of his children and are the most reverent of followers.” Loki explained. “I was held and showed the culling process by the Other as one of his own methods of attempting to break me. It wasn’t until he gave me the scepter though that I was taken over…it contains the Mind Stone.”

“What can the different stones do?” Tony asked having silenced Fury who kept attempting to shout and interrupt not wanting them to listen to the ‘prisoner’ instead of him.

“The space stone…which is contained within the Tesseract is capable of controlling space itself, providing instant access to any location. It was one of the things that helped create the rainbow bridge and Bifrost.” Loki explained using a little of his magic to show the different stones highlighting each one that he spoke of. “The Mind stone, which is in the scepter that I carried here, it grants as its name suggests powerful mind abilities, and the ability to force other’s minds to the will of the one to wield it. It also allows for projection of the wielder’s consciousness to a higher plane of existence. The Reality stone…is lost currently it was locked away by Thor’s grandfather…” Loki looked over at his adopted brother. “It is known among those of Asgard as the Aether…it acts as a symbiotic force and is currently in a liquid form that is absorbed into a living host…though it will kill them eventually. It gives the ability to as its name suggests warp Reality at will…it can give a person immense strength, durability, powers, and subjective influence over the universe…” Loki nodded in thanks as Vivian hovered a cup of tea over to Loki to help him wet his throat which was clearly sore from the bruising that covered it. “The Power stone is currently in a temple somewhere in an orb it increases a person’s physical power and allows for the manipulation of energy similar to magic…when used to full potential it has enough power to wipe out whole planets…”

“That was the stone that led Death to create their own?” Tony asked carefully.

“That and the Soul Stone…” Loki answered before trailing off in thought.

Thor was looking troubled over what he was hearing, he had learned the lessons of the infinity stones at their mother’s knee just like Loki but like his father he’d waved it aside knowing that they were well hidden enough but if there were two on this planet then if they were discovered it could lead to further troubles.

“The soul stone?” Vivian asked trying to get a bit more information.

“There’s the Time stone and Soul Stone of the six known. The Time Stone was contained in a device known as the Eye of Agamotto by one of the Sorcerer Supremes’ of this planet…” Loki replied. “It is well guarded by the Sorcerers of Kamar-Taj last I had heard. It allows the one with necessary knowledge and skills to manipulate the flow of time, on a small or massive scale. It was briefly studied by the Wixen who were able to create a similar device without the absolute power of the stone, they can only travel back in time…”

“Time Turners…” Vivian snarled she hated the ability that caused so many problems.

“Yes, I believe that was what it was called.” Loki nodded. “They are supposed to be highly regulated due to the contract that was created with the Sorcerers of Kamar-Taj…”

“Yeah unless one landed in the hand of a person that believes themselves the next Merlin and has a god complex even greater than that idiot there.” She gestured to Fury.

Steve put a hand on her shoulder to offer comfort. It had come out after everything when Dumbledore was arrested and tried that he’d had possession of a time turner and that was how he was able to work with Grindelwald and not be missed at the school.

“So that means there are at least three stones on this planet.” Tony said with horror clear in his face.

“What is the soul stone?” Vivian asked carefully.

“The Soul Stone is simply as it says…it deals with the souls of the universe. It is also seen as the greatest threat out of all the stones.” Loki explained. “Its location like the Reality Stone is unknown…it is rumored to be on Vormir…but no one knows where that is…there is also a Guardian and it is rumored that it can only be gained through personal cost being paid…What the sacrifice is even my daughter doesn’t know…nor does she know who the guardian is…only that they came into place around 70 years ago…” Loki took a few more sips of the tea and nodded in thanks as it was refilled, hiding a smirk when Natasha had a look of absolute confusion since there were no tea pots or carafes in place that the tea could have been poured from.

“What is the seventh unknown?” Bruce asked, he’d been keeping notes on what Loki was saying while making sure that he had sketches over what was on the projected images.

“The Seventh unknown is just that Unknown.” Loki shrugged. “I only know that the seventh is not just myth because of my daughter.”

“sh*t…” Vivian leaned forward resting her head in her hands and then glaring toward Fury and everyone else around the bridge.

With a glare and a twist of her wrist Fury was gone from the table, unknown to the rest he was in his chambers and locked within, only she or her most trusted would be allowed to free him from the room. There was a muffalito spell in place moments later and a spell to keep the others from approaching. Coulson came and sat down when he saw that Fury was removed and nodded at Vivian and Tony. Hill was glaring at Coulson and was thrown back when she attempted to get close to the table to interrupt things.

“This can go no further…” Vivian said with a glare toward Natasha. “If this is shared with anyone else there is no redemption possible for the one that spills the secrets…I will lock it with a vow before I even start…” She looked at the rest and with the help of Tony swore those at the table into a vow of secrecy before she summoned her staff and cloak. Thor and Loki both sat back in shock at the sudden appearance and the feel of power that flowed from the two items. “Allow me to fully introduce myself, I only partially did so at the battlefield…I’m Grand duch*ess Vivian Lillian Graves-Scamander. I was granted the title of Grand duch*ess Emrys by Lady Magic, as well as the title of Mistress of Death and Champion of Magic.” She looked at those at the table with seriousness clear in her gaze. Loki looked at her with shock clear in his eyes at the title of Mistress of Death. “In reality I view my status as Mistress of Death more of Daughter of Death…” She sighed as she sat back carefully. Loki seemed to sag in relief at that statement. “Death gifted to three brothers; three items of power called the Deathly Hallows. The Deathly Hallows are three highly powerful magical objects supposedly created by Death and given to each of the brothers. They consisted of the Elder Wand, an immensely powerful wand that was considered unbeatable; the Resurrection Stone, a stone which could summon the spirits of the dead, and the Cloak of Invisibility, which, as its name suggests, rendered the user completely invisible. According to the story, both the owner of the Wand and the owner of the Stone came to bad ends. However, the owner of the cloak was rewarded and gained the friendship of Death. According to legend, he who possessed these three artefacts would become the Master, or Mistress, of Death.” She leaned forward and poured herself a cup of water from the jug that she summoned. “Very few know of this but I lived a previous life where this world ceased to exist and there were no superheroes.” She squeezed Steve’s hand when he held her hand. “I learned from Mother Magic that if Death hadn’t interfered in my life and if things had continued as it was before the millennium happened that world would’ve been destroyed. Mundanes would’ve discovered the enclaves and destroyed the world in an attempt to destroy the enclaves.”

Shock showed on all the faces around the table. Thor and Loki looked at each other remembering one of their mother’s tapestries that was incomplete before she started another, the one that was incomplete was of the world they knew now but there was so much unnecessary death and destruction. Natasha was shocked at the thought of a different universe and a different outcome for the world. Bruce was writing down so many questions that he had that he’d hold off and ask at another point. Tony just seemed to sag as he summoned a carafe of coffee and poured a cup.

“I was killed due to my status in that world and due to the fact that I’d broken free of their plans for me. I refused to be a puppet and for that I was killed. Death didn’t want me to die with all the pain I’d experienced and brought me to this world and gave me a new life. And a chance to find my soulmates.” She looked at Steve and grasped Bucky’s hand when he laid it on her shoulder in support. “I was still the Mistress of Death due to the collecting of the three artifacts in that life…Death has looked out for me and their sister has as well once I came to her attention and called upon her to deal with the idiot with the god complex. She was pissed when she found out that he’d bound the magic of every student in the school where he presided as the headmaster from the time that he was the deputy and in control of a magical artifact that sorted them to their dorms.” Vivian explained softly keeping her eyes on the table and the cup in front of her. “I only regained my memories of what had happened during the War when Steve and Bucky were overseas…They were given to me to help keep the same happening from this time around…” She took a sip of her tea. “When I went to confront the bastard that would’ve killed the world I was given the items which due to being granted the titled of Grand duch*ess Emrys I formed that…” She pointed to the staff with a smooth black stone on the top and the cloak. “The Wand became the staff and the Stone became a focus…I rarely use them only for the big magics…”

“The stone…” Loki started to whisper before trailing off.

“It was created by Death and Life as a counter to the soul stone…While in the legend it was explained that it would bring back the souls of the dead in reality it will only bring back those that were wiped out by the soul stone.” Vivian explained gesturing to the black river stone. “The Cloak is to hide from the Mind stone…and the wand is to defeat the Power stone…Mother Magic worked with Death and Life to create the items and do what they could to stop the future that Time and Fate had spoken of.”

“How do you know all this…” Loki leaned forward and made eye contact.

“As I said I’m the Mistress and Champion of Death and Magic…” She smirked and the temperature on the Bridge dropped as two figures appeared behind her. “They let me know when steps are needed to piss of Destiny and Fate.” The temp returned to normal quickly after the two figures disappeared. “Mostly they show me in dreams but when things are vital they’ll let me see them even while awake.” She looked at Steve and Bucky. “The Guardian is an old red enemy that if I ever see the bastard will wish that he was residing in Death’s halls instead of guarding the soul stone.”

“Red Skull…” Steve whispered with wide eyes.

Vivian only nodded.

“What are we going to do about Thanos?” Coulson asked as he poured some of the coffee from the carafe that Tony had summoned. “And his army?”-

“When I was under his control I had just enough of my own control to make the plan as easily defeat-able as I could without giving away that I was doing so.” Loki explained before looking at Stark with a slightly sheepish expression. “Barton suggested for a power source to use your tower…as it is a strong source and tall…I also had arranged it so that after I was captured the ones under the scepter’s control would come here…I…” He took a deep breath. “I wanted to return Barton without it being obvious, a hard hit to the head should break the control, and it was meant to break you apart so that it would seem as if the attack would work.”

“Huh…I wondered because in all the legends there are of you…you are a very strategic and meticulous planner…” Steve muttered as he looked at the god sitting across from him. “You are known as the trickster good and the deity of mayhem and mischief…you’re always portrayed as a clever and cunning…the methods that you’ve been using didn’t show much of your strategy or cunning that you were known for.”

“Cunning comes in many forms…” Vivian smirked as she looked at Loki. “Isn’t that right Lord Salazar Slytherin…”

Loki laughed in joy at someone figuring it out before giving a bow from his seat. “You would’ve done well in my house…”

“That’s a story we’ll have to hear another day.” Tony smirked himself before looking at Coulson. “What can we expect from those that attack the ship if they go by the training that they have with SHIELD?”

“If Barton’s in the lead he’ll likely come through the vents. They’ll expect us to have Prince Loki locked within the round cell chamber that will allow it to the chamber to be dropped from altitude if too much force is exerted on the walls.” Coulson explained. “They’ll go there and to the lab level in the hunt for the scepter…but first they’ll ensure panic by taking out one of the engines and causing us to start to fall from the sky.”

Vivian looked up as she felt a shock go through her as someone approached the ship with ill intent. She dropped the spells around the table and moved quickly to the controls. She looked through the information being given and snarled.

“Their already here…” She looked at the others. “Everyone get a comms…we need to stay in connection…Tony get in your suit…Steve, Bucky grab your necessary gear and back him up.” There was an explosion that rocked the ship and caused it to tilt. “Damn it…they must have used a projectile to take out the engine that was shot from outside the intent wards.”

“Likely one of Barton’s specialty arrows.” Coulson cried out as he came forward.

“Are there any weapons that can stun and not kill?” Vivian asked looking over at Coulson. “Like those Zat guns from the Stargate show?”

Coulson nodded and moved with several agents as backup.

“Dr. Banner…” Vivian pulled out vial. “This will help for now with keeping the Hulk contained. That is likely something else that they will be attempting bringing out your alternate.” Bruce nodded and took the vial drinking it down, he’d seen how much the vial that she’d given Prince Loki had helped. “Tony go with Steve and Bucky and get the engine cleared.” She looked back at the information. “Agent Romanoff I need you in the causeways to intercept Agent Barton and knock him out…I want him fully out. Prince Loki please remain here. Prince Thor if you could patrol the outside to make sure there are no other ships in an interception path.”

The others nodded and moved with the rest to take care of what she’d ordered. Vivian looked at the information that was coming up on the screens.

“Get the ship pointed to the water…if we can’t get the engine restarted we’ll have to do a controlled fall.” Vivian commanded as she looked over those that were at their stations. “Agent Hill go and check on the wing where former Director Fury’s office was. Make sure that he’s secure, knock out any invaders.” She pulled up the comms for the ship and directed the others to go for knock out actions but to shoot to protect if needed.

“They will come and attempt to knock out another engine…” Loki said looking out the view port.

“They’ll use Barton to do so most likely. The others will focus on the scepter and the prison…” Vivian explained as she continued to study the paths of the insurgents. “Where will the others be…this isn’t enough…this isn’t the amount you gathered…” She looked at the numbers that were being shared.

