8 Epic Careers For The INTP & ENFP Myers Briggs Personality Type - The Edge (2024)

In the past personality tests seemed to be more of a novelty than a practical tool for career planning.

However, as our understanding of human psychology and workplace dynamics have evolved, personality assessments like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) have gained widespread recognition for their ability to provide valuable insights into individual preferences, strengths, and potential career paths.

Among the list of personality types, INTPs (INTP: Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) and ENFPs (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) stand out for their distinct characteristics and aptitudes, making them prime candidates for a range of dynamic and fulfilling careers.

While they may seem like just a fun exercise, these tests can actually mean something; they can help you learn how you operate in the world, highlight your strengths, and note characteristics to improve upon.

In this article, we delve deeper into eight career options tailored specifically for individuals with these unique personality types, exploring opportunities in finance, cybersecurity, and more.

#1 Financial Analyst

For the analytical and strategic-minded INTP, a career as a financial analyst can be immensely rewarding. Financial analysts are responsible for examining financial data, analysing market trends, and providing insights to guide investment decisions.

With a natural inclination towards problem-solving and logical reasoning, INTPs excel in dissecting complex financial data and deriving meaningful conclusions. Their ability to think critically and objectively makes them well-suited for roles in finance, including positions within hedge funds where strategic investment decisions are paramount.

#2 Hedge Fund Manager

If you are someone who possesses a blend of analytical thinking and have entrepreneurial experience, then being a Hedge fund manager could be your ideal career path even if you are an INTP or ENFP. As a hedge fund manager, you need to put in your strategic hat to oversee investment portfolios, make wise decisions to maximize returns, and navigate the complexities of financial markets.

While INTPs thrive in devising sophisticated investment strategies and conducting in-depth research, ENFPs bring creativity and intuition to the table, identifying opportunities and adapting to market changes with agility.

#3 Cybersecurity Analyst

In a world dominated by digital advancements and evolving cyber threats, cybersecurity has emerged as a critical field requiring specialised expertise.

For the intellectually curious and tech-savvy INTP, a career as a cybersecurity analyst offers an exciting avenue to leverage their analytical skills and penchant for problem-solving.

Cybersecurity analysts are tasked with protecting organisations’ networks, systems, and data from cyberattacks by implementing robust security measures and identifying vulnerabilities. With the ability to think abstractly and anticipate potential risks, INTPs excel in analysing complex cybersecurity threats and devising effective defense strategies.

#4 Data Scientist

The intersection of data and technology offers abundant opportunities for INTPs and ENFPs alike, with data science emerging as a promising career choice.

Data scientists are responsible for extracting insights from large datasets, developing predictive models, and informing strategic decision-making processes. INTPs thrive in the analytical aspects of data science, utilising their logical reasoning skills to derive actionable insights from complex data.

Meanwhile, ENFPs contribute their imaginative thinking and ability to see the bigger picture, transforming data into compelling narratives and driving innovation across diverse industries.

#5 Software Developer

INTPs’ analytical prowess and logical thinking make them well-suited for careers in software development. As software developers, they design, create, and maintain computer programs and applications.

INTPs excel in problem-solving and enjoy the intellectual challenge of coding and debugging complex algorithms. Their ability to think critically and analyze systems enables them to develop innovative solutions to technical problems, contributing to the advancement of technology across various industries.

#6 Human Resources Manager

ENFPs’ people-oriented nature and empathetic approach make them ideal candidates for careers in human resources management. Human resources managers oversee the recruitment, training, and development of employees within organizations.

ENFPs thrive in roles that allow them to connect with others on a personal level, fostering positive work environments and facilitating employee growth and development. With their strong communication skills and ability to understand and address the needs of diverse individuals, ENFPs excel in building cohesive teams and nurturing talent within organisations.

#7 Marketing Strategist

If you’re an ENFP, your natural charisma and enthusiasm make you well-suited for careers in marketing, particularly as strategists who shape brand narratives and engage audiences effectively. Marketing strategists analyse market trends, identify target demographics, and develop campaigns that resonate with consumers on an emotional level.

With their intuitive understanding of human behavior and ability to connect with others authentically, ENFPs excel in crafting compelling marketing strategies that drive brand loyalty and engagement. Whether in traditional advertising or digital marketing, ENFPs have the potential to bring creativity and innovation to the forefront, elevating brands to new heights.

#8 Project Manager

ENFPs’ versatility and people skills make them ideal candidates for careers as project managers. Project managers oversee the execution of projects, coordinate team members, and communicate with stakeholders to ensure project success.

ENFPs excel in roles that involve relationship-building, adaptability, and creativity, leveraging their ability to inspire and motivate team members to achieve common goals. With their intuitive understanding of human dynamics and knack for problem-solving, ENFPs navigate project complexities with ease, fostering collaboration and innovation throughout the project lifecycle.

What about senior-level roles like CFO/COO/MD/GM?

#1 INTP: Chief Financial Officer – CFO & Chief Operating Officer – COO

INTPs are known to be strategic wizards of the business world, seamlessly fitting into the roles of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief Operating Officer (COO). As a CFO, an INTP’s mind is like a finely-tuned machine, crunching numbers, and spotting trends in the financial landscape. They’re not just about balancing the books; they’re crafting long-term financial strategies that align perfectly with the company’s vision.

Let’s shift gears to the COO role. Here, the INTP shines as the master of systems and processes. They’re like the architects of efficiency, carefully analysing workflows and spotting bottlenecks that others might miss. But they don’t stop there; they’re always on the lookout for ways to streamline operations and drive performance. And when challenges arise – they thrive on finding creative solutions to problems, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth and innovation.

#2 ENFP: Managing Director – MD & General Manager – GM

ENFPs are perhaps the charismatic champions of the corporate world, perfectly suited for the roles of Managing Director (MD) and General Manager (GM). As MDs, their leadership style is all about empowerment and inspiration; they’re not just here to manage, they’re here to motivate.

With their natural charisma and ability to connect with people on a personal level, MDs effortlessly rally teams around a shared vision, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. As MDs, they’re not afraid to think outside the box, constantly pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo to drive the company forward.

When it comes to being a General Manager, they’re the heart and soul of the organisation, cultivating a vibrant and inclusive work environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to do their best work. As GMs, they excel at building and nurturing high-performing teams, bringing out the best in each individual and fostering a sense of camaraderie and belonging. But it’s not just about the people – the ENFP GM is also a strategic visionary, constantly scanning the horizon for new opportunities and charting a course for success.

In conclusion

Individuals with the INTP or ENFP personality type flourish in careers that capitalise on their inherent strengths and provide avenues for ongoing growth and development.

A key strategy for finding the right fit within a company is to be proactive during the interview process. Asking insightful questions, such as those regarding opportunities for career advancement, can provide valuable insights into the organisation’s commitment to nurturing talent and fostering professional development.

Companies that actively support their employees’ career progression can be prioritised on your list of potential employers, ensuring alignment with your long-term goals and aspirations.

Ready to discover opportunities tailored to your personality type? Head over to The Edge Partnership today for job listings, career advice and new opportunities.

8 Epic Careers For The INTP & ENFP Myers Briggs Personality Type - The Edge (2024)


8 Epic Careers For The INTP & ENFP Myers Briggs Personality Type - The Edge? ›

How Rare Is the ENFP Personality Type? ENFP is a moderately common personality type. ENFPs make up: 8.2% of the general population.

What is the best job for an ENFP? ›

  • High School Guidance Counselor.
  • Human Resources Manager.
  • Insurance Agent.
  • Interior Designer.
  • Librarian.
  • Medical Assistant.
  • Musician.
  • Occupational Therapist.

Is ENFP a rare personality? ›

How Rare Is the ENFP Personality Type? ENFP is a moderately common personality type. ENFPs make up: 8.2% of the general population.