“The rest are probably transporting the portal device to the tower and helping the Doctor set it up.” Loki replied looking at what she was studying and seeing how she was correct.

“Prince Thor…I’d like you to fly ahead to New York…You will see a large building with the name Stark on the top…that is where Prince Loki said the others will be. If possible destroy the machine so that they can’t complete the portal.” Vivian spoke into her comms. She heard Tony, Steve, and Bucky working together to get the engine up and running, thankfully with Bucky being there Steve was able to remain by the switch the whole time and throw it as soon as Tony had told him to so that his suit wasn’t mangled. “Tony lead Prince Thor to the tower. Activate invader protocol make sure there are no civilians in the building or near it at the moment…”

:On it Mama Vi.:

:This is Agent Romanoff…Agent Barton is secure.:

:This is Agent Coulson…they’ve gotten the scepter and are retreating…None of the combatants are SHIELD…:

“This is Agent Shadow…Permission is given to destroy the vessel with the insurgents. Any member of the enclave is to retrieve the scepter but DO NOT TOUCH! Additional enclave members are to contain the scepter within cold iron.” Vivian spoke through her comm to the rest of the ship as she continued to look at the readings, thankfully they still had communication and engines. “Take us to New York…” She looked at those in charge of flying the ship. Get us in range if assistance is needed. Steve and Bucky return to the bridge.” She looked out and smirked when she saw the plane that had carried the enemy into the helicarrier explode a feeling of satisfaction filling her at the removal of the threat to her people.

She prayed that her actions were enough to keep the reign of fire that she’d seen so long before from happening. The world was not yet ready for the magical enclaves to be revealed even with mutants starting to become more known.

It was a half hour later when Tony called in an update with Thor. They’d been able to destroy the portal device before it had been completed and Tony had been able to encase the Tesseract in cold iron. Thor had also given him runes of Old Norse that would help contain the power of the Tesseract that Tony copied and sent through to Vivian who’d added them to the container that had been created for the scepter. There were several members of the enclaves within SHIELD, something that when Fury found out pissed him off.

“Agent Shadow the council wishes to speak to you.” Hill stepped up beside her and stood at attention.

Vivian raised an eyebrow in response before bringing up the holographic screens right there on the bridge and with a twist of the tech removed the shadowing capabilities of the video calls.

“I’ve already said that we don’t need the councils oversight any longer.” Vivian stood with her arms crossed as she glared at the screen. “Four of you were HYDRA prior to our taking them out…and by Our I mean those that are part of the enclaves, which all of SHIELD has been read in on as the reveal is approaching.” She spoke before the council members could. “At this moment the emanate attack has been stopped, thanks to the actual action of applying logic and simple understanding of history to the one you view as the ‘prisoner’…oh yes I’ve seen that conversation that has been going on with the seven of you. Also at this moment your respective national leaders are getting information on you…everything that you’ve done in your position and used your position of power for. Every single one of you is corrupt. And it is time to get the corruption taken care of. I took care of HYRDA with a set group of agents, I burned the stumps that I left behind so more heads could not be grown. Now…I’ll take care of you bastards…I know that you think you own this division. But you don’t…” She smirked as she noticed the sputtering. “Everyone here can see your faces and know that as of this moment you are all persona non-grata for SHIELD. No information is to be shared with you and no orders given by you are to be followed. Any that are will see that person permanently relieved of duty.” She seemed to be bigger than life even though she was dwarfed by not only her soulmates, who were standing on her right and left but also by Prince Loki who was standing behind them. “Now Council we’re done.”

With that last phrase she killed the feed and turned to the others, Banner, Natasha, and Barton came to stand behind the three who’d stood with her already with Coulson coming up with Hill.

“Agent Coulson…I leave the title of Director to you…” She smirked at the jump of shock that Hill gave before she glared at Coulson. “I know from your work with me in taking down HYDRA from within SHIELD and the work you’ve done for me for so long that you will continue to hold your honor as the main deciding factor. JARVIS has a folder of the altered contracts that he’s discovered, those that the agents were told they were signing, the ones they read through, and what was actually in the system with the hidden clauses. Agent Hill you are hereby demoted to level 3 agent. Check your morals and remember that all are equal in death. We’ll debrief on the threat of the Puppet Master after you’ve gotten things under control. Former-Director Fury is to be remanded to the President who will decide on where he will serve his time, should he attempt to escape he is to be taken out with prejudice. He would’ve have had us at war before allowing us to deal simply. Also his plan for the reveal of HYDRA was to do a full dump of ALL SHIELD and HYDRA files which would’ve burned many agents that are currently undercover as well as their dependents.” There was a clear anger flowing through the bridge, even Hill was shocked and horrified at the thought of how he would’ve handled the situation if he’d been in charge of the reveal. Vivian stepped forward with Steve and Bucky falling in beside her on each side. “Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff I’d like you to come with me and my companion here to join Prince Thor, Tony, and Dr. Selvig at the STARK tower in New York. There are several things we need to speak about.”

Vivian’d seen how Natasha had been hit by as Tony would say a ‘clue-by-four’ when they were talking before they’d gotten into the main conversations. She knew that Coulson had been talking with her since the events at the Gala when she’d attempted to stab Bucky. She also knew that Natasha had been seeing an enclave mind-healer to help her work through her past and everything as a condition of her continued employment after the Gala event. The mind-healer was one that she couldn’t run circles around and fool into thinking she was sane enough for the work. The mind-healer actually went into her mind mentally to work through things in her mind space. It was something that was going to be required for every one of the mind-jacked agents.

“We need someone to fly the quinjet…” Vivian walked from the bridge picking up her leather jacket as she went slipping into it easily.

“I’m capable…” Barton spoke up as he fell in with the group, it was clear that he was still struggling after having regained control. He was shown footage of what had been done to clear Loki to prove that the god had been controlled as well so he was willing to be beside him.

“Very good. Accio cold iron box…” She waved her wand; she’d sent the staff and cloak back into her dimensional storage to keep it away from others before she’d dropped the spells around the table during the conflict. “Bucky keep away from it…as well as you Prince Loki and Agent Barton…I don’t want to take a chance even though it’s contained that it can’t leak through in proximity.”

The ones she mentioned moved to the other side as she grabbed the handle that had been created and attached to the box before being wrapped in dragon hide. Steve took the box from her with a simple raised eyebrow, silently daring her to argue it was clear he was upset over her being there in the first place. Barton lead the way to the quinjet and then they were able to take control of it and get to the tower easily. Thanks to the work of Tony there was a landing pad for the quinjet, though it had originally been for a helicopter.

“Mama Vi…” Tony walked out to the landing pad and wrapped himself around Vivian as soon as she was down the ramp. He pulled back and held her shoulders before glaring at her. “What the hell were you thinking?!!! What if there’d been a battle?! What if we’d been unable to stop the machine?!”

“I knew that we’d be fine darling…Come along there’s much to talk about. Oh Agent Barton…you and Dr. Selvig along all the other ‘brain-jacked’ agents will be speaking with a mind-healer. They won’t allow you to run rings around them.” Vivian said with a firm look. “Come along…” She looked at the rest. “Prince Loki, you’ll be seeing the mind-healer as well. Though Lord Slytherin and Lord Prince did much to help you it will still require more.”

Loki only nodded though he did smirk about the fact that one of the men that had helped him was his heir. While he didn’t have children when he was Lord Slytherin he’d magically adopted several children so that the title could pass on, sadly he’d been only been able to grant them parseltongue instead of all-speech.

“Oh good you’re here…” A voice spoke from in the tower with a firm tone. “What do you think you’re doing risking your children by wearing a glamour when you’re barely out of the first trimester?!”

Vivian’s eyes went wide in a classic ‘oh sh*t’ look that many a kid had when caught by their parents doing something they weren’t supposed to do. She glared at Tony who coughed into his hand with a hidden ‘busted’ which brought a smirk to Barton’s face as well as Romanoff’s.

“I wasn’t in any danger!” Vivian said as she turned and saw her parents stand from where they’d been talking with Prince Thor and Dr. Selvig.

“Vivian Lillian Graves-Scamander!” Newt stood with his hands on his hips and a glare on his face. “The Clock said, ‘Mortal Danger’ so don’t try to say you weren’t.”

“f*ck…forgot they had a Weasley clock…” Vivian muttered, the Weasley’s had created the charms that could be attached to a grandfather-clock and patented it with the help of Marauders Inc. bringing in plenty of income for the formerly impoverished family. Weasley Clocks were a big thing for families to keep an eye on their family and was typically given as a wedding or first child gift. “There was a brief moment, but I was perfectly safe…If I’d needed to get away I’m sure Price Loki would’ve assisted me in doing so.”

There was a huff of frustration that all parents, especially mothers, seem to excel at that came from Newt as he seemed to sag and look his age for once. Percival just stepped forward and squeezed his husband’s shoulder.

“I was worried darling…” Newt said stepping forward. “Then to arrive here and see hostiles attempting to build something that would tear through space…f*ck baby…” He stopped in front of Vivian and cupped her cheek. “I was just so scared…” He hugged his daughter. “But you know that this is not a good time to be using a lot of magic for a long time…drop the glamour baby…”

“Yes mama…” She sighed as she hugged her mother and let the glamour that hid her slight belly, after all she was carrying twins of two large men in a very petite fit form.

“Well f*ck…” Barton breathed out when he took in the change that had come over her. He shook himself off and entered the sitting room where the others had continued with Vivian and her ‘mama’ following behind. “What are we going to do now?”

“Right now we’re going to eat and deal with the slight clean up that is going to happen. The agents that were taken will be sent back to the helicarrier where they will be met by a mind-healer. Lord Prince will be sending one of his best here to help with the ones here.” Tony said with a smirk to those that remained. “Dr. Selvig and Dr. Banner are going to go and get some sleep in the guest rooms. Agent Barton you as well…Prince Loki I don’t know how much rest you need but you’re welcome to rest as well. Those that haven’t been brain-jacked or living in a third world country will be relaxing or resting depending on what you need. Mama Vi will be resting…” Tony glared at his Mama Vi with his arms crossed. “Any wounds will be taken care of and then talking will happen after we’ve been fed and rested.”

Vivian smiled glad that thanks to the way she’d been able to help raise Tony he was able to stand up and take control when it was needed, he also wouldn’t let anyone walk all over him as several board members tried to do after Stane was taken care of.

“We’ll meet up again in time for supper. I’m havin JARVIS order fifty pizzas of a variety of toppings to be delivered at 7pm. There are snacks stocked in the kitchens.” Tony continued as he looked around at those gathered. “Grandpa and Grandma will still be here…” Tony smirked at the jump that happened when he called them what he did smiling at Percival and Newt. “Yes, Mama I’m going to get some rest…”

“Okay…” Vivian nodded before she moved through the tower, Tony had shown them around the tower as it was being completed and given her a floor for her and her mates. “I could definitely do with some cuddles…” She looked over her shoulder at her mates who got the idea and were quickly following her to the amusem*nt of the others in the room.

“This is going to give the others a chance to leave and for us to make sure no one unsavory slipped any listening devices in place.” Tony said once his mama was out of the room. It was clear he was a little banged up and sore from the g-force needed to get the engine going from a dead stop. “Agent Romanoff…JARVIS will be keeping an eye on you at all times. I know that you’ve ‘seen the light’ so to speak but to be honest I don’t trust you. My Grandfather will be keeping an eye on you as well to make sure that you don’t slip the listening devices anywhere for Fury…even though he’s going to be in for a sh*t load of trouble soon enough.”

“Miss Romanoff…” Percival stepped forward, Nicolas Flamel and his wife Perenelle had agreed to meet with them and provide a bit of the elixir of life so that they could continue to survive until after the grandbabies were born. Nicolas had remembered Newt from the time he was traveling through Paris trying to follow Grindelwald and stopped him from burning the city to the ground. “If you will come with me?” He gestured with his hand showing Natasha off to a side room. “My husband and I’d appreciate a chance to talk with you about some hard home truths.”

Natasha blinked before nodding, she was tired emotionally and mentally, but she’d not done much in the way of fighting other than to knock Clint out. Clint squeezed her hand before following Tony to the guest rooms that were ready for those that needed it to rest, he personally was going to get a long hot shower before anything else. The rest moved off slowly as they started to feel the exhaustion of the day, Newt made sure to walk behind Natasha with his husband leading the way and smirked as they entered the bedroom that was secure enough to be a cell with a false window giving the idea of it being escapable, if one was able to go several floors to the ground. He heard JARVIS secure the door, there was a bathroom, bed, and simplest of amenities.

“Now…Miss Romanoff please take a seat…” Percival spoke as he transfigured a chair and stood with his arms crossed watching and waiting, he was in full protective papa-bear interrogator mode and the aura he put out made shivers rise on Natasha’s arms.

When 7 pm rolled around it was to the shock of everyone when Natasha came out of the room she’d been in with swollen red eyes from crying wrapped in a comforting hug from Newt. Percival’s eyes were flashing, and he walked over to Vivian, who’d entered being carried by Steve still sleepy from her nap and took her from Steve’s arms needing to just hold his daughter.

“I take it things were worse than we thought?” Vivian whispered as she huddled into her father’s shaking form.

“In ways that we could hardly imagin…” Percival whispered before just holding his daughter.

“well sh*t…” Tony whispered having heard what was said before he looked over at Natasha who was now wrapped in Barton’s arms. “As if we didn’t have enough hell to deal with before…”

“What’s wrong?” Steve asked carefully while keeping a close eye on his pregnant mate.

“They didn’t spell her to be that way but the way they did it was worse…” Percival pulled back and looked over at Natasha. “It took some work…but we were able to help her start to break the…only way to see it is programing. It had started when you spoke to her the day you rescued James…” He looked at Vivian with parental exasperation in his eyes. “Then it was built on by Agent Barton there as well as Director Coulson…But the events of the past few days and the help of some of Newt’s beasties…well we were able to help break the rest…It wouldn’t have worked with a mind-healer, though she’ll still need to see one, but she needed someone of authority to help break the last of it…”

“You pulled out Director Graves didn’t you papa…” Vivian smirked as she realized what he’d done to help with the final breaking of the mind f*ck that had happened.

“I was known as a hard ass for a reason kid.” Percival smirked in return before looking back toward the rest. “She wouldn’t have listened to any of you because of your ties with James. But with me an unknown…that wasn’t going to work.” He shrugged.

The elevator opened allowed Pepper, Happy, and Rhodey to exit along with the large order of pizzas that had been ordered.

“We’ll talk more later.” Percival squeezed Vivian’s shoulder before going and joining Newt on the couch needing to just sit with his own mate for a while.

“Let’s eat and relax then we can figure out a plan for the next big bad that’s coming…with no portal available it will take the big idiot several years to get here…and so we’ve time to figure out a way to destroy the stones that we have…” Tony said with a sigh as he moved to his friends glad that they were there and safe, Rhodey had called to tell him he’d been called back in the case of an attack after the events in Germany, while Happy had been with Pepper on the flight from Washington. “You’re not going to believe some of the things I have to tell you…” He said as he approached the three.

“Maybe start with why the guy who lead the attack in Germany is sitting free on your couch with another unknown?” Rhodey asked with his arms crossed in the stern big brother way he got at times.

“That’s all part and parcel with the rest…” Tony shrugged before leading them over to the food and letting them get something before he took them to a little separate part of the room and filling them in.

“sh*t…” Rhodey dropped back and pinched the bridge of his nose as Tony finished his tale. “This is a boat load of sh*t with extra hot sauce on top…”

“You don’t know the half of it…” Tony chuckled before he focused on other things to deal with at the time.

“So everyone! I’m overruling the desire to talk and plan…we need a night to relax before diving into all the crap that was dealt out today…So JARVIS a movie if you please…preferably a comedy without any mention of wars or aliens…” Vivian spoke from where she was sitting with her mates.

“How bout the Court Jester with Danny Kaye?” Bucky spoke up from where he was sitting.

“Perfect! You heard the man Jay…” Vivian smiled in return as they all got settled for a movie. She smiled at the introduction that began.

“Life could not better be, better be, better be

It could not possibly, no sirrrah, sirrah, sirree

Songs could not gayer be, sound your do, re, or mi

Re, mi, fa, so, la si,

Fa la la la follow me

Why be gloomy?

Cut thy nose off to spite thy face

Listen to me, a nose is hard to replace

Skies could not bluer be, hearts in love, truer be

I say for you and me

Life couldn't possibly, not even probably

Life couldn't possibly better be

Life could not better be on a medieval spree

Knights full of chivalry, villains full of villainy

You'll see as you suspect maidens fair, in silks bedecked

Each tried and true effect for the umpteenth time we'll resurrect

We did research, authenticity was a must

Zooks! Did we search!

What did we find? Achoo, a lot of dust

After the dust had cleared half the cast had a beard

And I'm the one as you can see

For whom the bell tolls merrily

We asked Shakespeare and Francis Bacon would they declare

Which one wrote this and they both said,

Get outta dere

Which bring us to the plot, plot we've got, quite a lot

As it unfolds you'll see

What starts like a scary tale ends like a fairy tale

And life couldn't possibly better be…”

There was laughter and groans that came from several of those watching they found humor in the actions of Hubert Hawkins the bumbling minstrel and Maid Jean the rebel captain who for the joy of Natasha, Pepper, and Vivian was a strong woman who didn’t need to be rescued and was able to kick butt all on her own, when films at the time typically had the females as the damsels in distress. Tony’s cry of ‘That’s the lady from Bedknobs and Broomsticks! And Murder, she wrote!’ caused Vivian to cackle. It also lead them to watching ‘Bedknobs and Broomsticks’ as well as having Jay play Beauty and the Beast and Anastasia as they went through several movies not wanting to go to bed and deal with things in the morning. They wanted to keep it fun a lighthearted, though Anastasia tested that with a bit of the dark magic that was performed, thankfully the magicals in the room were able to explain that sort of sorcery kills more often than is accepted. As people started to fall asleep where they sat Vivian just looked around with a smile on her face resting against her mates with Bucky’s hand on her ankles, which he’d been rubbing for her, and Steve’s arm around her waist as she had eventually settled on his lap.

“We’ve got time Tony…turn off the tablet and get some sleep.” Vivian whispered so as not to disturb the rest, her parents had moved to a bedroom after Newt had started drifting off during Beauty and the Beast.

“But do we mama?” Tony looked over to her his eyes tired and haunted.

“We do. Trust me baby…” Vivian smiled tenderly. “I’ve been pissing fate off enough she needs a break…” She smirked for a moment. “I wasn’t about to let her harm my baby boy in any way. I saw what would’ve happened if I hadn’t been here…my dreams have been haunted lately because of the bitch…But I won’t stop interfering if it means those closest to my heart are not subjected to the whims of the bitch.” She looked at Tony carefully as he studied her right back. “IF I hadn’t done what I did…If I hadn’t stepped in as I have…” She trailed off and looked at Steve and Bucky before looking back at Tony. “You wouldn’t’ve met Steve until Germany; your animosity would’ve been real instead of a show for Fury…No one would’ve noticed things were off with Prince Loki…” She looked over at the Prince who was watching and listening without even pretending he wasn’t. “The Portal would’ve opened and the army on the other side would’ve been coming through…the World Council would’ve decided on a nuke strike on Manhattan…” Tony took in a sharp breath with shocked eyes. “You baby…you would’ve taken it through the portal and wiped out the ship the Other is on…” Her eyes were troubled for she knew that by not having that happen there was a high risk of trouble since they hadn’t taken out one of Thanos’ main generals. “Then there would’ve been a lot of other things happening…it would’ve taken another two years before Steve and Bucky would’ve found each other…and that would only be after HYDRA was ready to make their own moves and stopped hiding so much. They would’ve battled…and Bucky would’ve still been controlled…It wasn’t pretty what would’ve happened…There would’ve been more…” She looked over at Thor and Loki sorrow in her eyes. “There would’ve been so much pain in so many lives…” She looked back at Tony. “There is still the possibility for some of it but…” She took a deep breath. “I’m not going to let Fate continue to play with those under my protection…After all Mother Magic and Death both favor me…so she can bitch all she wants but I’m going to continue to mess with her as much as I can. After all…I’m a momma bear and can be just as much if not more of a bitch than she is.” Her grin took on a sharp edge. “Now…it’s time for sleep for all of us…Healing can only truly happen when rest does…”

“But…” Tony looked at Vivian with a worry in his gaze.

“But nothing…the problems of the wanker and his universe domination plans can be handled later…we’ve got years baby…” Vivian smiled softly before getting up, both Steve and Bucky finally stopping their acts as if they’d been a sleep to help her rise. “We all will plan together…Just don’t make one of those plans a shield AI around the earth it never works well and goes all Skynet and VIKI…we don’t want that at ALL.” Vivian made sure that he got the seriousness of what she was saying, she knew that his main plan had been to figure out something using the internet, satellites, and his AI platforms to monitor everything. “It’s also something very similar to the methods that HYDRA planned on using as more and more satellites got into orbit and minicomputers that are cell phones in peoples hands.” She shivered at the memories of the dreams that had been given to her about the plan that HYDRA had, further fueled by the notes of plans that she’d seen in Perce’s computer before she destroyed it, which would’ve used so many things to figure out the best targets that could stand against them. “But as long as we’re watchful and careful…”

“We won’t have our own HAL experience?” Tony asked gently.

“Exactly.” Vivian nodded before moving over and stepping into the hug that Tony was ready to give her, having stood as she got closer. “Now rest baby you’ve done a lot the past few days.”

“You know I recognized the song in the Court Jester…” Tony whispered as he just held his heart mother.

“Which one?” Vivian asked softly, still mindful of the others in the room that were truly asleep.

“The Lullaby.” Tony whispered just as softly and tenderly.

“Hmmm…” Vivian smiled softly as she began to rock back and forth in Tony’s arms. At first she was just humming then soon she started softly singing the lullaby.

“Loo, loo, loo, I'll take you dreaming

Through the rainy night

To a place behind the raindrops

Where the stars are bright

You may not find gold or silver

But a richer prize

Waits for you behind the raindrops

If you close your eyes

Tonight, tonight

When all the world's asleep

We will tiptoe home with a wonderous star

A star you can always keep

And years from now when you go dreaming

When you're very old

Though your crown be rich with rubies

Diamonds set in gold

Then we'll shine as bright

As the star we'll find


Tonight, tonight

When all the world's asleep

We will find a star

That you can always keep…”

Tony joined her in the singing about halfway through while Steve and Bucky just watched with tender smiles on their own faces at the pair.

“You always sang that when you were around, and a storm was happening…whether the storm was a physical one outside or Howard’s temper…” Tony smiled at his mama with a glossy eyes. “Thank you for taking me dreaming so often mama…”

“Always Little Bug…” Vivian murmured as she continued to hold her boy close. “Now go and get some sleep.”

“Alright…alright…” Tony muttered with a chuckle before moving to do as he was directed. “I’m goin!”

Vivian sent a slight stinging hex at his backside for his cheek causing a yelp and chuckles from those watching. The worries of the world could wait until the rest of the world was awake and it wasn’t going on 2:30am. Steve and Bucky again stepped forward and helped Vivian get to their bedroom where they got ready for bed, and all curled up under the covers to just sleep.


Songs mentioned in the last part of the Chapter come from the 1956 comedy movie 'The Court Jester', starring Danny Kaye, Angelia Lansbury, and many others. It is one of my favorite need a laugh movie, if you haven't seen it, I definitely recommend it.
Life Could Not Better Be - sung by: Danny Kaye; Songwriters: Cahn Sammy, Fine Sylvia
I'll Take You Dreaming - sung by: Danny Kaye; Songwriters: Cahn Sammy, Fine Sylvia

Chapter 11


A filler chapter with the arrival of the twins...and some other things that the muse made me add...hope that everyone enjoys this...likely one or two chapters remaining with this...

Chapter Text

August 31, 2012

The following months the group that had developed in the events of Loki’s painful re-introduction to Midgard was filled with planning. Not only for the coming of Thanos when he arrived, though they did make plans there including Tony creating a satellite system that was stationed farther out from where those of NASA and other countries were and not pointed toward Earth but in the opposite direction. They were keeping an eye on the edge of their known system so that when Thanos arrived, they’d be able to have an alert at least a little in advance. But the most planning taking place was how to make sure that Loki wasn’t punished unfairly for the actions that happened, after it came out in a very well-planned PR event that he’d been just as controlled as everyone else public opinion on earth changed. What they hadn’t been counting on was the public opinion on Asgard.

“I really want to box Odin’s ears…” Vivian growled as she stood at the window looking out at the obviously depressed Loki. “What sort of man calls himself a father and then treats the child like that! Only bastards! He better never set foot within a fifty-mile radius of me, or I will box his ears. Bastard!” She snarled as she rubbed the well extended stomach, she was in her last month of pregnancy and her hormones were playing havoc with her body and she was sore constantly. She found out that she was dealing with loose ligaments and therefore her body was even more sore than some thanks to it. “Jay…I want you to do everything you can to hunt down any information on the World Serpent…anything that seems more fact than myth. Also find everything you can on Fenrir…I’ll talk to Death to see if Hel can come for a visit without alerting Thanos that she’s not in the safe place she’d been staying for her mate…as for Sleipnir we’ll need inside help on Asgard to get him home.”