What personality type is most compatible with ENFP? ›

ENFP Compatibility

Personality types most compatible with an ENFP are INTJ and INFJ, potentially making these good relationship or marriage prospects. ENFPs tend to be least compatible with an ISTP, also sometimes having issues with an ESTJ, ISTJ, and ISFJ.

What is the difference between INTP and ENFP personality? ›

INTPs are a bit more reserved and thoughtful, which can help others behind-the-scenes in times of change. ENFPs are warm, lively, and can encourage others to see the benefit of new experiences.

What jobs do ENFP get in the future? ›

ENFPs' innate creativity and ability to think outside the box make them well suited for careers in creative arts and design. Whether it's graphic design, fashion, writing, or performing arts, ENFPs thrive in environments where they can express themselves and challenge traditional concepts.

Are ENFPs good with money? ›

ENFPs dislike feeling controlled. They value spontaneity over long-term financial goals and often lack the follow-through to adhere to budgets. That said, ENFPs are easily motivated to earn—if only to accommodate their desire to spend.

Why are ENFPs so special? ›

They are naturals for work that requires meeting, persuading, or motivating others. ENFPs are catalysts for change and generators of enthusiasm, and they are often found in counseling, psychology, teaching, the helping professions, or personnel work.

What is the rarest female personality type? ›

For women, however, the rarest personality type is INTJ and ENTJ. Just 1% of women type as INTJ and ENTJ respectively. Among women, INFJ is only the third rarest personality type with approximately 2% of women categorized as INFJ.

What is the red flag for ENFP? ›

ENFP: Change resistance

Given their free-spirited nature, a big red flag for ENFPs is a partner that dislikes spontaneity.

What are ENFP superpowers? ›

This process allows ENFPs to focus on generating possibilities for the future, seeing patterns and connections and being aware of what could be. ENFPs personality strengths include seeing patterns and connections between events, things and ideas in the outside world.

Who is ENFPs soulmate? ›

ENFP will experience the strongest romantic connection with other Intuitive Feelers like INFJ, INFP, and ENFJ. ENFP can build a healthy, lasting relationship with Intuitive Thinkers like INTP, INTJ, ENTP, and ENTJ (though it may require some work). ENFP prioritizes commitment and creativity when looking for a soulmate.

How well do ENFP and INTP get along? ›

ENFP and INTP are both iNtuitives, which means they value creativity and abstract conversation; this shared innovation makes them highly compatible. INTP and ENFP make great friends. INTP's no-nonsense attitude helps ENFP stand up for themself, while ENFP's extroversion encourages INTP to socialize.

Do INTP and ENFP work? ›

By embracing their similarities and differences, these two unique personalities can create a deep and lasting bond that is built on the shared values of curiosity, exploration, and self-discovery. As with any relationship, the journey of ENFP - INTP compatibility requires ongoing effort, communication, and empathy.

Should an ENFP marry an INTP? ›

However, there might be some problems in the long run. The INTP might find that conversations are too shallow and lack intellectual depth and become a little bored of the relationship. ENFP's constant need to be together may annoy the INTP a little. Other than that it's a good match.

How can ENFP be successful? ›

When ENFPs can express themselves and help others, they are happiest in their profession. EnFPs are found in a wide range of careers and industries, but the most successful ENFPs have found a way to bring creativity and originality into their daily work.

What do ENFP do for fun? ›

According to the MBTI manual where they've done polls on a large number of people, the most popular hobby and leisure time preferences pertaining to education among ENFPs were: writing. appreciating art. playing a musical instrument.

What is ENFP weakness at work? ›

ENFP Weaknesses

Unfocused – The thrill of a new project – especially one that involves collaborating with other people – can bring out the best in these personalities. But ENFPs are known for having ever-evolving interests, meaning that they may find it challenging to maintain discipline and focus over the long term.

Are ENFPs hard workers? ›

ENFPs care about doing a good job, and they often feel that they do their best work when they can move at their own pace and do things in their own style. Constant nitpicking from their boss can be seriously stressful for these exuberant personalities.


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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

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Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.