“Mama Vi…what if…” Tony started while keeping his eyes on Loki from where he stood beside her, Steve and Bucky were down in the gym, she’d banished them for hovering.

“What little bug?” Vivian looked over at Tony with a soft expression.

“What if the ‘World Serpent’ had already been found and hidden?” Tony asked carefully as he continued to watch Loki. “He after all only reacts harshly to mentions of Fenrir and Sleipnir…”

“You think…” She started before she trailed off and looked at Loki again with her head co*cked to the side. “It might be…how to check…”

“Could Hedwig bring him?” Tony asked looking back at his mama.

They’d moved from the tower to the Sanctuary after she started her third trimester and someone, with the help most likely from Fury, who’d escaped custody by killing the guards that held him, had gotten word that Captain America and the Winter Soldier had impregnated the woman they were always seen with. There had been several attacks from those that believed in the HYDRA cause even if they weren’t HYDRA themselves. There were also those that were doing what they could to weaken the ‘Avengers’ as the group had taken to being called in the media after they’d helped the Fantastic Four to take out some of Doctor Dooms robots when they’d gotten too close to the tower.

“There’s plenty of space…and I’ve been meaning to bring him here anyway…” Vivian whispered as she continued to look out the large picture window that overlooked the gardens. She turned to where Hedwig was sitting on her perch watching. “Would you be willing to get the basilisk from Hogwarts darling?”

Hedwig simply seemed to give a look of disbelief that she’d even ask before giving an exasperated trill and leaving.

“I guess that answers that…now…” She looked back outside with a smirk on her face. “To go ask some discrete questions and see if your theory is correct.” She stepped out the patio doors and moved to sit beside Loki on the lounge chairs that were there under the umbrella for shade. She was grateful for the location of the Sanctuary due to the fact that it was the hottest part of summer, and she was almost full term with twins. She knew her magic was helping keep the twins safe until they were safe to be born not wanting to have them premature and risk health issues. “So…Tony and I have a theory…” She looked over at Loki who started as she sat beside him. “We know that Sleipnir is on Asgard…and when I find someone to help, I’ll be getting him out of the Bastard’s hands. Imagin spelling a child to be a war mount!” She snarled before taking a deep breath and resting her hand on the bulge that held her babies. “We are doing everything we can to help find Fenrir as well…” She saw what Tony meant by Loki reacting badly to the two, since he couldn’t do anything for his two sons that were trapped in their animal forms and bound away from him. “But we know the ‘myths’ surrounding Jörmungandr saying he was bound to always bite his tail as he encircles the earth.” She continued watching Loki. “We also know that all rumors of a giant sea serpent seemed to die out around the time that the Founders of Hogwarts had settled their school fully and dealt with making it even more secure than it already was.” She looked back toward the gardens and the griffin that came into view on a large rock she’d placed by the house-elves that cared for the animals here that allowed it to watch over its domain. “When I went to secure the school and return it to its previous standards, I discovered with the help of the school a secret chamber…” She watched Loki out of the corner of her eye and bit back a smirk as he seemed to startle before looking over her with wide eyes. “Now in Norse Mythology Jörmungandr was known as an unfathomably large sea serpent…and taking the form of a living ouroboros. That would bring about Ragnarök when their tail was released. Now in the stories surrounding the Secret Chamber of Slytherin there was a ‘monster’ that was placed to ‘purge the school of those unworthy to study magic’.” Vivian chuckled at the exasperated scoff that brought from Loki. “Now we both know that isn’t why the creature was placed in the chamber. Many thought it might have been one of your descendants…but Tony and I wonder…” She looked over at Loki while nodding in thanks to the house-elf that popped in with two tall glasses of fresh lemonade for them. “Perhaps the chamber with its pools of water and slight chill wasn’t to subdue a basilisk…but to keep a ‘sea serpent’ comfortable…”

Loki looked over at her with wide eyes before starting to chuckle.

“Now there was merit to the story of a basilisk but even they can’t live several hundreds of years…But one was Jörmungandr’s companion wasn’t it…” Vivian smiled. “Perhaps even a lover…”

Loki started laughing before leaning back with a smile and sipping the lemonade, his had a touch of vodka he found which while it wouldn’t get him drunk it did help take the edge of some. “Now…that is quiet the theory…”

“Especially since the wards on the enclaves are strong enough to hide something like a world serpent that was cursed to reside in the oceans of the world until the coming of Ragnarök…” Vivian smirked as she continued to study Loki who simply raised an eyebrow. “There is a simple way to test the theory…” She smirked before looking over to the pond that was charmed to always be a pleasant temperature and was fed from local hot springs. See when one has a phoenix companion, and that companion has access to a secret chamber where said serpent is residing…” There was the sound of a large splash as Hedwig appeared with a large serpent that she dropped into the water.

“Watch it featherhead!” The serpent hissed out in a huff before realizing where it had been dropped. “Ohhh…this feelssss so niccccee…” The serpent seemed to melt into the warm water wiggling to get comfortable and kicking up a lot of water in the meantime.

Loki watched it all with an indulgent yet exasperated look before he looked over at Vivian who only watched him with a raised eyebrow. Loki just sighed before getting up and moving toward the pond with Vivian remaining on the lounge chair watching while rubbing at her stomach as another contraction hit. She’d been having them for a while and knew that it would soon be time to welcome the children into the world but for now she wasn’t going to be having everyone panicking over it when she wasn’t ready yet.

“Oh, by the way Loki…” She called after him causing him to stop and turn. “Thanks to the help of Mother Magic the block on Jör’s natural form has been removed…they just need a little bit of help learning how to do so…” She smirked at the bright reverent look that came over Loki’s face before he turned back to his child with awe and happiness seeming to light the air around him. She then just watched as Loki continued down to the pond before looking over her shoulder at Tony who had stepped out when Hedwig had returned with the large serpent. “So, your theory it appears is correct…” She smiled while looking back down at the pond. “Now to see if Hedwig can find and rescue Fenrir or take one of us to where he is…”

“I think Grandma would throw a fit if he wasn’t allowed to go and do so. While Grandpa would throw a fit that he would even think of doing so.” Tony said with a smirk on his own face.

“True…and it would keep them busy…” Vivian winced at a particularly hard contraction and then the feeling of liquid puddling under her on the lounger.

“Are you finally going to admit that you’re in labor Mama?” Tony looked down at her with a raised eyebrow.

“I didn’t want hovering…” Vivian shrugged before holding a hand out to be helped to her feet. She vanished the mess from the lounger and then leaned into her heart-son to breathe through dizziness.

“I understand that mama but…” Tony started before taking a deep breath and looking at her carefully. “I don’t want anything to happen you just like Papa and Da don’t.” He’d started calling Steve Papa and Bucky Da to mess with them, but they’d lit up since they knew that he was Vivian’s heart-son, so he continued.

“I know baby…But I’ll be fine I promise…” Vivian smiled softly and reached up to cup his cheek. “You don’t need to worry about me baby…me and your little siblings will be just fine. Mother Magic has promised that.” She spoke softly as she placed one hand on her belly while the other remained cupped on Tony’s cheek. “Now…I want you to go and get your Papa and Da…I want you then to call your grandparents…” She took a moment as she breathed through another contraction. “I will be making my way to the clinic here…” Over the years the whole of the Sanctuary had been changed from just the cabin with the offshoot to a full working compound. There was a medical clinic that catered to both human and creature, since there were humans that worked with the creatures to care for them and would get injured doing such. “I don’t need assistance. The walking and movement will be good while I’m in labor. I’m not going to take anything for it…and will be fine…Now…” She looked firmly at Tony. “Go and get your Papa and Da…tell them it’s time to meet their little firecrackers…” She then turned her back on Tony and started to slowly and carefully walk toward the clinic that was kept on the farther edge of the property. She chuckled as Loki and a young Naga came up beside her, Jör had only been able to alter the top half of their body while Loki had transfigured a black and green tunic to wear. “Let me guess you’re going to make sure I’m safe?” She chuckled as she looked at Jör with a smile. “I’m glad that you’re here…perhaps you can help make sure Loki here stops pouting…” She looked back over the grounds of Sanctuary. “Here there is safety for everyone and every sort…” She looked back at the pair. “No judgement is allowed in Sanctuary…and anyone that attempts to harm one of the charges of this land can never return. They forget all about this place…” She smiled. “It is where I’m going to offer your siblings the same thing, I’ve offered your father and you. Freedom to be who you are…” She knew that after being trapped in one form for so long that it might be difficult for the children of Loki to return to human or Asgardian form. She looked at Jör and smiled. “No matter what form that takes.” She made sure to explain before she continued along the path that led to the clinic. “Now…my husbands are about to arrive; they’ll be sprinting for they are mother hens when it comes to the safety of me and our twins…” She took a deep breath and continued to walk along during this contraction, due to her parents she’d been bonded to Steve and Bucky a short time after the non-existent battle that happened in May, they wanted them bonded in marriage before the children arrived. “I don’t want you startled by them…”

Sure enough a short time later the sound of two large beings running and crashing through the part of the woods they were currently walking in reached their ears causing the trio to stop and turn toward where it was coming from.

“You know you could’ve had a house-elf take you to the clinic!” Steve said as he arrived not even out of breath just like Bucky beside him.

“I know but it’s a beautiful day and I wanted to walk…besides the contractions are still at least 7 minutes apart and I know that it will still be several hours before they get here…movement helps me and I’m not about to have you stop me.” Vivian raised an eyebrow and had her arms crossed over her chest. “You both know that you likely scared quiet a few of the inhabitants with your actions causing even more work for everyone here…”

“But…” Steve started only to be stopped by Bucky.

“I knew at least one of you would show smarts.” Vivian smirked at her husbands before turning to Loki and Jör. “Jörmungandr, may I introduce you to my husbands, Steve Rogers,” She gestured to the tall blond who nodded in shock having recognized the name. “And James ‘Bucky’ Barnes.” She gestured to the second man who Jör was amazed to realize had a false arm even though the glamour that he wore over it hid the fact from most. “Now…” She looked at her husbands. “I was walking with Prince Jörmungandr and Prince Loki to the clinic and explaining the sanctity that is Sanctuary…you can either walk peacefully with us, knowing that the clinic will have been alerted to our approach by the house-elves and have everything ready…” She looked at Steve as she explained this. “Or you can go back to beating up the punching bags in the gym at the house and wait until I’ve called for you…” She raised her eyebrow in a way that spoke clearly, she didn’t want to be tested. “Just know this I’ll not accept over excessive hovering. I’m perfectly capable of moving and doing what I need to. I also know that Mid-Wife Healer Poppy will be there when we arrive and will be ready to take over my care and assist.” She made sure that both her mates were looking at and listening to her. “I’ll put your superstrength to the test as I try to break your hands as the pain gets harsher. I’ll curse you…I’ll lose control of my magic…but I will not EVER stop loving you…” She sighed as she stepped up to both men. “I know you’re terrified for me…After the hell that I went through when we finally found each other all those years ago and then the loss of each other for so long…But know this…I have the guarantee from Mother Magic and Death that I’ll be safe in this…as will our children…” She cupped their cheeks, both turning their faces into her touch and pressing kisses to her palms. “Now are you going to walk calmly with us to the clinic and enjoy the last bit of peace we’ll have for a while, or will you go and take you frustrations and fears out on the inanimate punching bags?”

Neither Steve nor Bucky said a word as they stepped up beside her and held out an arm each for her to loop her own through to escort her on the walk. They started up conversation with Loki while Vivian continued talking with Jör getting a hissing giggle from the Naga as they slithered beside them at some of the curses she let out as the contractions hit. Especially when Loki attempted to use magic to numb her pain and she started cursing him out because she didn’t want to be numbed for fear that it would hide something going wrong for all the confidence, she gave off for her mates inwardly she was terrified. She was just grateful that Sanctuary was hidden behind wards that were a modified intent ward and fidelius ward meaning that only those who were invited to Sanctuary and meant no harm to any that resided within the wards were able to enter. It was something that Newt had started with first his case after the events in New York when Grindelwald was attempting to portray Percival and when Queenie and Jacob had easily slipped into his home in London even though he’d not given them his address or permission to enter at the time since he had the kelpie in the basem*nt that he was concerned for and how it would react to unknowns.

It was just before midnight before the first twin finally made their appearance, the trio had refused to find out what they were having they’d chosen two names only ones that were easily changed from being masculine into feminine depending on the children. Poppy smiled as Loki stood by to help, having someone with knowledge of healing magic available was beyond priceless for her. She loved the chance that she’d been given to work in such an amazing place after getting her full Mastery in Healing with a specialization in Mid-Wife studies.

“Hello darling…” Poppy whispered as Vivian panted through the last of the contraction and pushing that had brought the first twin into her skilled hands. “We have a little princess…” She smiled at Vivian as she stood and handed the babe off to Loki who cradled the babe carefully taking it over to the area where he went through cleaning up the child and checking the little girl over recording weight, length, and time of birth.

“Baby Girl is 6.18 pounds and 18.5 inches born at 37 weeks at 11:58pm on August 31, 2012.” Loki said with a smile as he wrapped the babe and handed her to Bucky who’d followed him over. “Here you go Da…” He said with a chuckle as he watched the fearsome Winter Soldier melt and coo over the small infant with dark curly hair on the top of her head and a face scrunched ready to cry her frustrations to the world.

Vivian was screaming out in frustration and pain as she went through the trial of birthing the second twin before finally after another half hour, she was able to give birth.

“Another little girl…” Poppy said as she held the second twin, she looked the same as the first little girl until Poppy waved her wand over her. “This little girl was born at…” She looked at the clock before looking back at the infant 12:35am on September 1st.” She handed the little one to Loki again who took her over to perform the same actions and tests as with the first girl.

“Baby Girl number two is a beautiful 5.6 pounds and 18.50 inches as well…” Loki smiled as he checked her over. He handed her over to Steve while James took the first little one over to her mama to let her have the contact she wanted.

“And what are the little princesses' names?” Poppy asked gently from where she helped Vivian deliver the afterbirth.

“Adriana Rebecca and Ariel Sarah Rogers-Barnes.” Vivian said softly as she looked down at the first girl. “We’ve got mirror twins darlings…” She whispered as Steve placed the second child in her arms.

“Mirror twins?” Steve asked softly watching in awe as Vivian figured out how to dual feed the two with only a little help from Poppy.

“In the mundane world mirror twins happen when one egg splits before it is fertilized and then is fertilized by two different sperm…” Poppy explained gently. “They are always fraternal twins. In the case of your twins, they are identical as both were fertilized by both fathers due to the addition of magic into the pregnancy and conception.” She spelled the area sterile again while looking at those in the room, it was only Loki, the fathers, Vivian, and her the rest of the family waiting out in the main portion of the clinic. “In normal cases when a case of heteropaternal superfecundation, that is two fathers of twins, they are as I said normally fraternal twins…in these cases when Magic helps with this, we call them identical fraternal mirrors. It is likely that as they develop some changes to their looks such as hair and eyes might change to show more of one father or the other…in the mundane world there is no possibility of identical twins in the case of multiple fathers.” She smiled at the trio would were just as enraptured as could be with the twins.

Vivian just smiled down at her darlings as she fed them. Steve went over to the bag that the house-elf had fetched for them when the delivery was truly underway which had the first outfits, diapers, fresh clothes for Vivian, and all the other necessary things to help with making things more comfortable. When he brought over the pillow that had been recommended and slotted it under where Vivian was holding the twins to feed, she gave him a soft smile and a whispered thanks as she looked back down. After they got the twins fed, cleaned, diapered, and dressed they helped Vivian clean up and dress in a comfortable outfit before allowing the rest of the family into the room.

With the introductions that happened and the congratulations the days went quickly. Vivian took a moment when her mama and papa were alone with her to mention her thoughts on how to get Fenrir and watched as Newt smirked, he’d always hated the stories tied with the wolf child of Loki.

Two days after Vivian had spoken with her parents, Hedwig arrived with Fawkes and disappeared with the pair at the side of the world eater, after Newt had been able to gather his case and they had gotten Goblin enchanted tools and charms that would hide them from the eyes of Heimdall and would break the chains or spells that were on the wolf.

Newt looked up at the large wolf chained to where he couldn’t even move away from where he went to the bathroom and with a sword through his mouth where he couldn’t even eat the only drink, he got was from the rain that fell in his open maw.

“Oh, you poor baby…” Newt whispered as he moved forward, Percival was under the invisibility cloak keeping watch while Newt went and checked the chains and smirked. “Oh, now really…it’s almost insulting if it wasn’t for the fact that there are wards to keep certain people away from you and don’t expect someone from Midgard’s enclaves to come along. After all they’ve forgotten about us…” Newt broke the chains with no issue not even needing the tools from the goblins. “Now…I know this is going to feel horrid, but I’ve got things in my case where I can help you get the healing…after that we’ll take you to your dad…at the same time as giving Odin a giant f*ck you for his worry about Ragnarök. After all, hasn’t anyone ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy?” He shook his head as he moved to the mouth of the Wolf where he was going finally pull the sword. He kept giving the wolf a running commentary to keep him calm, he knew that Fenrir could smell Loki on him, and hopefully Jörmungandr’s scent as well since he’d been helping the youth with figuring out the changes that needed to help a full transformation. “Mother Magic is pissed as is Lady Destiny…they’re both upset with Lady Fate over the false prophecies she’s been giving out.” Newt grabbed hold of the sword and with a simple lightening and shrinking spell the sword was out, with Fenrir moved he put the sword back into the hole where it had been and regrew it with a smirk. “Let them figure that out.” He then kneeled down and opened his case and watched with awe as Fenrir shrunk to the size of a dire wolf instead of the world eater size that he’d been.

With quick work Newt followed Fenrir into the case and heard it close and latch behind him. Percival would carry the case as they left, and it would give Newt time to work on bandaging and bathing Fenrir. Fawkes and Hedwig took the initiative and with the help of Mother Magic landed in the stables of Asgard, again hidden from sight completely while Percival only raised an eyebrow at the sight of the eight-legged horse. He set the case down and grabbed the tools that the Goblins had given them, this time they would be needed since he didn’t want to be using Midgard magic in the heart of Asgard. With quick work honed from his many long years living he quickly had the enchanted halter off the battle stallion and had him sent down into the case with a quick memo sent to Newt to alert him. Then picking up the case he was transported away again. It would take a few hours until anyone noticed because of the help from Mother Magic. The stable hands that cared for the trapped Prince descended into panic over what was found while Odin raged, and Frigga smirked while looking at the parchment that had been left floating midair with the halter laying on the ground.

Odin ~

You have listened to long to the FALSE prophecies spouted by one that wishes to harm a child you claimed to love as a son. I’ve had enough as have my siblings. Even if it wasn’t False it was a self-fulfilling by the actions you were taking. After all why wouldn’t the children that you condemned to such painful bindings not want to see the one who did so dead? Think on that Odin Borrsson.
Do to our Disgust at what you’ve done to CHILDREN! We’ve taken measures to allow them their freedom. Should you attempt to bind them again or should you allow their deaths as you did with Nari and Váli then your death will come sooner. You’ve turned your blind eye too long on the pain of your ‘child’. For you took Loki into your home as your son but every time he’s come to you for help you’ve turned him aside. Every time he’s come to you to report harm upon himself you’ve turned him away. The children that resulted from that harm should not pay for the sins of the ones that harmed Loki. Your power is hereby broken, and all memories stolen from your people returned…SO I SAY SO MOTE IT BE!

Frigga gasped as she remembered every time that Loki had come forward to report the harm that had resulted in the children and then begged later for his children to be freed from their shackles. She snarled as she looked at her husband with disgust in her eyes. She remembered the fact that he had orchestrated the belief that Hel was a monster and had been their first-born child who went on a killing spree and needed to be locked away. He made everyone believe that Loki was just a weakling when he was the strongest of them all from the many rapes that he’d endured both from enemies and from Sigyn who helped Odin murder Nari and Váli when she found out that Loki would never inherit the throne. How he’d arranged for Loki to be ‘taken’ by Angrboða and how Hel, Fenrir, and Jörmungandr came from those rapes. She then remembered how he’d arranged for Loki to shift into the shape of a mare to tempt Svaðilfari so that the walls of Asgard would not be completed in the bet upon time.

The people of Asgard all startle when they have their own memories restored and while some could care less what was brought to them others were horrified at what they’d helped with, especially Loki and Thor even on Midgard when they had their memories returned. Everyone watched in shock as Odin climbed to the throne and gripped his spear only to have it dissolve around his hand coating his arm in molten gold while he screamed in pain.

They all dropped to a knee as five figures appear in the middle of the throne room. The one in the forefront with large white wings but cloaked and hooded in such a way that no one could tell a gender, they held a large sword that they stabbed into the ground that seemed to glow with power. On the cloaked beings right stood another winged being, this one with the head of a bird and seeming made of metal and gears. On the left stood another male dressed fully in gold with long blond hair and a glowing orb of magic in between his hands. To the left male sat on a white winged chair a female draped in gold and white with blond hair that put Thor’s to envy. While the right beings side stood another female draped in sheer fabric and heavy armor with blood red hair and a staff that power flowed from without her even having to try.

DeathLord TimeLord LifeLady DestinyMother Magic…” Frigga curtsied fully to the ground causing all the others to follow suit in prostrating themselves fully to the ground. “How can we help your esteemed selves?”

“Rise Daughter of mine…” Mother Magic spoke as she stepped forward while drawing Frigga from her curtsy. “Our quarrel is not with you…” She turned and looked at the Warriors Three and Lady Sif who’d run in on the hearing Odin’s screams and co*cked her head to the side. “Hmmm…” With a twist of her wrist, she pulled some glowing strands from the four who called themselves friends of Thor and Loki. Holding the ball of power in her hand she looked from it to Odin with a sneer. “For one who claims that using magic is the actions of a woman or weak…you certainly did you a lot of it.” She crushed the orb and snarled as she looked toward Odin.

“Now you…you are who our quarrel is with…” Destiny stepped forward and crouched in front of Odin while the others made sure she was undisturbed. “You’ve been given prophecies from Fate…and yes she’s a bitch but…the one you should’ve listened a little better…See…” Destiny stood and stepped back down the throne room steps her hips swaying. “There is something you forget to take into context…” She turned as she leaned against Time. “You don’t have the control of anything…”

Death stepped up to stand in front of Odin. “Your time in my halls will come…it is not yet…” They smirked from beneath their hood. “Thanos is on the move…” They turned and looked at the gathered within the throne room while the others came and stood with them. “Some would have you believe that you are gods and cannot die but in battle…” Death scoffed. “I come for all, and I’ll even gather Thanos within his Time…”

“Odin had been warned against his actions concerning one of my favored children.” Mother Magic stepped forward. “My siblings and I have sought to rectify it all. But he thought he could get around that…he was attempting to recast the spells which had caused so much pain…so we broke his power…” She looked back at Odin who was now sporting a golden arm and half his chest as part of his armor had melted to him as well. “He shall be cursed to live with the pain that his son Loki has felt since the day he first allowed him to be violated in the worst of ways.” She looked back out over the gathered peoples. “And Loki is his son…when he brought him into his household, he performed the adoption through magic by Vowing in MY name to protect him and raise him as his own. He broke that vow in the worst ways when he denied Loki and tore his children from him. He used the magic that I granted him to bind Loki’s children in their alternate forms and in the most painful of ways.”

“The youngest he bound when the child was a mere five winters old.” Time spoke up with a snarl. “With the binding he froze him in that age. Then he dares to use that child as his war mount!”

There were shocked whispers that broke out for children were so rare on Asgard that all were considered a blessing.

“From this point forward, We name Frigga All-mother of Asgard!” Life called out from his position. “We’ve assisted Magic in removing the curses that Odin dared to lay upon children and his people. We’ve returned Loki’s children to him, and I personally will turn away from any that attempt to harm them ever again.”

“And I will gladly gather them into my halls of punishment.” Death snarled. “Let it be known that Hel is not an abomination…she is my Soulmate and hence why she is the Goddess of my Realm…”

“Odin shall hence forth bare the gold of Gungnir upon his person as penance for his miss use of my gift.” Mother Magic declared looking over the people of Asgard with a firm expression.

As quickly as the Beings appeared they were gone leaving behind a feeling of weightlessness from the weight of their presence which had kept all but Frigga kneeling and bowed. Lady Sif stood with shock on her face as she looked at her hands as if seeing them in a new way before she looked at the Warriors.

“Dear Valhalla, what have we done…” She looked at the three beside her who were also looking horrified as they realized what had happened while they’d been spelled. They had been true friends with Loki once, but when they’d questioned Odin over the way his treatment at the hands of others was being ignored, they’d joined in. “We must find Prince Loki and beg for his forgiveness…”

Frigga had magically changed into her battle armor as she ascended the steps to the throne before turning to the people, she let Lady Eir come and with assistants take Odin to the healing halls though they knew they could only give him something to manage the pain.

“People of Asgard!” Frigga called out drawing all the attention toward her. “Let it be known that the call of Banishment on threat of Prison for Prince Loki Friggasson is hereby Removed! He and ALL his children are welcome in Asgard and all of her allied worlds. As for those that have harmed the Prince the truth will out. If spells were in play the punishment will be less but know this! I WILL KNOW…The TRUTH is all that shall be accepted within these halls from this day forth!” Frigga called out making sure everyone knew that they were to answer for their crimes against a prince of the realm. “Lady Sigyn is to be found and brought forth for trial of rape of a member of the Royal line and murder of her children Nari and Váli! Lady Angrboða should she set foot upon our lands again shall be tried as well!” With that Frigga descends back down the steps and moves with purpose to Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. “You will find Thor and Loki on Midgard…Thor is separated from Loki at this moment, but he knows where his brother is. Find them both and give them this.” She pulled out a roll of parchment that she conjured her decree upon. “Let them know that they are both welcome home at any time. BUT that I understand if Loki is unable at this time to return to Asgard.”

“Of course My Queen.” Lady Sif bowed with the others before they turned and left the chamber where they would go and find Heimdall who would guide them to the right path that would lead them from Asgard to Midgard without the risk of falling from the branches of Yggdrasil.

Back on Earth, Newt and Percival help Fenrir and Sleipnir out of the case where they’d been transported from their respective prisons out into the sunshine and open air of Sanctuary. Both shudder as they transform with each step out of the case.

Fenrir transforms from the dark brown dire wolf that he’d been to a teen artic wolf hybrid with wolf ears on the top of his head and a bushy wolf tail coming out of his tailbone. His nails and teeth are also a little sharper than a normal humans. His eyes are a dark blue with white hair that fell in front of them.

Sleipnir transformed completely from the stallion that he was to a little boy with large lost looking blue eyes, pale skin, and white hair. His fingernails and toenails still held a bit of rainbow shine to them when Newt got a glance at them.

Fenrir picked up Sleipnir easily and Newt wanted to coo at the way Sleipnir just seemed to sink into his big brother’s hold. Newt looked at Percival and then at Hedwig and Fawkes who he gave a soft thanks to before turning and leading the way to the large manor house in the distance. Thanks to the help and tears from both phoenixes Fenrir was fully healed from the wounds that he’d received, though he was still thin from the years of lack of nourishment. Newt and Percival knew though that they couldn’t offer to carry Sleipnir they could see the need to protect that was all but flowing from the form of the wolf hybrid.

Nothing was said as they walked along, Newt could see the young naga youth sunning themself up on the patio of the manor with their father beside them on a lounge chair. Percival spotted Vivian holding one of the twins up on the balcony that came out of her rooms in the second portion of the manor. She had a smirk of pride on her lips as she watched her parents walk toward them. It took only a short time for Jörmungandr to perk up as they took in a set of scents that hadn’t been near them in hundreds of years. Behind Jör and Loki another being came into view a young looking woman who seemed to be half human with long black hair and glowing green eye and half corpse with skeleton, muscle and thin hair visible around her simple gown.

Loki who had been dozing stiffened as he felt a magic that he would recognize anywhere a magic that called to his very soul. Looking up and following Jörmungandr’s line of sight first toward the manor where his daughter stood with a gentle sad smile upon her lips and then back in the other direction he couldn’t hold back his gasping sob that was pulled from his lips.

“MAMA!” Sleipnir called out as soon as he spotted Loki up on the patio and dived from Fenrir’s arms into Loki’s as soon as Loki had finished teleporting to their sides.

“Oh my babies…” Loki sobbed wrapping both Fenrir and Sleipnir in his arms and feeling as Jör came and wrapped around the three of them with Hel standing to the side watching with a smile and tears on her face. “How…of Mother Magic how?” He cupped each face to him before looking toward the balcony and then at the two men that had been walking with his missing two children, he knew that he’d only see his twins when he moved on to Valhalla.

“Simple…” Newt smirked as he approached. “It was Mother Magic and Death that helped…Odin was going to get a warning of some sort after we rescued Sleipnir…”

“But their prisons were warded…” Loki looked at the two men with confusion.

“Against people approaching on foot from a distance and not against those from Midgard because they along with most of the realms forget there are those with magic here.” Percival smirked in return as Fawkes and Hedwig landed on the patio table looking smug. “It helps to have a piece of Death’s cloak,” He pulled out the invisibility cloak and floated it up to Vivian on the balcony who grabbed it with a nod while still holding one of her twins. “And the help of two of Life’s favored creations.” He nodded in thanks to the two phoenixes.

“Thank you…” Loki looked around at those that were watching and just held his children to him. “Thank you…”

“I have something for you as well Blessed one…” Death spoke up as he stepped into view behind Hel and wrapped her in his arms and wings. When his wings open back up in Hel’s arms there is a wrapped bundle holding a small red headed blue skinned babe and a small black headed blue skinned boy. “They were sent to my halls long before their time…So my brother Life and I have decided they deserve a new chance...just as you deserve a new chance.”

Hel stepped forward and placed the babes in Loki’s arms and he watched as like he had with Odin their skin turned pale to match the Aesir look. More tears started flowing as he held and was reunited with all of his children. He looked up with gratefulness in his eyes, for though they were all brought about in a painful manner that though Odin had attempted to make him believe he’d caused, Loki loved each and every one of his children and grieved every day that he was kept from them. It was one of the things that the Other had been able to play on to weaken him so much to where the scepter had actually worked on him.

“Ah…Death good…I need to speak with you if I could?” Vivian walked down without a babe in her arms as she looked with saddened joy for Loki at the reunion that was happening.

“Of course my child…” Death looked over at Vivian with a small smile touching their lips. They moved away from the others a touch so that they could talk in silence.

Newt and Percival watched as Vivian handed over the cloak, wand, and stone, which had all been separated again into their base parts. She then handed over the shattered remains of two of the stones that they’d found.

“Are those what I think…” Hel looked over in shock before looking at the petite woman with amazement in her gaze.

“With the help of alchemy, the killing curse, and fiendfyre all cast simultaneously from three sets of seven we were able to destroy the mind stone and the space stone.” Newt replied remembering how Nicolas had come out of seclusion with his wife and joined with a group of seven witches, seven wizards, and seven creatures who were all the leaders or strongest of their branches. “With the destruction of two stones there can never be a joining of all the stones causing the catastrophe that Fate was showing Vivian in her nightmares.” He smiled. “It helped that Vivian stood for the Mother, while there were two others that stood for the Crone and the Maiden as well.”

“You were able…” Hel looked between the men that had helped reunite all her siblings with ease that belied the danger that they were in and the risk that it was to do so and then over at the young woman that her mate spoke of so tenderly like a parent with their child. “She was able…” Hel closed her eyes in a soft prayer of thanks. “I don’t even…”

“It is the way of Vi…” Steve said as he stepped up holding Adriana in his arm resting in the bend of his elbow, she was dressed in a white onesie that said Mermaids sparkle with a purple tutu skirt.

While Bucky was carrying Ariel who was in a white onesie with writing and a teal glitter heart that said Mermaid at Heart, with the heart being made of a glittery teal heart, she had a teal skirt that looked like fish scales. Both girls had little headbands with fabric flowers on them that matched the colors of their outfits. In his other hand was two diapers and plain white onesies while Bucky was carrying pale yellow blankets.

“Thought you might need something.” Steve handed the items over to Loki who looked up at them in shock before nodding in thanks. “Vi told us of what she witnessed before she came down here…”

“Thank you.” Loki nodded and laid the twins down on the ground to diaper and clothe them only to stop and grasp his head with a whimper of pain as memories that he’d been forced to forget were returned suddenly. Thankfully the will of Mother Magic took the pain away as soon as it started though he was dazed for a moment as he dealt with the influx of memories. “Well that was unpleasant…” He sighed as he shook himself out and looked down only to see Hel had taken over the changing and dressing of his baby boys.

When they all looked back up they saw that Death was gone in a shimmer and Vivian was smirking.

“So…Death was here and on Asgard…” Vivian explained as she continued to watch the group, Fenrir was holding Nari while Hel was helping Sleipnir hold Vali. “Odin’s been removed from the throne…By force of the Five…”

“Who are the five?” Jör asked carefully as they looked over Fenrir’s shoulder at the babe their big brother was holding.

“Death, Life, Time, Destiny, and Magic.” Vivian explained softly. “Fate is a lower Being…she resides under Destiny.”

“Huh…” Loki blinked in shock at what he’d learned both in the returned memories and the news from Vivian. “Who’s going to rule? For I know that Thor has remained on Earth to be with his Lady Jane…”

“Frigga…She’s named you Loki Friggasson…” Vivian whispered gently.

Everyone let that sit before they moved to take the infants inside and feed the four newest to the group. The house-elves were overjoyed to have so many to feed and seemed to be filled with energy with the large number. Vivian smiled at them and gave a chuckled when Tony stepped in saw the energy in the house-elves and backed out with wide eyes.

“What has him so nervous?” Loki asked with confusion, he’d never seen Stark act that way.

“The last time that the house-elves got this hyper they’d stuck his pants to the chair he dropped down in and wouldn’t let him up until he’d actually eaten all the food they placed on his plate. They refilled it three times because he wasn’t ‘eating enough’ according to them. They get a little…”

“Overexcited?” Steve chuckled while handing Adriana over to Vivian who was quick to begin feeding her when she started fussing.



“Over the top?”

Several voices called out bringing laughter even from the house-elves they’d learned over the years not to get insulted by the jokes and they tended to have more fun with things when it happened. Dobby clicked his fingers and Tony appeared in the room stuck to a chair again.

“Come on!” Tony groaned out as he dropped his head back to the laughter of everyone else.

“Master Tony must eat! Coffee is not a food!” Winky shook her head and finger in a ‘naughty-boy’ sort of action causing Vivian to smirk into her water cup that she’d picked up.

From there people started eating and talking while making plans. Tony’s phone chirped after a bit with a message from Thor, it had taken a bit, but they’d helped him figure out how to use them.

“Lady Sif and the Warriors Three arrived ten minutes ago…” Tony explained before looking over at Loki. “They have a message from Queen Frigga All-mother for Loki that they want to give him in person. They also according to Thor want to apologize for something and blame the one-eyed ruler for their actions…Thor believes them candid…”

“Well they can wait…” Loki sighed as he looked down at Nari in his arms and then over at Vali in Fenrir’s. “I’m not ready to go and meet with those that would’ve seen me imprisoned for something that I had no control over…” He sighed as he looked at the rest.

“And that is your right…” Vivian nodded before moving from the room to take Ariel to change her diaper. “I’ll show you where all the supplies that you can use…There is a nursery in this portion of the house. The elves will’ve moved your things to the room right beside it. There is space for everyone in there…it’s a suite of rooms for when family would visit so that the kids could stay with the family.” Vivian explained as Fenrir and Loki both stood to follow her to the room. “They’ll also have gotten the basics for everyone so that you can relax for a while…well as much as one can with infants.” She smiled at the group that was now following, Jör and Sleipnir were quick to follow Hel had returned to her home to the comfort of her mate.

The time flew for the families that now lived at the Sanctuary. Loki had briefly gone to New York with Tony when he’d needed to attend some meeting about the company. He’d spoken with the Warriors and Lady Sif before dismissing their apologies. They had apologized then turned around and started to blame him for some of the things that had happened. Tony who’d attended the meeting as a neutral party on Loki’s request had explained to them that victim blaming was never welcome in his home and if they were going to do so they were not allowed to remain there. Thor had attempted to stand up for them, but he’d also been horrified at the same time. Tony had only said that he didn’t allow things like that because of how he’d been treated and wasn’t going to let others be treated the same way.

With the dismissal that they’d been given the Warriors had bowed and left while Lady Sif had glared and asked Thor is he was going to allow the mortal to speak like that to them. That had opened Thor’s eyes to the way that Lady Sif was, and it horrified him. The three men with her and been horrified as well and according to the messages that Hel had brought they’d begun separating themselves from her upon their return to Asgard, after they gave their report to Queen Frigga. She’d supposedly sat Lady Sif down and explained some harsh home truths before she was sent back to training from the beginning for she was not acting like a true warrior of Asgard but a ‘self-absorbed bitch’ according to Hel.

Sif was blaming Loki for her issues starting with the fact that her hair of gold that she’d been known for among the ancient Midgardians was now pitch black. Loki had simply shrugged at that report and smirked before explaining that he’d pranked her so yes but it was after she’d insulted not only him but also his Mother when she said that those who used magic were weak. It was a simple spell that would remove the charm on her hair that caused it to grow black instead of gold. But one had to be willing to ask a magic user for help and not insult the person.

Loki had returned to Sanctuary after the events in New York when the Warriors accepted his inability to just forget even if he’d long forgiven them. He was a practitioner of magic himself and was able to see clearly when spells to alter one’s moral compass were at play especially when it was a sudden change instead of a slow one like had happened with him.

The twins had turned six months old when Mother Magic and Lady Destiny appeared in the garden around all the others and with a sigh sat down.

“The Other has been claimed for Death’s realm. Thanos was pissed when he realized that they couldn’t connect with the mind stone any longer. They was kept alive and tortured until they finally passed two days ago…” Destiny said with a sigh. “He doesn’t realize what it means…But he has upped his plans for getting the stones he does know about.”

“How much time do we have?” Vivian asked carefully as she stood looking out over the grounds, having stood and walked to the edge of the patio when Magic and Destiny had appeared.

“Before he comes here…years…” Destiny shrugged.

“Then we have time…” Vivian replied turning back to the rest. “We’ve time to plan and we’ve time to live. I’m not about to let the worry of what is to come keep me from enjoying every single possible moment I have with everyone around me.”

Magic and Destiny just nodded before disappearing. Loki had a look of relief and pain at the same time as he thought of the Other and what the person had subjected him to. He still had nightmares of the pain caused.

“I think I should move back to the tower…there’s whispers of a new terrorist that’s making rounds and Rhodey is having trouble with it.” Tony explained as he looked at his Mama and his baby sisters who were crawling around the patio checking out the spring flowers that were attempting to break through the snow that still covered the garden.

“Let us know if you need any help.” Steve said with a nod. “I know that Nat and Clint are back at SHIELD to help with the clean up that’s been goin on.”

“It’s going to take years to get rid of all the corruption in SHIELD.” Vivian sighed. “But we’ll need them in time…” She looked up at the sky above. “For now…for now we deal with the here and now…the emergence of the enclaves will happen before Thanos arrives…or as a result of his arrival…” She looked down at Adriana who was attempting to climb her mama with Nari right behind her, the sons of Loki had begun following the girls and watching over them in a sweet little way. She’d noticed the other day that they seemed to be forming a heart sibling bond. “Everything will happen when it happens…we’ll just have to keep watch and make sure that things aren’t f*cked for everyone.” She looked back at the creatures that had claimed Sanctuary as home. “There is too much at risk…” She leaned into Bucky when he came up behind her and wrapped himself around her. “Too many that could be lost before their time…”

“We’ll make ready, and we’ll worry when the time comes doll…” Bucky whispered into her hair as he held her.

“But can we be ready?” She asked in a lost voice; she’d lost one world already and now this one had so much more that would destroy her if she lost it. “Can I ever be ready…”

Chapter 12


Thank you to my wonderful readers who have followed this. Your comments and kudos have fed my muse. I apologize for how long this chapter took to get out but I”ve been dealing with a lot of mental health issues/ health issues that have kept me from getting much writing done. But here is the final chapter of this story! I hope I wrapped it up well for you…

Chapter Text

Tony cringed when Vivian showed up after dealing with the mandarin and helping solve the issue in the extremis so that Pepper wouldn’t go up with a flare of her temper. She was his sister even though everyone thought she was more to him. He sighed and moved into his mother’s arms just letting her hold him close as he bent and tucked his head in her neck, she may be shorter than him, but she still made him feel small when emotions were too much.

“You should’ve called for help.” Vivian whispered into his hair as she held her baby boy. “I can’t help if you don’t ask for it…”

“I didn’t want to put you or the princesses at risk.” Tony whispered pulling back enough that she could see the exhaustion and fear on his face.

“You’ve not been sleeping baby…” Vivian said at a normal tone of voice as she cupped his cheek. “The dreams been hitting ya?”

“It’s like I can see what would’ve happened if you hadn’t been here…I’ve been having nightmares that make no sense but all I can see is death and pain…” Tony replied as he leaned into the touch letting his eyes drift closed. “Ever since I left Sanctuary…” He shook his head. “Nothing seems right…I look around the tower and I see it damaged…I look at the sky above and see thousands of ships converging toward us…All of it tinged in red…The team…Steve, Clint, Natasha, Bruce…Loki…all of them even Thor…everyone is dead at my feet I’m the last one standing…” He shook his head and looked back at his mama. “I feel like I’m losing my mind…I feel like…like my thoughts aren’t my own…I’m driven to create something that I know isn’t finished or safe…I’m being driven…toward something that would tear the world apart…”

Vivian looked at her heart son with worry in her eyes. She walked to the desk that was in the corner of his lab and routed around briefly. Pulling out a mirror compact she made a quick call; it was a way to ensure privacy. Stepping back over to her son she cupped his cheeks.

“I’m having Lord Prince come…from what you’re telling me…someone is messing with your thoughts…” Vivian said softly. “I know that you know how to shield your mind…but if they come in through your dreams…”

“It’s a lot easier to slip through.” Tony nodded. “Especially if it’s a mutant and not a wixen…”

“Exactly…we’ll deal with this when we’ve got more information. For right now I’m going to have Lord Prince look over what is going on with your shields and help you strengthen them.” Vivian spoke gently to Tony as stroked his hair from his face. “I’m not about to let anything happen to you when I can stop it.”

“And I like to do the same for you mama.” Tony gave a tight smile in return as he leaned into his mama’s touch.

“I’m going to kill the bitch!” Vivian snarled two days later after she was able to meet with Lord Prince and find out what he’d found when he helped shore up Tony’s shields.

“Which bitch and why?” Loki asked as he entered the room, he was carrying one of his twins while Hel followed with the other.

“There is some bitch that was attacking Tony’s mind whenever he was at the tower. Lord Prince could only tell that it was an outside influence of a mutant with telepathy, telekinesis, and a ‘magic’ that had been twisted. We think that she had magic, but it got twisted when her mutations emerged. There are so many with one or the other but to have both…” Vivian shook her head. “We’ve never seen it where it does twist the person’s mind and end up creating either an Obscurial or kill them.”

“Do you know where she is?” Loki asked softly trying to help calm Vivian.

“No…that’s the problem. Tony’s back here to recover but…”

“As soon as he returns to any of his homes she can attack again.” Loki nodded before looking over at his daughter.

“I can’t help here…she’s not tied with Death in any way…” Hel whispered sadly, she liked the Merchant and didn’t want to see him hurt more.

“Meaning she’s not scheduled to die for a while…” Vivian huffed and sat on the couch that she was closest to. “I don’t know what to do. Because of her telepathy mutation tied with her magic, she has all the signs according to Lord Prince of having been a natural Legilimens before her mutation began.”

“All the more horrific because it means that shields against Legilimency won’t work for her nor would the shields against telepathy…” Loki muttered as he moved over and handed the child in his arms to Vivian.

“Exactly…” Vivian sighed as she snuggled the little boy in her arms, her own two were having father daughter dates with her mates. “And I can’t even find a way to hunt her down since it requires having a knowledge of who the person is further than knowing that it is a female…” She shook her head before looking at Loki and Hel. “I just worry this is one more thing that will break my boy…” She whispered her fear into the open as she fought not to scream at the unfairness of it all. “I’ve checked over the others as well who’ve slept away from Sanctuary…they also show signs but when we’ve looked…it all turns against Tony making him the bad guy in it all…”

“huh…so it’s something against him personally not in general over events that happened around him with the others…though how does she know to go after the others…” Loki muttered as he looked at Hel.

“So we’ve got a bitch with a vendetta against Stark at the same time we’re having to make plans against the Mad man that wants to destroy half the universe…wonderful.” Hel huffed as she looked down at her little brother. “You’re so lucky that you don’t have to worry about anything but when your next meal or nap is going to be.” She muttered with a smile as she studied her sibling. “I’m so glad that Life and Death decided to bring you and Nari back to Mama…” She whispered as she swayed as seemed to be a natural move all parents picked up over the years.

“Mama really?” Loki rolled his eyes but smiled all the same at seeing his daughter so at ease with Vali and Nari, just like the others were. It was rare that she was able to visit but thanks to Mother Magic blessing this area with wards that would block even Heimdall’s sight she was able to come more often. “I can stay at the tower with Tony the next time he’s there…as someone with a wider knowledge of magics and mutations I might be able to trace…Though…you said she’s going after the others…is there any sign of her going after Thor?”

“I’ve been unable to reach him to check. Jane called to see if he’d come here because of some dream that he had which caused him to wake in a panic and summon his hammer…she’s pissed about the hole in the wall and the broken glass from him rushing out of the apartment where they’re staying at the moment.” Vivian answered as she stood and went over to the small table where the house-elves had put a bottle of specially formulated formula for Vali and Nari, they knew what the twins needed to thrive and made sure that the formula would supply that. “I told her we hadn’t seen him for a while…”

“I’ll reach out to mother…” Loki sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. “Though I doubt he’d go to her either…more likely he’ll approach Heimdall…”

“Whoever he approaches needs to check him over for magical mutant interference. Because of the way her mutation works…” Vivian shrugged while watching as Nari guzzle down the bottle. “But that’s something for others to worry about since he’s refused to come to Sanctuary since the events months ago…” She shook her head, after the events with the warriors three and Sif, Thor had distanced himself a little and spent more time with Jane than with Loki and his niblings.

“I’ll alert mother, as I said and have her alert Heimdall.” Loki nodded before he came over and took Nari when he was reaching out toward him. “For now I’ve got these little ones to deal with.”

“And I’ve got more SHIELD corruption to deal with…” Vivian sighed before moving to the door of the house. “Toppling anarchies is such a consuming job…but someone’s got to do it.” She smirked before she apparated away from Sanctuary and to Washington where SHIELD had relocated with Coulson at the helm.

It took five months before they were able to track down the bitch that had been messing with Tony’s mind and not simply because of not knowing much about her, no she it turned out had a brother with a speed mutation that would take her away from anywhere they were hiding if someone got to close. It was with the help of Jane’s assistant Darcy who was interviewing for an intern of her own and met the young woman that they were finally able to track her down. With the help of Professor Charles Xavier and Loki they were able to lock her abilities so that she’d not have so much manipulation control. Xavier had gotten in touch with his old friend Erik Lehnsherr, who it turns out was the true father of the twins that were causing so much havoc. Lehnsherr came to the school that Xavier ran and spoke with the twins explaining the truth of their history and how it came to be that they were raised by those who were killed by the bomb. Xavier helped Vivian explain the truth of the Stark bombs, Vivian brought along Veritaserum so that they were forced to hear the truth though it would end up taking a long time for them to be willing to acknowledge the truth. Vivian could only think, at least they didn’t end up as willing experiments for HYDRA.

~*~*~Five years later~*~*~

Vivian stood watching as her little girls ran through the Sanctuary laughing with Nari and Vali. There was laughter and happiness in spades. She cupped her belly where she was again carrying a child, this time only one, it had been a shock when she discovered that she had a little boy within her. Both her mates were over the moon over the fact that she was again expecting. It would only be a month and she’d be full term. With a sigh she looked over at Tony who stepped out with horror on his face, and she knew deep down she knew that the world was about to change in ways that no one could’ve expected.

“He’s come?” Vivian asked Tony only to get a nod.

“The satellite feeds have picked up signs of him near Saturn.” Tony replied with horror in his eyes.

“We get ready…we’ve been planning for this for years Little Bug.” Vivian nodded before closing her eyes. “I’ll reach out to the enclaves. I feel this will be the point that we finally emerge. Have the Press Releases ready for all of that. I know that we’ve slowly been putting ‘alternate medicines’ out there for a while…” Ever since the fall of Dumbledore and his cronies they’d been able to start coming up with more mundane approved approaches, even to the point of putting their potions into capsule form and selling them as alternative medicine. “I’ll get ahold of those that I can…you contact the others that are in the know. We’ve got a few days I’m thinking…” She looked at the images that were brought before them. “Did you have the defense measures put into your satellite?”

“Yes…” Tony furrowed his brow before looking at the images again. “If we take out some of the outliers…”

“Less of his forces available…” Vivian nodded.

“I’ll get that in place.” Tony nodded moving off to make the necessary calls and commands happen. “I’m going to the Compound…” He looked back at his mother. “I know you want to help I understand…but for the sake of all who love you…please stay here with the children.”

“I’m too far along to be any good in battle baby…but I will be watching.” Vivian nodded in response.

“I understand momma…” Tony nodded. “I’ll make sure that J keeps you connected to the feeds at all times. WE want to have him come to the Compound…”

“Terrance and Triumph with their clans will be joining you…As will Jor and Fenrir…” Vivian looked to the fields around the Sanctuary where the griffin Terrance, and the Hungarian Horntail, Triumph were gathering their children and clans and taking to the air. Their own inbuilt notice-me-not charms falling into place as soon as they were out of the wards. She sent a patronus to Loki, Thor, Frigga, and the others before moving the children into the main complex which had war wards raised already. Nothing that meant any harm to any child within the Sanctuary would be able to enter.

Tony nodded before going through to the floo and heading to the Avengers Compound that had been built on the old grounds of the Stark Family Manor. The Manor had been demolished and a state of the art training complex had been built in its place as they worked with SHIELD to build and train and army for the coming war from space. Vivian had been impressed when Captain Marvel had arrived, she’d been called originally by Fury as an attempt to get her to help him get control back of SHIELD but when she learned the truth she’d taken out Fury herself before offering to remain and help Rhodey train the different hero’s that were emerging on how to properly work together and achieve what was needed. Jor and Fenrir were already at the Compound as the BiFrost lit depositing Thor and the Warriors Three along with the best of Asgards warriors.

“Friend Tony!” Thor cried out with joy at seeing Tony exit the compound building. “Come meet the warriors we bring to join us in battle!”

“Thor…” Tony closed his eyes praying for patience but was grateful when Loki appeared beside him instead.

“Brother…Warriors.” Loki nodded. “Know this…we’ve many variety of allies coming. Some you may think monsters needing slain…” He looked at Tyr as he spoke. “Some of you have already harmed the allies that we’ve had come to join us. Know this though any harm that befalls an ally at the hands of other allies will result in many broken alliances. Including that of Earth, that is Midgard, and Asgard. Be aware that all allies coming have a connection with powerful people here on Midgard.”

“You should be facing trial for your actions!” Tyr snarled his sword hand catching the light. “I know that you are behind the escape of your monstrous children! It’s because of that freak wolf of yours that I’m like this! Served him right to have the sword hold his mouth open.” He had a demented smile on his lips. “If I see the beast I’ll finish the work…”

Loki raised an eyebrow before looking over at Thor as if silently asking if he was going to handle this.

“Warrior Tyr you are to return immediately to Asgard.” Thor snarled as he looked at the man who’d helped his father pin Fenrir, even so far as to be the one that shoved the sword into his mouth. “Your actions around the wrongful imprisonment of the minor Fenrir will be looked into upon my return to Asgard.”

“My Prince?!” Tyr looked at Thor with a shocked expression not believing that he’d order such. “I’m the best of the warriors available.”

“My Nephew Fenrir will be fighting beside us. And I will NOT have him face the one who harmed him so grievously nor one who’s just now threatened to harm him further!” Thor snarled striding over and grasping Tyr before dragging him back to the BiFrost site. “HEIMDALL!” He threw Tyr to the ground and nodded with relief when Heimdall quickly had him beamed back to Asgard, he knew that the Guardian would have warriors that had remained reprimand him into custody. “Now Friend Tony…Brother…where are we to stay while we prepare for battle?” Thor turned back to the rest the warriors that had come with shifting with nerves over the way Thor had reacted to Tyr’s threats. They knew they wouldn’t get away with anything.

“Come this way. We’ve got open Barracks that you and your warriors will be able to stay in. We’ve got a debrief when the others arrive at 0900 tomorrow. From the Satellite images we’ve got at least two days to finalize plans. We’ll need a run down on your numbers, abilities, and tactics so we can get them to line up with what we have. We’ve got to many different groups coming to make sure everyone fights seamlessly together so we’ll make sure that we can at least make the most of the different groups without too many conflicts.” Tony said as he led the way through eh grounds to the far side from the training compound were there were several rows of barrack style housing, with green space commons in the middle, it looked like a military housing complex. “These four buildings are available for those that need bed space. The four over there will be for a visiting countries warriors, they will be arriving later today. The four catty corner from here are those that work with SHIELD as well as the Enclaves. The others that surround the administration building are for those that are part of the AVENGERS as well as the clinic for health and wellness. There is a canteen in the administrative building along with a war room where we will hold a meeting. We obviously will not be able to hold everyone in that meeting room but will be speaking with the commanding officers of each groups. There are information packets in the rooms that will give you what you need to know. If you see Dragons, Griffins, Large wolves, Centaurs, Goblins, or any other magical creature do not attack. They are some of our allies. We’ve also got Nundu within the woods, they are highly dangerous and their breath carries disease and death. They are our primary defense. We’ll have respirators that will fit over the mouth and nose of all allies to keep their breath from affecting us. They are a highly endangered animal but thanks to the work of my grandfather this pride is willing to work with us.”

The warriors were all wondering over everything that they were being told.

“The complex you saw me exit is our training facility. It is there that we have the simulation rooms and the rooms built to withstand the abilities of different allies. We also have a medical facility in that complex and another canteen. Our canteen works on the honor system. You can eat all that you need to keep your strength up and in peak form BUT to have that access you have to be willing to help anyone that needs it and also fight in the battle ahead. We know that money is different between Asgard and Midgard so we’ve taken it into account.” Tony explained further as he showed the group to their barracks, before turning and returning with Loki to the Compound to greet the next group of arrivals.

Thor had been able to bring around 2000 warriors of Asgard since with the help of his mother and the fall of Odin they were able to renew alliances with the other lands and were able to re-establish trades of warriors. They’d also had not had to deal with the Aether being released since he’d been with Jane when she’d went to touch it only to stop her from doing so. They’d been able to contain it again and make sure that there was nothing that could release it. Thor had then had Jane’s memory of it modified so that there would be no danger of her wanting to hunt for it again. She’d broken off with him when he’d admitted to having her memories messed with even though he’d done it for her protection. It had taken his mother explaining things to him when he’d returned despondent to understand why Jane had broken up with him.

Tony took a deep breath when Dr. Stephen Strange opened a portal for King T’Chaka’s warriors to enter through being lead by his son T’Challa who was dressed as the Black Panther. There were 2000 warriors coming with them as well as others remaining behind to continue to guard their borders. With pleasantries and instructions given Tony turned to the area that was set up for the arrival of the Enclaves support forces. He blinked in surprise as over 4000 Aurors, Hitwizards, Cursebreakers, Goblin warriors, and so many others arrived from all the magical enclaves. Tony nodded to the Heads of each branch before directing them to their barracks, they had to magically expand some of the spaces to fit the numbers they’d received. It was at 0700 that Tony got the greatest surprise the next day when Rhodey arrived with over 50,000 military personnel approved by the President and the leaders of many nations had their own military on stand-by should the nations face attack at the same time. It was thanks to Vivian and Tony’s work that no one was brushing the risk off about what was coming. Tony was also told that each country would provide air support, though several stated that it would be simply at their own countries.

The Magical Enclaves had been able to get the clearance to bring in some of their more dangerous creatures out of hiding. Some remained in their nations as protection there while others were brought to the Compound with Handlers and Riders. From China there were the Dragon Riders that appeared with several of their Chinese Fireballs. From Scotland came the Hebridean Blacks, Hungary sent their Horntails to add to Triumph’s clan, Norway sent females of their Ridgebacks, while Peruvian Vipertooths arrived snarling and fighting against their handlers wanting to fight. And finally the Ukrainian Ironbelly’s arrived with the Goblins since they were in charge of the breeding and control of them.

Those that didn’t know about the existence of magic got a crash course in it with their arrival since it was hard to hide the number of dragons, there were 500 that had been brought into the open for the coming battle.

Centaurs stood in the edges of the forests around the world, along with the other creatures that would fight for the world, after all to the magical world it was times o fight since they knew that with the wiping out of the world meant they’d be wiped out as well.

It was two days after the first spotting of Thanos’s ships on the edge of the viewable system that the ships could finally be seen in the sky over Midgard. Chaos reigned in the different parts of the world while the Sorcerer’s opened portals to the different areas of the Earth where the ships seemed concentrated.

Vivian watched through Tony’s visor as Thanos’s Black Order arrived. She smirked when Tony called the one squidward and then shot a blast before he could go on about Thanos’s glorious vision. The shot was waved aside but Vivian laughed out loud in the war room of Sanctuary as one of the Wizards from the ICW fired off a killing curse directly after and killed the bastard. It had been hard but she’d been able to convince the ICW that in this case the use of the Killing Curse needed to be approved for all Wixen fighting. For the other side would take NO Prisoners and would not be able to be contained within their prisons due to their otherworldly status. With a smirk curling her lips she watched as Thanos finally arrived on the field snarling at the actions of the wixen that had followed suit and killed the members of the Black Order, even those that had arrived in a different part of the world.

“Finally the bastard arrived…” Vivian muttered as she watched as he grandstanded for the Infinity Stones and his vision only to stall when Hel arrived and stood with her brothers and Father.

*I will not now or EVER agree to be your mate. I am the mate of Death Themselves and will never enjoy your gifts!*Hel snarled from where she was standing.

It was with those words that Thanos seemed to lose all sanity, he was hanging by a thread as it was.

“I’m so glad we were able to figure out how to destroy the mind stone and seal the aether…” Vivian muttered as she continued to watch as the battle raged.

There were too many allies for more random killing curse shots to happen though there were still flashes of green that showed. Thanks to the debriefing from the Enclaves the mundanes knew what to look out for and avoid while the battles raged and weren’t shocked when the aliens exploded here and there or simply dropped as if their strings were cut. House-elves were in and out of the combat zone picking up wounded and fallen of the allies and getting them to safety. Vivian snarled when Thanos was taunting Loki with the torture that he’d endured. No one could get a clear shot at the bastard because of his minion shields. Then he ordered the ship over head to open fire. Only for the ship, as well as it’s counterparts around the world, to come under it’s own fire as the dragons rose in unison.

Screams were heard around the world as civilians fled from the armies that came. Thanos had learned from Loki’s attack and not kept it located in one area. But there were also the warriors and soldiers that had gone into the areas stepping forward to help stop the threat and protect the innocent.

Vivian looked out the window of the war room as the wards pinged and smirked when she saw them react with lethal intent. She then turned back to the battle happening around her family. She laughed as Thor buried a battle axe thrown to him by a goblin into Thanos’s chest only for him to be mocked that he should’ve gone for the head. What made her truly laugh was how Loki had appeared behind Thanos at that moment and while she couldn’t read his lips had snarked something at Thanos before slicing off his head. Even with the death of Thanos the battle continued as the minions were told to kill them all. It was only as the ships exploded above them that the fighting stopped for the hive mind of the fighters was severed with the death of the main leader.

Two weeks after everyone had been checked out and healed, those that were fallen were buried in the traditions of their home, and the alien bodies destroyed with the heavy use of dragon fire. Vivian watched as Tony, Rhodey, Carol, Natasha, Clint, Phil, Loki, Thor, Jor, Fenrir, Bruce, Steve, and James all walked up the path to the Sanctuary’s main building. Vivian stood holding a bundle in her arms as her husbands approached a soft smile on her lips.

“I would like to introduce you all too Steven James Rogers-Barnes.” She smiled as she stepped close to the group. “Born the day after the battle when communications were still tied up with negotiations and revelations.” She stepped up to Steve who was looking at her with shock. “The First Born Son of Steven Grant Rogers.” She placed the baby into Steve’s arms and watched as he melted at holding his baby boy.

The rest gathered around in happiness and awe. The children that had remained at the Sanctuary came running out to greet their parents with joy. While everyone took a deep breath of relief. Thanos never got all the stones therefore was never able to complete his plan of snapping away half the life of the universe. Instead he was cut down by a protective parent and uncle for daring to threaten their child.

The years that followed would be filled with joy and sorrow as they lost loved ones to age and battles. Tony would fall in battle after leaving his name and fortune to his siblings given to him by his Mama V. Rhodey would die from injuries sustained in battle. Carol would return to space and not be heard from again. Phil, Natasha, and Clint would go out in a blaze of glory when the location of Clint’s sister-in-law and niblings was leaked the few remnants of Hydra that had avoided everything, they’d wanted to get someone to use as leverage to get back into SHIELD. Thor and Loki both returned with Loki’s children to Asgard after the battle due to an attack on Frigga, they hunted down the one who dared attack their mother and ended the threat before remaining and actually acknowledging the soulmate bond that they had to each other since there was no blood shared between them. They would both rule Asgard until the end of the age. Steve, Vivian, and Bucky saw the birth of their 6th great-grandchild, having had only the three children themselves, before they ended up dying in their sleep on the dawn of 2045.

Magicals would be welcomed back for a two hundred years before it was decided by Thor and Loki to have them moved as a whole with all their creatures for their safety to a planet on the Tree of Life to protect them when the witch hunts looked as if they’d begin again. Once again magic became myth and the memories of what happened the day the sky reigned fire would be credited to the Enhanced individuals and Superhero’s that had emerged into the world with a bang. There would always be battles, there would always be wars, but as the ages passed story became myth, myth became legend, and things that should have never been forgotten passed from memory.

Come on REALLY!!! - Mama_N4856 (2024)


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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.